1928 DEC 21 CC MINsniaute s be ed a read C i d '• .', approv a ..., ark @ _ The minutes of the adjourned regular meefing'held .on _t`he 18th day of December, 1928, were read, without error'or omission appearing, #z& it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, -that the minutes be approveA as read. Carried. ORAL CO1a=. CATIONS: Ei 8012@• _y . a ,_•:.. Aj :;. „-,tGgyO,r Binder appeared at .the nee i at,thia time; the 2xfur being 7x15,_ fclo.ci P. Id., and he.'Immedl ate lyr ,to6k:h1s.seat and sasgmbd'^the' �^ 3a3.ba �: duties of, the Mayor, :Counci]� Gero�i she reenter' ceasing to`_ae 'Am" Id&Yor ... WRITTEA C ®NIC=OBS. The following eommuaicattons were read. and disposed "of as indicsteds a 1�CQWROO. ACQ UGT .dSSOC TION, dated December 20th, 1926, givi* notioe of ISe "flrst meeting of "the Bbaid of Dirictoiit 6f the Metropolitan Water Distri et of Southern California, to" bs `iibld' at then �,�.ra;.Sauu#in$toa Hotel? rasadena, Calif ornia.__.December . '0.. 29th, 1928, at 2s00 . i 0ta oik�F. lh� :and ,urging that a delegation from this Cit,�T attend. Moved sroi <7 Councilman _ Geraw, ,abut ..the, Cityt sneer.. of the City :;df, Ia ' Segundo and "i 'the City Attorney of said, City, be and thgy are hereby_ authori zed to m- attends, as "Die 64 'of the City of .34 Segundo ' _the .meetisYg, of the .Board pi Directors of the Metropolitan.Water District of- SeuthArn California, to, be hAd.at,pasadena, California; December 29th, .192%. aind to file demiiide' with 'the' City, of • El Segundo for. their .actual and necessary na:ezpanses. 114 aonnection,therewith. Said motion was seconded by Comic ilmsa . Selby and `carried by the following : vote s Ayess Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, .Love, Selby anti Binder. Noe 9:' V Rune. Absents Bone. REPORTS OF._STAbIDIBG CCWITTEES. a° Councilman Krimme 1 of the Public Worke . Committee drew attention to , -_broken sidewalk on the South side of -Qrand Avenue West, of ,the • all ey West VP c_1 of Concord Street, and by general consent . the mutter was referred to she Ar,,f, Stre et SeriBteadent to wake the necessary repairst ar2•- REPORTS OF OFFICERS `9ND SPECIAL, COlftgTTEES. { The City Attorney r epo rteQ progress in the matter of procuring n..w. + pry n _ . :•.♦ _. ,•'. .,.. ,. S1 Segundo aCa1 ifq rnia• . D December 21 at,, '1928 • ~, ­..A regular meeting of the -City Council. of the City of El Segundo, was called to o order at 7:00 o•clock P, X. on the above date, is.the .Council "Chu . of ot, t the City -Hall of said City, by tge.Qity Clerk, :- the XWor `being abeezit. C Councilman Gemw was unanimously chosen XWor ,pro•ten and he Immediately assumed the duties of the Mayor. _. R ROLL CALL. . Councilsaeti Presents G Gerow,.grimmel,,Love_.aud Selby. Comncilmen- Absents B C ►. ,. , - HU=G O O?_, NIBOTES ' OF ' PREQIOUS MEETINGS. .minutes o f _Ahe r regular meeting held. on the 14th day 'of December, 1928, were read. N No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman-Love, t&t' the s '• .', approv a ..., ark @ _ The minutes of the adjourned regular meefing'held .on _t`he 18th day of December, 1928, were read, without error'or omission appearing, #z& it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Selby, -that the minutes be approveA as read. Carried. ORAL CO1a=. CATIONS: Ei 8012@• _y . a ,_•:.. Aj :;. „-,tGgyO,r Binder appeared at .the nee i at,thia time; the 2xfur being 7x15,_ fclo.ci P. Id., and he.'Immedl ate lyr ,to6k:h1s.seat and sasgmbd'^the' �^ 3a3.ba �: duties of, the Mayor, :Counci]� Gero�i she reenter' ceasing to`_ae 'Am" Id&Yor ... WRITTEA C ®NIC=OBS. The following eommuaicattons were read. and disposed "of as indicsteds a 1�CQWROO. ACQ UGT .dSSOC TION, dated December 20th, 1926, givi* notioe of ISe "flrst meeting of "the Bbaid of Dirictoiit 6f the Metropolitan Water Distri et of Southern California, to" bs `iibld' at then �,�.ra;.Sauu#in$toa Hotel? rasadena, Calif ornia.__.December . '0.. 29th, 1928, at 2s00 . i 0ta oik�F. lh� :and ,urging that a delegation from this Cit,�T attend. Moved sroi <7 Councilman _ Geraw, ,abut ..the, Cityt sneer.. of the City :;df, Ia ' Segundo and "i 'the City Attorney of said, City, be and thgy are hereby_ authori zed to m- attends, as "Die 64 'of the City of .34 Segundo ' _the .meetisYg, of the .Board pi Directors of the Metropolitan.Water District of- SeuthArn California, to, be hAd.at,pasadena, California; December 29th, .192%. aind to file demiiide' with 'the' City, of • El Segundo for. their .actual and necessary na:ezpanses. 114 aonnection,therewith. Said motion was seconded by Comic ilmsa . Selby and `carried by the following : vote s Ayess Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, .Love, Selby anti Binder. Noe 9:' V Rune. Absents Bone. REPORTS OF._STAbIDIBG CCWITTEES. a° Councilman Krimme 1 of the Public Worke . Committee drew attention to , -_broken sidewalk on the South side of -Qrand Avenue West, of ,the • all ey West VP c_1 of Concord Street, and by general consent . the mutter was referred to she Ar,,f, Stre et SeriBteadent to wake the necessary repairst ar2•- REPORTS OF OFFICERS `9ND SPECIAL, COlftgTTEES. { The City Attorney r epo rteQ progress in the matter of procuring uJr uLM v1404Y J4L UL= WYC;UL"6 ui aia,riF7u:sis awatuo L"U& nrL35UU& yrlia Uv LJR5LWWW4- Redondo Boulevard and that he felt that as soon as the attorney of said estate has reedvered from' an illness, the matter may be closed. The City Attorney reported also having conferred with Mr. Creer, Trust Officer of Security Trust &.Savings Bank, respecting right -of -way for public street purposes across portiqns of Lots 4 and 5,-J. H. ' Fisher Subdivision; ` that he had learned that the said Bank .and Xr, - R. E. Matteson are co-executors ` of the Estate of Mary H. Spires, Deeeased,'Probate No: 65875; and that these executors cannot execute a street deed to the City -of ,E1 Segundo without consideration, but are willing that the "property -be • appraised aad a sale made by court order. Thereafter it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman 8rinmmel, that the City Attorney of the City of El.Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause an apprii_sal to be made in accordance with court prbcedure`,' 'of `portions of ' Lots e nod 5, ' of J. H. Fisher Subdivision, within the City of El 'Segundo, which are • essential to the opening of Mariposa Avenue between.Penn and Ce4; er Streets, saidproperty now being owned'by the Estate of Mary $.` Spires, `Deceased, Probate No. 658750 and to report the ,result. of such appraisal to this Council for its further action, cost to the City of El Segundo in connection tbbre*iih na i to -exceed $30600., Carried by the "'fol1owi.14, vote t' Ayes: Councilmeii'Gero*; Brunel, `Love, `381by -and Binder.'.' Noes: None. _ Absents None, The City Clerk informed .the Council thif subsegneht' to'the Installation of an extension of the folephone df 'the municipal warehousw -fn ,the residence of the Street superintendent, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company changed its rates and that such'extension at' the present time costs $7.00 per month, A while an independent telephone could be installed on a monthly,rental basis ` of $3.25, plus an installation charge of $2.009 Thereupon it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by,gouncilman Selby, that the,use.of, an extension of the muai:aipal warehouse telephone is the:residence_eY the St>;eet rS90rintendent be discoijtim ed a.s of Js:}uary lqt, = 1929, 'ate the instaSlatiptf'of ' a f • independent main l ine telephone ' iii ' the residence of ssi4, Streef per nteadent be authorized as of the same date. Carried by the following u.17 Ayes: Counctlmeii 'Gerow,- Srimmel, Love, Selby and Binder. Noes :. ,gone. .Absent: done: `City Ga finer Bu n `repqrted that 'he hA4 coe�2eted- 1plaWkIng mosd la AV parkways throuout tlety. The `street`9uperintendent reported that ItRis,Wcessary to raconstri, cement sideway k and cnrb.'returns_ at a cumber of Pointe` t�"oughon��the"City� by reason of the'.opening of certain new public atreets'ttnder-theio isions of .•Resolut ion of Intention N60`1" .and Ordinance 'Bq: 136 _Of =the BttT 'of it =: ' Segundo'. Following "discussion of the matter, 'it was roved _OonheilJoan Love.,. seconded by Councilman Brim 1 :that .the, Street Su erinte* dent`' ie and he is hereby authorized aad',instraci,"ed°.to. 'coQaat!!uct' A,foi x'eeongftic sidewalk and Garb returns at loeatione ".throughout theF:Citx of EY".,egando' made_ - necessary by recent opening :of new puBlYd at''eiik `the tq�al 'co e'-"of each work not to exceed $205.00. ' `CA,rried by the 'following wotet Ayest Counc Imer Gerold, BrimmeFl; lover; Selby. cried Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. ' . URFIAIMM BUSIRESS. The matter -of acceptance of certain real r op e p p x'ty:.3n _Block 92, for public street. purposes, as heretofore requested of this 'Council by'P 'J. Smith and others, the.property "to be conveyed now,betng a primate roidway commonly referred to as Irene Court, was discussed," termtnstin8 19, 4i, decision to accept the said property-whenever the owners thereof furnish the City of El Segundo•deeds to the-same-and a certifleate'of title indicating that through such deeds the City of:El Segnndo.will acquire une4qumbered title to the said property for public street purposes. In the matter, of the resignation of Arthur Budgen, City Gardener, it was moved %Y Councilmen Gerow, seconded by Councilman Selby, that the matter be laid on the table. Carried. Nff .BU$INSSS. The City Clerk drew attention to the necessity of officially naming that portion of Oak Averse lying 'getween Main Street and Virginia Street, prior 0 to the commencement of any proceedings for the improvement of said street, whereupon it was.noved by- Councilman Kriamel, seconded.by Councilman Love, that Resolution No. 207, entitled: - -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO$ CA.LIFORNIA,.NAYING A CERTAINtRIGHT -OF -WAY FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES IN SAID CITY AS OAS AVENUE, THE.SA?9Z CONSTITUTING AND BEING AN EXTENSION OF THAT CERTAIN EXISTING PUBLIC STREET IN SAID CITY ALREADY DESIGNAT$H_ AND KNOW AS OAK AVENUE:, which was read, bo, adopted. Carried by-the following votes, Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and Binder.* Noes: None. Absents None. Moved by Couneilman`Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the Superintendent of the Water Department be and he is hereby authorised to purchase small - .fittings for -his department at a cost not to #40.00. Carried Dy the following tote, Ayess :Councilmen Gerow, Rrimel, Love, Selby and Binder. Tosov; lime .Absent{.: None. _ Mgve4 bTz�,ConneSlaan.: Selby, aeooaded .by Councilman Gerow, that Abs..Superin- ter:destt of,:#he Water -. pariment be and he _is hereby fatborizgd, to abandon a._2" watss -msin_:on -:thee Wgst. side -of = Nasy1=4 Street between`,$ol;y and Pines Avenues, and to replace the same with E" galvanized pipe, all at a cost not- to exceed $200.00. Carried by the fbllordng vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, %riamel, Love, Selbjr and Binder. Noes; None. _. Absents None. In the matter of the spilling of a quantity of oil on the roadway of El Segundo Avenue Westerly of Inglewood - Redondo Aoad, and in the matter of repairing the garbage:track following damage resulting from a collision between the truck of a local merchant and the said garbage truck, by general consent the :City Me* was instrac,ted �q render a bill to._ Lee Be - Hawkins, Moneta, California, , for .the damage, to= the. roadway of said. El Segundo Avenues . and to Volpe. ado $onsi AQ Segundo,, for. the cost of repairs to the - garbage track. No'.further_business appearing to be transacted, at this meeting, it' was moved. Dy Councilmen .Love, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Carri ed. Respectfully anbmitted, Approved= , - , _ .�: µ .. r t i e r. _