1931 NOV 04 CC MINsso K I El Segundo, California. November 4th, 1931. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, Ualifornia, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Ball of said City, by the Mayor, George Love, ROLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Mayor Love. Councilmen Absent: None. P=II%TG OF i.':IT=S OF PREVIOUS L,'EETI = -GS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the B th day of October, 1931, were read. No error or omission appearing, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The minutes of the special meeting held on November 2nd, 1931, were read, without error or omission being noted, and were approved as read uron motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Gerow, which carried. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSTiuL +:S. The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. M. at this meeting, having heretofore been fixed as the time for receiving bids for furnishing all labor and material necessary for doing the work or improvement of Imperial Highway between Main Street and Redondo Boulevard, within the City of E1 Segundo and the City of Los Angeles, California, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution of Intention No. 243 of the City Council of the said City of El Segundo, California, the :�,ayor arose and announced the hour of 7:14 o'clock P. b. and asked if there were any person or persons present who desired to file bids for said work. The hour of 7:15 o'clock P. Y. having arrived, and all bids being in, the y,ayor declared the time for receiving bids for furnishing all labor and material necessary for doing the work or improvement of imperial Highway, between Main Street and Recondo Boulevard, within the City of E1 Segundo and the City of Los Angeles, California, as advertised for, closed. -.che Clerk announced that five bids had been received by him. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly declare all of the bids received for furnishing all labor and material necessary for doing the work or improvement of imperial Highway, between r.;ain Street and Aedondo Boulevard, rithin the City of _`1 Segundo and the city of Los Angeles, California. Carried. The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare all bids received for furTishing all labor and material necessary for doin,7 the work or improvement of Imperial Highway. *, between Llain Street and necondo Boulevard, within 'the ..ity bf .J1• Segundo and the City of Los Angeles, California, which said bids were' found"_by laid Council to be as follows, to -wit: i f Bid of - on Regular Form therefor, Grading as follows, to -wit: Item No. 1 B IDD::,R A. R. Gunn $11,500.00 (Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's Mond in the sum of X8,000.00, with A. R. Gunn as Principal and Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company as Surety) Thomas C. Rogers 12,000.00 (Said bid was accompanied by bidders Bond in the sum of X10,000.00, with T. C. Rogers as Principal and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland as Surety) George R. Curtis Paving Company 10,000.00 (Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's Bond in the sum of X8,000.00, with George R. Curtis Paving Company as Principal and H. H. Curtis and u. S. Koontz as Sureties) George ti. Oswald 11,000.00 (Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's -bond in the sum of :7,500.00, with Geo. H. Oswald as Principal and John P. Oswald and ydward u. Earl as Sureties) L. A. Paving Co. (Inc.) 12,475.00 (Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's bond in the sum of 47,000.00 with L. A. Paving Co. Inc. as Principal and E. R. ti+erdin and l:. J. Dawson as Sureties) 1.91' Paving Culvert Item No. 2 Item No. 3 0 .16 4275.00 .17 350.00 .189 300.00 .172 400.00 .152 320.00 At the conclusion of the reading of the bids," the hour being 7:25 o'clock P. M., the uAyor declared a recess of 10 minutes. At the hour of 7:35 o'clock P. M., the Council reconvened, all members thereof being present. Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that Resolution ivo. 253, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF 'I "E CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA; A6ARDING iTIE 0011,111'RACT FOR THE IIv1'30V'� '_ENT OF CERTA1 ; PO 3TIONS OF IMPERIAL HIGF4AY (FOR;.YRLY COLLING7;00D STREET) ','iITdi -N 'iEh CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, AID �,ITHIN �I- E CITY OF LOS APdGLZWS, CALIFORNIA, AS PROVIDED iOR by •fi=LU`1'ION OF I N1ENTION NO. 243 OF THE SAID COUNCIL, TO L. A. FA` =G CO. which was read, be adopted. Carried.by the following vote: Byes; Coimcilinen 'Binder;. � •erpw, Kr-imrRel, Selby and i::ayor Love.. woes•: Councilmen- ivone.• Absent: Councilmen- iione.' SRl i EN COUXNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: LOa�,N :. COTTON, Auditor, dated November 4th, 1931, being a report of his audit of the books and records of the City of El Segundo for the quarter ended September 30th, 1931. Ordered filed. 192K, MA,Xr,y SCOTT, Secretary, _jlue Birds Group, Camp Fire girls, dated Uctober 24th, 1931, thankin,17 the Council for beautification of the grounds in the rear of the Camp Eire House. Ordered filed. DIVISION OF LAI�C�: ST.Ai'IS:'ICS 7: LAYr �':�`FORC' ..EI:T OF ia�E ST&TE OF CALIFOP.TIIAI dated Uctober 15th, 1931, submitting copies of a suggested uniform record of the united States citizenship of employees on public work, to be kept by contractors and subcontractors and requesting that conies of said form be referred to the authorities within the juris- diction of this Council who cpprove public works contracts and who are in -a ncsition to advise contractors and subcontractors regarding the re^uirements of keening record of citizenship of employees. Urdered filed. none. None . DRAT • CO1,I:'L1TICATIONS- kC- PORTS OF STAIuDENG CO12_'IT"7ES. ttEPORTS OF OFIFI ERS & SPECIAL C01.11IITT ES. The jlerk acvised that the Altar Society of St. Anthony's Church desired the use of the City�riall Auditorium, Fridgy evening, November 20th, 1931, for the purpose of holding a benefit card party. Upon motion of Councilman Binder, seconded b:- Councilman xri=el, which carried unanimously, such permission was granted, no charge to be made for such use. the Cite Clerk informed the Council that the drinking fountain in the amity hall is not in good working order and has been a source of more or less annovance for a lengthy period, and reco,- =ended its replacement by a new fountain, embodying more up -to -date features. Un motion of Council^= ieror, seconded by Councilman binder, Which carried unanimously, the Superintendent of the eater Departr:ent was instructed to obtain prices on drinking fountains and to submit the sae to the Council at its next meeting. None. u_`I1T 1TISr.D 3L'SI L'3. •Z7 T 'lhe following demands, having had the approval of the Comittee on einance and itecords, were read: Water .forks Fund I. 1. Sumner V170.00 Ethel Grimes 76.00 E. i.i. Elliott 24.80 J. C. Osborne 53.63 So. Uslif. r'reight Lines, Ltd. .50 nddressograph Sales Agency .98 .lames -jones Company 38.22 Ducolmiun Corporation 33.34 nersey ,.:fs. Co. 28.91 ttensselaer valve Co. 37.85 Consolidated %zhercft rnancock Comp - ny 8.19 V:ater 'Norks Eund A. Siebken 90.00 x. i,. Hutchins 40.00 Lorin nansen 19.53 El Segundo r_erald 23.00 Standard Uil Co. of Cal. 21.14 nraun Corporation Ltd. 7.43 orewer nadio & Llectric Shop 1.20 the A.. Lietz Co. 15.00 •rhe Worthington Co. 56.61 Forni .anufacturing ado. 22.50 ii. i. nutchins 28.00 '796.83 C r-- C / 3 (� 19 Ayes: Councilmen 'Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: None. ueneral rund general r•und F. 1, Gregory 66.00 Peter 1,. t5inder 25.00 J. S. .)urgner 66.00 John n. �ierow 25.00 A. oogan 54.56 William A. rrinmiel, Jr. 25.00 K. Campbell 54.56 George Love 25.00 J. L'. vowdy 29.45 William R. Selby 25.00 J. Schoening 59.52 victor ll. wc0arthy 250.00 ii.. nahan 5 9.15 2 iN+eva n:. E'lsey 150.00 y;. neich 29.45 itiinta Uurtzwiler 100.00 L. Peery 29.45 lion C. r'ugitt 53.00 :. Zivalic 23.87 alt . *de '+oodworth 125.00 hex hvan 29.45 L'. H. Lcintire 175.55 ��. Dinv:iddie 29.45 •r. d. Del3erry 202.82 .7. h. :-iickman 29.45 C. 0. ravens 150.00 s. Turney 54.56 H. J. Sherphorn 160.01 D. Boyer 54.56 J. A. Ci=ungs 171.00 0. angle 54.56 A. K. Tennis 150.00 r. Burns 27.28 H. '::c::il1an 140.00 D. Raynor 54.56 C. K. I;1cConnell 16.35 A. H. Green 59.52 George idcLaucrlin 150.00 J. Powers 57.35 R. T. Hutchins 260.00 1.. Henry 59.52 Ethel Grimes 24.00 G. Hannigan 29.45 R. F. Ward 186.00 J. C. �:ullibarger 29.45 E. ::organ 128.35 K. Cline 29.45 A. Siebken 60.00 0. Lane 29.45 J. A. L:acdonald 170.00 H. Swain 29.45 A. T. Liller 60.46 Fallis izthur 29.45 E. J. Grow 156.81 S. Dare 24.49 Mrs. Alice :-lope 50.00 �. lemple 29.45 hirs. Callie Beal 8.00 P. :,.cidally 29.45 '.:rs. Ethel V. Ainsworth 18000 E. 4eatherfield 29.76 :.:rs. :dary A. Leads 8.00 n. Bleich 24.80 firs. Alma 0. Foster 8.00 H. Bigler 24.80 Victor D. KcCarthy 5.16 S. Choate 24.80 Consolidated Rock Products Co. 111.42 T. Bray 24.80 E. W. French 77.59 H. Rhodes 24.80 National Cast Iron Pipe Co. 5.75 :�. E. Beal 24.80 E1 Segundo Herald 287.40 L. Johnson 24.80 Edna E. Harlan 12.46 r._. Riley 24.80 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 17.15 0. Crownover 24.80 Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 11.90 7r. D. Sickler 24.80 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 12.28 J. Bender 24.80 So. Calif. Disinfecting Co. 1.96 H. Gum 24.80 American Legion Auxiliary 15.00 A. Cendo 24.80 Gibson Motor Parts, Inc. 15.58 !;. Coddington 24.80 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 2.00 J. R. Black 24.80 Standard Oil Co, of Calif. 108.65 P. Campbell 24.80 Inglewood Lumber Company 91.22 A. Hoblit 24.80 Griffith Hardware Co. 15.35 I. Saran 24.80 Brewer Radio & Electric Shop 106.30 H. Pearson 24.80 wuandt Bros. Dairy Farm 50.00 G. Kincaid 24.80 Rodeo Land and ',rater Go. 6.00 J. Daniels 14.88 Logan R. Cotton 61.25 D. Fahland 9.92 City of El Segundo Water Dept. 263.56 H. 'idilliams 9.92 Kay 2:otor Supply Co. Inc. 11.46 L. Hansen 4.96 S. & M. Transfer & Storage Co. 1.00 Western Union Telegraph Co. 1.18 ,Southwest Builder & Contractor, 33.20 . 6389.36 Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman K_rimmel, that the demands be allowed and warrants draim on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen 'Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: None. i94 K% rmw EM IIMSS . None. ADTO :RIvl r:o further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded byr Councilman 3inder, that the meeting adjourn until 14onday, November 9th, 1931, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. ;L. Carried. Approved: Mayor. 'Respectfully submitted,