1930 JUL 16 CC MINJ597 El Segunde, California. July 16th, 1930. A regolar meeting of the City Covincil of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at TWO o•clook Pe Ye on the above dato, In the Cevzoil Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by George Love, ftyore DOLL CALL* Councilmen Presents binder, Krimel and Love. Councilmen Absents Carew and Selby REAbI OF MINUTES of PIGZ OUS MMTIXGSe (Mo min==t*$ of the regular meeting held on the End day of July, 19800 were lead, without error or omission appearing, and were approved as read, upon motion of Councilmen Binder, seconded by Councilman Yrimmel, whioh carried. %e minutes of the regular meeting held on the 9th day of Julys 1980, were read* Ito error or omission appearing, it was moved by CoMmUnam =siaNl, seconded by Councilman Binder, that tie miaates be approved as read. Carriode VWT'IBI< CORIOUNICATIOR3e So following cosamnioations were read and disposed of as indicated$ JON Co AUSTIN, President, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, hated Jbly nth, 1950& inviting the V%yor of the City of E1 Segundo to attend a Southern California luncheon to be held in the biltmoae 80tel, Taesday, JMy 89th, 1980, the occasion being an expression of appreciation of the past growth of Southern California and eonfUsnoo in the fnturee Oa motion of Councilman Binder, seconded by Coumilman Kriamol, which carried, NeWor George Love was directed to attend the luncheon as a representative of the City of E1 Segundo. PACIFIC TELBPHONE h 'TELEGRAPH CCWANY, an application for permission to set certain poles in Balant Avenue Bast of Baskingten streets said application having been approved by the Street Superintendent, it was moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Covuellman ErImael, that Pacific Telephone i Telegraph Compsy be and it is hereby granted pe:•issioa to set three 40 fts poles on the south side of Balaat A►enee, East of Tashingtoa street, within the City of E1 SegmAe, all of such work to be prosecuted and oonpleted to the satisfaction of the Street Superinteadw$ of the City of E1 segunde• Carried. PACIFIC 'PELEPHO N i TELEGRAPH CCVA1R, an application to replace an anchor on the Best side of Virginia Street, approximately sixty foe* South of Oak Avemmee This application having been approved by Us Street Superintendent, it w" moved by Councilman Binder, soco dad by Coupcilrss =rimmel, that Pacific 'biephoms A Telegraph Compaq be and It to hereby granted permission to replace as amber on the lest side of Virginia street, approximately sixty feet South of Oak Avemae, sal of such work to be prosecuted and eampleted to the satisfaction of Us Street superia- tehdent of the City of EI Segandoe Carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIM, Pons. IMPORTS OF STMING 0MWTT RS* wee IMPORTS OF OFFICERS b SPECIAL Cmaffus. Nonce soae. Us:RINISHED BUSINESS, PAYING BILLS. 'rho following demands, having bad the approval of the Cownittee on Fluence and Records, were read: ter Voris F=d B. J, Wallace Daniels sardware 66007 For&1 Mamafacturing Co. 22.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 5.28 Crimes•St"sforth State co. •!i5 Los Angeles X'bber Stamp Co. 2,54 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 2.15 So h No 'transfer & Storage Co. 3,27 Js�os J020e 406Many 99.S5 Deasselaer Vuvo Compass► s51.r5 Grinnell Comwor 60.76 Pacific States Cast frog Pipe Co. l"6.96 City of sl Segmrde 423055 Sdathern Cauf. i�elephoae Co. 14.,20. J. Goaos 64014 W. No lickma $4.57 P. Newly 59.52 Vibe Iowa 124.46 C, Be Stallsmith OIL'S General go ��" A. G. Rogan �'�" ."8oP'- A. H. Gross 59058 J. Powers 54.56 To spy 51452 D. Rapm "M !. L• Gregory Its" 14 B. Campbell Wt& M. Rama goofs H. NdMIan 60414 f* fdvallo gi.0 ?and Be 8arlou 46411 fte A. Liets Co. •42 J. 46 'ftoker h Sou 12.40 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 1.05 Co To Eaird 7.667 City of BI 24dunn40 Water Depa (tent 18:56 Soutbora Calif, Batson► Co. 5.00 soathsra Calif. Bdison Co. 26:56 Southern Caiif• stissn Co. 1r3g0 Southsra Calif. Bdisen Co, 313054 Soutbo ra Calif. Bdisou Coo sa026 Pacific 1610 h %I* Co. "As Western Decorating Co. �:�� Moved by Coessilmaa arimmel, seconded by CouncJIMU Binder, that 1b0 demands be allowed and warrants draw& an and paid out of *9 respeotivo fWA eeveriag the ssae• Carried by the lbllowift votes Kest Councilmen Binder, grlm of and Love. Noose Notts, Absents Cannoilmsn Gerow and Selby in BUSIMS. Moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Coms42am Ulmael, that Bond M. Blsey be and she is hereby granted her custcmx7 asemal two weeks vaeat1011 begimsisg Jbly 210t9 1930. Carried. Moved b! Cwroilman lrissrsl, 11e0e8.4ed by Co ellman Binder, that the purchase of a ksPUM Motor Driven eraser for rho laginoerint 21artneat Of the City of 31 Segundo, the total cost thereof not is exceed VW,001, be and the some is hereby matherised. Carried by the following "tot Apse Noses Absents Moved by Automobile Club In rho parking Whiting street, votes Arose sees: Absents Councilmen Binder, $riamel and Love• None. Co ellsien 6erow and Selby. Coanoilman Binder, seconded by Coanoilman lrimmol, that the of Southern California be rogwsted to install a reflector In the Borth side of Palm Avesme opposite the tensinus of at a cost not to exceed $7050. Carried by the following Cotmollmen Binder, lrimmel Ind Love. sons. Councilmen Gerow and Selby. Moved by Coessilmaa arimmel, seconded by CouncJIMU Binder, that 1b0 demands be allowed and warrants draw& an and paid out of *9 respeotivo fWA eeveriag the ssae• Carried by the lbllowift votes Kest Councilmen Binder, grlm of and Love. Noose Notts, Absents Cannoilmsn Gerow and Selby in BUSIMS. Moved by Councilman Binder, seconded by Coms42am Ulmael, that Bond M. Blsey be and she is hereby granted her custcmx7 asemal two weeks vaeat1011 begimsisg Jbly 210t9 1930. Carried. Moved b! Cwroilman lrissrsl, 11e0e8.4ed by Co ellman Binder, that the purchase of a ksPUM Motor Driven eraser for rho laginoerint 21artneat Of the City of 31 Segundo, the total cost thereof not is exceed VW,001, be and the some is hereby matherised. Carried by the following "tot Apse Noses Absents Moved by Automobile Club In rho parking Whiting street, votes Arose sees: Absents Councilmen Binder, $riamel and Love• None. Co ellsien 6erow and Selby. Coanoilman Binder, seconded by Coanoilman lrimmol, that the of Southern California be rogwsted to install a reflector In the Borth side of Palm Avesme opposite the tensinus of at a cost not to exceed $7050. Carried by the following Cotmollmen Binder, lrimmel Ind Love. sons. Councilmen Gerow and Selby. Pored bT 06WIlsan Binder. seconded by Ccr=ilm Uri M10 that Us purohatse of two 30 s * tires and tubes for use Of the Voter Depart. sent, at a Goat not to exceed #22.000 be and the sass is hereby authorised. Carried by the following rotes Apps Councilmen Binder, KrUnel and born. Beget None. `beent: Councilmen Gerow and Selby* SO further business &ppearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was cored by Councilman arl m*l, seoonded by Coancilsau Baader, that the ueetiag adjowm Owrigd• llespeotfully submitted, Appraredt t.