1930 NOV 26 CC MIN2 K"• c
E1 Segundo, California.
Nover:.ber 26th, 1930.
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of it Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. ;.:. on the above
date, in the Council Chamber of the City mall of said City, by seorge
Love, i.:ayor.
Councilmen Present: Gesuw, irirm-_el, Selb- and Love.
Councilmen Lbsent :- 3inder.
_=I" G . :LiOTES Qi " a 0 j
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 19th day of :ovEmber,
1930, were read. Iyo errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by
Councilmman Gerow,'seconded by Councilman 3inder, that the minutes be
approved as read. 6t ° cilman Binder appeared during the reacting of
the rinutes, the hour being 7:02 o'clock P. !�:. and he i=lediately took
his sect at the Council table.
:.01i- U -1 i T C1a1 JO.�S.
she follov:in. co=unications were read and disposed of as
rHo Lrlu1, being its application
for permission to perform certain pole line construction within the
City of E1 Se. ~undo. Said application having been approved by the
Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman 3inder, seconded by
councilman Cerow, t1iat Southern California 'i`elephone Company be and it
is hereb-r granted permission to erect an anchor for a pole heretofore
inst =lled on the South side of E1 Se: -undo avenue Nast of nrizona Drive,
provided such construction work is prosecuted and completeC: to the
satisf::ction of the Street Superintendent of the City of L1 Se.--undo.
':L SLGI i?ip Criu.3Er� OF CO:; , v3CE, LOiiIS� "SS and twentir -six
others, being a petition requesting the City Council to refuse to grant
renewals of existing permits for billboards or advertising signs and that
no :;err.-.its for such structures be nted in the future. Ordered filed.
ZC, that the Fourth regular meeting
of said Lea_ se dill be held at the City ..all, :liverside, California:,
3a t-_LL da :,, _ :cver.,ber 29th, at 1:30 P. , :. , and announcin-- the prograr.-
for said . : :eetin ; Crder'::d file .
i:Q�J.i,S, lv,
sub.:_ittin. a preliminary report to be used in the final study on the
subject of Of he ,pater Sup ly for Sout= ern �;alifornia.
Ordered filed.
-0: dated ?ioveber 7tL1,. 1�'�G, t + :0',pare
ztate_ :tent isS "ued over t._e si. L:ture of 6.. �,. i+vans, - 'Lecutive jec•ret?ry,
S '_ r.S JCi lO :i" v_73 iir ^Se'O° C�� f�rin; t'1° i3 t:: ?OSpilere as t0
in .,. y ne.. stud'. Troup resJectJn, t.ie CO.. St1C water "O 19
° ^e" "�.11f Orn12• C:,d °_'o._ f _J leC.:.
C � �J C'.w � _. _ v -
,,,c ,Our of 7:1- Cl0 .: 1 .._. _:15 _- eetlii "1_ _ - _er.- :t_'for
sea. s't a - .�_te _o= t__e _ c -.__ of .ids °or the sale o
� 1. mss. _ U J' 1
.e cl .. _On - �13E,,f {J_ -„ ', v._ _ca-4 l ler , C. ;Ci .J: i J�
K. 3
v .L1= Cr__ -� , -- _s ,'i fo -' a,:cordinl tC la-P, -Dar_,: ant t0
previous action of this Co•,mcil, 't.ie :..a,,*or announced t_-.o arriva-I of• t'_:
lour of 7 :1� o' c1ocY. r. .._., �:id asi:ed if there were an • perso . or
p_rsons cr:sent .,'.io desire,7 t file ids o^ he ,urc__ase of s iu`
roller a scarifier.
The hour of ?:15 o'clock F. arrived, the
receptio_T� of bids for :urc.iasin - fro.':. the J_ v of El ae -undo o:l_ _' ,elve
Tor. Road Boller .,i Uh Scsr; liar, o-�:nea 3-7 sala City-, Ali a- vertised
for, close:.
he Clerk thereupon announced that no bids ,ad bee received
for the u<c,iase of one T�:elve 'Ton woad roller ,:ith Scarifier, owned by
the ..it-7 of :�1 Se- -undo, California.
The matter was thereupon taken under further advise._ent by the
=ORTa 01 0 r IC_ A3 311_14 `iL�L 00 1..1.T1T•_u' J.
The City Clerk reported that he had been approached by
Councilmen :_C ally and Clark of the City of Redondo Beach, requesting
that the City Council of the City of E1 Sevundo be asked to sign
a petition beinC circulated by these gentlemen, which is addressed
to the 3onora',le Board of Supervisors of Los bngeles County,
etitioning said _.:,odv to construct a wharf or pier westerly from
.�insworth Court in the City of Redondo Beach so as to accomodate
pole fishermen, the location sug7ested being considered in the center
of the best fishing grounds in the South Bay district. The natter
was given consideration by the Council and after such consideration,
it was moved by Councilman 3inder, seconded by Councilman Gerow,
that the said petition be signed b- and on behalf of the City
Council of the City of E1 Segundo, and the motion carried unanimously.
Lii :FIi;I, -I__D Bb3IiT.32i.
_ii'iH BL'SI113S.
Iroved by Councilman Selby, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that
the purchase of two tires and tubes for use on one of the police
motorcycles of the City of El Segundo, be and the same is hereby
authorized, at a cost not to exceed �18.CC. Carried by the following
Ayes: Councilmen 3inder, '. lerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love.
Noes: ;done.
nbsent : i1one.
L"Loved by Councilman Krir,IInel, seconded by Councilman Selby,
that be` ;inr_ing December lst, 1930, and until the further order of
this Council, the hourly com. ensation of D. Raynor, an employee of
said City, be and the same is hereb: increased from 4: -3/4¢ per hour
to 62.� per hour, said compensation to be paid semi - monthly, as other
muhi:'ip:- employees er:;ployed on an .hourly, basis are. -oompensated.
Carried -by the follc :,inS ;..vote :'
eyes: Councilmen 3inder, Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Love.
Noes: None.
:absent: ?done.
Lived 'oar :,ouncilr= Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Gerow,
that the following resolution be adopted:
WAEiI:�,'iS, this Council has heretofore received, at its
meeting of November 12,th, 1930, sealed bids or proposals,
for furnishing said City with certain items of motor equipment,
to -wit: One 1 -1/2 ton capacity, closed cab, automobile truck
with dual rear wheels and two yard garbage dump body, equipped
with hand hoist, and one 1 -1/2 ton capacity, closed cab,
automobile truck with dual rear wheels and one and one -half
yard durip body equipped faith hand- hoist;
as appears of record in the minutes of t *Lis
Council on Page J -747 thereof, all bids received were reiected
an said Council uic , * a -rote of ore than four - fifths of
all of the constituent members thereof, determine that said
motor equipment could be purchased to better advantage by said
'it- y i the open �:arket ;
is :J ri:.ca:7, since the date of rejection of said bids,
said douncil has caused diligent inquiry to be nade respecting
the purchase by the swig vity of the items of Iiiotor equipment
advertised for and pursuant to which bids were received as
this Council has reached a decision rltn
reference to the said matter and does hereby and has determined
and found that the items of motor equipment hereinafter referred
to are best suited for the needs of said City and should
accordingly be purchased in the open market as aforesaid;
O r TF RviOI ;, HE IT R`sSOUIED, that the Street Superintendent
cf the City of yl Segundo, California, be and he is hereby
authorized and instructed to purchase, on behalf of said City,
from Ira y. Escobar, the following items of rotor equipment,
at not to exceed the respective prices therefor set opposite each,
One Ford 1 -1/2 ton capa_it ,'r, closed
cab, automobile truck, with dual rear
: eels and two card garbage dump
body, equipped v:ith hand -hoist - - - Not to exceed v 928.25
One Ford 1 -1/2 ton capacity, closed
cab, automobile truck, vi th dual rear
vi.Leels and one and one -half yard
dump body, equipped with hand
hoist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i4ot to exceed 975.25
i,_otion to adopt the foregoing resolution was carried b7- the following
ryes: Councilmen Binder, Gerow, Krir.:_:el, Selby and Love.
_oes: :+one.
Absent: done.
i::oved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Iirinmel, that
El Seg-,mdo Guild of St. Cross Episcopal Church be and it is hereby
granted permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of
December 8th, 1-30, for the purpose of holding a benefit card party, no charge
to be made for such use. Carried.
_do further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin-;, it
eras r=oved by Councilman �erow, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the
meeting.adjouzrn. Carried.. „
Respectfully submittea,
City .