1931 MAR 04 CC MINi 5 El Segundo, California. March 4th, 1931. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock r. .. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City hall of said City, by George Love, Itiayor. -ROLL CtU ll. Councilmen Present: Gerorl Selby and Love. Councilmen Absent: Binder and Krirmmel. Councilman Krimmel appeared at the meeting at this time, the hour being 7:01 o'clock P. 1 ". and he immediately took his seat at the Council table. R � IDII:G OF :.:LT:'JTES OF PREVIOUS .1:F.TZ':G. The minutes of the regular. meetinc- held on the 25th day of February, 1931, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Kri --nel, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. a mom_ =T1101 The followin_ com.^iunica ±ions were read and disposed of as indicated: CITE OF LO='7a =AO _, dated February 27th, 1931, extending an invitation to the and City Council to attend. the 'Lhirteenth Lrnual relay Championships of the Southern Pacific Association of the L. A. 1;., to be held at 3urcha.,. Field, Polytechnic High School, 16th and - itlantic Avenue, in Long Beach, !.;arch 7th, 1931, at I o'clock F. Ordered filed. 7 W. u:cKinley, Senator, dated February 26th, 1931, advising that he is in sympathy with the object of Senate Sill No. 386, and that he will be pleased to do anything he can to effect the passage o,' said bill as her - tofore re -.uested by this Council. Ordered filed. S. C. EVA :S, yxecutive Director of the 3oulder Dam Association, his synopsis of a meetin- of the Southwest 'eater League, held at l.:cp;ebsllo igh School, February 21st, 1931. Ordered filed. dated February 18th, 1931, being its Le- isla ;iva 3ulletin 1';o. 64, respectin- Jenate Sills ::os. 52 and 53, which bills said League re_uested that the Council endorse. -ollowin:- discussion, the coin- ,unic--tion was ordered filed. -i--:- h Officer, voun .- of Los tin -.les, dated i1e�ir:la"!' ;�t:7, 11 937_, tieing - •-'port of servic•-S rendered by the LOS nn' ^�_e5 u. ^it ' :_ ilt = Je 1ar•t.:int .�' +1'tY in the vity. Of ::1 'Se Tundp, .,yri.,_. }rie opt' o° Jnuar�-, 131. Ordeted.filed.• dated _.for_:at-on r: _uested in the resolution - of the -it,- Council ade_te;_ ieru 25th, 1531, r�,spectin:-7 certain ..atL aff-- .cti=i' -' the . -etro ol'tan .pater L1 °yriCt of Southern C lifo= 'n,-a. discussion COIIC rpi. _ t e CoIr.Tnunication, it was moved. b',' Councilmen Selb,: , se:;on uef b-- CounciLmem Kr :nmel, that th:' communication be receiv:d n file:: "o-- the forth.,:.- consideration or -ri_ Counc-= anci t^e motion carried un nim:,usly. 54K, c: v SCL _ .:T IFC' CO:..T.AZZ, dated Larch 2nd, 1931, requesting psr :ission to re- ,lIace a role within the City of E1 Segundo. The said application navin" been approved by the Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Courci>_ -can :ri:mel, that Sout'ern Ca_= fornia Edison Company be and it is :tereby granted permission to repl4ce a pole on the __.orth side of LariYosa "venue, appro.:irately 565 feet +rest of ziillcrest ~treet, this worl: to be prosecute' and com• letev tc the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the amity of -:1 Sep-undo. Carried. ::one. 7-one. CR"L CO:.11111011TIO z . The /Cit-• Clerk reported that dui�in�7 the week he had r::ceived a booklet entitled: "x Survey of ..:nicij)E:l Garbage Disposal" by Dr. L. F. Conti, senior County Veterinarian of the Los r:noeles County Live Stock Department, and that the s_-,se will be placed in the files in his office for use of any municipal officer desiring same. The Cit;* Clerk reported recei pt of a cor-,M.uni cat ion frog. the .,ssoc'�t4 -on of City planners of Los «­.-�les County, reeuesting the _adoYtion o° an ordinance c:,un.:-in~ the name of El Segundo 1venue to El Segundo 3ouleverd; that he had le-,,:rned from the City Clerk of the City of Hawthorne that the City Council of that City, at its meetine to b-:� i_eld :.:arch 9th, 1 31, woull ive official consideration to c:7anr -*n:_- the name of _sallona t_venue, which is the prolongation of L1 Se:�snio nvenuc through the amity of awthorne, and that on hiarch 11th, this Council kill be advised of the action taken by the City of Ha:: thorne . The City Clerk reported that during~ the week a representative of the Counter 3-oard of Supervisors had - a,,vised that Count;; funds, to tre extent of - 2600.00, have been allocated to the City of :11 Segundo, to be used in connection v,ith c"treet improvements, with a view of relieving the unemploy^,r_nt situation, but that no definite date was fixed for payine the money into the City `treasury. None. Fn TII' BILLS. The following deman -'s, :,avin� had the approval of the Committee on Finwnce and Records, were read: ';pater %orks Fund General Fund Lela Dohle R. T. Hutchins I. N. Sumner R. T. Hutchins -1 Segundo herald Jackson Iron 'Norks Inc. Los LnSeles Rubber Stamp ,.ddressograph Company Hersey L:anufacturing Cc. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company srinnell Company Duco -mun Corporation Consolidated Lumber Co. I._. K. Turner Janes Jones Company E. .. French Daniels Hardware H. E. Owens 10C.00 «rericTrn 3itumuls Co. 264.12 40.00 Consolidated Rock. Products 276.45 190.00 Pacific Elect. Ry. Co. 76.45 24.50 E. W. French 141.48 22.50 Graham 3ros. Inc. 54.93 85.00 E. 3. Harris Lumber Co. 71.73 Co. .47 Sun Lumber Co. 92.44 2.22 Edward E. Haase 65.00 156.00 Jackson Iron Works, Inc. 255.00 Fairbanks 1.orse & Co. 291.GC 56.75 S. & I,% Transfer 3 Storage Co.2.98 41.13 Ducormun Corporation 1.42 11.43 E1 Segundo Herald 87.95 3.29 E=ett R. Fitzgerald 25.00 5.07 Grimes - Stassforth Stat. Co. 4.35 28.46 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 2.65 10.60 :Edna L. Harlan 2.00 4.55 Inglewood Book & Stat. Co. 3.25 51.77 Brewer Radio & Elect. Shop 24.87 4833.74 Southern Cal. Disinfecting Co. 37.73 55 . General Fund General Fund B. t'. Rush a Co. 4.00 A. H. Green 54.56 Inglewood :b:otor Company 6.00 J. Powers 49.60 Rich Budelier 4.94 W. Henry 49.60 Carl Entenmarn Jewelry Co. 12.00 D. Raynor 52.70 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 7.22 F. L. Gregory 54.56 El Segundo Post No. 38, A. G. =%ogan 49.60 American Legion Auxiliary 15.00 K. E. Campbell 49.60 Stnndard Oil Co. of Calif. .26 L:. Rahan 52.39 The A. Lietz Co. 4.96 C. 1-;. Angle 49.60 The Foxboro Company 6.00 J. Zivalic 55.80 Standard Fence Company 28.05 G. C. Turney 55.80 Southern Calif. Gas Company 17.76 D. 3oyer 52.08 Dearborn Battery Co. 9.80 W. Hickman 30.38 Concord Service Station 24.80 0. Nelson 24.80 11ir Reduction Sales Co. 8.14 L. Peery 29.76 Langlois Bros. 8.00 P. Lc ";ally 29.45 C. F. Turner 1.00 H. J. Sigler 29.76 Kay L1otor Supply Co. Inc. 15.26 F. Northrup 4.96 Torrance 3rick Co. 12.00 J. S. Burgner 54.56 Victor D. 1.cCarthy, City Clerkl6.84 Fallis Arthur 34.41 Victor D. i�:c'.I rthy " " 25.73 Rex Ryan 29.45 City bf El Se =-undo Water Dept 244.90 A. Cendo 29.76 Daniels Hardware 20.20 C. Crownover 29.45 Peter E. Binder 25.00 C. T. Surrell 29.45 John A. Gerow 25.00 H. H. Graham 29.76 illiam L. k "simmel, Jr. 25.00 J. Schoening 29.76 George Love 25.00 H. Gum 34.72 'rilliam R. Selby 25.00 L. Siebken 29.76 7ictor D. :v:cCarthy 250.00 E. Y'eatherfield 39.06 _eva w:. Elsey 165.00 H. 3arbettini 107.02 :.:iota Curtzwiler 100.00 A. 31eich 34.41 Clyde "roodworth 125.00 J. Stanich 29.45 Don C. Fugitt 53.00 L1. D. Riley 29.45 L. H. I.:cIntire 177.25 A. 3. Herwick 29.14 T. B. De Berry 192.50 A. K. Tennis 150.00 C. C. Havens 165.00 H. McL:illan 140.00 J. d. Cummings 186.00 C. K. McConnell 18.19 E. Morgan 150.00 K. E. Campbell 29.76 George LcLauchlin 176.06 R. T. Hutchins 26C.00 dice Hope 50.00 Lela Dohle 30.00 J. A. Macdonald 165.00 R. F. Ward 205.00 a. T.Uiller 160.00 E. J. Grow 180.00 $6921.03 iZoved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gero„, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman ?index. NE"I 3LSI171ss . iv.oved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to obtain competitive prices on fire hose, and subject to the approval of Councilmen Krimmel and Selb -z . of the :-:ublic Safety Committee,, to purchase 400 ft. of 21" Double Jacketed Cot- tcn'Rubber Lined Hose, coupledg at a cost not Uo exceed %450..00. Carried by the following vote: 1o:,es: Councilmen Gerow, irimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman 'index. 1,:o7ed by Council.*m= Selby, seconded by Councilman Kri.=nel, that the :street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause ali trees to be removed from the parking_ on the Last side of !lain Street bet-.;reen Idariposa Avenue and Oak avenue, and from the .+est side of :.�airi Street between I,:ariposa Avenue and Palm avenue. Carried by the following vote: 56 K, Ayes: Councilmen Geror,, hrimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Binder. The i;iayor advised the Council that on Tuesday, Larch 3rd, rs. Cortelyou of the State 'rlighway Co =..fission had visited this City and had informed him of a change in the attitude of the State Division of ::ighwars with respect to its proposed contribution toward the cost of the improvement of Sepulveda 3oulevard within the City of Zl Segundo, and that under such revised plan, the State and the Counti; woul pay all of the costs of paving :0 ft. of said hi hway for its entirelength. The matter was discussed briefly, definite action beiniz deferred nendin- further consideration. :io further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Serow, that the ..,eeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, pproved: • C r1it ly ule 0 A