1930 DEC 03 CC MINEl Segundo, California. December 3rd, 1930. - regular meetinE of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:OC o'clock P. L. on the 0ove date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, b7 �eor,;e Lore, :.:airor. ROLL GALL. councilmen Present: aero•l LTirysl, Salty and Love. Councilmen_ "bsent: 3inder. `:Pqe mi-nutes of the regular m 193c, were read, Tithout error �7 Councilman Kril--Mlal, seconded be aTDrovad as road. Carried. aetinE held on the 26th day of rovember, ;r omission appearing, anf- it was moved by Councilman Selby, that the ninutes Councilman 3inder allea2W at the hour of 7:05 o'clock F. L., and he immediately took his seat at tie jouncil table. _"he follorin• co-.-nanicaticns ere roan anu disposed of as indicated: 1. L. P01121yo Y. D., County nealth Officer, beinG a report of the activities of his Departa,int Tithin the jit7 of El Segundo as Aealth Cfficer of zie 'sit y of 71 Segundo for the zonth of October. Ordered file&. reportin to the ated YovsNar 26th, g Council that pursuant to its instructions, they had comple0d. their regular 7uartar17 audit of the accounta anL records of the various departaenW of the City of El SaS ndo for the quarter ending September Wths ISM, anC that thu sidd hcoks and records were found in a satisfactory condition. ordered filed. j, Z. AM0 L da:., ed Decanter let, 193C, advisinn that they were forwarding a MY Stata.ent and reconciliation of accounts bctween tho office of the City- oler% an? the City Wreasurer as of Septenter 30ti, 1230• Ordered filed. 0-1d, 1�0:-:11,L1:I0_,ZiC1:,Z. 3artholomew of tie ,,tf,rE Stoan 30ilar Inspection aK Insurance addressed the Council relativa to the 0si7ahilit7 Of cLrr7W insurwnc2 on tie low grits!!! lzilwr in the 607 all -;.hicl-i is used for L.j2nC - s- no ' LL'C :.w,. - inis of OoVaraZw U2.2 a0iSinL that for the broadest covera, the 12anium would !a jjQ,CC for three :Ba2s. At the conclusion of his prascntation, the =attar wss taken ,finder anvisehant by the Council. �Y, ;. wztbur With, on behalf of the business men of the SKY Of 11 WeZrnao, a-drjSSed the joUnCil MILKVI to anlistin: the 3ity Council's ` c r �D t, coo.sration in the b,,i,ess nan,s §jan to decorate 1i h,::,o-�� treot fro- S,,,nlo Kvejjj;j� ard :-rr�r -.,a Avenue, from.'06ncorE Wrest to ..anE KA-Vu. t0 _.1 jXj j;atV wait inta detail Z,n 61ript QurinZ the jhr;StTgs se-san. cahcerainj tha plates, st0ln- !tat hwnthetn Cujifornia di3on nonif rovids tha nocessary 510020L! Wner7Y to light UP all of the jn2jE„nas trees,, to j, created, ano statsE that th-; tot-I'a:,pe--,se Lyfroxi—te Q20C.00. Lossrs. Ulan 0. Daniels, , 1, hutting an:- lack We7 r in the &iscussion, at the termination of which the 3ouncil consiEs2nd tic request. ons7aujo n. it was moved by c;ouncil:.-,a-n Selby, seconded by CouncilEmn that the Street Supwrintondent of the City of !I %undo, be and he is authorized and directed to assist the business people or the Cite of El Segundo, in decorating grand Avenue between Concord Street and !ain Street, and Richmond Street bet..een Grand !venue and 11 LeSundo Avenue, an:: that he be authorized to expend not to exceed 15C.GC in the purchase of necessary electrical light, wiring, insulators and appurtenances necessary to the completion of the decorating; of the said streets as planned by the business inen of the M7 of yl Se sundo. Carried by the followinC vote: Ayes: Councilmen Minder, jerow, !rimzel, Selby and love. hoes: :;one. nbse nt: Nona. WOMB up QF_ 1rE] ,.., J�FElt cIL iZ- v�Ji...._l i..�.iJ• Me City Attorney reported to the Council respecti- ' an inv st' _ _t on he had made of decisions with respect to ordinances effecting 'he erecKon and _:.aintena _ce of alvertisino signs within municipalities. The City :tn;ineer reported having :--.de an effort V •t to at in touch T ith i:r. Cornell of the firm of Cook -Hall & Cornell; that Lt. Cornell was out of the City at the time, but that he Tould appear before the Council at its meeting next "ednesda7 ni_•ht. Love? by Councilman LTimmel, seconded by Council.-r::>n 3inder, that the folloti,inT resolution be aloptel: •�i :l.+T:��:aS, t•nere was presentee to the City Council of the City of 11 Segundo, California, on the 23th day of November, 03C, a certain petition, signed by E1 Se,Zundo Chamber of Co=rce, Louise _tekfuss and others, requesting the elimination of billboards from the Cite of Al Segundo; the said City Council did on said date tale said petition under submission, and has, during the period of said submission, conducted an investiGation respectinZ the status of public opinion in said City as regarc_s billboards and sign boards; ,.;;j ;,_ :,:;, as a part of such investigation, tie said City Council received the testimony of witnesses respecting the said mattar, and has duly considered tie said petition and the testi- mony presented cefore it and of facts to which the attention of this Council has been directed relating to the Vove mentioned subject; said Council has now reached a decision with reference to the said matter; _1 =1v'W, the City Council of the City of Al Segundo, Cal., does resolve, declare, find and determine as follows: YUST: That the City Clerk and the Chief of Police (for:.erly City _mrs'hal) of the City of El aeVundo, California, are hereby instructed and orderer. not to renew any permits which nay have heretofore been issued for any siZnboard or billboard within the City of Al Segundo, California, and that said City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause a notice in writing to be forwarded to each ?arson, fir": or corporation holding an`* permit for a billboard or •si nboa=d within the said City, that such permit will not be renewed upon expiration thereof and that Ate jity Council of sail Aty rs:uires that• upon expiration of any l ch existinc :rnilt, gal such sQfboard or billboard. shall be re_.;oved; =hat the action herein taken, said City Council finds ere bap, after consideration of all evidence adduced before it, to he necessar7, in _order to preserve and protect the public peace, neaIth and safet7 of the said City of 11 Degugdo, California. .btion to alolt the fore- g resolution was carried ly the followin7 vote: .7es: Council:_on 3inde= , iuirznel, Selby and Love. L:oes: %ouncilynn ; n ow. lbsent : ::one. PAYLVG gills. The follorrinz demands Navin; __ad the a_ proval of the Cor�ittee on Finance and Records, were read: '4ater 'forks Fund R. '1'. Hutchins 40.00 Lela Dohle 100.00 I. 1:. Surmar 190.00 J. 3. S„allsrdth 01.60 C. H. Angle 22.01 .ike Mahan 2.79 City of El Segundo, C;;1. 10.43 El Segundo Herald 22.00 - iughes Paint Co. 3.60 Los ti-ngeles 1?u3 ,er StaWp Co. .28 Layne t,� 3owler 323.83 "iesti.- .-house -Electric L 7.75 :.onufacturina� Co. 78.02 The '.orthington Company, Inc. 135.00 :.ae D. Lewis, :,.Eent 134.01 35.00 p1123.57 Street Impro. Fund Pacific "lectric ?.wilway Co. 37.31 Consolidated 'ock Products Co.107.10 X144.41 -reneral r,;.nd �Lnerican itumuls Oo.-apany 201.88 ender ;;ooa rewriter Co. 90.75 :ia_rren w 3ailey Oompany 3.52 3adt -7alk z Company 21.29 Los Angeles Rubter Stang C3. 14.96 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 62.80 :crimes- Stassforth Stat. LO. 10.85 11 Segundo Herald 205.63 Pacific 11unicipalities 10.50 Edna 1. Lia_rlan 19.30 Broadwe.y Department Store 9.75 3urroughs Adding -L.:achine Co. 7.75 Bich 3udelier 3.63 'l Segundo Post jj38, American ZivLl.ic Legion 35.00 El Segundo Post "38, American Legion auxiliary 15.00 Kay Motor Supply Co. Inc. 5C.63 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 113.20 C. :. Ra:oo e- Company 131.25 E. 3. Harris Lumber Co. 80.45 Southern Calif. Gas Company 11.64 K!7. b ` 7_ General Fund i,. s. 5ogau 49.60 A. rl. Green 54.56 J. Pol ers 49.60 l:. nenry 39.68 D. L. Raynor 48.13 F'. L. Gragory 62.00 K. l:. Campbell 49.60 Rahan 57.04 H. :c' i11an 51.64 ZivLl.ic 49.60 C. H. Angle 22.62 D. 3oyer 49.91 L. Rahan 57.35 Felix Daver 41.00 Peter i:. 3inder 25.00 John A. Gerow 25.00 'dilliam ii. Krimnel, Jr. 25.00 George Love 25.00 '+'dilliam R. Selby 25.00 Victor D. :acCarthy 250.00 Neva U. Elsey 165.00 :iinta Curtzwiler 100.00 Clyde Woo&iorth 125.00 Don 0. FuSitt 53.00 1- 1.1. 1,:cIntire 177.25 T. :3. De _3erry 210.00 J. A. Cu* in; s 186.00 K. Tennis 150.00 0. E. i,.cConnell 13.00 R, 1. Hutchins 260.00 Lela Dohle 30.00 i;. 1;.organ 150.00 1�.. F. "'iarcl 209.04 J. A. :,.acdonald 185.00 1L. J. Grow 180.00 .L. 2. uiller 160.00 Alice Hope 50.00 George �:cLauchlin 181.66 Standard Oil moo. of Calif. 19.27 J. G. Tucker & Son 5.00 Air Reduction Sales Co. 17.61 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 4.46 C. ChriEtiansen 4.50 Gibson v:otor Parts, Inc. 8.75 E. '4. French 34.85 L.ae D. Lewis, Agent 29.16 44865.66 Loved by Councilmen Gerov,, seconded by CounciLr:nn 3inder, that the de-znds be allowed and v,arrra,ts drawn on and paid out of the respective funds coverin.3. the same. Carried bJ* the followinE vote: A.­P -s= Vouncilmen 3inder, 3erov., hziL=!el, Selby.and Love. 17oe, 1,,pne . !,:osent : "One. :,oved by Council:.:an GerOW seconded by Council an 3inder, that the follo; ^in,. resolution be ado,ted: ,,�L::.5, the i;y of �l Se_ ~undo has I,eretofore rented, on a month to month basis$ fro_., E'l Segundo t'ost 14o. 38, �L,erican Legion, the assei:ioiy hall an. .7 arpurtenances, in that cert in uuildinE located at the = ;ortheast corner of Franklin :venue and Concord Street, co=non ,., desi :mated and known as 1zierican Le_ion ._uii, Ft ::JnU -1 .' rental Of a3:.00' er „IJntnj .� 3 -.;=EIL;j, said quarters so rented were prirmrily used fer meat in-s and ac`,ivities of t=ie Volunteer lire _iepartrent of said Ci ; of �1 Segundo in the performance ant disc-,iarge of t'_ze duties of such _'l 3e undo Jolunteer Fire Depart__ent pertaini,= to the said Departr.ent of said City; at its r..aetin._, of , , , � November i �t'r� 1930 the City Council of said it-- did adort a res lution repaalinZ _lesolution :o. 3 of said �i t , 1)20vidi for a Volunteer fire Do:)ar t:-en t, and di . oL said 12th day of :Ove, -Ier, 1930, abandon any volunteer- or- _-ization for the "'ire Derrtm ent f said 3ity d , an at the sz_° time, provide for the organization of the present paid lire Depart-.:ant of said City; in consideration of the fore�;oinF; _:remises, the said rented q,arter:, are no lon _er necessary in -he opinion of the Council for municipal uses; l_ _ 0 , 3 � I1 �SCL rD, that the present rental arrange-lent of the City of El Segundo, California, zith said 1:1 Segundo Post :lie. 38, Pziiarican Legion, hereina3ove set forth, be terminated as of the 31st dal of 'Decerc,)er, 1930, at .1 dnlc;'rit, ant. t <hat said premises, at said time, be surrendered to said o•;;ner =d all municipal property be rarnved therefrori, and that thereupon said City shall not be further liable for tiay:--ents of rent t'_ :ereu. ^der; 3.: I� -_',= y_i = �.SGLT�D, that the Ji uy Clerk shall ire. �diat�l r notif;, .,he saia yl Sesuh o lost ::o. 35, 11-M rican Legion of the action herein taken and shall further noti -Ny the Secretary c the �1 Se.l:ndc :oiunteer Fire Department, which previous!-- occu_ ied said c;uarter s, t:_ereof. ...otion to adoi)t t:ie fcre oint- resolution was carried Jy _2 follo.ink vote: �,jres; Council:aen 3inder, :�erov;, grin el, Selby and Love. noes: done. absent: Iwone. =;o further business a7pearin:' to be transacted at this ee in„ it v +as :roved by Council: an sero;: , seco_Ided by Councilman Selby, that tiie r. eetLne adjourn. Carried. 3es>ectfully sub:_itted:, ove d: City e .:ayor. . C