1930 DEC 17 CC MIN40
as 2e I_A�la:., i.-je e �-
ni a 9 V; as c �.,l le U_
date in the :;ounc-ill I
Lo-.7e, _ayor.
--'l Sen-undo, 3alifol-• --lia.
of t1li- Vit-,_ �,ouncil of
to order at 7:0', o'clo
Of thf_ amity Ha!!
the 4 t7, of 'l 6e _ _undo
on t.,,-e a.'-)C)-,Te
of said i t o r e
3 o un c i lmc n 1�1, :_, s en t Binder, 3eroi-:, an(- Lo-:,e.
absent: 5elby.
sae nutes of the regular meetin:7 held on t1l,; 10th day of
--ors or omi --ea-in-, it
r--a- To or 5 ions -p-,
-�j,:.s :_oved b?r 'ounl-.-ili.a�i Lri_-mel, seconded by Council an 3inder,
twat �ne _.-Jau-Les cis road be approved. Carried.
co .:U.11
N 1 10 �S.
E, indicated:
Ine co=,-anications Ter�_ read and disposed of s in,_'Jca'�e
UL, � *_._, dated Deceri�_'-__- Zth 19
for -per-:- ssim to replace certain poles at
ce—Gain locations -:.-itl.in t-Ile City of __`1 6e-r,-undo. --'he said a)lication
tae --I,:I�Oval 0, t,,-.- 3,raeu .-_-Ls, moved
Sri. . c e. iv e - L
L Is n :inter, u
oun,: I -I econded 1: y- C;ounc;- that southern
forn i s on C Y e a-1
I)C-2 4 --on to
r"l1....,e roles a, the follo;-in_ locations V7ithin th vity of Le ,"unao
to- it:
1 Pole on the "'test side of Si-iel--on St., 86 ft. South of 71.:aple iLve.
1 11 on the *.Jest side of Sheldon St., 200 ft. South cf
on the I-vorth side of .=aple rive., 1130 -At. 'Irest of Penn St.
1 11 on the 1-.orth side of li-alple isve. , 140 ft. Last of bheldon 5t. ,
--la t. sai
on �IeW 101E_'
North of Oak
=_--_plete I—' to
Company be
on the 'nest
,venue, all
the satisfE
C -_= i. e d.
and it is also hereb, ' - granted permission to set
side of S--.eldon Street, azpro:rzimately one foot
of sucl.- construction work to be 3,Drosecuted and
atioll of file Street Lu-jorint-ndent of the Cit-7 of
da'-ea D,_�cp-"-�er
Y:'.',-,ich was aaco=_oanied by copy of resolution theretofore adopted,
t--le said --oard of Supervisors res onploym,nt of local bona
i�ectin, the U
fidu rosidunts of to vounty and ur, Jin--, this Q'ounl;il to auo-ot a resolution
o-f similar import. !,loved by Councilman Krilmmul, seconded by Councilman
uerOT, + the follovlaing resolution be adopted:
a. -
-- is Council is advised of tho present
move:le_-_t in Los n-,-eles County and in the respective
municipalities tuerein, to _nco::-a -c- any fester
ti such respective units;
nt o 0 a' n
this Council is in sy-I.pathy with such a
zlove- _e-t;
-R-ESCL-T that t co=.unicat ions
'h --ocrd of Supervisors dated the
roLr. t----, Clerk of the - -
as -- of and, resolution, 'je
recc.,ived a-,-.--- and
SCLAj, a u -_U sense of tlais
t", it is t1l
as -oresently constituted and said :;ouncil does
Co _nc I constituted
hereby declare its ol i cy , that all ot-aer mut. L e7s and thin-s
14K' c
�_s you. it b disposed to -
b a e --u al L, J e - - ive
preference to t1iose bi --deTs on -m-uni c ipal wor'.%-s , Tho
stat-_- in t'--c-i2 -_ residents o---' the 3ity of L;l
3e,--undo I C; liforni_, I::ill, So far CLS is
possible, e.--plo-red upon t-'-.e to
:,e ao-1- 7. L-0 t-,U" a cic.use `1-C 'I- at _-ffect
_)e in orporateu in zhe Jontrlct
if a-,-.arde
ticn o ado-ct sai-- reso'utiz)n -,:ms ca_rie� t'lie follo-.,:in,-: vote:
�:,es: Council Len -3-J.der, eror,, 1,2i=_=l an-- Love.
"D e, s Zone.
1,.bsei-'C: Counc Selby.
O-Z :.11-7 - jP_,Lj'!j,'S, 1�)
1h p S
ated Deceroei 11 U
a _no,Lfication of t'--ie a-p
-coint-..-ent of 'V. Coop:�-r ass 1-ana, er
r-ablic �-151ilitios Service De-Lart--ent of t'_.c. Lea ue of 0; liforniu
1 Ci 1 a' --e:f:)ars of the Lea-ue consalt I.-r.
1J 0y: _)alities, _..nd su-
a_Doat a-�7 an' whic'- 7
U :7a-, be i-terested.
J r �ered filed.
31�it-ed Deceriter 11`1h, 1930
S`. t-,-,i.,. _crth n3-,,,- s-, a 1-ior -roposed, and advJ sJn that
session of t.-.e Le -islaturz- ne-..-.t rear, the Lea,-ue of
ali_,ornia !,;.unicipLaitic's wee'l--ly bulletins to eac-1a member
. -e e-)in: : sa--'-::L cities �nfor��ed of t'-�- sl-a'us of all pc.l ink
le--islation affectin_-- Ordered' filed.
- , ;1 U 7, -'h -0,
0___ LO-) Z Decer_.,�r 1-u , 1�0
L I 3d"-- 0' -_ - T -
- -:, ` that the ..'ter clerk of
'-is rile __'o. 9776, Series 193C, a , --in ' U I-
.;it,T of El Sel-mndo will '_e noti_`ied wli�_;n th of determinin��
Ur4S(jiCt4 on over -,Droceedin-s for the acquisition and irirrovement of
-fliEhwa-- .'-I�s 'peen set- _i'c--- heal—_:7__-- before the Public 'Woorks
,,o=ittee of the :;it-.- I"ouncil o:' t1ne :,ity of Los i,nCeles. Ordered filed.
"ef Decerfocr 15th 1(1)30
WL-S accorq)a-nied by a circular &:L-iounc=,ent of :;ourses 14111 file
3chool of 3itizensIdip an�. Yu-1-lic of the sail_ Lniversity,
-o:- --ac quarter, be-:innin` Dece-'.,e-- 29t,-., 1930. C)rder!-,d filed.
17rec',-. ad,dress_._ 11:; _'Oun---il -Cs")--Ct to th-, S%,.le o"
e t..,elve ton, u- lo Sjpr2n-fi ld '-laso' ne Roller, with
-,,ru�-sure scarifier attac.-_e�, hereto ore a-vert-ised for sale b,,r the -it:,
Council. Folloviin.- F-.,erc'_,1s offer to 'ju,, the said roller ,iith scarifier,
"o ecl re a recess of five- _-_in-L. es .ouo 7:50 O' clock
j: 7. it t-Ile 1-iour of 7:57-- 1.1. ",:-e 0oun_,il reco:1ve--led, all
-oresel-t --ounc-Ali-ian 'Inereu-jon it was
se CO; dt;d 0 7- vouncil,.-.,,an -linder, ti
—lat t1ae follo%---in�,
be a - ,7,o
'i'LE .1 5, this vOuncil Ileretofor,, Cause-- t'_-Latl
in t _ e v _ to : -, three :;el, u-'alz 5prin i
wi`7* - riss"Ir- sc, -, "'I'l, a be
as _101lar,
a vertisel"_ for 4- said and
7:157 on -,I.-e N3th Caay Of oV e.-,Ib e r
--u-bli C,_ ,-4
_on of notice, nc ..ads
w,: re raceived; a
voun —s n ov. c e i v 'or sa,
Ina -14 de o'fcr o' =te su-n-
I'Cve_� 7-at L,.-e said C e-
is the '.i7hesst an 'est offel- or bid i _- h c C�_ri be
o J , a i n e ,= _b: tI s a d - o a _- roll r -nar
said road roller and scarifier is no lonner
needed for nuni ai al uses or purposes by said City, and
is constantl7 sufferi_ ._ depreciation;
-_E I--' ..;SOL TED, that the City- of A
Segundo, California, sell to G. 1. French for the sum of
150C.00 cash, parable immediately upon delivery of said twelve ton
2uffalo SDriwfield Tasolins toll .r and pressure scarifier;
1-2 17T112 MUM, that the :..a--or of sail Cit, is
hereby authorized and instructed ',o ::: kn, executo any deli-.rer
tLe gill of Salty to said 0. 0. French of sail road roller and
scarifier, a``! the :,it :r Glerh is herel -- authorized and
instructed to att: s t the sams a_'1_. affix the vita' seal tiere tc.
Carried by the folloning vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Linder, :macro;-;, iv: i_..: el and Love.
_.oes: gone.
Absent: '�ouncilnan Selby.
: <o ne .
REPORTS .. y -
The following demands, ha in:E _-_ai the a;proval of the Committee on
Yinance and Recor ds, were read:
';later Arks Fund General Fund
Soutkern &al. Telephone Co.
A. G. logan
3onthern Cal. Edison Co.
A. K. green
Daniels Hardware
J. Pourers
Layne L 'owler
+. Henry
C. :. Ingle
M 1. Raynor
2. T. :utchins
F. L. Gregory
L. Kahan
H. ..:c .:illan
. Henry
J. livalic
_ . :.-c:._illan
D. foyer
0. H. An ~le
Hadden :auto.. :2tic aprird.l
Comp,-= 3885. CG
". _. Leco_nbs
.;1- .:.; .;ood�..;;r tr
w. CO
H. r . Cart:;r Company
Un i vsrs A Fla` a._. Man=
3outhara Cal. Edison
Co. 2V.98
Holder Co.
South= Cal. Elison
✓o. 3.26
Sout4ern Col. Wison Co.
Sout_arn ✓al. Edison
Co. 12.25
oputhcrn Col. V ison Co.
✓_ty of 11 3_: jundo, ',:ater
::,o.:.,__.,_-. oil. _e -__oat 00.
_ . olliher
1.7 ,
_.oval _ Gounsilman _
erc s oco-_O
-- 0 - _ ' _.
� oun�il :gin 'inci� •, that ���
to gllavnn
on Ln., "LU out of tie
_, S O` sa :_. •
vF..__ M
„__. fullo .+.._,_ vgti..
-Its: Counc_lmon
inSu ,
,,_o. , ar- Lo-,.,.
-oc s :
; o un cC iL.-_an
- -ie - ay, )r a_pointwd Wun ii_.__ ._ .To:_:. -_. _oro:. =5 lubiicit7 Dir ict :r
lice Apo as tic Co . lce to arrange all of thu y i ans ana detail,_ for
✓o_ _ un_ _ l .✓___ 1_ ac in tha City of A SemnCo for the
16 K,
Logy,ed by Councilman h2i=iel, seconded '-,v counciL-, ter_ t -,-a t
-,-he follo7:InE resolution be adopted:
a---Ue:- due consi,_7,era-.io--_, t: -_., .;_-lieves
t1la-u tl-. e �-utlic -"a?Lc_ a_-__ "an-'O
C--.,l JE;, 25Z ine -Hat .11C .71in-C! .'-1
i�- o rz; s a
"ecta, for
ac I 1
e 14 n u ze r -u e n
-7 . 11
an u=.
1st, 1 C-_ 1 any -a n 'U- :-"Lz L� e -T a C t 0 n C ',''iS _o-n,;77 re
s be t C f i'_ en I' :. drivels _'or �1 Le-un--c- 2_4r-_
.Oin-'ees UO Sal'—
an- --al- C�-ices S----,a,L-L
'Unior 74*_;�
des -nate as _n e Dj_4Ve
S_ i L , _ - " 0
Iver of t'--at sai-f off -I ices
are heret7.r c-2-.a te '.-,,at unt- il the ord:_- o_' this Counc-;
+_`1e `on of ti-e a-::-o-inte-s '-e2.__na-fuer a to
be a._.. S '.=e
IS ;:101-e 7:-e a- the
s'LLm of N?*1-7,C .&C and '14C .CC rezectiv-_l-,-, _.,,a:ratle
=n'U*_l-, as mrunici-al em_�lovees Com,_-.ensated on a mont'lilly
basis ar aid s---i.-- comp;nsation shall full
- 'he o-' 6i:-,un-Lo
c,_r:z1+-_ns, ',io-n fc-- all se--vices r:: der
_-2sons a-- in�,� to -C sai f respective of -i C s; -`-at
__Jaj,4e� -)aid
rr L - � - - s
sL.id office. _onthl:
-"?a.--e -,c llaene2al _--'ove-_-=ent ---u.-1 the bal_nc,6
I—ereof o "Fire DDpart,.'. t s" tL -
on a---- cif ter sa-i"-- Januar-,-
_'or -
h,- ti-,l, o-' A.. em=loye� as
to enio� e
an 4-tor an ire n i e- D 3
_4 r
an a_i�_ -.,e is ;-ier a ointed
-ffice of `union -zire -:,n D_'I'V-2 2r to said �:IJC)
a2 t, t c --' u-11 t - - o 1 j e zund o n0 s _- I; d al, U c t z-- e S
_1ve ts eve_-:., _`a except Sund,,.--s t`iat
of 1-;o4:?_c, -,o':i-.: fro:._ 5�Oc
O�C1CC 1i. - -ic- s' -pall bc L si t
L. to G:Orl olcloc_.-
-s t_-.e Da-- Shift, of Cloak P. 1--.. to 6.-OL o'clock Xi,
hall be des--,--mated as the ni.1- shift and the appointees to the
said resDectiv--_- offices s',-all alto _-nate eac-'-. t-.vo weeks in working,
sL__;,d shifts and in ',he )erfo=ance of 'U'll-eir duties, which s'nall
consist z)-f -.';,.ose usual to a -z-Lre _-_.__-.inc ---"-iver, and in
a ition -11iereto, t-.e-7, s"all suc:-- :ties as
o. U U_
_1e.,.,ise be -he---, �roi-.- -o tii.ie y the Chief
of said -6e�:undc fire De_�ar-.-ent, or by t1lis Co'-Incil; that
s=-Ad appointees shall also iIcr and erfor_n the Janitor v.,ork necessar-T
�.L. U' � - "ity .all Annex and s:.all apportion
in --nf a'_-out th-- '-*-7- _:all anu_
such lanitor Tork th.e:,,iselves in Such wte 1. as v.-ill insure
.--uch janitor U-one in a sat-il-_factoin- .,-znaer at all times;
that sa ,"L fir:, en-ine dri re as '--s workinr e - 1, .11 U sift S lial 1
in a-ldition to __Ut_'es as are iinsosecl upon him., assist
p:;-2sons se--v . C2s of a -,,Dlice officer, ,,`,eth-r such
a_-s- _-gird:; re,- - u:,,su'ell_ ove:• t'_ or b,,_ parsc,.al CL-liat
e Z-31-4ce De-: -Zj_3-;-4 -�-t in .,,e
o--- .`iis la"-t all no .
1 __2 17 � 'S _._
e a -.r _ t e -.,-L:. i a n c a!", or J- aT- m,nn ,r
a'.-il to 2,3s-po:-.d to an:- of '-*--,e.
Love -7es: J Dun c 4n,de-- , Lo
—Le-, Z-anc
a-2, seco- a e 3-7
ov" ounc il .an ',,:;iov
C` cross - -a,-,- j:7enue
3 1 3n 3I S I .Vc-'nue Lor:z
:at t 6,2z;-U � sup:� T -.-.1 ,_naen'U
ce_-use exist-in.- electric .,:irin, --nl-- conduit t!ie_-efo:-$ ..nice is fa-alty,
;�:4- '�-:enue
an, 1 1
Connects those certain �-Iect-olie --s on a h s de o
14 U
e �; � — of -'l zie --undo ",.-i�h 1he se-,"Tice
o f L o-,ia n t' L -
of southern Californi-- 1"I'dison S,cm2any, to be removed anz
re21ace& with, new electric Tirin3 y=& ne Conduit , so teat these
elect liars z be o2 13 lid ted nih, tee totem e-_Pnditue
COL=Ction ;-th As ,or n'
to exceed --e sL:-- of I'eZ70.00.
Ca--ried by tee folloT,Ln -- vote:
�.7res: co=w ice= 21r.de2 3e2ow el and
»1- S:
sent: Council un
_,z) -furtlier buSir-ess yew -"-o be s
secondel-' by So= n3i1r: n t'-at
I ..--s =ve,� by "ou cil:, :Ln
'"au <aeli. a Ca eioa.
cif c e2