1927 OCT 28 CC MIN121 11 SeEando, Cal, October 28th, 1927. regular mPetir__ of the City Council of the City of ',1 Se�'-vndo, California, called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. I,:. on the acove date, in the Co ancil Ch =ber of the City - -a11 of saiu Ci t - by Peter L. Linder, l ayo ROLL CALL. Co. oilmen _'resent: Carron, - erovl, I:ri 7mel, Love and Linder. .- Councilmen Absent: /.one. P ,1�Il,L J- 61j17L 1ZS oz r+'lYYrl OUo 1. .•:•�IlYV. Die minutes of the re; -c_ -ar meeti hel- o-- the 21st dar of October, 1927, ,:ere read. :tio errors or omissions ap_pearir_g, it vias roved by Councilman Cannon, seconde by Councilman Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. ':;I•T •�LI� C�:,:.uI�I:,n�I01,�. The follorinF• communications were read and disposed of as indicated: COuI7TV OF LOS Department, dated October 20th, 1927, bein- a report of the activities of the County Health Department within the Ci t;,r of -1 Segundo during the month of Sey.temrber, 1927. 1,iayor, City of Chicago, Illinois, dated October IL8t'_: 1927, in,-itin_ the 1 -ayor of tale City o= =1 Oeg��ndo to attend a con - -erence of -.a; *ors, to be held. at Chic&,Eo, Decerber 12th to 15th, 1927, for t'-_e -,Durnose of forming. the i:ational =sir Ports Association. and to consider all matters in connection yrith the establishing of landinE fields for aeroplanes thro;zg ?_out the nation. Ordere_i filed. CHAS. F. TODD, President, Municipal Traffic League, dated October 24t, 1927, rea_uestini that a represer_tative of this City be sent to the Second Annual Convention of the California Iunicipal Traffic League, to be held in Los A.€eles, November 13th to 20th, 1927. Ordered filed. Done. ORAL COMU11TICAi•IO."D REPORTS OF STkNDI1,G COI UTTEEyS. Councilman Krimmel of the Public Works Committee, reported that a huckster has been in the habit of discarding boxes and crates on vacant property in Virginia Street between -1 Segundo Avenue and Franklin Avenue. By general consent the matter was referred to the Chief of Police for attention. Councilman Krimmel reported also that complaints had been made to him concerninE the parking of trucks at night without lights on Virginia Street between El Segundo Avenue and Franklin Avenue. Phis matter was also referred to the Chief of Police for attention. REPORTS OF OFFICER & SPACIAL CO1"- :ITT -ES. The L`ayor reported that the sale of all properties upon which assessments had become delinquent for the opening. of Cypress and other streets within the City of El Segundo, under Resolution of Intention No. 154 and Ordinance No. 135 of said City, had taken place Monday, October 24t14 1927, at the hour of 4:50 o'clock P. K. as scheduled, and that he, as directed by the Council, had purchased, on behalf of the said City, all cf the said parcels, and that the sale, in all respects, was conducted in form and manner required by law. The City Clerk advised the Council that the Boilermakers Union had advised him that they would discontinue renting the City Mall Auditorium for meeting purposes after the month of October, 1927. The City Clerk advised receipt of County Tax Bills Nos. 748305, 748311 and 749992, covering taxes levied against properties owned by the City of E1 Segundo for flood control purposes. It being unusual to tax municipal property, by general consent the tax bills were referred to the City attorney for investigation and report. The City Engineer reported that, pursuant to direction of the Council, he had conferred with certain officials of the City of Los Angeles concerning plans which said City might have for the disposal of screenings from the Hyperion Outfall Sewer. He was unable to obtain any official statement, but was informed that a conference between the City of Los Angeles officials and the State Board of Health was pending and that he would be able to obtain an official report on :onday, October 31st, 1927. The City Engineer reported that the Street Superintendent had referred to him the application of Herbert 3i. Baruch Corporation to excavate in the East side of Yain Street, between Mariposa Avenue and Oak Avenue, for the purpose of constructing curbs in front of the High School. Following discussion it was moved by Councilman Fsimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that Herbert M. Baruch Corporation be and it is hereby granted permission to excavate in the East side of Yain Street between 11ariposa Avenue and Oak Avenue, for the purpose of con- structing sidewalks and curbs, provided all of such work is completed in accordance with specifications of the City of E1 Segundo governing the same, and to the satisfaction of the Street SuperintendLent of said City. Carried. . The City Engineer filed his estimate of the cost of paving Oak :venue from Main Street to Eucalyptus Drive with a macadam veneer paving, said estimate being dated October 28th,. 1927 and the amount thereof x1077.00. It appearing from discussion that it might be desirable to pave a width greater than that contemplated in said estimate, the said estimate was received and ordered filed, with the understanding that no action would be taken until after a conference is had with the City Council and the Trustees of the E1 Segundo High School. The City Engineer reported that he had prepared a plan and cross - section of the grade proposed for Oak Avenue between Iain Street and Eucalyptus Drive in accordance with the wishes of the Council. The Council thereupon examined the same, and being satisfied therewith, it was moved by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the hallowing resolution be adopted: BESOLV 'D, that the plan and cross- section of the grade of Oak Avenue from Bain Street to Eucalyptus Drive, as prepared by the City Engineer of the City of El SeE ndo, and presented to this Council for approval this date, be and the same are hereby adopted and the said City Engineer is hereby directed to file the same in his office and desi,,- -nate them as Plan Pao. P- 271020 and Cross— section No. X- 271021; ..i?� BE I"_ FURTF�R R?SOL''ED, that any improvements constructed in said Street in the futare be made to conform to said plan and cross - section. Carried by the follo•.iinF vote: eyes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, %rimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: F;one. Absent: Prone. The City Engineer reported that while it was raining on ^hursday, Oc -ober 27th, he had made an inspection of the Cibbons property on Palm 14U :_venue and discovered that m-7ch of the water vi-.ich floods '.'r. Gibbons' property du_rin€ the rainy season, as com_olained of by I,:r. Gibbons, is the drainage from the roofs of the hot houses on I,:r. Ciboons' property. However, there is a uantity of water which rvns off of Lrena Street, but oriEinates in 1:ariposa Avenue east of :.:ariposa :venue, a large portion of which the City ErL_,ineer felt could be eliminated by the construction of a culvert at _rena street and ariposa _.venue, so as to have suc_. storm slater continue viest on 1_ari_oosa Avenue to the catch basin at tcncard Street and i:e„riposa :- venue. By Eenersl corserLt the Cit�r 74'n�irieer was instructed to make an esti.%,ate of the cost of the Y construction of Ruch a culvert. The Street Superintendent reported t'-!at, Lpon investiE-&tion, he had found that the hole it the top of the E_-lobe on the electrolier adjacent to th:. board walk. on the Coast Boulevard, is a small one, `:,-hick he wWs able to patch so as to prevent rain water or moisture from collecting inside of said L_-lobe or in the conduits runnin• thereto. s- _-.c. estion that, the £-lobe be permitted to remain in use until -trol.er_ or rer__..irir re_�! ace r::ent for ot:-.er causes ,."s aEreed to by the o -nc i 1. Tihe Street Superintendent thereupon advised his need for a stock. of E x 14:11 C-lobes for replacement of broken clop's on the y er.dant lights of the electroliers on Ric1unond Street and Grand lLven e; also. that storm c_rtairs on Trucl.l;o. 2 need repiacinE and that he is in need of two oilir_,� buckets. ':.hereunon it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded b,- Cou cilm xi Cannon, that the City Clerk be and he is here-by a_-.t'.orized to purchase t-,,ieive 6" x 1G" R :enox C -lobes at a cost not to .' excee,_ 5.00; storm. curtains for Street Department Truck Ito. 2 at a cost -Lot to exceed w4.50 and t;ro oili_ bucl.ets at a cost not to e,_cee,1 t,o.CO. Carried by the follor:in_ vote: ayes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Iirimmel, Love and inder. I1oes: lone. Absent: :lone. m=oved by. Councilman Love, seconded by Covs-icilmar_ Krimmel, that Ordinance .10. 14-, entitled: AIT O?.DI1.-,U,CE OF THE CITY OF .L Si.G IMO, CALIFOMM', ;lI:E DIXG O1Z.I11Ai10E KO. 121 Or Si%ID CITY :,1VTI'1T EED: ORDI:uAi10EE OF THE CI"_'Y OF EL SLGuiMO, CALIFO?'IiIi,, DECL�IIG VAC,iITT FOR PUBLIC S=ET 1 uEPOZES 11 C__ Tkil, POETIO1: OF POT ia'ilE:7 7.7I'i'HI;T THE .S�:I:) CITY, ;LS COi: :PLi = BY 1ESOL�TI0Y4 OF :•!O. 110 ", PASSED A:� t,DOP= 01 =1 , 27TH Di'-.Y QF 1,.D., 1925, BY �1=L_DI7C SECTIOi1 1 T L1::1:2O , which was introduced and read at a regular meetine.of the City Cousicil held on the 21st day of October, 1927, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried by the follo;:•inL vote: Ayes: Councilmen_ Cannon, Gerow,.Krimmel, Love and yinder. .Noes: ;Tone. Absent: Hone. I y;s B°uSI ZESS. L, oved b;,- Councilm -.n Love, seconded by Councilman Fsimmel, that notwithstardinE previous resolutions of this Council respecting the said matter, and until the further order of.this Council, the Superin- tendent of the 'Hater Department be and he is hereby authorized to employ, in the layinE and replacinE of certain viater mains, not to exceed thirty laborers, who shall be comner_sated at the rate of 62� per hour; Carried by the followin€; vote: row Ayes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Floes: None. Absent: None. loved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Cannon, that the Superintendent of the ':.ater Department be and he is hereby authorized to purchase 100 corporation cocks, 100 lead iron unions and 50 - 6" valve covers, all at a cost not to exceed x205.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen. Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. ?coved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilmen Krimmel, that the Superintendent of the Water Department be and he is hereby authorized to purchase five fire hydrants, at a.cost not to exceed ;?280.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen.Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: bone. Absent: None. Loved by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the Superintendent of the Water Department be and he is hereby authorized to purchase twenty 4" gate.valves, at a cost not to exceed ."'198.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen,Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: Hone I::oved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that -the, Superintendent of the eater, Department be and he is hereby authorized. to purchase a quantity of caulking lead, lead pipe and Dayton couplings, all at a cost not to exceed $180.00. Carried by the following vote:. Ayes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes:_ None. Absent: None. Loved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Cannon, that Resolution No. 175, Entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ALMLTING RESOLUTION NO. 129 OF SAID CITY, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 19TH DAY OF M&RCH, 1926, ENTITLED:1A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY,OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING RULES AID REGULATIONS FOR THE SERVICE OF WATER FROM 7M MATER 71.042 SYSTEU OF SAID CITY, FIXING AIM ESTABLISHING THE,RAVES TO BE CHARGED FOR SUCH SERVICE AND REPEALIE G RESOLUTION NO. 56 OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SAID CITY, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 31ST DAY OF JULY, 1923, ALSO.RESOLU ^ION NO. 58 OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SAID CITY, PASSED.AUM ADOPTED ON THE 28TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1923, WITH REFERENCE THERETO ", BY ADDING A ITE1,11 SECTION THERETO, TP BE EMMN AS SECTION 2 -A, which was read, be adopted. Carried.by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None . Absent: None., No further business.apgearinE. to -be transacted at this session, it was,moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that.the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, the 1st day of November, 1927, at the hour of 4:40 o'clock P. L:. Carried. Approved: Respectfully submitted, Layor City Cler .