1928 DEC 07 CC MIN2941
El Segvn�_a, California.
1'ecember 7th, 1928.
r reg lar meeting of the City _ouncil of the City of =1 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. 2.% on the above date,. •
in the Council Ch-amber of the City :fall of said City, by Peter L. Binder,
-ayo r.
Councilmen- Present: uerovi, Love, Selby and Binder.
Councilmen zcsent: Yrimme1.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 2Srd day of November,
1928, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by
Councilman Cerovi, seconded by Councilman Love, that the minutes be approved
as read. Carried.
The minutes of the regular meetirk held on the 30th day of Povember, .
1928, �,rere read vrithout error or omission being• noted, and were approved
as read upon motion of Councilmen Love, seconded by Councilman Gerow, which
IT.777- CO i?J -,IC",_ I
The foll0w*n�° communications were real-. and disposed of as indic<:.tBO,:
^OPYI'�_ E: S:'"1':_ :�' IT', v CO'"'::: re es
L;' Y, au tire; t:za Uhe
conduit run:_inc° from the Edison Company's meter to the City's advertising
sign erected upon property of the Santa Pe Rriilway Compar�y, at the Southeast
corner of InE- -levrood- _Redondo Road azid Colling ; ;ood Street, be louvered to a
depth of 4 feet below bottom of the rails, and that the Council also
authorize the execution of ss,id. Railway `'ompany's usual form of License
Agreement, copy of which accomppnied said letter. By Eeneral consent
action resnectin� this matter was laid over one week.
Petition of Chas. Henry Barlow, et al, in the matter of the application
of said petitioners for re`,istration of cert4in real pronerty under the
orrens Title �,ct, which said petition as filed with the Council Dec -tuber
Ord, 1928. By general consent the said petition was referred to the
City Rnsineer for checking as to the City's interest in any streets which
mi ht adjoin pro nerty .-.-ithin the City of El Segundo involved in the said
petition, and for report to this Council at its newt meeting.
8711 -i'T5 OF
0?71: 07 OF ^IC __P
-he Street Superintendent advised of his need of a bat eery for ; Fora
:Oa ..per 0. t' -e trnct De-,D;.rt`..cnt, anG t:_at ^_U_otatlo.ns .Jon a'Jatter;J had
rcceiv: ' as follows:
�tw_.dard - att�_r7, 'Ior, - area' '.ies -crn at,,er,
_— - -'ord Sat ter
o rcd b-. Lo re, seco::dc.. b,- 'el- , that the
__use !---a o" w ors _ _ _ _.o ~: w Ls cctwr for use or. t: e Ford roadster
of the Strcct %e_ .rt ::__a n t':c s me is : : ^reby authorized, at w cost not
"o ___Ct 7.00. ,arric. Cv t' e
- �:),.,.ciln. =n �erov ;, Love, Selb; an Binder.
The receiving of bids for furnishirk the City of El Segundo with 7000 ft.
of 2 inch Galvanized Iron Pipe, Standard Screw, havinE heretofore been set for
the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. at this meeting, the I- -ayor arose and announced
the hour of 7:29 o'clock P. P'.. and asked if there were any _person or persons
present who desired to file bids for furnishing said pipe. The hour of 7:30
o'clock P. I% having arrived and all bids being in, the is =ayor declared the
time for receivin£_ of bids for furnishing; the City of El Segundo with 7000 ft.
of 2 inch Galv:jnized Iron ripe, Standard crew, as advertised for, closed.
The Clerk announced receipt of two bids, whereupon it was moved by Council-
man Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the Council proceed to open,
examine and publicly declare all of the bids received for furnishin€- the City
of El Segundo with 700C ft. of 2 inch GalvaniceiIron.Pipe, Standard Screw,
as advertised for. Carried.
The Council thereupon proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare
all of said bids, which said bids were found by said Council to be as follows,
to -wit:
eid of Grinnell Company of the Pacific, as follows:
"Los - rl&eles, Cal. Dec. 7, 1928.
City Council,
City of El Segundo,
E1 Segundo, Cal.
As requested in your notice to bidders dated November
10th, 1928, we are pleased to quote you as follows:
7000 ft. 2" Standard Galvanized ripe, T. w C. ;19.40 ner 100 ft..
P.O.B. Pipe Yard, E1 Segundo, Cal.
Terms: - 2 jl tenth prox.
The above quotation is based on making, immediate
delivery of the pipe from local stock.
;'le inclose herewith bond for „136.00 to insure our
faithful execution of the contract, should the award be made to us.
Yours very truly,
a. C. hacker, Department Sales 1.1anager."
Said bid was accompanied by Bidder's Bond in the sum of :x136.00, with
Grinnell Company of the Pacific as Principal and 1% Trew and •,Jilliam J.
1,`urray* as Sureties.
Bid of California Pipe and Supply Co. as follows:
"Los lulgeles, Cal. December 5th, 1928.
City Council
of the City of E1 Segundo, Calif.
Gentl emen:
!e are please: to quote you as follows:
7000 ft. 2" "Youngstown" Galvanized Wrot Steel
pipe, Threaded and Coupled, Lengths to
run from 18' to 22' each
x19.90 C. Ft. ";1393.00
.0.3. your pine yard, El SeEundo, Calif.
Prompt delivery can be made from our stock.
Tenis: 2, discount 10th of month following
date of delivery.
e are enclosing here rith certified check :o. 184918
in the amount of One Hundred dirty -lane Dollars and Thirty
Very tral-� yours,
:.L T7 O? =:I1 PIPE €: SUPPLY CO.,
y T. Prosser.
40 - 0
Said bid was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 184918, drawn on the Bank
of Italy, in the sum of . 139.30, payable to City of 21 SeE-undo.
rafter � ivini due considerati on to said bids received, it was moved by
Councilman Geroi:, seconded by Councilman Selby, that Resolution_ .�o. 206,
�z r SOLL'I0 - CITY COCIL Of "'
HL 70, C LI ^0 S:I z, ii':r__ 7Ii-G TO C3I _.ALL COi:_
0" rnrE SI0 CI
.:I^' CSR ^. =I:" C.1LVA`I3� I?0 =' "I�"
which w -s read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote:
zyes: Councilmen. "erow, Love, Selby and 3inder.
Noes: None.
Absent: Councilman �:rimme1.
'Zne follovdnE demands, avi_nt had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and =`ecords, ;-ere reed:
rater `:;orks T`und
C:eneral fiend
Cano.E. Culrell 123.00
Ira. scobar
Millis Lathan 120.00
T.eva i, -. Elsey
S. C. Leans
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
'he S tar 1.:arke t
Cenral I`und
Arthur Budf•en
Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 195.11
El SeEvndo Paint " reed
wo. California Cas Co. 10.43
=' e Llectri c rile? 5.60
Jack 'rower
C.. =. =arner �arace 11.30
Daniels Hardware
H. L. 'gram, Co. `PreE.s. 49.20
Georx.e Ipswitch.
Pacific Tel. & eel. Co. 61.26
El Se6undo Herald
:.roved by Councilman Geroty, seconded by Councilman =elby, that
demands be allowed, and warrants wrawn on and paid out of tiie respec-.
ive funds
coverin` the same. Carried b the follovrin€- vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Love,
Selby and Binder.
A'oes: None.
Absent: Councilman Lrimmel.
?`:o ftiar ' her business appe arint_ to be transacted at this w:eet in{ , it
,as moved by Councilman Loire, seconded by Councilman 0ero -':, that the meetine
adjourn. Carried.
Res_Deetfully submitted,
=lpproved: i y lerk