1928 JUN 29 CC MIN1�93
E1 Segundo, Cal. June 29th, 1928.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. X. on the above date, in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall of said City by Peter E. Binder, I,_ayor.' -
Councilmen Pres -nt: Gerow, Krimmel and Binder.
Councilmen Absent: Love and Selby.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 22nd day of June, 1928, were
read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Gerow,
seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
Councilman Selby appeared during the reading of the minutes, the hour
being; 7:10 o'clock P. 1'. and immediately took his seat.
i'he following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
STATE OF C_UIFORNIn, VETER d4S ,v—ELFARE BOARD, petition for the cancellation
of certain municipal.taxes now appearing on the tax records as a lien against
Lot 10, Block 82, E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, in the City of El Segundo, County
of Los s�ngeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 20, rages 22
and 23 of 1 -aps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County.
Following discussion, in which the opinion of the City Attorney was
rendered to'the effect that he could not place upon the Act referred to in
the petition, the legal constr__ction which apparently the officials of t_ze
Veterans 1:7elfare Board had placed thereon, and that there was considerable
question as to whether or not the Council had t'_e authority under the law to
make the cancellation requeuted, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded
by Councilman Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted:
7,791ER'- AS, this Council has received from the Veterans
"Ielfare Board of the State of California, a certain petition
requesting that all municipal taxes against Lot 10, Block 82,
E1 Segundo Sheet Yo. 3, in the City of E1 Segundo, County
of Los Angeles, State of California, exceptin¢: special
assessments, be cancelled;
this Council has carefully considered the
s-.id matter and has received le ul advice with reference to
t:-e same;
_:D =: :`, a dou=bt e,_ists in the mind or this Cour�cil
at this time t =at it has the authority to Erant the petition
ac -raved for;
B=. IT .2ESOL -TED, that said _petition be and
the same is '_ereb-r denied without prejudice and that said
Veterans ',7elfare Board be advised of this decision and invited
to submit any data or authorities which said Eoard may have,
bearirL upon the legality of the proposed cancellation and
more definitely* indicating the authority of the Council of
this City to make such can :cellation.
sae motion to adopt the forego -rL resolution was carried by the followirlE vote:
:_yes: Councilmen: Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Binder.
hoes: hone.
:absent: Councilman Love.
Li;�7EIRSITY 0� S07-=`- C��LIF03I�Iy, requestin . that the City purchase
memberships in the Institute of :: unicipal Administration, to be held at said
University lZtlh to 18th, 1926. :.roved by Councilman Kri -mmel,
seconded by Councilman Selby, that the City of El Segundo purchase one
membership in the Institute of I;vnici:)al Administration to be held at
the ;?miversity of Southern California, Los Angeles, August 1Sth - 18th, 1928,
at the fee of "325.00. Carried by the following vote:
ryes: Councilmen Gero w, rrimmnel, Selby and Binder.
Noes: hone.
�_bsent: Councilman Love.
C:- LI I D 'E'TyL0?i := ^^ ASSOCIATION, dated June 25th, 1928, asking
cooperation with said Lssociation and the Oalif-rnia State Automobile
Association and the Automobile Club of Southern California, to the end that
misleading traffic direction signs be not erected within the State of
Califo rnia. Ordered filed.
R. F. Ic CLELLAN, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, dated June 26th,
1928, extending an invitation to the Irayor and members of the City Council
to attend the meetings of the Eighth National Conference on State Parks to
be held at Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Monday, July 2nd, 1928, and at
Big Pines Recreation Camp, Los Angeles County, Tuesday, July 3rd, 1928.
Ordered filed.
IT°-�dU,' D. PA'IM'T, dated June 28th, 1928, acknowledging receipt of
information to the effect that the City of El Segundo will asFist in con-
ditioning I:.ines Field for the reception of the participants in the National
f,ir Tour, which will use I.:ines Field, July 12th, 13th and 14th, 1928, and
thankirw the City for the assistance and agreeing to comply with the pro-
visions specified in the resolution authorizing said assistance. Ordered filed.
N. V. Vid DEEh00F, dated June 28th, 1928, offering all sizes of cocus-
plumosa palm for sale at prices from 50¢ each up. Ordered filed.
The receiving of bids for the sale of two parcels of land owned by
the %'rater Department of the City of El Segundo and no longer required for
the use of said Department, having been set for the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P.
at this meeting, pursuant to notice thereof published according to law,
the ehair announced the hour of 7:29 o'clock P. 1. had arrived and asked if
there were an;- person or persons present who desired to file bids for the
sale of said property.
The hour of 7:30 o'clock P. I:.. having arrived and all bids being
the Chair announced that the time for the receiving of bids for the sale
Lot 10, Block 3, Tract 1685, E1 Segundo, designated as Parcel No. 1, and
the sale of that portion of Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 West,
B. Y., described as follows:
Be €:inning at the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block
3, Tract 1685; thence South 89058110" Wiest along t;:e
South line of Pine Avenue and the 'Westerly prolonga-
tion thereof a distance of 254.28 feet; thence South
0001150" East a distance of 72.40 feet to a point of
beginning; thence from said point of beginning South
0001150" East a distance of 42.00 feet; thence South
89058110" -Vest a distance of 62.00 feet; thence North
0001150" , "Test a distance of 42.00 feet; thence North
89058'10" East a distance of 62.00 feet to the _point
of beginnin€,
designated as Parcel No. 2, as advertised by public notice published according
to law, is closed.
The Clerk thereupon announced the receipt of two bids, following which
it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, and
unanimoiisly carried, that the Council proceed to open, examine and publicly
declare all of the bids received for the sale of certain real properties of
the City of E1 Segundo, heretofore advertised for sale and hereinbefore described.
T 195
The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare
all of the bids received for the sale of said properties hereinbefore described,
which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows, towit:
"I bid X170.00 for the high lot and enclose 10., of bid;
and $250.00 for lower lot and enclose check for ',25.00
as 10;' of bid.
C. P. I:allory ".
Said bid was accompanied by check in the sum of X25.00 drawn on the Citizens
Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles; also by currency in the sum of "17.00.
"320, Virginia Street,
E1 Segundo, Calif. June 29, 1928.
City Council of the CitZ, of E1 Segundo.
Dear Gentlemen:
I desire to make a bid of Fifty Dollars, cash,
for real properties advertised for'sale by the City of E1
Segundo, known and described as Parcel No. 2.
Mrs. A. R. Gunn ".
Said bid was accompanied by currency in the sum of $5.00.
Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by }
Councilman_ Gerow, that all of the said bids received, opened, examined and
ublicly declared this date, for the sale of certain municipal real property
as heretofore advertised for sale, be taken under advisement and that further
consideration be treated as a Special Order of Business at the hour of 7:30
o'clock P. X., at the reEul.ar meeting of the Council to be held July 6th, 1928.
Carried by the following,• vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Selby and Binder.
Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman Love.
The City «tto rney announced approval as to form of that certain bond
in the penal sum of '"250.00 with the National Surety Company as Surety and
Russell Thomas Hutchins, Chief of Police (City 1'arsaal) as Principal, said
bond being dated the 22nd da.v of June, 1928; also that certain bond in the
penal sum of - 250.00, with the National Surety Company as Surety, and Russell
Thomjms Hutchins, Plumbing Inspector, as Prinepal, said bond being dated the
22nd day of June, 1928; whereupon it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded
by Councilman Krimmel, that those certain bonds, dated the 22nd day of June.,
1928, each showing• the Kational Surety Company as Surety, one of said bonds with
Fussell Thomas Hutchins as Plumbing Inspector, Principal, and one of said
bonds with 'Russell Thomas -Hutchins, as Chief of Police ( Cit,-,- !- :arshal ) Principal,
be and the seine are herebl- approved. Carried.
The Street Superintendent advised the Council that he is desirous
of constructinE a corrugated iron shed on municipal property in the rear
of the municipal warehouse, for the purpose of housing all of the road oiling
eq,iipment. By ۥeneral consent the Council agreed to meet the Street Superin-
tendent, on -onday, the 2nd day of July, 1928, at 6130 P. 1_. for the purpose
of investigating• the matter and looking over the €•round.
the City 'Engineer reported havine interviewed certain representatives
or the �-cunty Road Com^_ission and 1�. Le Clellan, -'resident of the 3oard of
:.upr-rvisors and of having learned that no Erk ineer of -:'ork has been appointed
by the County, either for supervising or consultation purposes for t_ e pro,)osed
Sepulveda 3oulevard
irprovement for its entire lenE.tih. Also that at the
Dresent time no assurance
cou_d be €fiver that tie Co,znty would extend any
finu,^_cial aid in the
Constr•„_ction of that portion. of Sepulveda 3oulevarA
n- t_.rou _ the
"_ty c ° : -1 'eo ndo .
Loved by Councilman aerow, seconded 'oy Councilman Rrim•:_el, t a_t the
purchase of lwo CO x a' Pish--e Heavy Duty Cord CasirL s, t:.re= x � re --
tubes ;:.nd one motcro. cle tire and tube, be and t :e sEj- is areb; authorized
at a cost not to exceed .ZO.CO. Carried y t e follo fir. vote:
Ayes: Councilmen 'Cerow, I=rirrzn el, Selby and 3inder.
I;oes: .:one.
L, ent: Councilman. Love.
I;o further "Cosiness ap_oearinL to be transacted at this session, it
,:as :::owed by Councilman_ Geroc:, seconded by Co�ancilmar_ Selby, that the
meeting adjozrr_ until .:or_day, the 2nd day or July, 1926, at the hour of
7:30 o'clock- P. I,. Carried.
3esyoectflzlly submitted,
.ipproved: ity Cle
I: =ayor.