1928 FEB 03 CC MINZn El S.eEundo, Cal. February 3rd, 192P. regular meeting of the City Council of the City of E1SeE ndo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. F,:. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City ._all of said City, by Peter E.• Einde -r, I:ayor. _ROLL Cx'�LL. 'Councilmen ?resent: Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Tinder. -Councilmen Absent: Ca-I'Mon. RE.DII;G OF I'ENUTES OF PREVIOUS I.�.�7EMS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 27th day of January, 1928, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on February lst, 1928 were read, and no errors or omissions being. noted, they were approved as read upon motion of Councilman Geror, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, which carried. Councilman Cannon appeared during the reading of the minutes .-.nd• took his seat, the hour being 7:1C o'clock P. 1". t!RIT= COP:...7UNICATIOIYS. The following communic- '.tions were read and disposed of as indicated: ::AROLD D. D21E, dated January 31st, 1928, advising that he is the owner of Lot 36, Flock 75, E1 Se €undo, and expressing his desire to have the Council remove eucalyptus trees from in front thereof if it so desires. Ordered filed. CHAS. I:'.. P17.TPS, 507 West Plariposa Avenue, dated February 3rd, 1928, requesting removal of eucalyptus trees from his premises. Ordered filed. A. DIJdA BUP.F'T, 543 Loma Vista Street, dated February 3rd, 1928, requesting the removal of eucalyptus trees adjacent to his property. Ordered filed. 111U ICIPAL kSSESSIrCrNT SPREI�DII;G CO1Mui , dated February 2nd, 1928, requesting an opportunity to bid on such work of that character as the City may have need of. Ordered filed. OR_U COr�.'iTIIICATIOLTS. L. S. Nelson, President of the Woman's auxiliary of El Se €undo Post No. 38, American Legion, requested that said Auxiliary be employed by the City Council to supervise a I`,others' Educational Clinic. lirs. Nelson explained the project briefly, and thereafter, by general consent, the City s:ttorney was instructed to prepare a contract in connection with the project. REPORTS OF S"_' 2 ,DII,G COI ;fi: ITTEES. Councilman Krimmel of the Public ,.'orks Committee, reported several bad sots in Pine Avenue bet-.7een Virginia Street and Concord Street. The matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for attention. p PORTS 0= OF- 710ERS &: SPECI.LL CO? :'IT''EES. City Gardener Bu�Lr:en reported that he and the Street Sun erintendent had made ax, innnection of trees grovan€ in the parkins throughout the Cit:,, and he recommended that trees be ~planted in Lora Vista Street between Pine Avenue and Holly :,vemje. FollowinE_ consideration, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded b-- Councilman Gerow, that the City Gardener be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to plant trees in Loma Vista Street between Pine avenue and Holly Avenue, and the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo is hereby instructed to set stakes for the same. Carried by the followingr vote: Ayes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and minder. Noes: None. Absent: None. the Citv Gardener's report recommended also that certain trees be removed from portions of Virginia Street, j.'hitinC Street, Richmond Street, Concord Street, Grand Avenue and Palm :.venue. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Cannon, that the Street Superintendent remove from the parkways trees recommended by the City Gardener to be removed, all as contained in the report of said City Gardener, filed with this Council this date. Carried by the following• vote: .yes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: Yone. The City Clerk reported receipt of a �)etition signed by John ahla and others, recaestinE; the improvement of Oah :venue between ?'.ain Street and Eucalyptus Drive. 7. 7hereupon, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the follouin€• resolution be adopted: ',-,!TEPE:LS, it ap-oears that certain residents and property o,imers of the City of T1 Se;ondo are willin, to pay certain moneys in the svr of '3633.39 into the Treasury of the City of El Se&,-undo, California, and into the General i`and thereof, for th:: purpose of causin€ certain street improvements ,.rit;lin said City to be !nade; and 181.77 of said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk of said City, with instructions to pay the same into said General Pund upon the adoption of the following: 119. -7E_7 ',FOPL, Bi, Il- Ri:S01,7 ED: That u»on the filin{; of a certified cony of a resolution of it Segundo High School M. - L, es, s.g:reeinr to nay, upon the completion o_" the � :ork her :inafter contermplated, an additional sum of `1451.62, the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cav_se the portion of that edrtain vuulic street within the City of El Se undo, lmo,xn as Oak .:venue, lyir4 and being- bet-een 11"win Street and 1-`L;ca,l;rptus Drive, to be improved by the corstr',:_ctior_ therein of the follorrin�; i=rovement, to -grit: 1_=adac: veneer _oavinf_. Carried by -the follovvint- vote: -es: 0 ovncilr1-an Cannon, Cero:r, 1-rim-el , Love and Finder. i "oes : Non--. _.. 'relit: 1.Cne. wee City ,;ttornev reported no f-l_rther definite renort from the tw c' ^7!^' .s 'ion _ns-L,_, - ? n e con-cerniry- the claim of ')-ve F.''_aland b,_ -t t wt _-_e i_wc. rec:iverJ- ass __.. icy_ thc- Los 1 -Ln< tiles o "rice o` swirl_ 7,. ?�� t,la+ _ _ .gin -,�_l o_ _"ll: w`Uer ^pt to pro cu_r_ z. report fror its .:E,n Frwnc�sco Ile -seek a tr-Li.ck CO_.t�i lr ^ll `1ad over— ±n-_"P(? On --1 Lier- Lu-ido nvF.'n —u-e et : -etan 7_1.ichmonC_ Street '_ trr 't, S011lir ` i tS CO'`... nts or-, l:'_ roc.drfa�• o' said street, Com -!=ted cleanin_ t =1e said_ street ar-O mai in G";-Ch r_rairs s arc 1BCc�s /. on b'.r g °nere.l COI:s•:nt the City Cler'r -aas in 7tn,_ct -;_ t0 rill the :- :.' G 21 r'_'U_C_= or.rp:.ny for the _'Y)enses =1 11EG -L- City in ma"i :irl� suca, clee.11.-c_c ant: repairs. 9L 98, `: f 13 l I;: SILLS. ne follov:rin€- f_emands, ha.vin� :.F.d the a proval of the Corar_i ttee on Finance and Records, were rc;ad: :.roved by Councilmen_ Cannon, seconded by Councilman F:rimmel, that the der-ands be allored and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds coverinL- the same. Carried by the folio::!ink- vote: Ayes: CoLL?cilmen Cannon, Serow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. =roes: None. _bsent: Prone. KISIi EESS. 'he City Engineer reported that a re?.Oresentative of the County Yealth Department had requested that the City cover a pool of sta,`nant voter on Collin,�--!ood Street near rizona Drive, so as to eliminate ,a mosc_uito nuisance. T=he matter ;as discussed at length, but bein€ unw are as to the damaEe which might be done to property in event oil is spread upon this pool and the -looded area is erlarged by reason of rain., no action in the matter was taken. `'he City Engineer advised that a .:r. Yorford, who is building a house on '. niting Street, bet��reen Palm 'venue and P._arip6sa Avenue, had recuested that the alley adjacent to his property be graded, so that he may have access to his garage. On motion of Councilman Cerow, seconded by Councilman Love, the Street Superintendent was instructed to grade the said alley as requested by the petitioner. Carried by the following vote: 'yes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: Pone. Absent: hone. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: I-a rcr. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. General Fund "eneral Fund C. F. Dumer 4 1-1.25 El See-undo Lumber Co. 44.12 Standard 3attery Shop 1.5C E1 Seeundo Paint :tore 1S.7C outhern Cal. r -as Company Daniels Hardware 20. 95 45.14 El Seerundo Post ;;3e, timerican Legion 35100 F. C. I-.acLean aci fic Tel. & Tel. Co. ll.0C 53.26 R. S. Anthon.--, .._. D. 10.00 2£R 7.90 :.roved by Councilmen_ Cannon, seconded by Councilman F:rimmel, that the der-ands be allored and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds coverinL- the same. Carried by the folio::!ink- vote: Ayes: CoLL?cilmen Cannon, Serow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. =roes: None. _bsent: Prone. KISIi EESS. 'he City Engineer reported that a re?.Oresentative of the County Yealth Department had requested that the City cover a pool of sta,`nant voter on Collin,�--!ood Street near rizona Drive, so as to eliminate ,a mosc_uito nuisance. T=he matter ;as discussed at length, but bein€ unw are as to the damaEe which might be done to property in event oil is spread upon this pool and the -looded area is erlarged by reason of rain., no action in the matter was taken. `'he City Engineer advised that a .:r. Yorford, who is building a house on '. niting Street, bet��reen Palm 'venue and P._arip6sa Avenue, had recuested that the alley adjacent to his property be graded, so that he may have access to his garage. On motion of Councilman Cerow, seconded by Councilman Love, the Street Superintendent was instructed to grade the said alley as requested by the petitioner. Carried by the following vote: 'yes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: Pone. Absent: hone. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: I-a rcr. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.