1931 SEP 02 CC MINK 151, El Segundo, California. ti regular meetin g- of the City Council of the City of 1:1 Se,-undo, California, was called to order at 7: C o'clocti_ F. on t'--e a:,�ve date, in the Council Chamber of the City* -all of s :i C_t� °, :�eor --e Love, BOLL Councilmen Present: Binder, 1-_-i=-,e1 err C Lovo. Councilmen &Ibsent: Gerow and Selby. SZECL: L 01111::E OF 3US1:1 JS. one hour of 7:00 o'clock F. L.. at this meeting '_:avir heretofore, in Bes.;luticn of Irate_Lion 'o. 243 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, been fixed as the time for receiving and hearing ,n,r '� s c M i t s tu o y'--,p e 4 V �a e �_ o e �,.. nd ob,;ec pion �„ �_ : ropos �cor and � _-o.hnst the .c';:nt of the district to be assessed for the improvement of certain portions of Imperial :io ?:.•ray (formerly Collin -wood Street) within the City of -1 Segundo and within the City of Los Lngcles, California, all as :.ore specifically set forth in said Resolution of Intention No. 243, the :.iayor arose, announced the said hour, and inquired whether or not any protests had been filed Tnith the City Clerk. The City Cle_4 advised that two written protests had been filed with hir:- rior to the hour for the hea:in.g of said protests and objections, and the :.ia�-or thereupon asked whether or not any person or persons present desired to make verbal protests or objections. Mr. T. C. Brovrn, the owner of Lot 16 of C. C. Hunt's Subdivision, a property within the district to be assessed for the said improvement, and Lr. Herbert Lapham, representing the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company, owners of portions of Section 7 of Township 3 South, Range 14 .';est, S. 3. B. & M., a property vrithin the district to be assessed for the proposed work or improvement, and tar. D. H. Thornton, the owner of Lot 8, Block 109, El Segundo Sheet No. 5, a property within the district to be assessed for the said proposed improvement, each made verbal protest against the said proposed work and against the extent o= the district to be assessed therefor. The Clerk thereupon read the written protest.-• and objections received as hereinbefore recited, which said protests and objections were made and filed b- vi. 1.1ulcahy, 818 - 19th Street, Bakersfield, California, oviner of Lot 4, Block 101, El Segundo Sheet No. 4, and by D. H. Thornton, Reseda, California, owner of Lot 8, Block 109, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 5, each of which said properties are within the district to be assessed for the proposed work or improvement. 'Irnereupon it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Irimmel, that the hearing in the matter of protests and objections to-the wort:V. ixqprovement•and against the extent of -the district• to be assessed for the improvement of portions of• Imperial Highway (formerly' Collin wbod•Street).within the amities of El Segundo and Los Angeles, California, as contemplated in Resolution of Intention No. 243 of the City Council of the City of 21 Segundo, be adjourned and continued until the hour of 7 :30 o'clock F. M. this date at this meeting. Carried by the following vote: Dyes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. 152 K � The hour of 7 :15 o'clock F. L. hav ng arrived, the Layor arose and stated that this hour this date at this meeting had heretofore, as provided in Ordinance No. 176 of the City of E1 Segundo, been fixed as the date and hour for the hearing of protests against the calling of an election in that part of the City of F.1 Segundo contained within the boundaries of the proposed municipal improvement district, to be known as "Act of 1927 Imnicipel Improvement District No. 1 of the City of El Segundo ", for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said district a proposition authorizing the issuance.and sale of bonds of said district, vrhich said bonds would be sold for the purpose of providing funds for the work or improvement of portions of Arizona Drive within the City of El Segundo, all as contemplated and more specifically set forth in Ordinance i:c. 178 of the City of -1 Segundo and he inquired whether or not any protests had been filed with the City Clerk. The City Clerk replied that two written protests had been filed with him prior to the hour set for hearing such protests and the Clerk thereupon proceeded to read the said written protests and objections as received by him to the Council, the protestants being A. S. Gough, 307 Main Street, E1 Segundo and D. H. Thornton, Reseda, California, the owners of portions of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range 14 Clest, S. 3. B. & M%, and Lot 8, 3lock 109, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 5, respectively, each of which properties are located within the said proposed blunicipal Improvement District No. 1. .`he 11ey or then inquired whether or not any person or persons present desired to make verbal protest and objection to the holdinE of said proposed election, whereupon uir. D. H. Thornton of Reseda, California and tr. Herbert Lapham, representing the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company, each in turn entered verbal protest to the holdin of said proposed election in said proposed 1._unicipal Improvement District ho. 1. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the matter of hearing of protests against the holding of a special election in that portion of the City of E1 Segundo described as "Act of 1927 rvjunicipal Improvement District No. 1 of the City-of El Segundo ", the extent and boundaries of which are set fcrth in Ordinance No. 178 of the City of El Segundo, all as provided in said ordinance, be adjourned and continued-to the hour of 7:45 o'clock P. M. this date at this meeting. carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love.-. hoes: None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. EU7 OF .MTTJ-ES OF PREiiIOUS l TPTG. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th day of Uctober, 1931, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman tinder, seconded by ;ouncil:ran r rirmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. 4:RITTM 0O1=_1TIC1LTI02•.S. i'he following co_- =unications were read and dispdsed of as in:icated: yR T LiD'u1=11R OF Co. 121RC , dated August 26th, 1931, extendino'an invitation to al'l'members of the Lea--ue of California i- icipalities i to attend the 33rd Annual Convention of said Lea-ae, which is to be held on the Lyonterey Peninsula, September 21st, to 24th, Incl. 1931. Ordered filed. MILE L. S:u;;, Chairrem, Citizens Committee on Employment, Los u,geles �;ou_-:ty, by n. C. Freming, Director Employment Stabilization, dated Au;ust 27th, 1931, requesting that the registration records of unemployed of the �111.ty of El Segundo be checked and brought up to date, so that unemployed entitled thereto may be given proper consideration in the :natter of certain public projects contemplated for the near future by the Uounty of Los kn -eles. Sy general consent the Street Superintendent was authorized to con-oly with the request. K, 15 L. POT�Ls�OY, i�. D. County Health Officer, by tienry C. Smiley, rai. D., District Health Officer, dated August 27th, 1931, being a report of the work done for the City of it Segundo during the month of July, 1931, by the Los xngeles County Health Department, as riealth Officer of the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed. ri0'i'%L DEL :..011ME, dated Au�:ust 28th, 1931, reminding, the .. -ayor and Council of the convention of the Lea=-ue of California i.unicipalities to be held at said hotel September 21st to 24th, inclusive, 1931, and urging im,-,iediate attention to the matt,3r of reservations for those contemplating attending said convention. Ordered filed. 'L;uI I:. 00:1:,1 3UIL L'.0 OFFICIALS COI.I'y— I dated iugttst 2Sth, 11 31, respectin- the 'Pent?: Lnnu�:l ►.:eetin of the Pacific Coast Building ufficials Conference to be held in Berkeley, �;alifornia, October 5th to 10th, inclusive, 1931, and urging the attendance of the Building inspector at said Convention. On motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimn-iel, which carried unanimously, the said con.-runication was ordered filed for future reference. - Or ..CIME_RE -Y, CALI O 'IA, undated, calling attention to the 1931 conference of the California Sewage tiiorks Association, to be held in L::orterey, California, September 21st and 22nd, 19331, and. recomnendin- the attendance of representatives from this City. Ordered filed. LEA "Ly OF C�,LI 'O tT,I�, ::U� ?I .'�I I LS, undated, being its official cell - 33rd Annual Convention of the League of California i.iunicipalities, to be held at rotel Del i::onte, Monterey, California, 5e •tember 21st to 24th, inclusive, 1931, and invitinC all city officials, elective or a_ ,)pointive, to attend the s_.id Convention, participate in its discussions and interchange ideas :nd experiences in connection with municipal government. r'ollo ;:ing consideration, it was moved by Councilman hrimmel, seconded by Councilman 3inder, that Victor j. .�1cCarthy, uity Clerk of the city.* of :�1 Segundo, be and he is hereby authorized to attend the 33rd Annual Convention of the Lea,-ue of California 1::unicijalities, to be held at .:.onterey, California, September 21st to 24th, inclusive, 1931, as representative of the City of El Segundo, and that he be authorized to file his demand for his actual and necessary er,.enses in connection with such attendance and representation. Carried by the follo,:ring vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, nrimmel and Love. -does: None. Absent: Councilmen �aerow and Selby. :done. -'one. none. 07 OF!TI E_Fis `i:^ S21-CIAL !'__ L: s 3ILLS. The follovrin_ havin= h�.d the approv =l of the C,=aittee o?? i'i�dace,�,nc Decor' ::ere r--ad:. . ,,ater .,ork rund' r.,ater ;orhs bond E. 's. �iliOtt 14.88 Lorin mansen 9.11 P. 1_c_:ally 9.::1 S. n. I'h:-,rnton 9.61 ��. ;endo j . 'Temple 9.61 . .t. hackman 9.61 1. ia. Sumner 170.00 i -. Z;iebken 90.CC .:. -j. Sickler 24.80 C. Osborne 54.56 t,_. D. Rile-- 24.SG �. S. _r0-,-nover 24.80 it. 'i'. Hutchins 40. GO t'_ el _ =rimes 76.CO ii. 1,. Iautc :inc 28.62 ''he Braun Corporation. 23.39 _ienerel ylectric Sup::ly Co. 77.72 L'i Segundo - ie_-ald 52.75 Addres _oEra )h "&lec :�genc , . 65 shines- Stassforth Stat. Co. 2.25 :fie nsselaer "delve Co. 53.10 - rinnell con _ �n . 33.5 ithoues l.- etal_ic i u :.ir moo. 10.78 154 K Viater torks _n_,nd ,ieli--b-,e_ iron -M., oun __ Ty 26.15 nre-:.-_r nL(cio .electric Shop 34.77 i.;it:- of -1 be 'undo 45.03 �-eneral tune ?-t-r i,. , -inter 25.CC J --I A� r o. . 2 57 00 Z-r. 25. cc Geerge Lore C 6eiby S. 10 C -va ­y 15 C C 0 11"ur -U z e r -7, G. 14, o dw or 'U h 1215. V.G. U U 53, cc -Xintire 136.57 7 Qum 1:;0.57 C. C Havens 150. OC Z)--n 15C.Cc Z'. A.. V;Ir=iin E 71. a: :. jell 34 . 72 e n.-LS 15c.00 2i_,rney 140 R--han 5C, Sc�oenir,� 150.00 .-i U t C 111 15 _63.00 0-. Bender 24.00 7. Po-,%,ers 199.39 Ean 120. 0 C i a b1k _- n 3C. GO .zcdonLld 170.00 I ller of- V .3. j . a r 0 7., 150.00 .lice "cpe 37,26 ._- �can 3itum t� --:.4 uls Co. 3 1j 4E. 23 El Segundo Herald 310.47 .alone Sell 14.86 ,3ri-co-Stassforth 14.86 H. 3. Crocker C'Dmpany Inc. 6.85 Ed-na --:. -Harlan 11.05 --thorne !�uto 'iiorks 1.50 Anderson 5.00 El &e.­undo Post 3E, 4.96 -zrericar Legion Luxiliary 15.00 C,4.ty of _-El Segundo -,.',ater Dept. 56.57 So. Ot-Llif. us Company .53 '..:asset Seed Co. 3.32 Los.i�nseles Blue Print Co. 4.02 Consolidated Rock Products I'do.282.57 State Oomp. Insurance Fund Veneral _'-und .roved by Clouncilri�,n Binder, seconded by Councilman lLrimmel, that the de=ds be allo',,,ed and -arrants Bran on. are pai' out, of the respact -five funds covering the anien Carried by the follol.^in-- vote: dyes: and Love. Councilmen ^ero7 and Selby. 3, ..roved b7- Councilman Binder, seconded b- Councilman Y--iirzel, that Southern California Edison Company be re-queEted to inctall a 6C C.P. lanp at the int-,rsect_;on of :.:aple :.venue venue and Concord Place, as an addition to the c=-ent street lighting oontr•ct- between the City of 1-1 Se---undo and -said Southern California :',Iison Company. Carried by the followin.� vote 1 7 Y--i-,,=,.el and Love. e s Councilmen Binder, Noes: absent: Councilmen Crerow and Selby. C--il . cc S. 4 C v. Snale 5 =.56 n! o c._ :-.76 n. -3O'' _. `:1i:`13 54.5E 29. 76 D. Ray-noT V�_li 77 be 2oncevich �,76 7 Qum "hoate 19.34 o,!- t oil Kincaid. Z, S . 7 6, 34 . 72 Do'..-dy ., .02 v- I 2i_,rney 5 � . _52; R--han 5C, Sc�oenir,� 54.56 . _31,ack 2:;. 76 0-. Bender 29.76 7. Po-,%,ers 49.60 Green 49.60 ienry =1. C 0 L. `r -e: r 24.60 24.49 E elc 24.80 Xallis Arthur 24.60 ,ROX _`Yan 24.80 Ghristiansen 24.45 Telay'le 14.86 P. "i C.-L d E-1 1 y 14.86 .,r. R. 1"lic1ciian 14.88 L. liansen 14.88 S. Thornton 14.86 71. Sickler 4.96 1,'. Riley 4.96 0. 4.96 Los bnfseles Rub'Oer St=-ip Oo. 1.05 Inglewood Book L Stat. Co. 9.00 Autorlo'l-ile Club of So. Gal. 20.00 The L,. Lietz Co. 3.25 Pacific 1.1ill & 1,Ane Supply Co. 7.50 State Oomp. Insurance Fund 273.87 1ibson :,:otor Parts, Inc. 2 5.30 Greening Smith Company 150.00 Brewer 'Radio & E'lec. Shop 148.77 'Robert L. Rainey 11,15.00 "6350 ,ip 1.99 .roved by Clouncilri�,n Binder, seconded by Councilman lLrimmel, that the de=ds be allo',,,ed and -arrants Bran on. are pai' out, of the respact -five funds covering the anien Carried by the follol.^in-- vote: dyes: and Love. Councilmen ^ero7 and Selby. 3, ..roved b7- Councilman Binder, seconded b- Councilman Y--iirzel, that Southern California Edison Company be re-queEted to inctall a 6C C.P. lanp at the int-,rsect_;on of :.:aple :.venue venue and Concord Place, as an addition to the c=-ent street lighting oontr•ct- between the City of 1-1 Se---undo and -said Southern California :',Iison Company. Carried by the followin.� vote 1 7 Y--i-,,=,.el and Love. e s Councilmen Binder, Noes: absent: Councilmen Crerow and Selby. �, l5 SPECIAL 0 =2 OF BL'ST1 r:.SS. The hour of 7 :3C o'clock P. i _'. having arrived, the Liayor announced that the Council mould now hear and consider the matter of protests and objections against the work or improvement and the extent of the district to be assessed for the improvement of Imperial Highway (formerly Collingwood Street), bet,.7een Main Street and Redondo Boulevard within the Cities of El Segundo and Los Angeles, California, as contemplated under the provisions of iesolution of Intention No. 243 of the -City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, r:hich said hearing had heretofore at the hour of 7:_-0 o'clock P. Ll. at this meetin; been adjourned to this hour. «fter brief consideration and it appearing desirable to the members of the Council present at this meeting to have all members of the Council present during the hearing and consideration of objections as aforesaid, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the hearing of protests and objections against the work or improvement and the extent of the district to be assessed for the improvement of Imperial Highway (formerly Collingwood Street), between Lain Street and Redondo Boulevard within the Cities of E1 Segundo and Los Angeles, California, as contemplated under the provisions of Resolution of Intention No. 243 of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby adjourned and continued until the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. 8:., Thursday, September 10th, 1931, ( Wednesday, September 9th, 1931 being a Legal Holiday) in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, at which date, time and place such protests and /or objections and arguments and statements in said matter will be further heard and considered. Carried by the follo:a-ing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. The hour of 7 :45 o'clock P. :1. having arrived, the Mayor announced that the Council would now hear and consider the matter of protests and objections against the calling of an election in that part of the City of 1:1 Segundo contained within the boundaries of the proposed uunicipal Improvement District, to be known as "Act of 1927 Lunicipal Improvement District No. 1 of the City of E1 Segundo ", for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said district a proposition authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of said district for the purpose of providing funds for the work or improvement of portions of Arizona Drive within the City of E1 Segundo, as con- templated under the provisions of Ordinance No. 178 of the said City, which said hearing had her --tofore at the hour of 7:15 o'clock P. M. at this meeting been adjourned to this hour. After brief consideration and it appearing desirable to the members of the Council present at this meeting to have all members of the Council present during the hearing and consideration of objections as aforesaid, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the hearing of protests and objections against the calling of an election in that part of the City of E1 Segundo contained within the boundaries of the proposed I.:unicipal Improvement District, to be known as "Act'of 1927 i•unicipal Improvement District. 1�o. 1 of the City, of El . Segundo",._ for the purpose of submitting., to the qualified electors of ,said district a pro pos'itioh..authorizing the issuance and sale of-bonds of•'said district for the purpose of providing funds for the work or improvement of portions of.Arizona Drive within the City of E1 Segundo, as contemplated under the provisions of Ordinance ;Io. 178 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, be and the same is hereby adjourned and continued until the hour,of 7:45 o'clock F. Thursday, September 10th, 1931 (Wednesday, September 9th being a legal holiday) in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of L1 Segundo, California, at which date, time and place such protests and /or objections and arguments and statements in said matter ::ill be further heard and considered. Carried by the following vote: 156 K, Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Y.rimmel and Love. Does: None. bbsent: Councilmen 'serow and Selb;. No further business appearing to be trans&cted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by CounciLman Eri gel, that the meetin;; adjourn until Thursday, the 10th day of September, 1231 (September 9th being a legal holiday), at the hour of 7:30 o'clock F. M. Carried. v Respectfully submitted, R 'Lpproved: `vim „y Okierk. r c1