1931 MAR 11 CC MINK, 57
El Segundo, California.
!:arch 11th, 1931.
n re7ular me -ting of the City Council of the City of '1 S undo,
California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. :..., on the above
d_;te, in the Council Chamber of the :%itt, :!all of said City, by
aeor.� Love, ::,a, or.
Councilmen Prssent: Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Lore.
Councilmen "bsent: None.
R DI =;1 C _i U.a .....
ne minutes of the reSular m:eotin7 held on the 4th day of !.:arch,
1931, were read. No errors or omissions appearin:;, it was moved
by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the minutes
'.,e s:.7):;rc.-ed as read. Carried.
7RITi'_::. 30:.I_vi IC;.TI'. J.
7ne following co=unications were rear and disposed of as indicated:
C::LI-;C -'::L. 7 -,TS0 COl;it�r_ V, d;- ted ':arch 9th, 1931,
r__ues in_ permission to r =ziace certain Toles within the City of
1 Segundo. i'oli o•;;in- considuration of the said anrlication, it
eras Moved b,r Councilr�-n 31nwer, seconded by Councilman Krimmel,
that sub:.=_ct to the prior a.or_rov ^1 of the Street Superintendent of
the Citv of -El Segundo, Southern California Edison Company be and
it is hereb7 _-!ranted per•,nisEion to replace poles in the Alley Bast
of Loma Vista Stre-:�t, approximately 155- ft. ?orth of Pine &venue
an: 309 feet L,crth of Pine _'venue respectively, provided the work
is prosecuted an:_ com ^_lete;: to the satisfaction of the Street
Surerir_te ^dent of the City of -1 Se-c-undo, California. Carried.
LC '.;IS DO--Z?, and D WI'" 1133S, :architects, dated :.:arch 11th, 1931,
rc_uesti_,r consideration in the :-atter of the selection of architects
in connection with the proposed public library building for the City
of isl Segundo. On motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by
Cour.ciL^ian Selby, which carried un..nimously, the Clerk was instructed
to avise the arnlicants that the City of ::1 Segundo is not in the
-market for arcaitectural services at this time.
0.%LII'C�? :I« SE'..*n1- . 02 l_JS11: L '�I �) ', dated i.:arch 6th, 1931,
a ~nouncinr the 1931 Siring Conference of s ^.id association, to be
hel:. in Ventur< , tali: o_nia, ...arch _93rd and 24th, 1031, and re;:sesti: g
t_Z_ =.t r3presentatives of this City- be aut orized to attend said
conference. The communication w.s ordered filed without the
appoint--.ent of a re_.r3sentative.
_.S�CCL' :_�TJ_" IT: S _._' COU7 Y, announcing a
C FLeL. ,S C_ L0� l ,
luncheon meetin,- of the C41'_fornia County rlanninr Commissioners
l.esocl :_ ion, to be heir at ,.hittier, California, Saturd= y, :,:arch
1Si. Ordered filed.
dated 1,arch'4t-h, 1931, .�
Deis' i ieisl._-,i :re 3ullet4r. ::o. 5, re_--)ectinr� the introduction
c`' Snna-�e 3iL_J _.os. ;:2c and 527, ,hic'_. :, among other things, provide
that -.a1 fin -s and forfeitures imposed for violation_ of all city
orcinences regulcti E- traffic, shall be deposited in a new fund and
ex -ended by the Ccunt-v exclusively, and Besse _ :bls� Bill : :o. 573, :hick
rovides that where an arrest is ma-de by a County or To :•:nshir officer
for violation of a_ State law, the resultant fine and /or forfeiture
shall be raid into the Count;; Treasury, not!• :ithstanding the fact that
the e,pens_ of maintainin,7 the trial court is borne by the City or
58 K1
n ^roved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Selby, that
the follovin:- resolution be a opted:
R -EaOL-�`ED, that the City Council of the City of '_E1
Segundo, California, does hereby go on record as being
opposed to the adoption of the le illation contemplated
in Senate Sills ?;os. 526 and 527, and ksse:_�bly 3-ill �o.
573, heretofore presented for the consideration of the
State Le_ --isle_tu_re of the State of California, and the City
Clerk of the City of it Se_undo is hereby directed to
a: ,rise the State Senator and zLssemblyman re_resentin_ this
iiistrict in the said State Legislature of the action herein
taken and to convey ''he said sentim -_nts to the Lea-_-ue of
California i� :Unici,)alities at San Francisco.
Carried b,r the following vote:
eyes: Councilmen 3inder, .Terow, 11ri=mel, Selby and Love.
woes: 1:0ne .
bsent: 'None.
xecutive Director, 3oulder Dal issociati on, dated
rebrua2v 2�t , 19;;1, bein:` a mimeoorapr_ copy of his letter of said date,
addr --sled to 1.r. 3. : :ache s, fvasnin� ton, D. C., ras-,ectin_- the
;.qtr ^ncl_u ,+ater 3istrict of Southern California. Ordered filed.
C 3. CC_. =. _..IC ZI0. S.
3aniel aa.'rossod the Council anc ;coted prices on hose
'° ere lasez` ° was advised that his - 'uot -tion
..:._ � OfOh ordered t0 D ?`,l1rC _u ...:, nt: QV1 2i: .
be _,iven Consideration _ the CC:�.:_i ±tee will make the
d-- L, iOr re` :t i n the zu= •chasc,,
..s. 73. Da
of ,he City of _1
roTcr' o ;^h oi'
7ids= _ecuestei e=,)10 _nt `' t t „ ar :, rt
_ y:::' =__„ o; one � ree yep: t . e
:;e-un:' :o, e:a:Ulaini _ : -__at he iS a resident End
t:._ ;i of .:1 ^ n o a_~!c, out of e:r,rlo-, ent, :.nd
hi_ cE :se roula t.--,, __ r __ con_,' ::ration b-17 the Streot
:ere ..error announced recoirt o° a co ..unic_tion from Imperial
re,.uesti :a_ of - _:a11 zuditorium. on
-or the u= posF _old'; a pub!_ c meeting of
_:. __ssoci -tion. It a:,Teari- to the Col c_1 ti:at suc:: meetin.-
t:.. .: e, of the Cit :' =a �: such ur?)ose, is a riatter of
11 �ditor•iu:-, for
_nt _-:Et, it _o.Ted by 3ounci-1171,111 :ri el, seconded by
n 3i lde^ `- t ' - ci be an,-' i t is
�ou cil_ n�_ 1 , �..� TM_ � _ i -.; . :i�h�•;a;, nsso., atio::
to Use t.ie ,udito: ium Ti t'_hout
t. O_ ^. -,.:_ __ mot_ :, l., _e-i `J' foil O ::lily vote:
_:-es: vounc_l :. -on .n: :!r, "' >'0; , .�1 ' ^_'1, �elc,/ ^nG Love.
.Aes: _,On,e.
G cituy 1:•:'i_ Ot "his ime _ ese_. ;eG !and re,_d t,: the ?
-o- = _ of Sql :_: Vl SOr :_ Ci LOS -EIES CU4t?.', v= lfOrni� ,
t 7t d`_: _ brt , 1:,.;1, al�oca ins
on h ^e �� to the ._it of
- ^_e Si.:_:. O`_' ;::.',.�i�'L..7�, -ich sai :, re olutio n, the Clerk
.:a Jcen enclose- t0 hl... In .- CC _ : :Un1C'.tlCn from Sal OcrC'_ to
d_.ted _.r -rch 4th, 19:,1. Seri' Clert: furthe^ reporter' that said
s of y2,60o.7� "-.ad _ctual]7r _. Ce1T re-- b7" the vl``r Ulhder d8.t° Of
-ar ^h 11th, _9 1. upon he=inr- s--id resolution rc zad, it was :coved by
CcunciL:L-.n Seib- , seconder: by Councilman 1 i=l, that the follo :in_-_
res�:,lution be aafio7,od.
vSOL:7 , thst the certified copy* of the
resolution c_° the -;oarlf . of Supervisor_ of Los hn -eles
Count_-, 3aliforn_a, , res nta ; an- read to this
Council t--is meetir_- b: `he ;� - Clerk, be and
the s�.me is t.ere' r ordereC placed on file in the
office of the : -Jt,- Clcr._ of s_,ic for the purpose
of reference;
27 , that te Street
of Sal, vi}.. -' b= a. d he is hereb-
aUt:i�ri Z`='C1 ;�iC 1:15t= 'U:,ti;� -. to 1T1:. -e(Llate' 7r .;0::L-. °,1Cr-
c-' t =:�
Off__ _i- ir_ ^OV�---�?it conte::,lOted in s:.-.d resolutio_
of „<i: Oars of Supe_visors upon the vL_ricus streets
�nc. t .z)i ,fjre� 'her_ in indicated, and in the :Wanner
._nd s;.:. ject to t:ie _- ;ui~ a_:.erts t:_erei: set forth;
.1-1. 'T _�_� �� COL �:i, tslat 'f t'_ y
com race -
_-_t or sai d Or s , thi f =�reet . shall cause
said to be dili-ent1v prosecuted t.:�reaf ter until
the funds referred to in s: -id' co =.unication s ",all have
been e ;Lri ;ustec -'cr the purposes therein indicate--`;
3y I1 - -1ZOL:rLD, t_--at said Street
Su_er_ntenden' shall kee_ a full ant accurate account
o_ t-, e ex-cen,:.itvres made in connection with, the prosecu-
tion of such ,ork, so that same may be properly charc-ed
a•_ -_ns� saic ^*-_oun_t so ailoc .t.w b- said Soard of Super-
Ca_�ried :r- 'he vote:
byes: Councilmen. 3inder, serow, Krimmel, Selb7- ant Love.
:toes: ::one.
:absent : None.
ine City C1er1. reporter: at this time that, in his opinion
it !.ould be advisable to orovide a special fund to crecit the '2606.78
received from the Soard of- uper,isors pursuant- to the resolution of
s"i_. oard o° ,ebrua ^ 2 "'a, 1931, and su_ested furt':er t='at the name
of sai fund should be "Count- hid Street Improverert Fund ='o. 1
It was thereu, on roved by Col-mcilran. Kril=l, seconded by Councilman
zero,,, than the .:ity- Olerk be an- he is _c -eb7- authorized n:: instructed
to opon a nelr; fund in the boots of the Oit;,: of L, Sec-undo, to be named,
des`,-nated and known as "County --iid Strs-t Improver:,ent Fund .:o. 1 - 1931 ";
that the sum of :2606.76 received from the Count -, of Los An -eles, pursuant
to resolution of the Soard of Supervisors of said County, adopted on
the 27th day of February *, 1931, be crec.ited to said funf and that
ex, :�enditures for tl.e work contermlatec in sLid resolution of said Soard
o° Supervisors, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of
said Cit" and hereb-- referrer: to nor i'urther particulars, be charged
".i ^_st sai:_ -Ln, from time to time as the work of lm:?� ovemant contemplated
in said resolution pro;::ress --. OarrieC by the follor ;in_- vote:
ryes: Councilmen 3inder, sero ^:, Y- ri=el, Selby an Love.
.,oes. none.
hbsent: done.
The Ohief of ;olice re sorted that the work of installing 'he
'ava torleS °rani toilets in the City jail, as hereto- -'Ora ordered by this
Council, hcs oee:- com lete4.
• acne.
Councilman introducer Ordinance ::o. 175, entitled:
':)" - -- -
L. CIS_ 0r LL
li l..�, _'�.� i•.____�. .71I / v1.1 `r, T�L _ O V
.._ -. L.� 1�._ !>.17, .�'. IJ. - LY
t•,S L -T 27: , TO LL S:JC_:J 30;)1..,,'_ -�,
whi h was read.
J-4 5`
60 K,
1:oved by CounciLmar: Selby, seconded by Councilman uerovs, that the
purchase of three 30 x 3' tires and two 32 x 4= tires for use of the
Street Depe_rtment, and three 30 x 3-1: tires for use of the eater
Department, be and the same is hereby authorized, at a total cost of
not to exceed 475.00. Carried by the followin vote:
hyes: Councilman Binder, 3eroc;, Selby and Le-. *e.
:does • None .
Absent: i;one .
i�o further business ap_cearinJ to be transacted at this meetin --, it
was moved by Councilmar_ Gerow, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
City e j