1931 MAR 25 CC MIN63 El L;e,-,ULndo, 0'al-i-oi-nia. I Lia-rch 25th, 1c311. re-ulai, meetin:2- of th= of th-n jit­ o- -,! 5c-_-undc �al i fo---n —as c 1 e d ,c or n-2 a �, 7 : C;. -c lo c1l, F t,, aI-,c-re O. ate in the Coun-21'1 of the t7r Cf S_ 4 Lovc- r T T riCLL C. .resent. 3inder !e_-o-,-, 32171­ and 'Lc-,­. J o u n se__ t : i =- e 1 . i`hle minutee of the -r-etir-2- '­ld o:-_ t'-c- _a2C ----rors a- a-, 4 4. -a _- r, iO -.,- e '_J­.,___!I_`_=_ by :nerow, that the minu-,�_E be a� ,-rcvru '�s r :,, a ar �;,arr i e d I = C X- -7 11 10 Thf- -,:)__.-unications rere read and of as in- T e 2 ru C.2:7, 0--dered _--ealth Off ic,:i,, date,_7 l-..Lrch 19th, done for the Cit:r of yl .3e­undo ---.:e r -urin-: the mor-th of f 4 dated L- arch 19th), - 0, -,-:" i 19 1, u-2 *i--- the council to stud:,- A.sse,:,.':)l,,- -,ill .11 a as of al-, water, F n electuri. t­­t- -n- 4­­-,JDn, = cal'_._ etc. under the u i t i c i s -3 --,Ie r S o . �nc -:e,- sures , and cons:_nt t ie t e rc-fer_-c;_` `I-o the ;. ',torne:.,. DIR :viv:. �-;: County of Los :;-n,.,,eles, dated _:a�'ca 2`,L-th, 19131 "'-ie el�__ of 1". Davidson as a of funds alloccatc- -,3 "1--ne amity of '--'l n nnoc, ior w` th street wore: for t1le for C-,:Cne� --* =a in co - __ - u�--_oSe of It a,:_ a - tI a-f- dsor. -.11 un,' , on _"c`__ 12th the s, n e .- j o -re d b-,- the C i of cons nt, -..,aE i-.Structe'-_ to so advis., 'Uhe s,-,.id a. a' z a on cL t ion -o-- er-­.J1o:=on' as a u - I ice Of fi -C- o 7 L-01 . __ ­ J- - f 171. ^. z o un e T,�__ _nfcr_-_:o_ cr a -he �ouncJl ----t aE; of _di t'or-;L- h)ol 4ce office-s, ;:Zul be a`viseG tle -ic� s-:)ul,.. ­e _'s EC �-_�C_­. or. r3 fe he t C., V-'7 3o--- C,�, -d A .3 b an:�� ",,Ll ifo­., as _=`,)_:,banh v 'T'T Lester _u c e r �p u for 01-`'.;oodworthp City y _�tto:-nay, tha�l du-r-in- the _ ­ior 71'Ood-,,;.­_t.-. had been. 'ty 'oun,_-i' of C=Unic_°tion with .;it­ Lrtin of the Ci e c- Los - les res:)ec i,- -- -,,e opoce, improve::-,ent of ! t a, `- -artin ' -a� -e ro u the approval of the jit:.- Council t*.,,-- _it­ Los lin­_Ies to said proposed im,)roverlent. 64K, 3tTS L mss . :.:ova;: by Cou - iln:a_ Binder , seconded b-.,- Council;..an uero° t"-.a' Eesolution -'o. _2-�2, entitled. :L S =L=)O, C ., .` = �LT- 3:3CI 209 C-_ :,.__._ .,177 C" .;1 'T%: C77 _� . __,,_..t�.7�y., .i�._...li:w_ ©1+ 1P.:] 25 q7h JZ V_ eta.. .JAL i -_ ('` 2 —WC: , _iich ,as read be adoi,ted. Carried by the followin . vote: 3inder, ayes : Counc Il ' eJ/ Selb : and Love. -:oes: None. r osent : Councilman IL imr:el. :o further business ap,,ea_rir._- to be transacted at this meeting-, i Yi c 77veC1 bV vJU1C41 `' - � 1"°T Selby, that 1�8G � vOUT C1 erow, seC7 t =: e etin.` C;&rr ied. es_Dectfull :- submitted, i>.pproved: Cite C ark. ayor. Q