1930 JUL 23 CC MINJ603 El segando, California July 83rd, 1930 A regular meeting of the City Coanail of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at TtOO ofol*ak Polo on the above sate, in the Cownoil Chamber of the Citr/ Ball of said City, by George Loco, Ya-yor. LOLL CALL. Councilmen Presontt Binder, Gerow, 8rimol, Selby and Lore. Counoilmon Absent: None. READING or YINUTf s OF mvIous imms. Rte mimtes of the regular meeting held can the 16th day of J1a1y9 1930, were read. No errors or omissions having boon noted, it was moved by Commoilman Binder and seconded by Councilman GGrow that the said sdn- ntos be approved as road. Carried,, =MN oCKW ICATIONS. TTba following oostanications were read and disposed of as indiostedt XRS. L. G. SUS, Corresponding 800retary, Contia Ila Ta11e7 COMR119 Parent Towers Association, dated JAY 16th, 1930, requestiag tut if application be male to Ibis COUn 11 tar a permit to cOnd"t Naarathons within the City of El Segasdo that smh request be denied so that only the best inflnenoes may surround the children sad young people of this oeameeatity. Ordered filed. CAL170MA REAL ESTA4'B ASSOCIATION, dated Jay It** 1990, advioimg that a copy of the "State Growdt and Progress Noaber" of the Real Estate Magazine had boon scat to this City leer perusal sat rogaostiag that in the preparation of the City's batget for the nett fiscal year an appropriation be made to pondt advertising of the City of El 806tgt40 in said magasiae during the year 1931. Ordered ftlod. A1lE8ICAN BITUMbS CHANT, dated MY E18t, 1950, advising that effective My !flat, 1930, now prices per barrel of 48 gallons f®r Bitaals L and I delivered within the City of E1 Segundo are as follosst Bitmals L # 3.16 BituRls H 3 *50 minimum 011very charge 30000 Ordered filed* MIN CONFRMT105 INSURANCE 7G1D9 safo*r Engineering Dopa"Mt, !teem better respecting tote safeguarding of wwpleTorb working conditions sad preferring the services of its safety Dngineoriag Department in solving aooidents and rating problems. Ordered filed. PA*IlIC liLZP M i RTRLNGBAPI CMANT, boimg an api+lioation to perform certain line oonstmetion sort vithia the City of It 80912409 Rte said application hawift been approved 'by the Street Stperintsandeat, it was moved by Ce =11man Selby dad seconded by 0ewt011MM 0110001 that the Paoiflo %lepbono i %legraph Company be and it is hereby granted permission to set one anchor can the North `ids of Mariposa► Avenuo, spproz- t"toly twos foot Easterly of Richmond Stroott eau Maker OR the East side of the alley west of Rid mend Street, &pgrnsimately aimety -fYve foot South of Mariposa Aveaate and to remove one pole from the North side of Mariposa Aveaae between Pain Street dad Eicbmomd Street, all of sold work to be proa►eomted and eampleled to the satisfaction Of the Strout Saperintond- ent of the City of 11 SegtmRo. Carried• j C0511 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, STUN OF CAUPOMA, dated Jltly 1Sth, 1930, explaining the purposes of the statute creating the California Commission On County Hone Rutlej advising that its next meeting would be held in the City of Long Beach ftly 23rd, 1930, and inviting all persons interested to attend. Ordered filed. OMM '!SAIL XUDRIAL ASSOCIATION, INC., dated Jhne 11th, 19309 a foam letter advising that a "ad map showing the relationship of the Sato- mobile roads to the "Oregon 'wail* had been forwarded to this city advising that the Association has instituted a program of completing the marking and monmmenting the historic spots along the "Oreeea Trail* sad requesting the 0~11 to join with oilier forces to seek out spots writers historic events occurred. Ordered filed. J. C. HOLLAND, dated July 22nd, 1950, being an application for a permit to move a one story home building from 711 Bast washingtsn Street, Les Angeles, California, to Lot 20, Block 40 E1 Segundo, California. ibe Building Inspector having inspected the premises described in said appli- cation as required by Ordinance #!0 of the Citf of 11 Segundo, reported that the building proposed to be moved duos not coafora to Building Ordinamses of the City of E1 Segundo il;ers* pea it was moved by Cowell- am Binder and seconded by Ceuneilaam Carew that the request of J. 09' Selland for a posit to move a certain one story building from 711 East Washington Street, Los Angeles, California 1e, a location within the City of 31 Segundo filed with this Council this date be and the same is hereby denied. Carried. J. C. HOLLAND, dated A31y Hind, 193D, being an application for a permit to move a one stoi7 frame building from ns East • ashington Street, Les Angeles, California, to Lot E0, Block 4, It 8e9tin60, California. T110 Building Inspector having inspeoted the promises described in said appli- cation as required by Ordinance #TO Of the City of EI Segundo, reported that the building proposed to be moved does not conforn to Building Ordinances of the City of El Segundo tberm"n it was moved by Council- man Binder and seconded by Councilman Gorow that the request of J. C. Holland for a permit to save a certain one story building lrsm n3 East Washington Street, Los Angeles, California to a location within the City of E1 Segundo filed with this Council this date be and the same is hereby 4enied. Carried. ORAL CCMMMCATIMS0 Yr. Co W. Lewis, M Main Street, E1 Segundo, addressed who Council relativo to bill sent him for water conosmed at his preaioss. At this point, the hour being 7s45 o•clook P.Y., Councilman Binder was excused from fvzthsr attendance at this meeting sad he immediately left the Cou sail Chuimuberj thereafter it me moved by Counoilman 6urew and a000nd- ed by Connollmon Selby that ibo following resolution be atoptods Considerable discussion was had with reference to Us matter of water services at the address rufOrrud by Yr. C. w. Lewis and with reference, to the accuracy of Us motor located theroot and the reading of who sum*. After such discussion it was moved by Couaailm= Ceres and seconded by Councilman Selby that the water SePriatendent be instructed to compromise the disputed Slain for motor sesviees for who month of IftT with tln costumer, C. W. Lowis, !or VW promises at "3 ]fain Strout, Al soganda, California, on tie basis of the minimum monthly fee for services of that Oiar- acter acoerding to who soh.sdule of sates now in offset in the City of 31 Segundo for services on jW Ymnieipal Water Works System of said City; and that in order in satisfy all parties with reference to the accuracy of the motor at who address in ques- tion and is toot the same sad clue recordation of the readings there- of, that the Water Soperiatendeat be instructed to notify salt conasur a reasonable time in advance of each reading for the ensuing three monthly roadings so as to enable said conswoAr to be present at such reading; that the reading for said particular service be recorded in ink and that the Water Superintendent and said Sowromer be requested to place their initials opposite the entry indicating such readings together with the Oats thereof In the Meter Beading Book Of as Municipal Water Departmontj and that at the oxpiratisa of said three months period the Water ' - Begs. Saperintend*nt report to this COVne11 his findin(s risk reference to the said matter. Carried unanimously. BEMTB OP STAllDI11G CMWMMBS. BSPOR" or omens & SPECIAL Cam. Sloe City Clerk infermsd the 00=011 that is his Opinion it mould U desirablo to have tau Public Accountants now auditing the books and resorts of ow City of 11 Soguffio po rform services net eonteag lated in their bit for rising *0 merle as heretofore filed with the Council and rich addition- al work mould entail additional 0e50en86tiea. He stated farther that he felt that this work was desirable by reason of the fact that the tax aecouats as shown in the books of the City are out of lime and that adjustments should 'so msde at this tins *ioh said adjustments *an not be made vatil after a check of the County Auditor's records has been completed. Followima discussion in which hbr. Boumoll (a member of the f1 m of a. No Boseell and Assooiates, Auditors) *ngagod, it was more& by Councilma Germ and asoondet by Counailaam Selby that H. 1. 30=5011 and Asseoiatee, Auditors at present amdittng the books and records of the City of 11 Sagundo for the fisoal year ending Zon*30th, 1950, be and they are hereby sulmwi sed mad direct*& to maps an oxmInat ion of iks tax records in the office of the County Auditor of Los Angeles County, California, as the sago offset the tax aocoaats of the City of 11 Segundo and to report the result of such investigation to this Council with their recomaeadatisas as to such adjustments as maf appear 2*0e98- ary to reconcile the books of the City of 11 SeBunto with these of do said Cousiy Antiter and that for performance of such services said firs be now ossatod as follows, to wits for each Senter Aceountast, 02540 per &q for each dq actually engaged is said work and for each Junior Accountant, 015.00 per day for each dq actually engaged in said work= the set&, cost$ however, not to exsee& the an of $00,000 except mathos.- is" by further &*ties of this Council. Carried by the following votes Ayes Councilmsa Gorew, Lrimsel, Selby and Lon. Noes$ Bone. AbsentsZ*me. Councilman Binder. So City Clerk advised the Council that Ledge #607 - to A 1. Y. desire to use the City Nall Auditoriva for the purpose of holding a meeting on J`aly 30th, 1930, mhe revpon it was moved by Counal lass Gerow, seconded by Councilmaa Iriaasl that 14is perminion be grastot, that customary rental ohane of 05.75 to be mate therefore. Carriet. Nose. DNFIR 8MM BUSINESS. PAYING BILLS. J60T the followin demands, laving had the approval of the Committee on finance ant Records, were roads Water Posts PUA General hurt J. Gone$ U. ft So. Cal. Disinfecting 06. . P. McNally 24076 the A. Lists Co. 21000 L.A. Rubber Stamp Company 039 no Magnavox Company 4.65 WostiNghous0 11080 4 Mfg. Co. 11 Kay Motor Supply C0.0Ino. 12066 f179917 Pao. Mill & Mine Supply Co.Iac.8.25 Aggoler & Musser Seed Co. 4.40 Amer. Bitamals Ce. 168031 Auto. Club of So. Gad.. Moved by Ceunallmaa Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby that the 4eeaads be allowed and that warrants be drawn on and paid oat of the rospeotive !lasts cover- ing the same. Carried by the following votes ,1Jtiss Covacilarmt Gerow, Irismel, Selby and Love. Boost None Ab.eatm Councilman Binder NEW BUSIBBSS. Bored by Councilman Brimrul, seconded by Councilman Selby that the purchase of two lawn me",re for the use of the Street Bepariment at a total cost of not to c=ooed $75 be and the some is hereby authorised. Carried by the following votes Ayest Councilmen Germ, 8rimmel, Selby 000d Love. Boost Bone. Absents Councilman Binder. Moved by Councilman arinviel, seconded by Councilman Gerow that the Street Snporintondent of the City of $1 Segundo be ant he is hereby amther- ised to employ an additional laborer in his Department whose compensation in tall for all services rendered the City of 11 Segun4o as such laborer shall be at the rate of sixty -two cents (W) per hour for such time as such person so employed shall be actually smgaged in the performance of labor for the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the follodng votes Ayes$ Councilmen Gerow, ariamel, Selby and Leve. Boers Bone. Absents Councilmaa Binder. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting it was Mond by Ceaaailmsm Selby, seconded by COMIUNR KVIMM1el that the meeting adjoasn* the motion carried nno►ntmomsly0 Respectfully submitted, N ZZ4 /�) Affroveds ork I � _j