1931 JUN 24 CC MIN112 - k,t' E1 Segundo, California. June 24th, 1931. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by George Love, Mayor, Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: ROLL CALL. Gerow, Selby and Love. Binder and Brimmel. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of June, 1931, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by. Councilman Selby, seconded-by Councilman Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. WRITTEN COM1d[iNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: LOGAN R. COTTON, dated June 24thf 1931, advising that he had filed with the City Clerk a sealed bid for performing the annual audit of the books and records of the City of El Segundo for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932. Ordered filed. COUNTY.OF LOS ANGELES, MPARTMENT OF HEALTH, announcing the formal opening of Inglewood Township Civic Center Building, Inglewood, California, June 25th, 1931, inviting the Council to participate in the reception and inspection of the building, in which are located the County Constabulary, Health Department, the Township Court, and the County Welfare Department. Ordered filed. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, DEPART1MENT OF HEALTH, dated June 19th, 1931, being a report of said Department's activities within the City of E1 Segundo as the Health Department of said City during the month of May, 1931. Ordered filed. STOODY COMPANY, dated June 19th, 1931, calling attention to the fact that said Company has been granted several important patents covering its products, and assuring the users thereof that such users assume no liability through such use, notwithstanding alleged malicious reports being circulated by various people. Ordered filed. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, dated June 16th, 1931, requesting permission to set a 40 foot pole in the alley hest of Eucalyptus Drive, 250 ft. North of Mariposa Avenue, and an anchor on pole No. 18893 -T, in the alley West of Arena Street, 250 ft. North of Mariposa Avenue.. The said application having been approved by the Street Superintendent, it was moved'by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the permit prayed for be•granted,.provided the work is prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, dated June 17th, 1931, requesting permission to place an anchor on a pole in the alley West of Arena Street, 45 ft. North of Pine Avenue. Said application having been approved by the Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman Selby, C: 161 seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the requested permission be granted, it being provided that the work be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COMOiffTTiMS. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL C0NMITTEES. The City Clerk advised that Southern California Gas Company had reported a small leak in the gas line at the City Hall, and that he had employed a plumber to test said line, with a view of locating and repairing said leak; that such test and inspection had disclosed one leak which had been repaired, but that another inconsequential leak had not been located. The Clerk was thereupon directed to have additional inspection made and the lines repaired, provided it is not necessary to break into the walls of the City hall, in which latter event further consideration of the Council will be had to determine what course to pursue. The Street Superintendent reported that a. Givalic, an employee of the Street Department, is ill and practically unable to work, and had asked that during his incapacitation his son, Marco Zivalic, be given employment in his stead, so that the family might continue to be supplied with the necessaries of life* r'ollowing consideration, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the Street Superintendent of the city of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to employ Marco Zivalic in the Street Department of said City, during the illness of his father, J. Zivalic, or until contrary action is taken by this Council, or the need for the services of said person ceases, the hours of employment and the rate of compensation of said employee to conform to those heretofore authorized by this Council to apply to the said J. Zivalic. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Binder and .Lriauue1. the City Attorney reported he was filing with the Clerk his letter of transmittal, entitled: "Report of Clyde Bloodworth, City Attorney, in re Metropolitan ,pater District Matters, 1931 ", together with supplementary documents and maps. uNFINISHED BUSINESS. Councilman Gerow introduced Ordinance No. 176, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 174 OF SAID CITY ADOPTED ON THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMHER, 1930, AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ADOPTED BY SAID ORDINANCE NO. 174 by PEEK- RENCE, RFpF:AT•ING AND ELIMINATING SECTION 4402 OF SAID UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, AND BY AMENDING SECTION 3 ^01 THEREO'F, - which was read. NEW BUSINESS. Moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the purchase of two motorcycle tires and tubes at a cost of not to exceed (18.00, for use on the police motorcycles of the City of E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote: i -m-.Kw h A Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Binder and lsrimmel. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, e Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Binder and lsrimmel. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted,