1931 APR 01 CC MINK,65 Zl Segundo, California. • tiprll lst, 1931. regular meetin:-I of the•Cit;;* Council of the City of _­1 Se--,mdr , California, wE_s called to order at- 7:00 o'clock P. i.:. on the a`_�ove date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, b- i.eorge love, _..ayor. ROLL C;,LL . Councilmen Prevent: Binder, Terow, 5el'o- end Love. Councilmen rbsent: Fuim7_e1. R BI 3 OF I =.S OF P� __7I0131S 1=1=71. The minutes of the re_ular meting held on the 25th day of Larch, 131, Were read. ' :o errors - or omissions a,cpearing, it was moved by Councilr,-= uero:r, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the minutes tie ar, roved as read. Carrie:. __.e folloTinr-corzaunicatiors were recd and disposed of as indicated: - Executive Director, Boulder Dxr �,.ssociation, received 151_1, being a mimeographed copy of his report on the e` °_nom of the Southwest �ziater Learrae at S: n Diego, held :.:arch 21st, - l mil. Ordered filed. C IriiR :La L i;3_il«' OCIkTI0_,, dated I:Iarch 26th, 1931, requesting the Council-to purchase advertising space in the Growth and Progress ::umber of the California Heal Estate L:agazine, to be- C, in June, 1�3C. Ordered Filed. -Sa IO L- NSURA, CZ FLT-M, dated March 30th, 1931, being a circular letter, explaining that •b,- reason of existing economic conditions, the dividend usuall-y paid by the Fund vrithin ninety days follcwinV the expiration of the policy will be deferred until approximately nine months thereafter. Ordered filed. :.:r. Earl R. Patton, 210 Concord Street, F1 Segundo, made application for appointment -as a Police Officer of the City of yl Sec-undo. The ia.yor informed the applicant that the Council had not as *et decided upon any changes in -the Police Department, but that in event changes are mad_, his a_Y_lication will be considered with ethers which, have been filed. Councilman i�rimr..el appeared at the meeting at this point, the hour being 7 :11 o'clock P. :.i., and he immediately toot. his seat at the Council table. :.one . • ✓ v. � lvL_w ti J JF-�v LCrL •.COa..l..l ice. .'.the • _.one iLLS The follo:,rin� de_aands; raving had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: 66/x; Water Works Fund General Fund Southern California Tel. Co. 19.48 Pacific Electric Ry. Co. 228.67 St4ndard Oil Co. of Calif. .80 L. G. Blair 21.00 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. .96 W. R. Pierce 21.OG Rice i'ransportation Go. 1.80 E. R. Peterson 21.00 California Pipe S: Supply Co. 36.94 G. Neschke 21.00 Rensselaer Valve Company 26.00 H. A. Cosbey 21.00 Deco: -aun Corporation 7.06 W. H. Lennon 21.00 Grinnell Company 20.47 J. D• Campbell 21.00 R. T. Hutchins 40.00 J. W. i.:iller 21.00 Lela Dohle 100.00 L. R. Gunn 21.00 I. :. Sumner 190.00 C. K. :icConnell 21.00 H. E. Owens 24.80 C. K. w :cConnell 16.00 A. Siebken 34.72 R. T. Hutchins 260.00 Y503.03 Lela Lohle 30.00 R. F. Ward 205.00 E. Lorgan 150.00 County Aid Fund #1 George LIcLauchlin 176.20 Latt Roncevich 9.92 J. A. Lacdonald 185.00 . Owens 9.92 A. T. Liller 160.00 0._delson 9.92 dice ope 50.00 L. reer,; 9.92 E. .-. Grow 180.00 H. .7. Sigler 9.92 Jzm rican Bitumuls Co. 697.23 r:. 3. = :erwick 9.92 Consolidated stock Products 434.55 H. I i . Grahau, 9.92 Graham Bros. Inc. 63.25 ". Sc'oenng 5.92 Gordon- Harrison - Russell 4.50 H. Gum 9.92 Chas. G. Tabor 30.00 E. "teatherfield 4.96 1.Ialibu Potteries 454.46 C. C-roe;nover 9.92 J. E. Reddington 25.00 104016 Southern Cal. Edison Co. 1000 United States Fidelity and General Fund Guaranty Company 125.00 ;. Henry 54.56 Edna E. Harlan 2.25 D• E. Raynor 62.00 3urrougus Adding Lachine Co. 1.00 F. L. G regor y 69.44 Los bnpeles Rubber Star. Co. 1.66 n, G. 3ogan 59.52 Grime s- St ass forth Stat. Co. 4.25 K. E. Ca.::pbell 59.52 Crane Co. 5.90 :_. taaan 69.44 George Ipsritch 148.38 60.14 The `��m. H. 1 gee Co. Inc. 13.06 J. Livalic 70.06 Z.ellerbach Paper Company 1.96 G. `arne -r 55.18 General Electric Company 1.09 �. 31eich 29.76 Tyre Bros. Glass Company 21.75 .3• F. Hobson 29.14 'Victor D• %:cCarthy 2.45 G. 3. Davidson 24.80 Concrete 'Lachinery w- Supply Co,1.10 :,:att 3oncevich 24.80 Kay Lotor Su]�_rly Co• Fel i;: Daver 114.00 J. s. l'uc :er w Son 17.50 3arbettinl. JOG010 Counter of LOS -eles 62.50 .. Or;ens 4.96 Stand: rd Oil Co. of Calif. 117.22 D. TO,r r 60.14 ::g:_eler L Lasser Seed Co. 4o67 . :sic�r: 3.65 t of El Segundo -litter Dept. . ." _son 43.75 277.C4 L - . =er;;r 30.36 C1t-r Of :;1 S.,- .ado 335.26 . :.:c --ally 2:;.45 E. uarris LiiL r Co. 17.82 29.7E Sout -:ern us Com. :,an r 16.20 . S. -ter nor 70.6 E 54.56 3. �; c . Powers 49. t0 re er E. Binder S.OG = L. t hur : 2 : orn Oror 25.00 _ -. -_• .._..__.w.._ ,JV Jam. i.7.i. Y• Kra ^-::e_, vr• 4:,.OG . S c..,, -I r. 29.7C eor,?e Love __• .._ 39.0E .i11il"�_ R. Jelby 25.UG 14.�,b "lictor D. ;. :c.��rt : :- 25C•00 �. ..e _-er _ e I d 35.03 eva ... Z.LS e 16 5•10. G L:inta : urtzv,iler 100.00 � .4o Ciyae aodwort_, 12;,.00 0. Z6; :3C :ion 53.cC 1-096 T. 3. De3er7;r 17 .00 C. cravens CC J: �. Cumin :s 156.0. v t.., t-. ---.enni s General Fund 1�C.00 21.00 w1.CC 21.GC U.00 21. CO 21.00 H. .. :ci.:ill= F • • ti . + C) H. Sarber C. 3i..ler . :.:c 1 ..auc}_1 is Tiger C. Cs:npbell ;� • Jess�rt Jmith :_. Soeuto General Fund 1�C.00 21.00 w1.CC 21.GC U.00 21. CO 21.00 H. .. :ci.:ill= F • A• :..acdonl::_Id 0. H. Sarber D. L. rancher F. Tiger L. ;� • Jess�rt T. �. Dinwiddie L. :. Loe F. J. _Hojie General Fund i.:o.red Co:ncilr�n.i� i 1, seconded by Count-­"r­ EE:lb-, -, at ti-. be .iloC;eu °i. _aT:,art_, d_•ati,n On 2_".1:1 - - out Of '}lam 5 i7E f_ i �� Cove:i* - ;''?e s: ._­. Carried b-r the followin'' Tote: 14C. CC' ti._ . C L c1.CC .CC 2i. 0C wl. 0 2.1. CO �1. CC 21. CC S52z.66 ero-, ri,�e1, 5elb�- and Love. .,Des: .Tone . i_bsent t :'o ^.e. Loved Ov Councilm n 3inder, seconded b r Coui ciLmzn re r0:' , that L� 1;_SE O; i -1� " to-1e of ii s% meal, at �p5v.GC Cer to �. a.n 1CC TurdS " Ol fe tili�er, w2.75 _ er varc -, be an:- the same is .:ere",- a�.t':ori� d +ctal cot . taereof not to e.:ceed y44C.00. Ca_rrIed by t'--e follow;,,— -r:. es: Coulciln 3ind r, Seib-,r and Love. .:one. rib Sent . _.: ne . i_oved by Coun011'.:F,_: _`i_n r, seconded b-�' ` ^. nn - i : t iod_e _To. 507, F. .i. .,.• , be and it is tiiereb:. �"- rannted D emiss: ion to use the City -.a11 rlud'_toriuwm on ed- nesda- eveni_i -, ,iril 1_ +thf 1931, in lieu -of usi t ne i c, auditor iu.:_ on ::sil 22nd, no charge to be _::ade for the use c`_' saiu, auditorium on _�c substituted nil-,'ht. Carried bar the follo,+inr vot_ . liT °S: I Uouncil.=en 3inder, Selby r d ,- ..:;�s: _ao_ e. "bse nt: done . i,:oven. by CouncilITian !;_ri:: lE1, seconder;. b-: Councilr.,an :>elby, that the '.--�uperintcnlent of the ;pater Departmn-nt be �r.d Ile is hereby autuoriz :d =d directed to cause a fire hydrant to be ins.t!aIlled at or adjacent to t- corner Of ..ai ^_ Street and UaY >Te- e P.ithill the City of yl Se:.-undo, at a total cost of not to e.:cee ;e1CC.CC. Carried by t --le folio - -: i.-C vote: Tres: Councilnen Dincer., ;,oro—,,. :ri_r7mal, Sel:, -T and Love. Toes: i.one. .ibser_t: _.one. ::o further business a_ eariu` to be transacted at this _eeti-:-, :^ s roved by Councilman GeY-ow, seconded by Counc ilr=n Selby, that the _= eeti.._- ad.curn. Carried. Res -)ectfull•r subaritted, v / 67.