1928 DEC 28 CC MIN0
_ 11 Segundo, California.
-.December 26th, 1928.
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7s00 o'clock P. M. on the above date in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, Mayor.
Councilmen Presents Gerow, Erimmel, Lave and Binder*`
Councilmen Absents Selby. t •'
Counc ilman Selby arrived at the meeting during the reading of the
minutes and took °his seat, the hour being'7s1O o'clock P. I.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st daty of'December, -
1928, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by
Councilman hove, -seconded -by Councilman Gerow, that the 'a tnm*et be approved
as read. Carried.
Claud Anderson addressed the-Council relative to •tr^&srerring, h1s_! _ -
permit to operate a billiard parlor from the location it now covers W.-.
No. 101 Ricbmond Street to a new location at No. 104 Richmond Street, E1
Segundo: Moved by Counc Liman Yrfamme 1, seconded by: Councilman Lovr,•. that
Claud Anderson be and he is hereby granted permission`to move his•billiard
parlor from No. 101 Richmond Street to No. 104 Ricbmond•=Streetj:1l Segundo,
and that the permit heretofore granted on the 17th day of February, 1926s
;.to operate the "said hiliiard: pk a the first - menti6hed •loeatien, -for
the period: of one' yeas, 'be and the `same- is here`br- trsatferr" U."*8over at �t
*the 'latter locartion-- for this une4ired is= 46f said -POrmitei Ceizrlsd = Us'
following rotes
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Srimmsl, Dove, Selby and Binder.
•Hoes: .. �gone. ... ......, .. .. _ . . , .. t;
Absents Hone. ? "
None. l' - .. _ .. r..-�• .. ♦ .. �}.v.sE. .'1 d -..
mi) A'r�T 0T OFFICERS' AND SPECIAL 0CMTTZEii `: •: " n r i ' !t t•"
The City Cleric - reported that' Mr: Frsakc- Dyer said otbrr pr6perty amers.-
residing on Penn Street between: Pine and - Mariposa Avenwos,.akw. "desirous of -r".
*having the said street fmproved Dr" the oonattruction thirein7,of macadam
veneer paving in accordance with the plan fbr such work heretofore adopted by
this Council. Moved by Councilman: Srimmel#.-'seconded', by fttuicilmsm Gerow,
that the Street Superintendent 'be`asst he -1 hereby instructed to mak6:•sn
estimate of the cost of the construction of macadam veneer paving 1n, Pease -.
Street between Pine and Mariposa Avenues, and to deliver the some to the City
Clerk, who is thereupon authorised to prepare a petition for the improvement
of said street between said points, in accordance with the policy heretofore
adopted by this Council, to -wits the subscription and prepayment in cash by
the said property owners of one -third of the total estimated cost of said
Improvement. Carried by the following votes
Ayeaf Councilmen Gerow, grimmel9 hove, Selby and Binder...
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
'Pursuant to 'conversation between himself and the City Council concerning the
matter, the Superintendent of the Hater Department presented a map upon which he
had indicated a site for additional water works, which in his opinion, is best
suited to serve the proposed industrial district in the Easterly part of the City.
After a study df the map, by general consent, the Water Superintendent was
`instructed to obtain prices on acreage adjacent to the proposed site. <
The Superintendent of the Water Department presented sketch of a proposed
wire fence to enclose the municipal water department reservoir and other
structures of said department. The same having met with the approval of the
Council, it was moved by Councilman Oeror, seconded by Councilman Love, that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby aazthorized and instructed to advertise for
bids for the erection of .a wire fence around the reservoir of the ]Municipal
Water Department and certain other structures of the said Department, in
accordance with plans and specifications therefor prepared by the 3nperintendent
of the Hater Department of said City. Carried by the following votes
Aye as' Councilmen Gerow, 8rimmel;' Love, Selby and Binder. -
Hoess Hone.
Absent: Hone. <
Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby that the
Superintendent of the Water Department be and he'le hereby authorized and
instructed to remove S" black -water pipe from the alley West of Richmond
Street between Grand Avenue and = Holly Avenue and to replace the same with 2"
galvanized pipe; at a poet not�ia e=ceed $270.00. Carried-by the following
Ayes :, Councilmen Gerow, Brimmel, Love, Selby and Binder.
Hoes: Hone.
Absents Hone.
- ]loved by Councilman Love, seconded Srimmel, that beginning
January lot, 1929 and until the further order of this Council, the salary. of
to 3. Sumner, Assistant ' Superintendent of the Municipal Water Department of the
Cit ' of El Segundo be and the --sates is hereby 1ncreamed from $175 00 .per month
`to1i5.00 per month, which -'esid •aatary shall -lie payable monthly as other .city
salaries are paid. Carried ?by the fbllovir1g votes
Ayes: Councilmen Gero +, $rimmel., •Eove, Selby and Binder. -
Koons Hone. _..• ..
Absents Bone.
8o further businessiappeasing to be` transacted -at this session, fit'
wait moved by Councilman SilineY, • seconded. AM Coane_i}msa Gerow, ::that the
'.aneeting wourn, until Wedaesdsy;,,the 2nd &W-6f January, 1929, at the hour
of 1 :00 o'clock P. H. Carried. •
. Respectfuily 4umitted, .
1pproved: ty er Mayo