1928 NOV 16 CC MIN285..
El Se_-ando, C :.lif . I:ov. loth, 1928.
_= regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 71 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:00 o'cloct: F. on the &cove date, in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said "ity, by the City Clerk, the
I. -ayor being a sent. Councilman -erow w,,.s un;animcu-ly chosen. I.'syor iro -tern
:nd he itr:edia+el,, assuned the duties of the :_ayor.
Councilmen ?resent: L.rimr:iel, Love and Cerow.
Councilmen _. bsent. 3inder rmd Selby.
...II.T S :_LTI^LTES of '?'E. 'IC: . .
The minutes of the re -u_lar meetinۥ held on the 9th day of I1-overfoer,
1928, : .,ere read. i:o errors or omissions beizv noted, it was moved by
Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmol, and unar_imously carried,
that the minutes.be approved as read.
!RI i? C O".•i. LT A ?I C " "'.I CI; S .
The following communications were read and lisp.,sed of as indicated:
CEO'RC' P. ITILIR CIS, dated November 15th, 1928, requesting perr;,iission to
c -at the curb in front of the premises sitv_ate No. 845 Penn Street, for the
purp -?
ose of constructini.• a driveway into the said remises. I -oved by
Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman hrimnel, that �eor €e ?. "ra,rris be
a.' d he is hereby --ranted permission to cut the curb in front of the premises
situated 'L,-o. 845 Penn Street, for the purpose of cons tructioE. a driveway
into said premises, provided that all of said work is :prosecuted and
completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of
yl Segundo. Carried.
COL'I-TY 07 LOS ACE ES, 1EALTn Dr?A3T 12177, dated Lovember 14th, 1928,
bein€, a report of its activities within the City of El Segundo during the
month of October, 1928. Ordered filed.
DAVID P. T,,=K, and others, dated November 14th, 1928, a petition for
the improvement of Sycamore Lvenue between Eucaly_�tas Drive and Sheldon
Street, by the construction therein of a macadam veneer paving. !.roved by
Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the following resolution
be ado-oted:
;��Py:_S, it appears that certain residents and property
owners of the City of El Segundo are willinE; to pay certain
moneys in the sum of x',227.85, into the Treasury of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, and into the General Pund thereof,
for the purpose of caasirE, certain street imi3rovements within
said City to be made; and
.iLaS, said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk
of said City %::ith instructions to pay the same into said
General fund upon the adoption of the followi ?_r;
^?- 7707E, 3E IT RESOL"FED: That the Street Superintendent
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the portion
of that certain_ public street within the Gity of E1 Se €und.o,
known as Sycamore :.venue, lyir.E and bein€ between Eucalyptus
-)rive and Sheldon Street, to be ir-proved by the construction
,::arein of the folio-rir4° improvement, to -wit: 1:acadam Veneer
Carried by the following vote:
",,,e s: Councilmen Y:rirrmel, Love and Gerow.
Eoes: i =one.
__bsent: Courcilmen 3inder and Selby.
� 'D 0-7 T;r. S`__= C C.�I:I�C?d'I: dated l:ovemo.-r 12th,
1928, re ^uestinE. t_.e cancellation of certain municioal taxes a.L win st Lot
12, 3loch 72, El SeE_undo, now owned b.-., the s-id 7eterans' '•- elfare 3oard.
Followine, discussion, in which t_:e opinion of the =- ttor__ey vias
rendered to the effect that he could not place upon the ,ct referred to
in the _)etition, the leLal construction -chic_: ap_)_,.rer-tly the officials of the
Veterans' +elfare Board had placed t:lereon, and that there w,-s considerable
question as to whet'Zer or not the Council had the a_.t horit , ceder t e lac,- to
mare the c::,.rcellation requested, it was moved b', Councilman 1:rimme1,
seconded by Councilman Love, that the follo,-rin€ resolution be adopted:
this Council has received from the Veterans'
elfare 3oard of t:ze State of California, a certain petition
renuestin,! that _11 r._uniciaGl tares ac -.inst Lot 12, Block
78, El Se €:undo, in the City of 7-1 Se-undo, County of Los
Lne.eles, State of California, exceptinE special assessr.ents,
be cancelled;
ti:: I 7'?EnS, this Council has carefully considered the
said matter and has received leEal advice with reference to
the same;'
:J;3 :: "_71RIE.lS, a doubt exists in the mind of this Council
at this time that it has the au-thority to bra. ^.t the pet° tion
as prayed for;
r;07" "_'P."1' :7FOi'.E, BE IT R SOL :_D, that said petition be and
the same is hereby denied it_zout prejudice and that said
':veterans' `.felfare Board be alivised of t his decision and invited
to submit any data or authorities which said Board may have,
bearing upon the leF�ality of the -oroposed cancell-,.tion and more
definitel -tr Indic ti: the authority of the Council of this City
to make such cancellation.
^e motion to adopt tae foreEoinE resolution er_s curried b.; the followir.€
yes: Councilmen Krimmel* Love and Gerow.
Does: None.
.Lbsent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
'he Superintendent of the Water Department expressed the opinion that
prior to the improvement of Sycamore -venue betc;een Sheldon Street and
ucc-lyptus Drive, as heretofore ordered by this Council, the water line
in said Street should be ex"ended from its present terminus West of Sheldon
Street to Eucalyptus Drive. The matter was discussed, followinE- which
it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the
Su -oerir_tendent of the .rater Department be and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to extend the 4" :cater line in Sycamore avenue from its present
terminus in Sycamore .venue 'rest of Sheldon Street to Eucalyptus Drive,
at a cost not to eyceed =270.00. Carried b7r the followinE vote:
eyes: Courcilnen Erimmel, Love Gerocr.
+oes: Done.
= bsent: Councilmen Binder and 3elb.y.
City :ardener 3u_der_ re_�orted that the conditior_ of the soil folloinE
recent rains is such that it is adva__ta;-eous to continue the -olantin€ of
moss in the -oarkinf -5 t1:r0uf'_.out the its= an-,. t—at he is so doin[- at the
present time. 3y eener�wl ccnsent this activity of the Gardener's Departver_t
received the a-)rroval of the Council.
the =ire Chief reported t::at .e had discovered t_-at an error had been
made in tie ot..' io:: of the -)rice on ullard -Davis Inhalator ordered
- !urchased b7 this �0�11cil at its last reF,;_l<:.r r.- !eetin£ , arff_ t..at t '.1c -)rice
to the _tt: of ___1 lcr -ondo ':;ould be •;225.011 instead of '202.00, t.:e lut'. er
,rice =inE' w,aila le only to.larpe concer..s to der contract :;it:. the
- n
-'u_ll�rc -�wvis Corr_�,wr_y. '2hereu_pon it was moved �.;r Councilman Love, seconded
b. Councilman =:rim ;el, that the follo:ainE resolution be adopted:
288 1
on the 9th da-,, of :oven:ber, 192?, thi s Cou oil
a,,-'U'- n ri 7;e', t _e .)urchase o.° c, :ullard -Davis Inhalator com 1etc,
at a cos' rot to e,:ceed 20.00; srid
it ap )ears fro II: report of -ire C .i of t:'.at
inform,: ion Purr -i s :e ' t _is Council res pectin,- ti:e price on t,.is
device .,.-s incorrect a:7, t': =wt or_e ca._ o - bc� _oroc--_red bl; the Ci t,-
_0 t-e su -III o O�.00, OL'_t {._ :6 7� lee U-
. t0 t ^e City
of -1 SeEunjo is .`225.0O3
I-- �:COLV::D, that ;gin a� ?ro ^: atiorL o � an
.d'.itional -'20.00 for the ;urcii�;.se of a 3`.;-11-rd-Davis :.ha.lator
complete be and t'--e sw.:e is :.ereby made, and t'_lat a:.-_thoriz,,--tion
is here.b`- E-iven fo-- t.-_e _)urchwse of one o° the said de-.--ices a.t
a total cost not to exceed
aaid resolution was adopted b-- the following vote:
"yes: Councilmen Krim::iel, Love and Cerow.
i:oes: None.
"bsent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
he :treat Superintendent reported that there is a present use for the
arde.i tractor of tt.e ':Hitt- of E;u
L1 Sendo now in storaEe in 'he municipal
rehouse, and that rapwirs are necessar;; upon the same in order to place it
in first cl_.ss worhinr- condition, whereupon it wz-as moved by Councilman Love,
seconded b?' Councilman Krimme1, that the C tyl s Earden tractor be and the same
is hereby ordered repaired at a, cost not to exceed :;.5.00. Carried by the
follo,ainE vote:
"' *es: Councilmen Erim.�:el, Love and wero•:.
PToes: Pone.
"bsent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
"he City "ttorn -ey presented to the Council draft of an ordinance
prepared pursuant to instruction of t?Zis Council iv&n at a previous meetin €,,
which said ordinance amends Ordinance io. 12 respectin€ the -)enalty to be
added to delincuent licenses of the City of F.1 SeEundo. Councilman Krim -el
thereupon introduced Ordinance =+o. 153, entitled:
TT ' T -= i T (_- _�T
0_3II;2L1. 0. 1_ r'I'_^° 0 L a�GL =^J0, C_-LLIFOFu ln,
ME X. Ol'JIi::;:;CL 1,-.0. 12 OF S: ID CI ^_'Y, iTI'`LFD:
utiD ''rCL'L "TI.I. C�3 ^_:LIP" kIi DS OF Dt;SI2;= SS "_TD' 'SaCiLD
:DIED OI IT_- S :SID CI77 A27) FIB -U G i, ���'_ :�L^Y FOR
VIOL" IA� " : i^C^ O R OF, BY Z.= ;JI:G S _ 1 5 THEE Oil,
which was read.
11.'Z =,G BILLS.
The followinE demands, havinf -:ad the approval of the Committee on
= 'inaaace ant Records, were read:
.."F_°, 70Pr:" ITLI D
Daniels :Hardware
T. "insvvorth
Pacific Tel. &- Tel. Co.
H. Green
Crimes- Stass'orth St-5A.
Co. 4.60
City of -1 Se ando
urinnell Company
T. .'.'iller
Southern_ Cal. Edison Co.
D. Sickler
edondo- InE;letiood and
W. Powers
Los r'.nEeles Transfer
G. Bo
T.. - 7a.rbettini
Z. Campbell
C. D. Smith
L. GreEory
C. Smith
0. Cie row
C. Turney
General Fund
1'. I,:urray 49.60 D. Boyer
D. E. Ra;*nor 44.19 ^. T -iller
P. !.-.C-,..ally 29.76 P. :.:cidally
';i. Henry 26.97 Henry
Concord Service Station 26.44 F. Smith
'efford Chemical Co. 5.94
El Set-- ,,undo Lumber Co. 23.60
Street Improvement Fund
I.Ioved.by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Lrimmel, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds
covering the same. Carried by the following vote:
ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
:foes: None.
absent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
, -loved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that four
police badges and fou-r cap pieces of the Police Department be and the stone
are hereby ordered renlated and re- enameled at a cost not to exceed X5.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Yoe s: none.
Absent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
11oved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the
Superintendent of the '.°later Department be and he is hereby authorized to
-ourche.se miscellaneous small fittinz.s required by his Department at a cost
not to exceed 'x35.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen 17ximmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
:absent: Councilmen Binder and Selby.
Iso further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin€, it was
moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
r C ity C1
I."-ayo r.