1930 DEC 10 CC MINEl 6e6-undo, California.
December 10th, 1530.
ra re;rul= ideetin�, of thE'. ,;ity vouuncil Of ti- v4
of z.) e _--un do
3alifornia, was called to order at- ?:00 o'clock Xr. 1... on ti',iG above
date in 'he Qouncil 3hcz,,i__er of the ji'U7., I.-all of sci_` �`t7,
3eor Love, 1.1ayor.
jouncilmon Present: 3ero-;.-, Selby and Love.
3ouncilmen ab_-ent: 3inder and
01 0--:* Jr__L"Tlo"J
The minutes of the regular eetin,-- held on the _Ird day of
December, 1`00, were read, without error or omis: io" woi-earinc
an were a_),_'.r07eU upon motion of Jouncil=- 6elb--, seconded by
ouncilmz--. 3eroIV_,, TI,-ich carried.
she following co.-.-nunications were read an-d disrose:- of as
in,Iicc_t._- d -.
JO :;L - EL a__ � .- _.D 0 Ij I- , le e_ r dated Deceffjer 4th
an_l:-JLn-_ for a to e-_,ect ani, an oil se -rick
-Y 04,
u u3 struc-ares on der _n e_,t-7 ,,:ith4.n the Ci
--I L3e;7ando. ;ollo%.inL: cons-i-Ieratior. of "-,his a-, _L L
cation, it was
:-Iaoved seconIelu by Clouncilr.iL= that
7oyrok,_-l-__Ll Segundo 6yn f cate be an" it is :ie2e'jy -ranted poriLission
to erect nd r.uinta.Ln Lm oil deri-ick and L,,_Durtenances on Lots 2 and
7 and t'� ::orth on_--'_-_alf of Lot 41, �Ioc1l- 10N1 El 6e undo 311eet No.
as per map r=corde7 in book- 20, !,a_-_-es 22 an , 23 of i.iaps, Records
of Los _.r_S_lez Count :,, California, Lll as sut forth in its
a-_ !_'c._tion the_-efor filed - . -ith this council this date; provided
V:.Pat all of the ' .ork _-o_-ita.-L,-,Ia`Ued is rhos cuted an completed omd
t said oil Cerrick Eznu, _�-.-'urter.ant structures are i!zintained in
nce of the 'ity of 1,1 Segundo applicable
thereto. 'k -0 ' u ion carL.,ied b-,., the follozi-n-7 vote:
res: ounciLmcn 3erow,
noes: None.
:0 s e:,_. t 3ou-.1cil:-u,.-n 3inder
Selby a-C-1 Love.
" - -:I.-j I :".- - 1 CO :._. _1`,' - '
L!_ _ C)7,� �� _jj '� _ - _ �Z? .
'.iit,- :Ierl: reported that _.ut'.:Ln L-n- •:r• 0. FO
CC)- the o7—er S', the -'h
.,4 of --) one-half of
W - . _u
to r, Ue_4- t',-
oun to seE-_-3!ta`o-_i of Certain 4- -�- - -L - u
4 t f�o C� -�,Jc�io, Of JLte::
U� C ol - 1�
se e S
L 41 a s t 2 i c L alid fcni' t110 im-pilov_-L.ent of
1--v1a -..en ex.=_i-ned 13-- the -�Iu-rcut
-w-:; as re� uestj�_-,_: I_ vinL
0 Un e _i�
itu a `h�
._ems I'le L:,�,rovul of said off j that u salck
t - r C) f t
III rU�1_11�'r e o., ar z e securi
issue,_ to cover t-.--e oTJL_-i:ial it was -_-.oved by
_.- -, -;! e u I �_C
s,.;;co-_1deL__ "DIT �'O=LC11:=i olu' ` on
24-I entitled:
10 K.
nSGL: _IG:: 0 vim GGL;G11. Oi
LL Ji, 17
ra r 1U-
07 - _ -
.s_�.. -..z � - • ..1 I i.� 1 V 1. U� V �: . lsa �:. aaJ J.rJ:Ji...:a.. i :J
LcL'_;�,L Sy -�S L. Lim
J1J'i :1vi i.V . 2 !(11T..1.: iti1I:J vl_Tl , au.JG 2:�
Li � I�l _. _
L.1 -L T�.cyl C_ wi
YL.�lIV_. Va ♦.w:.i �� Al..:4 v� ,�r�._.1y� J:11� V1� , �_►.7 w_�V . 11%YJ
�...JY�v',1 i��.�' IL)
OF a .L:ID C_ii,
which vi us reud,, be �:'�;o 'ted .�a.rie' b;' uhe fOli07c1I1 vote:
.yes: Cou_nciL en serow, Sele- and Love.
.7oes: -one.
�:bsent : Ocuncilmen 3inder and hri =el.
i'he Cit•T C1 'r'r. t_'ereu ,on a- ised the Council that •.s. 0. 0.
.-.esser des'-red to cir:ulate a petition callin:- for the imp- ova_cnt
of Gad Lvenue b::t-,:een Loma Vista Street and :.illcrest Street, within
the omit-- of _'1 Sep do -- t�. str' `' oin a c
�unu�, e co. ac�ion :er o`
veneer : svin: It mrus thereu--on moved b Councilhhan Selb-, seconded
Oow_.:.il_.,a1.n `-ero�;, t_ the Ci_` _n -ineer of the ::it y o_ `l J.- ,_undo
be and he is hero',- aut'r <orize, a:_d direc.. -_.;. to _--ke an esti:7,at, of
the test of consIt.;; -ctinS -_ __ .cada:__ veneer psvir:S- in Oak revenue bet:•;een
LOL: ri�ta >treet and i�illcres'. street, and to submit tine same to
t:.e vi t Clerk, anG_ the- '.;its- Clergy: is tnereui;on 'irected to prepare,
for t::e use .,_ tiie ropert; O,mers ownin- propert;yr. a,utti:s s :_1G
street, a _etition in usual an;-- custo -_.a_y for.., callinr. fo: the
i :y_ ova ment of said street, prec_icated upon t:ie prepayment by t:le said
property o,, ers of :.one -third of the total cost of such y)roposed
improvement as estimated by the Cit: :�n"__eer, ana to deliver saia
p- tition, wiien _ repare :, to ..4r. Q. 0. riesser of the City of E1 Sezundo
for circulation by hire. Carried by the folloriin vote:
yes: C
. ounciLmen serow�, 5elb-,r and Love.
..oes: i4one.
absent: Councilmen Binder and hri=mel.
the folio::i_l de_:.3ids, __av- had the approval of the Comittee
on Finance and -iecords, Tiiere read:
Cc neral u :a
laciiic .:lectric ;�ail::u,- o.
�nder;;ood _�-pe:jr iter Co.
re',;er _audio Elect. :3 op
Pacific Ooast _7;uilUliwnS .
Officials Oonference
Iry t • Escobar
�rianle Orange County and
Sa_nta : =na :;Xpress
ueneral Fund
Ira L. i;scobar 1903.50
Seaver -L :.:a .Lon 2.40
Los :-n-eles 3ub'.-)er
v6tamp Co. 3.40
0. 5. Paul 230.00
:,:artin ros. i.:achine
Shop. 19.50
Daniels iardware 32.91
:.roved by Coun:;il:i: n -ero :, seconded by ;oun: i1ran Sel ,-*, that the
de . ,ds be - llo,:e -: and rarra _ts :Irate n on an y aid out of tine �x.neral
a co sari =.: :_e sew . Car =•ied bar the followin- vote:
.--es: Co n il .1 zero, :, 6elby anL Lore.
oes: i:one.
asbSent: 3 ou n 3ihldc"ei an:: 1..r1Ili211c:1•
;coved by vouncilma_n �ero:�:, seconded b Oouncilrlan Sel'� r, that tine
thllowing resolution be adopted:
_17i::~; � S, arrangements have heretofore been
made for a co=munity manicipul Cnrist.,ms tree in the
City cf l Segundo, California;
it a,.-.pears necess —ry and advISa'zIe,
in orC,er to insure tae success o' said event as an
advertise:�:en t for the said Oity, end promotion of its
interest, that additional, suiltu7jla an :tactical
dec rations and appurtenances should be provided
therefor, such as usually are furnis:ied and provided
upon such occasions;
i\C7r -:;- P +C' :, 3:; 12 :R::30LT__D, taut the City
Clerr., as Purchasing agent of said City, be and he is
hereby authorized and instructed to purchase on be'nalf
of said City, for us& upon the occasion of the cele-
bration at said co=i1nity : unicip2l Christmas tree,
such decorations, apples, candy, oranges, nuts, etc.
as nay appear advisable, - ll attend:st circu:"..s tances
considere;, at a cost of not to exceed ;150.00.
Carried by the following vote:
-'es: Councilmen Cerow, Selby and Love.
:-oe s :
Absent: Councilmen -inder and I:rimael.
Loved by Councilman 3erow9 seconded by Councilman Selby, that
the follwaing resoluticn be adopted:
El Segundo Lodge ::o. 507, 1. t,. L. ,
un+ er its ordi ary rental arran.e::�ent with the City
Of �1 Ses;,�_do mould use the City hall Auditorium, on
the evening of Decerber 24th, 1930;
the Secretary of said organizc_tion
has a ,-'wised the City Clerk that insteai of usin; the
Cit,,r =-all Auditorium: on said Decer:.ber 214th, it could
t r^ie_ t0 use it On i;he eVeni nz Of i..vnCa ', JC Ce1:.Der 15tt7,
=ii l da e has not Ii "otofore been ass i-ned to the use
of any other parson or or- aniz�_tion;
:0' ,:_ts "'O =L, Il UjOILLID, that El Se--undo
Lodg-e ?•:o. 007, F. & ti. L., be and it is hereby
authorized to use the City - -ail "uditorium on the
evenin, of December 15th, 193C, in lieu of its use of
said auditorium o:: :)ece:::.;er 34th, 1GC,C', without extra
3 har 0 ;
tl_.J j' 1_' t':,�i'_"_�i = u:i(�iLf�.D, t' "i0.0 t i1S resolution
su- rrisreedes and annuls t _at certain resolution of this
Council adopted heretofore on Uctobcr 8th, 191;0,
authorizin , said Lod : to use said :Hall on Dece ber 15t _,
for n additional rental of yp_.75.
_.otion to adopt thle fore oin - resolution v.-:-s carried 1�7r the follot in,
r and Lo
"Iles: vO''1.11ln _re =�:`., S.elt t ° .re
eS : 170ne. .. +
:�ibsent: Councils^ 3iher r�;i al. ..
::o fustier busi.,_ess arpearin t, be transact- -d at this
etin`, it ;,L.s :.loved b- Councilmem Cero.,, seconded '.:- Councilman
3elb , t`: at the .:meeting ad,ourn. Carried.
3spectfull7 submitted,
approved: City Cler'
."G -�.
.L,ayor 0