1931 FEB 25 CC MIN�, 51
E1 Segundo, California.
r'ebruary 25th, 1931.
A regular meeting,, of the ;ity Council of the City of sl Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. L. on the above
date, in the Council �,hambar of the City Hall of said amity, b~ the
amity Clerk, the ..ayor bein:Z absent.
Councilman 3inder was unanimously chosen :..ayor pro -tem, and he
immediately assumed the duties of the :.:ayor.
Councilmen Present: :�erow, t.rimmel, Selby and Binder.
Councilmen Ibsent: Love.
OF 1,=T, yS OF P_�;VIOUS :.: 7I ='G.
The minutes of the regular meeting laeld on the 18th day of
February, 1931, were reed. No errors or omissions appearing, it
was moved by Councilman 'ierow, seconded by Councilman hrimrlel,
teat the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
fhe following communications were read and disposed of as
CO.— TANT Y, dated 1 ebruary 24th, 1951, which was
a reply to• the letter of the amity Clerk, dated rebruary 16th, 1951,
and which advises that the pity's liability resultin&- from accidents
caused by the use of employees' automobiles in the City's business,
and referrinL- particularly to the use of the pereonal automobiles of
members of the L'l Se-undo r'ire Department, is covered by said
uo.:.pany's Police i;o. LAU. 456168. Ordered filed.
O b'�h C0 :_7.-.'TI�;__TIO7 —.5.
:s. Chas. `blin,,, representin& Policy holders Service
corporation, explained to the 0ouncil the nature of his Comnany's
business, which consists of surveyin,, , analyzing, auditinG and
abstracting insurance polices for the purpose of ascertaining
whether or not the amity's interests are properly protected
throu h such policies and recor=.ending, such additional coverages
as said uom'pany feels the °t - should ac _uire. umerous questions
were asked the gentle man concerning the service of his company,
an' the -nature of its contrLct i:iti_ clients, after which he was
informed that the council would ;ive his proposition consideration.
_.. _.r l..'. :..� \.i 1l'1...,I., ,S 'J 11.x. 3.
t _,R o :. :_ITT��. 1 :3
Pursuant to .. _uiry of membe s of the Council, the amity
._tterne- outlined tae croceaure re_uired to be followed by cities
desirin Or C onsidorin _.=� ;a;iOri t0 the i:.etropolitan 'mater
c-t of Saut.'lern Cali - ,ornza� v.hrreupon it was .= -Tel' "1Jy �Oune lman
aerow, seconded by Jourcll=ar :jri=ei, tha4 the following, resolution
be adorted:
:ESOL �O, that the _4 t7, -,lerk of the City of
-i Seundo, California, on behalf of said City,
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed by
the ity council of sail ity, to ap,ly to the
Controller of t,,-,e i._etropoltan "eater District of
Southern �,alif'o_nia, for a statemont showing the
amount of to bondec P--if- other indebtedness of seid
district, the assessed value of the taxable
property therein accordin- to the most recent
assessment, and the names of all municipalities,
the areas of which are included r.-ithin said
district, in accordance with the provisions of
Subdivision � of Section 9, of that certain
Act of the Le islature of the State of California,
entitled : "An Act providing for the incorporation,
government and management of hetropcliten rater
iistricts, authorizing such districts to incur
bonded debt and to acuire, construct, operate
and mana(;e works an property; providing for the
taxation of property therein and the perfornance
of certain functions relatin =- thereto by officers
of Counties; provic.'in` for the addition of area
thereto and the exclusion of area t1lerefrorr., and
authorizing municipal corporations to aid and
participate in the incorporation of such districts ",
approved !gay 10th, 1927, as amended to date.
Said resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen serow, s i=ael, Selby and Binder,
^ ?oes: None.
&bsent: Councilman Love.
U'=- :IS: 3 3USI'_ZSS.
moved by Councilman. Selby, seconded by Councilman uerow,
that Se;-undo Fire Department be and it is hereby granted
permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of
i.a_Tch 17th, 1931, for the purpose of holding, a dance, no charge
to be made for such use. Carried.
i.:oved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Krimmel,
that the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Se -undo be and
he is hereby authorized and directed to cause cement curbs to be
constructed in the North side of 1 %:ariposa Avenue between Main
Street and Richmond Street, and in the Last side of Richmond Street,
bet-r:een :,:a: iposa i�venue and Palm &venue, all of said work to be
done by force account. Carried by the follos;inz- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen .erow, E.Tim.:.el, Seib.-7 and Binder.
:Toes: None.
absent; Councilman Love.
i:oved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that
t.e Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to purchase twenty tons of ria� stone for use in the Library Park,
at a total cost of not to e:_ceed W290.00. Carried by the following
...yes: Councilmen roe,, Frinraol, Selby and Binder.
i;oes: None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
-'.o further business aonearin-- to be transacted4at this meeting,
it.was moved by Councilrai n CeTow,_secondad by Councilman.Selby, that
t'.'--e meeting- adiourn.. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Cit C .
L`_ayor. e T-