1931 NOV 18 CC MIN197 E1 Segundo, California. November 18th, 1931. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City - of El. Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock Y. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by George Love, d_ayor. iiOLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and _.ayor Love. Councilmen Absent: Binder. READD- G OF IiI1:1 U TES OF P R ', V 1 U S TIi u. adjourned The minutes of th2/regular :,eeting held on the 9th day of November, 1931, were read. No errors or omissions an_:)earing, it was moved b-- Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. 1;RIT C011; UiTICr,TI0P15. The followinC, co.rmmunicetions were read and disposed of as indicated: ESTr'LLL C. 1IOLi.x;, Secretary, Committee of Seven, of Southwest ';.ater League, dated November 14th, 1931, being copy of a letter addressed to the Los l:ngeles Clearing "douse, informing the City of E1 Segundo that action has been instituted in the Superior Court to test the validity of the 'Two Hundred 'Twenty Million Dollar bonds of the i.etropolitan i+ater District, voted September 29th, 1931. Ordered filed. i. . LIB` +IG L?CD,131�ar0i�, dated November 16th, 1G31, respecting an effective and inexpensive incinerator or crematory, designed and constructed for the cremation of animal carcasses. Ordered filed. LE��7IT7 OF CALIFORUA :_L"_`�ICIPALI�.I S, dated November 4th, 1931, soliciting orders for copies of the proceedings of the last Convention of said Lea,.-ue. ny general consent of the Council, two of such conies were authorized ordered. ' TL''nidS Y,LLF D O�.i3D, dated November 17th, 1931, accompanying a petition requesting the cancellation of certain taxes upon real property within the ::ity of El Segundo, described as follow:, to -wit: The Easterly 48 feet of the 1 orther.I-y 150 feet of Lot 6, dock 95, and the East one -third of the South one -half of Lot 9, Block 99. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Krirmel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for an opinion. Carried. STA �A�.D CIL OF C..LIFC'-,IL, dated November 12th, 1931, v,!2ich accomranied its .applica,t on- for. permit' to maintain - Wharves constructed at .E1 Se:�_mdo. R-- general consent this co ::municatiop and accomjanyin petition were referred to the City Attorney for opinion. its Aprlication -ro. RO 77850, recuestin permission. to instal]. five poles anc one anchor on the :est side of Indiana Street, between 'srand Avenue and Ll Segundo Soulevard, within the City of E1 Segundo. itere being some doubt as to �,hether or not the street referred to is a dedicated yublic street, it was moved b-, Councilman !.�erov;, seconded by Councilman Selb-; , that the followin -, resolution be ado Aed: 198 K FSOLT�, that the i.,ity Council of the City of El Segundo, so Tar as said (;ouncil may lawfully do so, hereby er nts permission to Southern California TelE -ohone Company to install live poles End one anchor on the "'nest side of indiana Street, bf--tween errand avenue anC :L1 Segundo _oulevard, within the Jity of F.1 SeCundo; provided that if the proposed ;.ork is rrosecuted under this ruit, ti,at it be constructed and completed in accordance vrith regulations and practices usual and custor.:.:_ry _ses. ir. such cc Said resolution was carried by the followin,- vote: %ves: Council: en Uerow, Iiyrir=el, Love and Selby. Noes: gone. Absent: Councilman 3inder. LO;, n:^ L S XIL_-`Y L�IACU!] 0" :Lr "I„IP�tiLIl'I:5, dated Nove.=er 9th, 1031, urcrin_- and soliciting this city's membership in said League. �_oved by ,ouncilnan Selby, seconded by C-ouncilr:.an ";ero°:, that the ..it-r dlerk be and '_ie is her-_b-), author iz d E-nd dir: -eted to advise t' :e Los .�nF'eles vourity Lea- -ueyof iv:unicipalities that the amity of 11 �erjun o does not desire to affiliate with said Lea -due at this time. varried. one . 071.iL " 01-1._L_:IC :'_'I0 :'S. �Sl.'_ ?:J O 'J.-- •_,iV.._..J w St"Il. .lJ. V�,•..a.. �'..A..J• 1 h. amity 'ley re^uested the liouncil'S 3littiorltV to cause c d_scontinuance of the 8:0'; n. i_ test blasts on the diaohone on Saturday mzrnin; s, believin, that in vie; or the fact that many rsons no longer arork on Satu� ^days, eli n:ination of tie blasts will avoi,= disturbi=, such persons. -by ganeral consent the Uouncil so instructed, t'ae a:^ran,en-.ent bein , concurred in by the mire Uhief, who Vv c; Dresent a.n''I 'v.as cue boiled concernil.- the matter. .T i o� *ed b7 council:: -n .1ere--;:, seconded b Uouncil:r n Selby, t'-a" Orc:inance : %o. 181, entitled: .1. L .101:1 v_•' -.1 1i T.. _ ?v �_.' l.. - - ., 1..J ' U.I:TC 91469816.00 `7 __C'= l' 1927 1,L.:I ✓IPnL Tr­ ..-f- .T.. 1Tv �. , y. - T.iT'r EL ti_ Jl_ ✓�1 ? ? _ _ 71 _, - _ .;C T::"', .. r.J .:.:.l�:ir'.u.. Ii..i'.:u!i•..�_ _ .)17%_��.._ w. ----' ii.a'_':�1,r_......_.� u� 7. 1 =_ C: i �212- .i �J .. c -_ _ntro _uce:. _ _ an ad,13urrl .IL . - _ala= meet'-i­ O� the vom -1 :i .i.:.. On ti-_ (-:.a- Of _.OV= OC- ', _SZ1, an. :,. ... e �_ ;, be -,.-,opted. Carried by t1ae folloi,in= vote: y Ayes: Councilmen 71erov., ILri=ei, Selby arc La7 -or Lore. noes: ?;one. L.bsent: Councilman 3inder. 3I1-I.S . The following demands, .avino had +.,:e &- Dproval of the Com:.1ittee on Finance and Records, ;:ere read: ViGter icrks Fund J. C. Osborne 44.64 F. L. :'re.~;ory Lo�-n R. Cotton ��- 4�.00 J. S. 3ur:-ner Los Sngeles Rubber Stamp Co. 3.15 3ogan J. G. Tucker w Son 14.00 h. L. Campbell Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 5.35 «. 31eich Southern Oal. Eddison Company 412.10 J. Schoening Southern Cal. `1'elephone Co. 14.65 ::. 3ahan Citir of -:1 Segundo 30.85 H. Pearson Duco:niun Corporation 65.95 I. Saran ;;635.69 I4. Zivalic r. Campbell D. 3oyer H. Burns S. Choate H. Rhodes Johnson C. Crownover H. "UM s. Kinc =id Llliott C. mangle A. green '�1. nervy J. Ira. Dowdy L. Peery D. Fahland +. Reich S. Dare H. Dinwiddie F. Bell G. Hannigan L. Hansen C. Lane :. Temple J. C. Hullibarger A. Triplett C. Stockburger lne L. Lietz Co. Inglewood iotor Co. J. G. Tucker & Son Southern Cal. Edison Co. Southern Cal. Ldison Co. sreening Smith Company General Fund 19.84 47.12 22.32 15.81 19.84 19.84 19.84 22.32 19.84 19.84 44.64 44.64 44.64 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.18 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 19.53 9.92 9.92 4.55 1.28 26.8C Ltd. 35.25 Ltd. 29.40 75.00 L. Coddington J. R. Black. G. C. iurney A. Hoblit r. 3isler T. Bray Beal I;. Riley vi. D. Sickler l,. Cendo J. Daniels E. Peeler Fallis Arthur 1. Powers D. Raynor E. ieatherfield ','i . R. Hickman P. j.-,C-.,Tally 0. 41 . Foster Rex Ryan H. Williams K. Cline J. Stanich H. Swain Bancroft- iihitney Co. J. 'iv . Breedlove Corp. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Rich 3udelier Los «n«;eles Blue Print O Ira E. Escobar Kay 1otor Supply Co. Inc Spartan I.Iarket Southern Cal. Edison Co. Southern Cal. Edison Co. Ag.- eler 8. :,usser Seed Co Southern Cal. Tel. Co. 199 Ge:-_eral Fund 54.00 61.50 44.64 44.64 19.84 44r.64 44.64 19.84 19.84 19.53 19.84 19.84 39.68 19.84 19.84 19.64 19.84 19.84 19.84 19.84 19.84 1::.84 44.64 44.64 49.60 24.80 24.49 24.49 24.18 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.18 24.49 10.75 15.00 5.06 2.98 �. 7.59 15.92 8.71 4.04 Ltd.221.99 Ltci. 5.08 23.18 37.05 42188.62 :.roved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Kri=..el, that the de_nands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds coverin the srjme. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Councilmen Gerowl Krireruel, Selby and lLayor Love. `ices : I- ore . .Lbsent: Councilman_ Birder. 2ooK NE17 BUS I!MSS . Loved b�� Councilman Selby, seconded btr Councilman isrimr:el, that the Uit„ Engineer be and he is hereby* authorized to purchase t,rro tires and two tubes for use on motor vehicle equipment of the City of it Segundo, at a total cost of not to exceed w23.00. Carried by the following vote: iiyes: Councilmen Geror:, Krimmel, Selby and Love. _goes : None. Absent: Councilman Binder. - further business appearing.to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman- Gerow, seconded -by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. spproved: T :ay or . Respectfully submitted, City Clerk." c�