1928 APR 20 CC MIN148
El Segundo, Calif. April 20th, 1928.
A regular meetinE, of the City Council of the City of L1 Se €--,undo,
California, :;as called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. I:'. on the above date,
in the Council Ch_mber of the City Hall of said City, by the City Clerk,
the ;:ayor being, absent. Councilman Gerow was unanimously chosen Mayor
_pro -tem and he immediately assumed the duties of the mayor.
Councilmen Present: Krimmel, Love, Selby and Gerow.
Councilmen Absent: Binder.
The minutes of the adjourned regular meetint held on the loth day of
April, 1928,-.were read. No errors or-omissions appearing, it was moved by
Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the minutes be
approved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned reEular meeting held on the 18th day of
«pril, 1928, were read without error or omission being noted, and were
approved as read upon motion of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel,
Thich carried. ±:
The minutes of the adjourned regpl ar meeting held on the 19th day of
':pril, 19280 were read. No errors or omissions appearing, the minutes
were approved as read uoon motion of Councilman Krimmel, seconded by
Councilman Selby, which carried.
,1RIT -E_T COI:^7T,TIC "IOr'S.
The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
T_-7 C0 '1 � T"IV BUILDER ?:'OX7HLY, dated April 14th, 192$, advising that
copies or the publication were beinE; forwarded, v.ithout charge, for each
member of the- ouncil, and soliciting the enrollmentas subscribers of the
said Council. Ordered filed.
Councilman Gerow of the Public 77orks Committee, reported that he had
observed moving pictures being taken at the Easterly city limits this date,
in which the right -of -way of the L. T. & S. F. Railway Company and one of
its freight trains were used, and that during the takinE, of such moving
pictures, traffic on El Segundo avenue was held up at one time for thirty
minutes. He stated further that no notice of the taking of such picture
had been liven the City Council, or any officer of this City, so that
police protection or traffic direction might be provided, and that the high-
ways at this point were being; policed by officers of a neighboring city.
He also stated that sometime aro the 6anta Fe Raailway Company had agreed that
when its trains were used in connection with the filming of notion pictures,
it would use the Collint -rood Street and I:edondo youlevard crossing, instead
of the E1 Se ando Avenue and Redondo Boulevard crossinE, and he felt that
the aa-olic should not at any time be inconvenienced as it was this date.
.hereupon the matter was discussed at length and by general consent
the City Clerk vi&s directed to write the k. T. & S. F. Railway a letter,
callinE attention to its previous agreements with respect to the use of its
right-of-way for the filminE_• of motion pictures, and reov_estinz, that there
be no repitition of the cause o= today's complaint.
Councilman Kri -mel of the Public Corks Committee drew attention to
the fact that motorists do not respect the boulevard stops throue�hout the
City and that the matter si,ould be referred to the Police Department for the
enforcement of the traffic ordinance with particular reference to boulevard
stops. 'he Chief of 2olice advised that officers have been instructed t
nay particular attention to the boulevard stop provision of the traffic
ordinance a:1d that durinE the previous week several arrests have been made
for the failure of motorists to observe these stops.
R:-P'C?'"'S 0^ OFFICERS & SPE'CI_sL CO::^:I"T'S.
The City Clerk advised that there had been delivered to him street deed,
dated December 25th, 1927, executed by Va,llace Niles and Zylphia Rotilena
Files, conveying. to the C .t;r of L1 Segundo for ., ublic street p;;_rposes, the
Northerly 40 feet of Lot 9, ?lock 1::, 'Tract 1685, in the City of El Segundo
for public street -purposes; also a Partial Reconvesrance of ',itle Insurance and
Trust Company releasin - the said real property from the lien created by a
certain ''rust Deed; that said real property is required by said Cit-r 'or the
opening of certain ne:r _ ublic streets under the provisions of 2esolution of
Intention :eo. 154, and that said instruments and said property are read:lr for
the acceptance of the City of E1 Seg-undo. It was thereupon moved by
Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Frimmel, that the following resolution
be adopted:
?ESOLTED, that that certain deed of Vvallace D.
'_ales and "ylphia Rowena Niles, dated the 25th da: of
December, 1928, conveying- to the City of E1 Seg-Lmdo
for p)—alic street purposes, the followinE described
property, to -snit:
"'he :dortherly 40 feet of Lot ', Llock 13,
Tract 1685, as per map recorded in gook
21, 2ag_e 96 of I!aps, in the office of
the County = ,ecorder of Los nEeles County,
and t'ae property conveyed t'aereby for -pu=blic street purposes,
ue accented on behalf of the Cit�r of :�1 Segundo, and the
City Clerk of the City of El Seg-vndo be and lie is hereby
authorized, v_pon recei_ot of advice from the South,- :est Title
Company, that through sach instrument, the City of E1
":egundo will acquire title to said real property, free and
clear of enc-- mbrance to cause the said deed to be filed
for record, and the �ity Clerk is further authorized,
upon receipt of Southwest Title Company's advices, es herein -
aaove referred to, to cause to be delivered to the said grantor,
the amount awarded in the Report of the Commissioners appointed
under the provisions of Ordinance :uo. 135 and Resolution of
Intention 10. 1514 of the City of E1 Segundo;
� D 3 - I"' �_ 7' R - OL'TL'D, that that Partial Reaanveyance,
dated the 14th day of .1pril, 1928, executed by Title Insurance
and Trust C,,mpany, releasing,' from the lien created by that
certain gust Deed recorded :::arch 15th, 1927, in -Dook 6936,
Pa_e 17 of Offici.1 Records, Los =nLtiles County, California,
U he ::ortnerly 40 feet of Lot 9, 31oc'_� 1�:, Tract 1685, El Segundo,
be and the s..me is hereby accented on behalf of the City of
El SeE-ojido, and the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed
to cause the said instrument to be filed for record in the
office of the County Recorder of Los rnEeles County, California.
laid resolution was carried by the folloviin�, vote:
eyes: Councilmen Irimmel, Love, Selby and ero�:.
::oes: i;Dne.
bse :t: :, -ayor - inder.
The Ouperintendent of the eater Department advised that the flushing-
of the lines o_' the 1vnici-pal 'dater De_,)artment :bad been completed Thursday
evening, «pril 19th, 1928, and that he believes this will eliminate for
a, loni. time the delivery of dirty water to patrons of the I.:unicinal ':rater
? : :ayor =inder a: pea,red at the 1:1eetin at this point, the 1-o-ar bein£,
7:48 o'clock P. :'. and he immediately took : -_is seat and assvmed the duties
of the -ayor, Councilman Gerow thereupon ceasinL to act as ''ayor pro -tem.
150 t
The City attorney reported that the hearing of the claim of Dave
Fahland for corr,ens .tion d -.;_e by reason of an accident sastain_ed while he
was in the employ of the ;Hater Depart^nent of the City of E1 Se €undo, was
=Lad be'` ^re =miner :Aunt of the Division. of Industrial :accidents and
Safety on the 19'Uh inst; ttlat in his opinion it was the most acrimonious
and disco_rteous heWrinE he had witnessed durirW his many years of practice
as an _ttor : =ey; that in the presentation of his case to the Examiner he
was continuously interrupted, embarrassed and ins-alted by the Attorney for
the 7.orkmen_'s Compensation Insurance Fund, as well as the Examiner, but
that no twithstandinv t_ie evident prejudice of these officials, Ate felt that
the case of ': r. Fah-land li-ad been completely, and vrith the as=sistance of the
witnesses for i"r. iahland and the Citr of El Segundo, intelli._ently and
satisfactorily presented, and that at the termination of the hearinE, the
matter was taken L.nder review for decision.
The City - ttorney reported that he had been visited by .:ajor Schindler
and robert C.o-y €ant respecting the employment of the said "y-ant as special
counsel for the City of El Segundo in the matter of the sugEested accu_isition
and improvement of 6enul veda boulevard in and for the City of E1 Segundo.
'. -r. :yEant beinE present, addressed the Council respectirw., the amount of
r-ork involved under the ':attoon Act proceedin.E and the necessity for employing
special le €'al and engineerinE; services and of the experience and ability of
himself and associate er_E.ineer, P %r. Hahneman, to handle ida.ttoon Act proceedinF_s.
He presented also a resolution in the said matter, to be adopted by the
City Council of the pity of E1 Segundo; also an alternative resolution and a
memorandum of agreement resnectinE his employment, each of which were read and
explained to the Council. Following discussion, by general consent, action
res- oectinE these matters was deferred.
The City Clerk advised the Council that durir4- the week he had received
a letter from F. X. Evans, resi6ninE as Sewer pump Station Attendant, for the
reason that said Evans will not return to the City of E1 Segundo. It was
thereupon moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the
resiE.nation of of F. '. Evans as Sewer Pump Station, Attendant of the City of
E1 Segundo be and the same is hereby accepted as of midniE;ht, the 10th day
of April, 1928, and that the municipal dwelling, house, situate No. 616
'.est Collingwood Street, be made immediately available for the use of E.
lorgan, heretofore appointed temporary Sewer Pump Station Attendant. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and Binder.
noes: None.
Absent: hone.
Uiu ^Ii. - I 377SI� T SS.
T e City Clerk presented for further consideration the application
of ?acific ' felephone & Telegraph Company for permission to set three poles
and one anchor on the North side of Grand :venue, `Nest of Arizona Drive,
as shovm upon a certain sketch dated April 12th, 1928, Number RO 34985, which
accompanied said application. �he Street Superintendent, having approved
the same, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Krimmel,
that Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company be and it is hereby granted
permission to set three poles and one anchor on the Forth side of Grand Avenue
west of Arizona Drive, in accordance with its application therefor dated
-April 13th, 1928, heretofore filed with this Council, provided that prior to
the commencement of said work, said Company shall first notify the Street
Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo of the date and time said Company
will set said holes, in order to ena::le the Street Superintendent of the
City of E1 Segundo to cause such .vork to be supervised during. its construction,
and provided further, that such work shall be prosecuted and completed to
the satisfaction of the said Street Superintendent. Said resolution was
carried by the following vote:
ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Krimmel, Love, Selby and Binder.
Noes: Prone.
absent: None.
No."' BvTSI v7 SS.
No further business a -)pearing to be transacted at this neetine, it was
moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman i�rimmel, that the meetirW
adjourn. Carried.
Respectf' ally submitted,
L� G�
Spproved: City Cle r
I :ayo r .