1929 APR 05 CC MINJ 16P
-11 Segundo, California,
April 5th, 1929,
A regular meetinL of the City G ^uncil of the ' "itir of El `egundo,
California, w�- s cE.l i ed to order at 7:00 o'clock P. 1;7. on the above date, in
the Council Chfnber of the Ci t all of s--id Cit�v .. �, by the City Clerk,
the ie'ayor being absent. Councilman Selby .ia,s vnnmir-�ovsly chosen Yayor
Pro-tem and he im ,ediately assumed the dtties of the � a.yor.
Councilmen ?reser_t: I,rimmel, Love and elby.
Councilmen i,bscnt: Binder and_ Cerow.
ter. *r ,r .:_- , uy
07 :S 0?
The minutes of the re; vlar meeting -- held on the 29th day of %,larch,
1929, were read. No errors or omissions anpearin -, it was moved by
Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the minutes be
approved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned regular meetir_" held on .npril 2nd,
1929, were read, without error or omission be noted. It was thereupon
moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the
minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following. communications were rez.d and disposed of as indicated:
90UMEBN CALI"'ORP'IiU EDISON CO., dated Xpril Srd, 1929, requesting,
permission to set fifteen poles on certain of the public streets within
the City of L1 Segundo, for the purpose of serving electrical energy
to Moreland Aircraft, Inc. The application, having had the approval
of the City.Engineer, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by
Councilman Krimmel, that Southern California Edison Company be z -.nd it
is hereby granted permission to set approximately 15 poles on Indiana
Street, between Grand Avenue and T ariposa zvenue and on I-ariposa revenue
between Indiana Street and Arizona Drive, provided said work is prosecuted
and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City
of E1 Segundo. Carried.
CO177Y OP LOS Al- G -'LES, II ;�.LTH. DEP RTr:1 N1'', dated kpril 5th, 1929,
being a report of a milk score contest recently held and which embraced
all of the milk suppliers operating, in the Redondo District of the Los
Angeles County Health Department. Ordered filed.
LE;'�('L -' 07 C_M70 ?_?Iii =ICIP_LLITIES, dated April 2nd, 1929,
requesting that a telegram be sent to the Senator and Assemblyman from
this District and to the Governor of the State of California, urging
the adoption of Senate 'Bill Igo. 652 as amended. Following; consideration,
it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that
the following- resolution be adopted:
VIDRLAS, this Council has heretofore requested the Senator
and Assemblyman from this ')J-strict to use their endeavors
toward the adoption of Senate Bill No. 652 respectin€-
appropriation of 65,000.00 for sewage research in the State
of C lifornia; and
UIUKT;AS, information has just been received to the effect
that by reason of the opposition of the State Director of
Finance, the amount of such appropriation w,--,s cut from
AP65,000.00 to = t40,000.00; and
'TFRLS, this Council feels that such research should
be made and that State funds should be provided therefor,
and that the appropriation of any moneys for this purpose
will be endangered unless Senate Bill No. 652 .s amended
be adopted by the :Mate Leg1 sl ature;
NOW T ^EREFOE , M IT R; SOLVED, that the City Clerk
of the City of E1 Segundo, be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to forthwith telegraph to
Charles W. Lyon, Senator, and All ter J. Little,
Assemblymen, asking them to vote for said bill as
amended, and to Governor C. C. YovnE, urginE him to
si°n the bill when passed.
Said resolution was adopted by the followinE- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Selby.
Noes: None.
Absent: Councilmen finder and Gerow.
01:':L CO.2.7 -- 7I ^,TIO IS.
-� ,i oLCS oT s,7L!.` zI-1c
Councilman Krimmel of the lublic 'Forks Committee, reported that
he had observed that a number of the trees in the parkin e in Yain Street
were 1 eaninE at quite an anVle, occasioned, he thought, by the heavy
winds which followed recent rains, which had a tendency to soften the
earth. He recommended that investi €°ation as to the cost of erecting*
stakes to support the trees be made, and the City Engineer, by general
consent, was instructed to make such investigation.
The City Clerk reported that Gold Crest Rebekah Lode No.
357, had requested permission to vne the City Fall Auditorium on the
eveninE• of April 16th, 1929, for the purpose of giving a card party.
Loved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that this
permission be granted, and that the customary rental charEe of 13.75
be made therefor. Carried.
The City Engineer reported receipt of a letter from the
Hartford Indemnity Company to the effect that the electric motors of
the City of El Segundo had been inspected by said Company and were
found to be satisfuctor„v in all respects.
1'he City attorney reported proLress in the matter of procuring
deeds for the opening of Yariposa Avenue Easterly from Arizona Drive.
The City '.ttorney reported that he was delivering_ to the City
Engineer deeds prepared by his office respectinE those certain parcels
of land in Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, Block 92, E1 Segundo, which are to be
dedicated to the City of E1 Segundo for openinE, as a public street that
private road now commonly referred to as Irene Court, so that the
Engineer mint check the descriptions sho�,m_ in said deeds as to their
sufficiency, and if deemed adequate, to deliver them to the City Clerk
for the use of the property owners affected.
L'I;�'IP�IS ?'�� '�TSIT•�SS.
The following demands, having_ had the approval of the Committee
on Finance and Records, were read:
C. K. McConnell
Edna E. Harlan
Jack Brewer
'.Triangle Orange Co. & Sant
Ana Express
Frank Dyer
C. G. Smith
E. R. Peterson
leorE;e YcLauchlin
F. J. :lope
General 12und G
General Fund
21.00- S
Standard O
Oil Co. of Cal. 2
216.55 0
25.73. S
Southern Cal. Gas Co. 1
29.68 • D
Daniels Hardware 1
General Fund
21.00 -
21.00 .
I -owed by Councilman Love, seconded b.- Councilman Kriinnel, that the
demands be all-cued and -:ia= -. bnts draan on nd i out of tl.e `= eneral Pund
coverin : the scsTr.e. Carried by the following vote:
zyes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love end Selby.
Noes: Zone.
kbsent: Councilmen Binder and Gerow.
Y, , f I
i �,. BU S h
loved by Councilman Krirmiel, seconded by Councilmen Love, that the
-)urchase of a. barrel of :Mack Valdura Paint at a cost not to exceed
1,110.00, be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Selb;r.
•Ioe s: done.
<�bsent: Cov- ^cilmen Binder and Cerow.
I o further business &,D- Oearirr` to be trans,-acted at this meetin ,,
it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimriiel, that
the meeti_nE, adjourn. Carried.
r'espect1b_ll,y submitted,
np? roved: City 7 Max 4
I'ayo r.
General Fund
Y. SclleuniLer
H. Lennon
C. - esch ke
J. D. Camvbell
E. Loe
G. lair
'`. filler
I. -�. Co sbey
G. z. 'odd
21.00 ,
3. Iancher
General Fund
21.00 -
21.00 .
I -owed by Councilman Love, seconded b.- Councilman Kriinnel, that the
demands be all-cued and -:ia= -. bnts draan on nd i out of tl.e `= eneral Pund
coverin : the scsTr.e. Carried by the following vote:
zyes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love end Selby.
Noes: Zone.
kbsent: Councilmen Binder and Gerow.
Y, , f I
i �,. BU S h
loved by Councilman Krirmiel, seconded by Councilmen Love, that the
-)urchase of a. barrel of :Mack Valdura Paint at a cost not to exceed
1,110.00, be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Selb;r.
•Ioe s: done.
<�bsent: Cov- ^cilmen Binder and Cerow.
I o further business &,D- Oearirr` to be trans,-acted at this meetin ,,
it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimriiel, that
the meeti_nE, adjourn. Carried.
r'espect1b_ll,y submitted,
np? roved: City 7 Max 4
I'ayo r.