1928 DEC 14 CC MINEv�l El Segundo, Calif. Dec. 14th, 1926. .. reilar meeting of the G'ty Council of the ',it:* of LI Se. undo, California, was called to order wt 7:00 o'clock P. ,. -. on the above date, in the Council 'he r ::ber of the City ::all of said City, ,v,✓ -leter . 3-inder, I'ayor. POLL C:LL. Councilmen 'resent: Erimmel, Love and Linder. Councilmen absent: Gerow and Selby. O-, , III- �.'S OP i?�7IO "S . -� "I,- . r _'he mirrates of the reEular meetinE held on the 7th da,; of Decem:'cer, 1926, were read. No errors or omissions ap-oearinE, it -was moved by Councilmen i_rimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the minutes be approved s.s read. Carried. Councilman Gerow ap?oe .red during the reG.din.- of the minutes and tool: hi-s seat, the hour beinf 7:10 o'clock P. L. n f, ", _ w iT� T CO: _ : .tiIICI• m Oa . The follorJir_E communications were rea-1 and disposed of as indicated: LOS CO's TTY ?__;L^:: DEPkRT.- ._T, dated December 11th, 1926, beinE a report of the activities of said Department as Health Officer of the City of El Seeu__do within. said City durinE_ the month of Aovember, 1926. Ordered filed. PETITIO - 0^ JO F. and others, requestinc- that proceedings be taken to cruse the construction of lateral seders and sidewalks and curbs in Oak Avenue between Virginia Street and I'ain Street, under such street improvement laws of the State of California as, in the opinion of the Council, are best suited to the -purpose. _oved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman hrir-,mcl, t ?hat the said matter be referred to the City Ene-ineer of the Cite of Pl SeEundo, I or the preparation of the necessary data and to furnish the same to the Cit,r zttorne,y for his preparation of the necessary proceedings. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Councilmen, Gerow, i_rim;,el, Love and Binder. i+oes: done. Absent: Councilman Selby. LL_1C - -'T 0" C::LI ,OFD "In u:-ICI?.'iI.I ^3y: , dated 'Lovember 26th, 1926, arnouncin�- the _ oreparation of a model ,:)lumoin;- ordinance and comr,endir_(_,- the same to the f�.vorable cor_siderwtion o this Council. B;,r Eeneral consent the matter was referred to the 3uildiThE- I::s_)ector for e;t4r,ina '-ion and report to this Council. Councilm�:n :rim; el of t'_.e - -blic ',+orks Committee, announced that r. I.:acDonald, residinE at the 1,ortheast corner of I.:ariposa .venue and Street, had reruested that the Cit.-:, remove the euc :l'-_ tu_s trees in aril - s=. :.venue ad to the Southerll: property line Of the s--id d's _ r0 hErt;r. «fter consideration it was moved o Covncilrran �.ero-JJ, seconded Vouncllril.x- r:rimrTel, that 1 :e Street ;�uoerinteT^ dent be and he is Thereby a�o_thorized to remove eucwl,. -tus trees fro::: the i:orth side of i- ari­)oca :'_verU.e bet --eer_ `:r_itinr Street e _c t':.e elle•- Last t ereof. Carried. tie vtreet l'.)Er1: =J de: re- Jorteii t.st arsaanl t0 rE' e^ of the :_t Chi son, -O -)E _& L Santa Fe i< ilwa conduit conta el: ctric li {__:tin ::irez �:,n`- riannin. UYTde'_ ' -,c tr cks of bai.`. Coma- J -.n,4 to an advertizi_{ Elz o. the _tom o'_ - -1 e_vn 0, C'P. "1V�tE hr0 )Ent° a' t:_C OL_ "..,'r CC1'Ther 298 •A. � r -o �o_ Collin F :10 oc_ -treet ar lr iev :oo donoau, -e lo: erg _ to e. ac-,.4-'- r_ VL .)1 t --- y- '-: at „ ..O ::cce _ ZC.00 _._E_ O__ 1 .. as «Z . to c: .;_sE - 1 _ la J - l- _ - _;OCn om ary• S r;riCc ?Cl on. the s1CLE O - _ ood Street, under : - -= trL.c_.s c t:i --o_ °':— o loc -.t _ ..c s-, t e - L -' o C- d _ t - - -ail G 1 J �101i .° of sai� -_l: a r ,or _._ a co_.. not to e�cee . u.� -G. �.. rie - Vt :e 0_10° ilia Dote: Lov-, .,w d Binder. .oes: i.One. ::.s'e:it: Cou cilmz;Ln a:,lb;'. .e -ter au,�erintend�-nt regvested )en:iission to rc:::ove _. 2" black pipe v:ater line, fro::i the • +'e St siae of 'ta'?dard Street, bJ: t'.','Ec2- .._ar1i:OSa = venu.e anal 2i!=c :zvenu6, -ff to replace the s,':.',e with 2" `E.1 vanized _7 oe. - -oved by Ccuncilz_wn Love, seconded by Councilman ruin :el, t h,�:.t t-'.is ,)enmiscion be &•-ranted, -.irovi::inr t`e cost of )erfowrin such wor:: does not exceed ' 200.00. Carried b;- the folloviin�- vote: eyes: Councilmen Cerow, Y.rimmel, Love and Linder. i:oes: gone. �bse:it: Councilman lelb,r. 7he r.:atter of the execution of an a`reer,ent bet-: :een the Atchison, =opeka L Santa -e Railway Comp .cny End the City of El SeC_•undo, respectinE- the use of a portion of tie rid ht- of- %,!aTr of said Company for µ wire crossinc vrder s_.id rid'ht- of -% -.,k having- been deferred at a previous meeting- of this Council for action at t'-is meeti ti, it ::'as rloved by COU=_cilman Krimmel, seconded bir Councilman Love, that the wyor of the City of El Se Undo be and -:e is hereby authorized to execute, on - -c—Inalf of the Cit;r of El SeCvndo, that certain agreement dated the 27th day of -- ovember, 1928, between the <.tchison, ^opeka & Lantc. -e Railway Con-i_ any and the Cit.- of 1 SeE -Lmdo, resoectinE a wire crossinE under the riEht -of -way of said Cori_,any, and that the City Clerk of said City is hereby au_thorizcd to attest the same and to deliver one copy of said i�Ureement, so executed and attested, to said tchison, Togeka & Santa ye Railvray Company. Carried by the folloviin� vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimi -el, Love and Linder. l:oes: lone. :absent: Councilman 6elby. Eo further business ap_iearinF to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman hrimmel, that the meetinE- adjourn until lvesday, the 18th day of December, 1928, at the '.our of 4:40 o' clock P. L=. Carried. Respectfully submitted, _nn roved: City Clerk. J I : -ayor� l 4