1930 MAY 02 CC MINEl Segundo, California. Kay 2nd, 1930. A regular meetin€ of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, Californig, was called to order at 7:CO o'clock P. If. on the above date, in the Council Chrmber of the City Hall of said City, by George Love, Yayor. ROLL r:iLL. Councilmen Present: Binder, Krimmel and Love.. Councilmen absent: Cerow and Selby. 11 `DII G OF T"IT'UTEES OF PP.EVIOUS 1: EETINGS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 18th day of April, 1930, were read. No errors or omissions appearing-, it was moved by Councilman Linder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The i6inutes of the regular meeting held on the 25th day of April, 1930, were read without error or omission being noted, and were approved as read upon motion of Councilmen. Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, which carried. EuR. RJNICATIONS. d O The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: "ETROPOLITAA, LIFE IITSUR10TCE CO &IP.L,1Y, dated April 17th, 1930, offering to place at the disposal of the City the facilities of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in waging a clean -up campaign to be directed particularly against the house fly. Ordered filed. EL SEGt7 D0 KI7ANIS CLUB, dated April 23rd, being copy of a resolution adopted by said moody, April 22nd, 1930, expressing appreciation and commendation of the City Council for its efforts in securing and starting work on a City Park. Ordered filed. COTt11ITTEE, I'ETHORIST COM,.MTITY SUI,DAv SCHOOL, dated April 24th, 1930, thanking u the Council for the recent use of the City Hall. Ordered filed. LOS !J7ELES COUNTY I1.F' ,LTF DEPAR71E.NT, reports of the activities of said Department as Health Officer within the City of E1 Segundo for the months of January, February and March, 1930. Ordered filed. P- TITIOP. OF JOHTI F. !C-.,SHIER, and eight others, residing; in that portion of the City of E1 Segundo lying Easterly of tenter Street and within a district more particularly described in the -said petition, requesting that proceedings be taken in pursuant of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled: "An Act to provide for the formation of Districts within Ynicipalities, for the Acquisition or Construction of certain Improvements, Works, and Public Utitilities, for the Issuance, Sale and Payment of bonds of such Districts to meet the cost of such Improvements, and for the Acquisition or Construction of such Improvements ", approved Tray 24th, 1927, for the ib rmation into a municipal Improvement District, to be known as "Act of 1927 Municipal Improvement District No. 1 of the City of El Segundo ", for the purpose of creating an indebtedness to be represented by bonds of said district, the proceeds from the sale of which shall be used to pay the cost and expense of securing lands, riEhts -of way and easements necessary, in order to widen and extend that certain public street commonly known as Arizona Drive, between Collingwood Avenue and Rosecrans Avenue within said P:'.unicipal Improvement District, and the improvement of said street by the construction and completion therein of cement concrete curbs and gutters and of an asphaltic pavement. j5u Upon motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, which carried unanimously, the petition was referred to the City Clerk for checking as to the sufficiency of the signatures affixed thereto, and if found sufficient in law by him, that the said petition be referred to the City Attorney and associate bond counsel, 011:elveny,Tuller & Myers, for the preparation of the legal proceedings necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in said petition. RF'PORTS OF STAITDI7C COi;7 'Im=, ES. Councilman Krimmel of the Public ?,lorks Committee reported that the street sign post at the corner of Loma Vista Street and Grand Avenue, had been damaged by a motor vehicle, and the matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for attention. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL C011=72ES. The City Clerk reported that the Rebekah Lodge desired to use the City :call Auditorium on the evening of May 5th, 1930. roved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that this permission be granted and that the customary rental charje of 3.75 be made therefor. Carried. UI?FINISHED BUSIT ESS. T.Toved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that Ordinance No. 166, entitled: AI? ORDIi?ANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORITIA, CHAI'CID ?G TiH P ?A?: ' OF THt1T CERTAIi PUBLIC STREET OR A'rEl1UE` rlrmnIl? SAID CITY 111-1-77D AIM ITOWN IQ7D col? "ONLY DESICFATED AS COLLINC -7100D AVENUE' TO M?E'RIAL FTIGMIAY, which was introduced and read at a reE.ular meeting of the Council held on April 18th, 19-;0, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen G'erow and Selby. P1YIYC BILLS. The following demands, having; had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Tater 'fforks Fund R. T. Hutchins 40.00 R. R. Douglas Lela Dohle 100.00 A. G. Rogan I. N. Sumner 190.00 A. H. Green C. Be Stallsmith 73.50 J. Powers Triangle Orange County and We Henry Santa Ana Express 1.25 D. E. Raynor Jack Brewer 2.10 B. L. Gregory Addressograph Company 1.10 K. E. Campbell Pacific Mill & fine Supply Co. 16.49 IT. Rahan Grimes - Stassforth State Co. 4.15 H. flcI!,illan Remin€-ton Rand Business Service 6.75 J. _,ivalic Consolidated Lumber Co. 2.14 Ralph Loomis Crane Co. 59.23 G. F. Jones Ducommun Corporation 122.71 J. R. Vaughan R. T. Hutchins 46.63 H. R. Baker E1 Segundo Herald 22.00 We J. A:_yatt -- :688.05 Frank Smith R. F. lard Neva I',:. Elsey 1linta Curtzwiler Clyde 1:90odworth Don C. ' 1Ve -itt I`. - r "cIntire T. Be DeBerry General Fund 190.00 64.48 62.00 62.00 57.97 42.88 64.48 64.48 64.48 57o97 13.02 24.80 24.80 18.29 39.68 92.50 37.50 98.80 165.00 100.00 125.00 53.00 175.00 210.00 ^eneral Fund Ceneral Fund J. _. Cummings 186.00 A. K. Tennis 150.00 C. K. '� "cConnell 16.00 R. T. Hutchins 260000 Lela Dohle 30.00 E. Lorgan 153.35 George P.cLauchlin 185.79 Alice Hope 50000 J. A. I:'_e.cdonald 177.25 A. T. Yiller 160.00 L. J. `'row 165.00 Peter '. Binder 25.00 John A. Cercw 25.00 William krimr,,el, Jr. 25.00 George Love 25.00 ':`illlpjri B. Selby 25.00 Victor D. :7cCarthy 250.00 Crimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 8.25 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 16.55 Schwabacher -Frey Co. 3.75 Inele�--ood Book 8 :tat. Co. 1.25 Victor D. i cCarthy 2.38 extern DecoratinE Co. 31.75 Bancroft- ':hitney Co. 10.00 Los .in`eles Rubber Stamp Co. 1.80 City of Fl Sef.undo .'J'ater Dept. 21.40 Blue Lunch 3.25 L. n. Farnham 12.30 El Segundo post ;�, -38, r_reerican E1 Se-,c�Undo Post 738, American Legion 35.00 Le�:ion Auxiliary 15.00 Dieterich -Post Co. 2.83 Barron Jackson Pump Co. 16.50 Campbell's Tire and Battery C. V. Baird 1193 Service 22.96 Kay P�otor supply Co. Inc. 12.79 Air Redlzction sales Co. 13.00 Converse Pharmacy 12.55 Coast Fishing Co. 71.50 W. J. I:yatt 22.50 S. C. Evans 10.00 High Cre:d.e :into `forks 45.00 American Bitumuls Co. 94.97 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 13.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 87.40 Reid- Pls.tt Company, Inc. 4.25 El Segundo Herald 171.01 City of E1 Segundo eater Dept. 201.91 . 784.80 Yoved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the demands be allowed and. warrants drawn on and paid out of the res- pective funds coverin€; the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: ?None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. "4 1, lY 1 .,M ASS. The Street Superintendent asked permission to remove from a certain portion of the grounds of the Municipal 'later Department that certain tree formerly planted for use as a Christmas Tree and which is in an unhealthy condition, and to remove also the portable band stand, which was erected adjacent to said tree and which has not been used since erection. By E•eneral consent this permission was granted. Moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted: =,REkS, the City Engineer has advised this Council that R. R. Douglas, Assistant City Engineer, desires to resign as of the 3rd day of Yay, 1930; Y09 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the resignation of R. R. Douglas as Assistant City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, be and the same is hereby accepted, effective as of midnight, the 3rd day of 1Tay, 1930; and pE IT =..THER RESOLVED, that R. F. lWard be and he is here- by appointed to the office of Assistant City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, to assume the duties of his office May 4th, 1930; as such Assistant City Engineer, said R. F. Ward shall be under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer and shall hold such office at the pleasure of this Council, and until the further order of this Council shall receive as compensation in full for all services rendered the City of E1 Segundo, the sum of 190.00 per month, which shall be.-paid monthly as other city salaries are paid, and in ad$ition thereto, shall be allowed the sum of X15.00 per month for the use of his personal automobile, which he shall be required to use in the discharge of the duties assigned to him as such Assistant City Ena.neer. Said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None, Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. The Street Superintendent asked permission to purchase tires and tubes for use on certain of the municipal motor vehicle eouipment, where- upon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the purchase of two 30 x 3 -1/2 tires and tubes, at a total cost of not to exceed $22.50, be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. The Nayor announced the appointment of Council Committees as follows: ?LTBLIC SAFETY C012:TITTEE - - - - - Councilman William A. Krimmel, Jr. Chairman. Councilman ;"Tilliam R. Selby, Member. FINANCE U D RECORDS CO111TIT=_ - - - Councilman William R. Selby, Chairman. Councilman William A. Krimmel, Jr. Yember. ?UBLIC SERVICE C01.1 ITTEE - - - - - Councilman Peter E. Binder, Councilman John t.. Gerow, PUBLIC ':?ORT7S COTr7IT'.,'EE - - - - - - Councilman John A. Gerow, Councilman Peter E. Binder, Councilman Krimmel introduced Ordinance No. 167, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DESICNATINC THE CITY HALL ITT AND FOR SAID CITY, AND THE COUNCIL C?iai. ".PER THEREIN; FIXING THE THE APD PLACE OF REGULAP_MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDINC OF SPECIAL ITETINGS OF SAID CITY COUNCIL AI"J REPEr,LING 1iLL ORDINANCES AIM PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, which was read. Chairman. Member. Chairman. Member. The City Clerk reported having obtained prices on theatre chairs for use in the Council Chamber, whereupon after consideration, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Binder, that the purchase of thirty No. 9152 American Seating Company's theatre chairs, to be set up in series of three, with individual arms and on wooden shoes, at a total cost of not to exceed $205.00 be and the same is hereby authorized, the order for such chairs to be placed through Beaver and Matson, E1 Segundo, Cal. Carried by the following vote: Aires: Councilmen Binder, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: .. Respectfully submitted,