1928 MAY 04 CC MINI=1 Se€-vnd0, Cal. 11 y 4th, 1926. n regular meeting of the City Council of tie City of L1 Se`undo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. . =. on t::e above date, in the Council Chamber of the ci +,r a11 of said '-ity, by the Cit, Cler', the .:_aVOr belni=: absent. Councilman Gerocr was unanimously chosen I.'af or nro -tem. BOLL C_.LL. Councilmen Present: Krimmel' Love and (:eror;. u Concilmen Absent: Binder and Selby. l ze minutes of the adjourned rerul ar meeting-- held on the 2n:� day of 1. -ay, 1925, were read. -:o errors-or ^missions a_.inearinE, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, Hiatt tae minc.tes be ainroved as read. Carried. PIT EN CO. I'IC:.�TI11 ?:i. The followin. communications viere read and disposed of as indicated: s J. OLIVE-? B'ISO-, City Clerk, City of Long- Beach, California, dated i:_ay 2nd, 1928, advising of the dedication ceremonies of the Pacific - Couthr~est at Lone Beach, beLin;iinE at Noon, Saturday, 1_.ay 26t1h, 1928, and extending to the Council an invitation to be :oresernt. Ordered filed. Mr. `47Vn. :?I. Davison, President, El Segundo Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council relative to an a_opropriation of 150.00 for advertising purposes in connection_ v:ith the Purlitzer Air Races, which will take place at t: -e Lines :_irport in the very near fl-_tare; said proposed advertising to be under the direction of the E1 Segundo Business Len's Association. By `-eneral consent the matter was taken under consideration. i� one . R =PORTS O__' S' "'7II 0 COTI.'ITT r.,S. S?ECL;.L OPDE3 OF B JSIi;�SS. The dour of 7:30 o'clock P. I _'. at this meeting, havir.L heretofore been set as the time for the receiving of bids for fu_rnishinE. the City of _­1 Setvndo '.rith a one ton or one and onia -half ton truck chassis, equipped with enclosed cab, demounta;le rims and 30x5 tires in the front and 32x6 tires in t7.e rear, as heretofore advertised for, tae I.ayor arose and announced t..e hour of 7:29 o'clock P. I:. and asked if there viere any person or -iersons present 1: ho desire,. to file ids for said eo,._ipment. The hour of 7:30 o' clock havi E arrived and all bids -Vein-, in, the I::ayor declared the tim:_ fo--^ the receiving of bids for l sr_ishir. the City of L1 0 On. 'ton Or One aid --half ton truck chassis, cc i_JO -d r�it enclosed c ?.�, dew_ou�.ta;,l� rirs and 30x5 tires in tl.e front and 32x6 tires in t___. r= _.r, as a:'..__ertisel for, closed. -he Cler•: an-rounced recei:it of one uid; v._-Lereupon it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman i%rimn:el, that the Council proceed t0 vPBn, ex I"i.le CaaI1Ci OU- 1iCl declare all Of t_'iE iQ5 reC lved for f ATiliSain€' t_ e .,i y of -1 U- '7!ld0 .. it:: one to-,-_ or One -and one -half toil tnach c :assis, enclose cu , de__.ov__�wUle rir.:s e-ind 3OxS .fires in the __o..t c �ir::s _n the wr, ws advertised for. Carried. _he Co-:s.cil 7 _ _ cceedea' to o_oen, examine and ,ra-lic_•- declare _ ,_'° -i-, i1C_'_ sail d .,id -;_­s _O-L__d Said �,Cn cll t0 lic as _oll0.:s, to -..it: ? entlemen:- "l U- _,;nd0, .ai. i =,ril ._ ^, 1:'2 =. inc IoSed __ ' l -i_rr for 7� 0' ri .,id on �r-, s 'Ver d _ + l .� co r- = :_ oc, re: cr a a: is �e ;;_ndo eral _ae -ora tiuc:: is desi :ed to meet __1 :_eral w ng r- ire =1I. It r,.ted _ 1;- ol: t. _c'• . .t _s --Ode! „ :z . fort­ lOrSe- JO::-r E° -. =E, %7- _'v °S s ^` cam. _. ­SSai for _ _1Ci: deli'v'er - and t._ _?O'• :0- _- .e'd °c: .:.o _ _ lar. loads o =- I. , te,isl. phis trzc:. is e:,_ipped :_t_: t'.e hea: r d steel _ t: s �o : =., .._ Deis, w _.e•.; �r:;_c :_ ..::eel �._t_, .a str:. - :�, �.i • _Ilc tir,: e' 'i is '0 on aE "-on' !E _S ailw . ".2 :i E• Oit re ,--r _ els. - -- S u. Sei 0 _7C Si l: _n- i. -__ f0 ^', _ S . cQ._ ^n_. (:vErSe. -he ca.: is all Steel _t:l ., de doors w_:. a se .t 4 i_ c-f,es in .- ft idth. e cab is t:_ dar- = ^ : :er_ tyro.._; _ _ t Del er-- c -.r_ b;e : ad on recei_-)t of order. -,'.,e are = rice o_ t_--le tr' -_cr_ C D ii E7 _`S and oil -1 U`1;ndo. r' -as-is 2wld Cab - _ - - - - - - -* C,0 s and ) it - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.68 :051.68 �.Ic_rikill _ rol_ if_ 2.;Lv=ce and ho Lh�_ to receavc Y0-_�_r Very truly yoars, fl corS4deratio :-_ o" s .id Lid, it aws roved b-; Councilman Love, seconded 'oy Councilman :irirmnel, t_rlau 2c30l__tioll .;0. 192, entitled: P=.SMU IOI� 0� CI T CCT:17 IL 07 _- �. CITY OF LL S�CIr`�0, C:_LI l0?i I:'., :�' :':�.3DI : :G ^0 I �. LSC03 :_�, 07 LL S3CZ—DO, C: _ S_.ID CITY :I"_':? 01—'E CERT.J ' !"??'.;C:_ 07'�S3IS, which was read, be adopted. Carried by tae followini_ vote: :_yes: Covllcilr_en Krim el, Love and Geroi 3.oes :70ne. ::Dser_t: Councilmen 3inder and Selby. 'I n7PO7. 07' C?�'IC =.'S S-ECI :L The i t'r Clerr: = of -)rn_ed t::_ CoV_: :cil t :ia'u eleven doors ;,ere salvac'ed fron,. tae -old First Ch._rc:l rece_:tly -?l:rchased by the Cit.-, and t`iat said doors are no"! in stcrwL,_e in the -7,u micip1--..1 r;;:.rehov_se anf t,,.-,+ snv --ral )erso_-.s :ave offerew to w_rc'r se a nv:: :per o= them if the Co_1.cil :�o -L.lc file a -)rice. It ,.ws ;' ereu. : :on *roved b-r Courcilrnan Love, seconder?_ Dt ' Councilman: F__ ^i2 :i_F1, thaw a. '_)rice o 'l.00ceach be fixed ,)ion the S ^.come -_ and 'd -)ors salvi `ed iron; the old irst - et _o..'.ist _;isco -)al :hu_rr, rrcentl1; purci'_ased by the City of yl :3= :�vndo and that permission is hereby `iven to sell any or all of said doors to any persons desirinf to - ')urchase the s,:,,: :e, _)rovided they wall fil,st make arranLements for su-ci. _rc:,ws ; t%? the -it;r Clem: and pay, in cash, into the C- eneral rand of the City of El Segundo, throv�h the City Clerk, an amount sufficient to pay for t lc nor. :car of doors -ourchased, at the rate ihereinDefore fixed. Carried b -- the follo - ::irl vote: EMM } ryes: Councilmen Krirrriel, Love and Zero®.. i,-oes: Ron e. . -O sent: Councilmen, minder and Selby. The City Cler_: reported receipt of deeds for use in connection with the Street Openinz Proc-edinLs initiated ,:nder the provisions of 2esolution of Intention wo. 154 And Ordinv,,�_ce No. 125 of the City of El Segundo. 1i %ere- ufion it was moved by Councilman Krimnel, seconded b Councilmen Lore, that the folloivinE resolution be adopted: RESOL= that that certain street deed dated ?::a; 4th, 1928, executed b`r '• illiam I. YcLaren and Celia LcLaren, '_zis wife, conveying to the City of El Se`-vndo for public street ?urposes, the Northerly 40 feet of Lot 9, 31oc. 10:;, El eEundo Sheet 1,o. 3; and that certain street deed dated the 21st da. • of 1 ovenmber, 1927, executed by Jose.�h Donaldson and =nanda - . Donaldson, his wife, conve.vinE to the 'amity of =•1 Segundo for _public street purposes, the Northerly 40 feet of Lot 12, lock 12, Tract 1685, each of w'rich properties are req-._ired by the City of 31 Segundo for use in connection with the street o_ enin�-_- -pro ceedin:•s- instituted under the provisions of esolu_tion of Intention lio. 154 and Ordinance No. 1Z5 of the City of --1 SeE_vndo, and the properties conveyed thereby, be and the same are hereby accepted on "-behalf of-the 'City of -1 Segundo, and the City Clerk. of said 'City is hereby directef to affix his certificates thereto, indicwtin� their acceotuan_ce by this Council, and to ca-ase the said instruments to be filed for record in the office of the Co-rnty Recorder of Los -nEeles County, California; _�D 3: ir7 7,77E =SOL:�, that u-oon receipt of certifi- cates from the Soithwest Title Company, indicating that through the instruments-hereinb - fore referred to the City of L1 Segundo acouires unencumbered title to said pro- ,erties for public street _purposes, that the Ulity Cler_ shall cause to be mailed to the grantors named in said instruments, warrants for the amounts awarded to them for said res- oective -properties, as shovm in the report of the Commissioners ap_ooir_ted to assess benefits and a:rard damages in connection with the Street Opening; Proceeding hereinbefore mentioned. Said resolution was carried b;r the folloo-,: iaE vote: :yes: Councilmen Nrimmel, Love and Uerow. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Binder and Selby. ='_ie Fire Chief reported that the members of the El Segundo Volunteer Fire Department, at a special meeting, recently held, expressed desire for the adoption of an ordinance reE,- latin{- the use an:, sale of fire works within the City of El Segundo. The :sire Chief reported also that i:e had looked into the matter of prices on a fire wor .s display- and finds t at tae same may be procured for from •`200.00 up. ` -';ie Ci-:y - attorney reported that thus f x there has beer, no decision by the = )ivision of Ind-C_strial Accidents and Safe t;r concerr_ir_ the Dave ?a?zland case. iu nne . ?.-Y I'- C- ?SILLS. The followin,-� demands, having- had 'inance a�' :d records, were read: Jereral Pund California Title Ins. Co. 25.50 z.edo-ndo-In-lewood and Los :ui�reles = ransfer Co. 1.00 771 Segundo Paint Store 18.75 '. & Transfer Co. .50 the approval of the Committee on Southern Cal. Edison Co. Union Rock Company I 15s General F_nd 65.16 62.68 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 266.38 Los r,ngeles Rubber Stamp Co. 6.67 Iae Standard iattery Shop 4.75 X47— 5 39 r roved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimirel, that the demands be allowed, and warrants drawn. on and paid ov_t of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the followinE vote: Ayes: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Gerow. hoes: None. '.bsent: Councilmen Binder and Selby. I: -oved by Councilman -- rimmel, seconded by Councilma.. Love, that the yltar Society of St. l-ntrony's Church be and it is heresy granted vermission to use the City; Nall auditorium for the -�v-r ose cf zoldin-- a card -.)arty, uesda;,- e- renint , -ay 22---id, 1926. Carried. Wowed by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman l:rimmel, that the Street Superintendent be and tie is hereby instructed to estiir:ate the cost of improvinE tichmond Street f^om Grand Avenue to 1ariposa Avenue, by the construction therein of macad3.m veneer pavinE, and to submit said estimate to the City Clerk for the oreparution of a petition in c-„stomar,; form, w-,ich said - )etition shall b= delivered to is -r. W. -odd, for cire-�_lation anon the oroperty ovrners. Carried. 1-oved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the rc'_l.se ,of a man?zole cover for v_se on the sevier maihhole in CollinE :ood _ Ctreet ..est of yonita lista __venu-e, arc. the same is hereb.i .tho_ized at cost not to exceed :15.00. Carried by the f011o!vir:� vote: Ayes: Councilmen ri.:mel, Love and Cerow. .oes: none. ,lb s en' : Councilmen - cinder and Selby. Loved by Councilman -- rinmel, seconded by Covncilmw__ Love, that the - )vrchase of a rat rack for use in the ' ouncil Ch n -Jer of the City :call, at a cost not to exceed :310.00, be and the sarie is here-oy authorized. parried by the folloviir,� vote: ;res: Councilmen - ri -Inel, Love and Cerow. goes: none. Abse -,t: Councilmen Binder and Selby. !To further business ap -pearin- to be transacted at this session, it v :�,s moved by Councilman_ Love, seconded by Cou.ncilni:.n r -rimr e1, that the m-EtinE adjourn ur_til i..onday, the 7th day of ...fir, 1926, at t:he ::our of 7:00 o'clock?. . -. Carried. :espectf ---lly submitted, V, :.pnreved: City Clerk. -ayo r.