1928 MAY 07 CC MIN161
El SeE7undo, Cal• :,:air ..p ir 7t'-, 1926.
.Lr, adios rned re[,-j_l ar mect ir,�, of the City Co"_ncil of t 'City of __1 Se-o-ndo
California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. !.-. on -'U.-.e a:,:ove date, in
I-' 'hI_
the Council Chamer of tae 'Jt.-- of said City, -U-7 the Ciit-�'
--.a,,-or being a�Sent. �ouncilmL_n &erow m_s unanimously .'.'loser. a-yor -pro-temi.
,:ri=;el, Love, el 7r n,
Co,imcilme-n 2rese-at: a d. e
"ouncilmer. �: ce nt: 3 inde r
.,..ayor 3inder ap??eavred at the meetin, at t =he dour of 7: 20 , o I clock
and immediately tine d ties of ._.-ayor, Co-mcilman
c•2-sin: to act as - -a�Jor -Jro-teir.
I: _ 07 --1 -7"-72.5
7h,e cf the meetint, on t1l•_ z' -th day of 1926
;ere r—, ! ioj _t err or or 0,mlissi on angeari-� s
-ov `
Lnvl--, secondeC-_ Co'o-n-i-ir--n "l-ero',.- t1at ._lc mi-----U-s be a)rovea -.)- s read.
pose' o= indict d:
:e_re rear and -,.is-
dasted I926, r-_q-,j0st-_.a- e-u-ca' y
U _�tas trees
of Lots 1 ;:nom 2, ; L �
-1 o cl--- 7 -1 e, -Lundo 2, -, eneral
r�_,_,.oved froif- in front
consent the - :ratter refor-led to the .greet Super intu endent •
OaIiLl 31's.
777 07- 011 Sr" --T)I"C rl -1 17 =7 L-)
--? � -1 - 1� __ - -
77MO2-S 077 -J7 '7-.!___�.
- - - - -I , _ - C7,:. .7__.
UI=:7TS`_ZD 37"1" S'
-he City of Lon.- :,avinE heretofore extended an invitation to
the Council to be the Filests of said City at the Pacific - Southwest
.:_Y,--_)osition Dedication ceremonies, to be held 3_--t"arday, 11-ay 26th, 1928,
— ne -.at w
r "er as considered at this tim-- �_,nd, the Clerk was instructed to
advise the Committee in cAar t.i t seven o---- t-ie City of
El Ses1'3_11do will be -)resent.
disc _ssio 1 as _,.ad -\T:_ th
referenc= to llitzer :dr
-l(I on ::roes Fie.,id, ad�cezit to the City of -71 SeF'U, do,
--aces to Je -e I � - _n
t September, 1928. -'he Cou-ncilyren and others
Cali'ornia-, in ._LE_- monvil of
c_-x,ressea tale o-oinion t"-:a t-,-r- CiI7 of -1 should vail its-1-
c- Ae to advertise the s�id �;itzt t0 the m0.1tit-ales ,-!ho -,�,o-nld
•,-i-it tutie s___id -.Ik-, t r a c tion. -,.o that e and as a rieans of advertising sai^
UY, t_:-_,e Cou_ncll 'elt 'U'lat a u.t� sio-aic.- "or for C.
r---,- ,j, ,oui.t to H I'verti s-- said -J. tu- in ccrme c-, ion o anno-omcen,-,ents 0
*! q--.J-d international eV: rat. T —'
U ,-il--.s there o.h P. ioved Co-ancilman Love,
seconded y 'Councilman siat t- he follo•-rin, resol-a`U _L oi- ,e ado-'
ecre'ry o- the _I'l
Ho_ e, -) -
i_,ere - L)-, em )loyed
7- U
,_si_-.,ess :._en's "'ssocia-'ion, be an' she _s
or t1le s-L;_-_ of ai-_,d no more, to s-,;_-pervise the advertisl_n�-
o the �,it
- of it secnndo, Calif -rn"'_-, w'-,erever possible,
U e
i_1 connect'on :ith anno-zice-ents -nd da'a
internatio-n-1 ?L;_11itzer _'Lir '?aces to be aeld at --ines 7ield,
t-, 0- e,ur� -
ad'-p-c---nt- to tlu_�Ie --i ; I -__ ar� to do all is her
::e. -.-ee�_. this date and the occurre.-Lice of said eve_-.t,
to advertise said �%ity in connection wi W_ 'h slj-ch anno-n-acements
an- -,rin'ed r,,-t'er ssne may be ins'Ur-or-.-ental in influencing
in that regard.
Said resolution 7.-Was curried by the follo:,rinE vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Cerow, =.rire, el, Love, Selb - and 3inder.
hoes: ::one.
Absent: 'tone.
i ___., SzI: ySS.
The . -ayor rear: to the Council a teleEra ae had received tais date
fro:: yurdett�, 1.•oody, arfin€ that the Council and Civic Organizations,
--ire the President of the united States and administration Leaders,
recuestiry their assistance `n an effort to obtain iir.iediate actior_ on
the : oulder Dam bill. Pollowin, : consideration_, by - eneral consent the
Cit -,T C 1 e rh was instructed to wire the President of the united States and
Senator Him-f,, Johnson alone;, the lire indicateds
Ito fbxther business appearing to be transacted at this meeting-, it
was moved by Councilman Erimmel, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
zooroved: Ci