1931 JUN 03 CC MIN-� 6 c c- E1 Segundo, California. June 3rd, 1931. A regular meeting of the City Council of the V'ity of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the 6ity Hall of said City, by George Love, Mayor. BOLL CALL. Councilmen Present: Binder, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Councilmen Absent: Gerow. READING OF MINTMES OF PREVIOUS DEETINGS. Councilman Gerow appeared during the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held 1dAy 27th, 1931, the hour being 7:05 o'clock P. M., and he irmediately took his se-1_t at the Council table. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 27th day of Lay, 1931, were read without error or omission being noted, and were approved as read upon motion of Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Binder, which carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on June 1st, 1931, were read. No error or omission appearing, it was moved by Councilman Selby, seconded by councilman Krimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. ViRM1N CO1r1;UNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: S. C. EVANS, Executive Secretary, Boulder Dam Association, being a synopsis of the meeting of the Southwest Water League, held at the City Hall, Inglewood, California, Friday, hay 29th, 1931. Ordered filed. C. J. S. WILLIA:ZON, dated June 2nd, 1931, calling attention to the Short Course of the School of Citizenship and Public Administration, to be held at the university of Southern California, June 8th to 13th, incl. 1931, with particular reference to the program for the amity and County Planning Section, and soliciting representation of the City of L1 Segundo in the said Short Course. Ordered filed. W. W. NUM', dated i.ay 22nd, 1931, referring to the City Council Administration Section of the School of Public Administration, to be held at the University of Southern California, June 8th to 13th, incl., 1931, and urgins attendance of the !,,ayor of the City Council of the amity of E1 Segundo. Ordered filed. F. E. DICKSON, dated .rune 1st, 1931, calling attention to the rublic Purchasing Section of the School of Citizenship and Public Administration Short Uourse; to be held at the University'of Southern Ualifornia, June 8th to 13th, incl. 1931, and recornending participation in the same by the City of El Segundo. Ordered filed. PLAT, MA.RWICK, MITC'.i'':LL & CO . , dated .•,ay 27th, 1931, with which was enclosed a sealed bid for the audit of the books and records of the City of E1 Segundo for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1932. Ordered filed for future reference. STA E COI, ° °7S :TIO ^T IP�SL -RLI CE MM, dated r:zy 29th, 1931, advising that after full consideration of the facts in the case of J. Zivalic, injured '$y 6th, 1931, it rejects liability for the present condition of the =nicipal employee, as such condition is not the result of his injury of said date. The cormmnication was ordered filed and the / Street Superintendent instructed to advise the said employee of his right to apply to the industrial Accident Co=ission for a hearing, should he care to do so. C. J. _-ZA1,30 & CO., dated ::.arch 31st, 1931, advisin,7 of its completion of the regular quarterly audit of the accounts and records or the various officesand departr.,ents of the amity of -1 Segundo for the cuarter ended i.:arch 31st, 1931, with which letter was submitted a state..mert of r:,ceipts, disbursements and funds for the same period. Ordered filed. D. 2. 11'r-"AGUI], dated June 2nd, 1931, 1`0Y CAR&iODY9 dated June 2nd, 1931, HO':ARD G. DI±�;iID7Iv, dated June 2nd, 1931, each being apulication for appointment as Police Officer of the ::ity of El Segundo. .moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Uouncilman t�erow, that these applications for employment be ordered filed for future reference. Carried. - P. TITIOlq_ OF J. F. ABS "r`_I✓3, and eighteen others, residing in that portion of the pity of El Segundo, lying - I'asterly of Center otreet and within a district r.:ore particularly described in said petition, requestin_ that proceedings be taken in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled: "bn i.ct to provide for the ormation of Districts within idunicipalities, for the Acquisition or Construction of certain Improvement �,orks and =ublic tilities, for the Issuance, oaie and rayment of bonds of such Districts to meet the cost of such a- proveuents, and for the Acquisition or Construction of such Improvements ", approved -ay 24th, 1927, for t'--e formation into a municipal improvement district to be known as "Act of 1927 Lmnicipal Improvement District io. 1 of the City of El Segundo ", for the purpose of creating an indebtedness to be represented by bonds of said district, the proceeds from the sale of which shall be used to pay the cost and expense of securing lands, rights-of-way and easements necessary in order to wid=en and extend that certain public street, co:;mmnly known as Arizona Drive, bet,�,een Collin wood Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue, within said i.:unicipal Improvement District, and the improvement of said street by the construction an: completion therein of cement concrete curbs, and gutters, and of an asphaltic pavement. The City Clerk reported having checked the signatures on the said petition and having found the same to be sufficient, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Gerovl, and unanimously carried, that the said petition be referred to the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo for the preparation of the engineering data requisite to comply with the re_uest of the petitioners, and to the City Attorney for the preparation of the legal proceedings necesary to accomplish the purposes set forth in said petition. None. None. Ot`,' L CO : i"2T TICATIO -,S. REPO_ °,.G OP S`iii:�Ii�G CG:.I.ZTT=S. Ez-O S OF LIM SPLCIA1, =1:I71TES. The .Cit y Clerk reported that _. :r. Yreming and Idichener o; ' the Unem�loymelit Stabilization Bureau of'the Cowity of Los Angeles, had recuested a meeting with -the Souncil and. other prominent and influential citizens of the community, for the purpose of forming a local committee to advise with a County wide committee, respecting' unemployment and the stabilization of wages, with particular reference to public contracts, whereupon, by general consent, it was agreed to meet these gentlemen at S:OC o'clock P. ;�:., Wednesday, June 10th, 1931, and to invite representatives of the local schools, industries, civic, fraternal and religious bodies to attend said meeting. The City Clerk reported that :y's. Emery E. Olson, Director of the School of Citizenship and Public Administration of the university of Southern California, had called him on the telephone this date to urge that the amity of yl Segundo provide for the attendance of at least one of its officials at the Short Course to be held at the University 1041�� � c June 8th to 13th incl., 1931, and thereby maintain its attendance record of three previous years. After discussion, it was indicated, by general consent, that the Council is not disposed to have any of its employees participate in the Short Course this year at the City's expense. The City Attorney reported receipt of a bulletin announcing a pre - publication price on volumes of the Codes of California, a set of which he recommended be purchased for the City; whereupon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, for use of the City of E1 Segundo, one copy each of the Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Penal Code, Political Code and the General Laws of the State of California, at a total cost of not to exceed $50.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: None. . The City Engineer advised that Chief Engineer Eaton of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, had called him respecting the City's desire to drill test wells for the disposal of surplus surface waters, which accumulate in certain of the public streets of the City of El Segundo, and indicated the County's desire to proceed with the work at this City's convenience. MUINISHED BUSUESS. The Clerk at this time drew attendtion to the letter, dated June 1st, 1931, of S. V. Cortelyou, District Engineer of the Division of Highways of the State of California, which was received and filed on said date, requesting assurance of the Council that the improvement of Sepulveda Boulevard will proceed within a reasonable time, this information being desired so that the Division of Highways would be guided in the letting of contracts for the improvement of the State Highway from El Segundo to Venice. By general consent, the City Clerk was instructed to advise Y4r. Cortelyou that a petition for the acquisition of certain lands necessary and for the improvement of Sepulveda Boulevard had been filed with the Council this date, and referred to the City Engineer and the City Attorney for the preparation of the necessary engineering and legal proceedings and that the matter would progress from this point in the manner contemplated by law. PAYING BILIS . The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Countv Aid Fund 4.96 24.80 24.80 9.92 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 9.92 4.96 4.96 9.92 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 19.84 $158.78 Water Works Fund Matt Roncevich 4.96 G. C. Turney Fallis Arthur 6.82 D. Boyer E1 Segundo Herald 22.50 C. H. Angle Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 1.87 A. Herwick Vick -Far Company 7.20 H. J. Bigler R. T. Hutchins 40.00 A. Bleich Lela Dohle • 90.00 C. Crownover I. 'N. Sumner • • 190.0C E'. HobEjan A. Cendo 26.66 H. Graham F1: R. Hickman 4.96 H. Gum A. Siebken 52.70 J. Schoening C. T. Surrell 6.82 C. L. Wilson Ethel Grimes 18.09 E. Weatherfield R. T. Hutchins 39.00 L. Peery 511.58 J. M. Dowdy C. T. Surrell Putt Roncevich Fallis Arthur Countv Aid Fund 4.96 24.80 24.80 9.92 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 9.92 4.96 4.96 9.92 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 19.84 $158.78 General Fund J. S. Burgner 60.00 F. L. Gregory 60.00 A. H. Green 54.56 J. Powers 49.60 M. Rahan 54.56 A. G. Bogen 52.08 D. E. Raynor 54.56 G. C. Turney 44.64 K. E. Campbell 49.60 W. Hickman 17.36 W. T. Eubank 21.39 D. Boyer 24.80 C. H. Angle 24.80 W. Walker 102.44 W. Henry 49.60 A. Herwick 12.40 J. Zivalic 41.23 H. J. Bigler 16.43 A. Bleich 17.36 C. Crownover 19.84 E. Hobson 16.43 H. Graham 18.60 H. Gum 11.47 J. Schoening 17.36 F. McNally 24.80 C. L. Nilson 19.84 L. Whitson 24.80 Rex Ryan 24.80 E. Weatherfield 14.88 L. Peery 24.80 J. L. Dowdy 19.84 C. T. Surrell 14.88 idatt Roncevich 11.47 Joe Bender 13.64 H. 3arbettini 35.88 Felix Daver 24.00 Fallis Arthur 2.48 The Lammens Process Co. Ltd. 14.00 E. B. Harris Lumber Co. 1.90 Inglewood Lumber Co. 55.92 D. A. Wilson 25.00 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. .53 Underwood Typewriter Co. 7.50 Clyde Woodworth 7.95 Southern Cal. Gas Co. 11.08 Ruby C. nimble 2.90 :ay Motor Supply Co. Inc. 11.01 Pacific Toro Company 6.50 City of E1 Segundo Pater Dept.236.41 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 83.32 y, coq / General Fund Peter E. Binder 25.00 John A. Gerow 25.00 William A. Krimmel, Jr. 25.00 George Love 25.00 William/R. Selby 25.00 Victor D. McCarthy 250.00 Neva M. Elsey 165.00 Minta Curtzwiler 100.00 Clyde Woodworth 125.00 Don C. Fugitt 53.00 Y. H. McIntire 177.25 T. B. DeBerry 175.00 C. C. Havens 165.00 J. A. Cummings 186.00 A. K. Tennis 150.00 H. McMillan 140.00 C. K. McConnell 16.35 Ethel Grimes 5.72 R. T. Hutchins 260.00 Lela Dohle 28.00 R. F. Ward 186.00 E. Morgan 153.35 George NbLauchlin 175.71 Alice Hope 50.00 J. A. Macdonald 170.00 E. J. Grow 150.00 A. T. Miller 151.50 E1 Segundo Post #380 American Legion Auxiliary 15.00 American 3itumuls Co. 635.38 Consolidated Rock Products 366.50 E. A French 56.45 L. A. Decomposed Granite Co. 30.42 Pacific Electric Ry. Co. 112.85 Graham Bros., Inc. 117.00 Rodeo Land and Water Co. 78.65 San Pedro Ranch Nursery Co. 80.00 B. G. Lewis 2.57 ;Malibu Potteries 140.78 P. E. Robinson 25.00 E1 Segundo Herald 84.75 Burroughs Adding b;achine Co. 7.75 Edna E. Harlan 3.35 Southern Cal. Disinfecting Co. 13.25 Rich Budelier 14.21 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Q ompany 5.00 C. F. Turner .50 Daniels Hardware 118.35 John J. Sylvis 25.00 X6695.97 E07ed by councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and _paid out of the respective funds coverin7 the same. Carried by the following vote: byes: Councilmen = index, Gerow, Krimntel, Selby and Love. QqSA 1 ::one. Absent:. Hone. 1 'EN BUS L , :, SS . :::over b:, Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the rzhase of three tires for use on the Dodge Touring car of the City of El O nur_dc be and the same is hereby authorized, at a cost of not to exceed 2 5.00. Carried by the following vote: 106 K Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, hrimmel, Selby and Love. Noes: None. Absent: None. No further business appeasing to be transacted at this meeting,. it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Ci rk. Mayor.