1931 SEP 10 CC MIN/C, 15 El Segundo, California. September 10th, 1931. adjourned AR/regular meetin.- of the pity Uouncil of the amity of LI'l Segundo, Ualifornia, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. i;-. on the above date, in the Council Uhamber of the -ity --allof said city, by ieor e Love, x..ayor, (ha,:in'been adjourned to "his hour this date _g' in the order of ar4ournr:ent of t',at certa-'L re.-ular ne3tin- of the said Lit-- (;ouncil of said ,;it7.- held Septembe_- 2nd', MOLL CALL. Uouncilmen 'rreser.t: ninder, �J-_ro7,, K_--izrael, Del-b-- an Love. uou-cilmon LbSent: none. 'S 0'_F PREVICUS the minutes of the re =-ular mn-eti--q,::* held on the 0-nd dal of 6e-3tember, 1931, were r-ad. Pio errors or orAs,_.J.ons anT)earin--- it was M07ed b:,- Uouncil 1il- n 113inaer, seconded by Coun.cilmn _>erow t t I minutes I—, Wne minutes be a-:'P-07ed as read. Uarriea C)J= R3 C,— SjSI:E"L�. "'he '-ear-n- of protest2 anJ objections to the pr,)-)05e-.' -,:or._ the 6--*stric+ to be assessed for the _nC, a'.-,,,dnst the e,..-tent o- � L I -Dort io- - (former]- - i a U '1�� 01 impe- und ft in the alt`' r o f o 1 n o o z.)treet I a b c, r,,, line e s a e t v: 1 6 e _--un _ 3 -,t,- of Los ar, les, 6alifo=ia, blt7i:een i.uin '-reet Pr.G :(edonfo Do-,ilo va:, as _-ontc,,-.J:lated b-�- tieso lution of 1, U U _LII f i'ouncil of 'he Ci. _f 6,� �t.o_ _t4 on ,:o. 243 of the Ci", v LY 0 _L�l , "ando, a. n: heretofore on +I II-- 2n4 da7r of 6e.)tember, 1C-371 , bean h a-icurned an,` continued to tne our of 7:30 o'clock P. at this ra''. said hour ha-.-in.:7 arrived, U.ie z"%ro,,, aro , announceO_ ,,Ilese fac-,-S an,- asl-cd if there were any perean Cr ersons -present -71-o des-rer to make oral p-otost or o'tiec­ sa _r. to oral I:L ,, te st o:, c ze ct ion, ,_;lerl: 1,-hereupon read the ,,rit eI, F-ctests of i­. -Ulcah-, , 0-::ner Of Lot 4, dock lCl, El .:)e undo aneet ­o. �,, and D. n. 'i'liornton, o­ner of Lot S, dock 109, �-I'l D,,D7_nd.- SI-.eet %o. 5, eac, of -:.-hich parcels of land are tl,-- district Froi�osed is 1— ass :Ssed for the ther�3u­cn e -,-occdel, to :�f 7.-ork or The O ouncf 1 cDnc idn_r s _ ia r i t t e n _',Totes Vs, th a c o n C I -,- _--ion Of con - S I as :. : ^ "°G by 3inder seconded b:r voUn-.1il_­.= e n -u i t I e d T_ T R I _717 COUIICIL 01 C T-- reu be adopted. OaTried by the followin- vote: :'e:: Counc-I 3i:ider, aerow, i�ri=el :�elby and Love. ' -.Oez-: iOne- absent: ::,one. '2 I 1ie he---in- of protests and ob in natter jections the tter of "Ac t V? of 1927 :.uniriipall 1--i]prove-ient District li-,o. 1 of the Cit" Of :11 : �'cln' � 0 158K% having been adjourned and continued from the hour of 7 :45 o I clo::t; F. .... ,�er21e5 a', SepteLZ)er 2nd, 1931, to the `.oilr of 7:42 c f Clock _'. ... -hiS date at this _:eetln---, and said hour aaVlnit' arrived, the '.� —o_ arose, annCUTlced t,-,e facts, and t )ere - upon re _uesteC_ the :` y Clerk to alai_. r�_af to the Council the W=ritten protests of aa. S. GouEh and D. 1.. Thornton, v.,hich had been previously presented and read at t.le session of this hearin_' held on September 2nd, 1931, which the Clerk did. Thereul= C. 1L. _Beeson =n=. . i. Hutchins were -Sa:orn and evidence w S ta:2Ti ll.;o:'! the allegations of the :petition on file in said matter, and tl:e s_:fficienc; an- _ enuine_ ess o tae si- natu ^es to such petitio n, and regar in t:�a benefit to the '.rop r ty Within the ? =jO osed district b;' such propose:, improvement. the Clerk reperte` that the �.iiida.it of Publication of Crdina_nce -:o. 178 had been dui;,% filed and that notice of said hearir.z;:,� (of which this is an adjourned session) had been given in tire, for_-_ and manner as re_uired by law. The :.:ayor then, on behalf of the City Council of the 0-it- of E1 Seqn).ndo a ~ain asked if there were any person or persons present c:`_lo desired to enter further protests or objections respecting the said matter. Only the tv;o written_ protests above referred to were presented, each of which was read as aforesaid, and Herbert Iaph m, representative of Santa Fe Land Improvement Company, Id. L. iAads, ev:ner of Lot 5, Block 108, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3 and D. H. Thornton, o~%ner of Lot 8, dock 109, El Segundo Sheet ao. 59 after having been duly sworn, made oral protests and objections, and evidence was taken upon all matters concerning, the proposed improvement and the extent of the proposed district. A full, fair and impartial hearing on said matter havinE been had, Councilman Lri -Lme1 thereupon introduced and moved the adoption of Resolution YIo. 248, entitled: A ?ZSOLUfIC ; OF L� CI'i"_' CULiICIL 0_ -E CITY OF EI, SE3�:.TTJO, CALIFO_It, Lam, OV LRRLTLI Is 11M DE:: 73' ,,1Il F?OT. 3TS :L?7 UBJTTLCTIO: S ZI T:-E"', i:iAil 3 OF MM rr .kCT OF 1927 :,2 :ICIF��L IL '0`rE, i" DIS .'IC'i uJ. 1 C _1 T_ OF EL S :� TUI '.D0., The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilman Selby and_was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Cerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: None. V,RITT^.I: The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: CITY OF L7i=1'00D, dated Septe ?nber 2nd, 1931, inruirina as to the - ,ethod of disposal of rubbish used by the City of El Segundo, and whether or not this City would be interested in the building of a joint incinerator for neighboring cities for such disposal. On motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Selby, which carried unanimousl,,, the Clerk was instructed to advise the City of Inglewood that the City Council of,the,City'of Ll Segundo wi11 send, representatives to any conference which may be arranged'to discuss the matter. l.l.•i 11aA 111_aJi�►i i -lV rJNiI�I 1, iL7uV V..t111V<`/ OF 1,KiLY11Gi11t1i. 3LAVH, dated September 2nd, 19'1, requesting the Council to widen Rosecrans avenue by constructing a shoulder along the Southerly edge of the existing pave:^ent on said hi`hway. The communication was supplemented by the remarks of Lr. R. F. :::r. Therman and 1.s. Lindstrom, representatives of said Association, and the Council, after discussing the matter with said representatives, agreed to make an investigation to determine what might be done in the premises. f -(159 .LONG MACH OF CO : :� :'u BCE, dated September 8th, 1931, inviting the members of the City Council to attend a conference of Federal, State, County and City governmental officials to be held at 2:00 o'clock P. I+;., October 6th, 1931, at Bixby Park, Long Beach, for the purpose of determining upon a course of action in connection with enforcing, exizting laws, which have for their purpose the prohibition of the dumpin- of oil on the beaches. Filed for future reference. G1iF-_•: $ dated September 8th, 1931, being his application for permit to conduct a parking place at the Southwest corner of Imperial Highway and Arizona Drive, on September 12th,and 13th, 1931. Said application was accompanied by bond in the sum of w5,000.00 -aith William J. Gaffney as Principal, and Seaboard Surety Corporation of xmerica, as =surety. Said bond having been approved as to form by the City Attorney, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Selby, that a permit be granted to William Jr. Gaffney to conduct an auto parking station at the location set forth in said application therefor, subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 150 of the City of E1 Segundo and to other ordinances of said City, regulating the conduct of businesses within said City which may be applicable to the business for which the permit is herein granted, with the understandin. that said permit may be revoked at any time wizen, in the discretion of the City Council of the City of Ll Segundo, the ublic peace, health, safety and /or convenience require that the same be revoked, or would be subserved by the revocation of the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes.: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. ,foes: None. Absent:, None. UT.FI:USED BUSIHESS. Droved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Binder, that .Resolution No. 249, entitled: A t ESOL1710.• Or ':'EM CI7f COITNCIL OF = CI'17 OF EL SEGL^1DO, CALIFORNIA, ASCaFITAINETG, DECIARLNG A`.D DLTEBI•Z'I _1a = GE7MAL PR I&ILL:G RA.TES OF Pi'R DIE:,: WAGS AS CO- 77-':•aUtil D T-71—ME-11 =' PROVISIORTS OF C_iAPTE 397 O-F Ti= S _'"=S OF 1931 OF T :-ice STATE OF CALIFO? ?L' , which was raad, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Fsimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: tone . Absent: Tone. 1- -owed by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that Resolution Plo. 250, entitled: .L R- SL3LU--"IO:: OF TF- CI^'_' OOt!;CIL OF 71 CIZ;l OF EL Si ;,L::LhC, C ::LIFO :Z L- LLr- ,0',E : -E1`T OF C7.1-11-- PJ :.T 1 :S r i LL 0 .= its =;i ;'. i FQB RI':'. 7— '.I +� - " L EGt v�0; ii i� ';vIEIIITM. �y ji 0�'' LOS 1L "_ _:_ : =,, Cry 0 _:Ir':, AS CO: '�� „t L1 "ii'' :� I. 3',aOL IO_: OF L- " ". IO.: :0. 243; CL.` I :. •,0_ L 03 TO DR _: � : LCCAL 0 � OB;L :A i' PL ;L IC ��....?I- - -=i - - -_ �;O O:, - 7 ,� --r] n.-f: -- -• :r•;i "T -_ ,yq; m JAY. r .__• _�.Ji.�.iJ�... L.. l_. 11 ICJ 1_11.'Ji -�.✓ I:�Jt� "..._�._ ..l .. 1 LJ_... w :rich Tu_ rear, be acopte4. Carried by the followinE vote: ayes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, :1 in el , Se l b -- anc Love. r_c r_ ^_t: _•,one. 160K, de•.,,n7s, _,a7-_n-­ .--aa the Of the �o=ittee on --er2 read: T 71,e Cat; r '7erl: Counc;I ior wee ,radio co-ve:--i- to --ri=a� 4 Dr t,,ie er-, y 25 feet of" Lot 31--c1- 5' 71 '.o. 21; -4hereu-1- it was moved jouncilr-an Selb--, Councilr_= 3-nd?r, "---t certan Gran- Deed of it Se-undc -1 castr',,ction C;,=]pany, dated the 20ti, da-, of :-ay, 1 31, COn7e-.-in,- to the of Sew n o, a mun! cipal corporation, the Iortherly 25 feet of E; Se-undo 51--eet -:o -:lock 50, 2, as ­de�-- in 300k lE?p Lo :-az reco- .Cale 145 of :._gi)s, in the office 3-- the recorder of Los ,�.nzeles County, 3U i f D_-nia , 7:hich said parcel Of land is to be used b,,r the Cit,,T of El jeoando for - public purposes, be an 7 the same is hereby accepte- on behalf of the �it­ of yl 3e:-2-,Lmdo anl_ the City Clerk of said City" is authorized -n� directed to att-c'- to s,-id deed certi-�'icat-e indicatin; he City's LI acce-. -.ar_ce of said deed anc of said llan,:, am- tc cause the said deed to be filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Los Ano-ales County, Carried by the follo7ing vote: ."ye s : Councilmen 3indcr, 1_'rirmiel, Selby and Love. Noes: hone. ;absent: "None. 1.:oved by Councilman 3inder, seconded b-,- Councilma-r. Selby, that the Street Superintendent be =f he is hereby authorized to have printed 250 cories of -7tandard ar!_---,dinr- and Favin� S-ecif icstions :.'o. 1 of the ,;ity of 1:1 Se-undo, at a total cost of not to exceed 445.50. Carried b7.7- the folloviing v 0 t 1",-i:; el Seib-�- and Love. "yes: Councilmen 3inder, erc. =1 .Oes: "one. .Lbsent: =lone. .Loved by. Council man Selby, secondeJ_ b- Coun2ilmar �indar, that i_inta 1'reasurer, be _Q';---e is hereb-- � :rantel` h3r err -U-j,--, weei�`!� vs-eation 17th, U arrl e d b7! she ilrim-mel, Selby an(: Love. ..oes: !,one. b s ent _ -one . -,c f art' cr business w-_s moved by council: 're .Y e e f 0 ur n ar r a 1.zyor a- 7DeaT.r,-- o be transacted at this meetir,::-, it v U seconded by Councilr,-Lan 3inder, thla' the -tes)ec'fu'1:,, submitted, I ,rener-al Fimd Lund, Consolidated 2oc'..Products Cc. 110.47 Ca-.-lisle "C. 17 4,1, 'Underwood eV�— C 7. 5C Sou 7.C-;; stanaa2�,S 2.C,' Z_� t a:-. C I:— -UC 4 7 _r C, -also! �-D. E24. 3C _10. E`-iscrL v• C:_li ,d-so- Co. Ltc. 31i. 53 a Co unc i lm":,, 7, 11 se come_ drawn on a--',L Out of the General und _. Curried ed b7- the -;-ot,:-,: ­67 ° s r 7,-47 -a' .jelly an- T O-_c _ :Oes -.,ne. . __D s -3 :-Ons. T 71,e Cat; r '7erl: Counc;I ior wee ,radio co-ve:--i- to --ri=a� 4 Dr t,,ie er-, y 25 feet of" Lot 31--c1- 5' 71 '.o. 21; -4hereu-1- it was moved jouncilr-an Selb--, Councilr_= 3-nd?r, "---t certan Gran- Deed of it Se-undc -1 castr',,ction C;,=]pany, dated the 20ti, da-, of :-ay, 1 31, COn7e-.-in,- to the of Sew n o, a mun! cipal corporation, the Iortherly 25 feet of E; Se-undo 51--eet -:o -:lock 50, 2, as ­de�-- in 300k lE?p Lo :-az reco- .Cale 145 of :._gi)s, in the office 3-- the recorder of Los ,�.nzeles County, 3U i f D_-nia , 7:hich said parcel Of land is to be used b,,r the Cit,,T of El jeoando for - public purposes, be an 7 the same is hereby accepte- on behalf of the �it­ of yl 3e:-2-,Lmdo anl_ the City Clerk of said City" is authorized -n� directed to att-c'- to s,-id deed certi-�'icat-e indicatin; he City's LI acce-. -.ar_ce of said deed anc of said llan,:, am- tc cause the said deed to be filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Los Ano-ales County, Carried by the follo7ing vote: ."ye s : Councilmen 3indcr, 1_'rirmiel, Selby and Love. Noes: hone. ;absent: "None. 1.:oved by Councilman 3inder, seconded b-,- Councilma-r. Selby, that the Street Superintendent be =f he is hereby authorized to have printed 250 cories of -7tandard ar!_---,dinr- and Favin� S-ecif icstions :.'o. 1 of the ,;ity of 1:1 Se-undo, at a total cost of not to exceed 445.50. Carried b7.7- the folloviing v 0 t 1",-i:; el Seib-�- and Love. "yes: Councilmen 3inder, erc. =1 .Oes: "one. .Lbsent: =lone. .Loved by. Council man Selby, secondeJ_ b- Coun2ilmar �indar, that i_inta 1'reasurer, be _Q';---e is hereb-- � :rantel` h3r err -U-j,--, weei�`!� vs-eation 17th, U arrl e d b7! she ilrim-mel, Selby an(: Love. ..oes: !,one. b s ent _ -one . -,c f art' cr business w-_s moved by council: 're .Y e e f 0 ur n ar r a 1.zyor a- 7DeaT.r,-- o be transacted at this meetir,::-, it v U seconded by Councilr,-Lan 3inder, thla' the -tes)ec'fu'1:,, submitted,