1927 NOV 25 CC MINJR,31 L rez -lar meetinn o_f California, was caviled to it th °,r.0'.;'_2'1Ci*1 'v!.aII,:icr O�_ ayor. Councilmen Present: Councilmen _Lbsent: El Cer zndo, California. Iovember 25th, 1927. t;ze City Covr_cil o- U1 City or -1 - egvndo, order at 7:00 o'clock P. i'. on the a:;ove date, Le City __oi 1 of said City, bar Pe ter -. _iraer, ROLL C:.LL. Krimr.:el, Love and = inder. Cannon and Gerov . 3 nDI_ +C 0=' i:I17 'S OF P2 :'7 IOUS 1,. 7711. , The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 18th day of November, 1927, were read. Igo errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by Ce'.;ncilman i_rimmel, that the minutes be .proved as read. Carried. TBIT E C(Y1:1- 7_WIC.L IOI:S. `_`he foliowin�' communications were read and disposed of as indicated: :.� I:e. , D. LE-7;IS, dated November 25th, 1927, requestinL� that palm trees in the )arki:iC._- in front of her residence loo. 5,07 ';biting Street, be rer- roved. l.'oved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, L_at the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to remove Dalm trees from the parl:inE in front of the Premises situate -o. 557 '.:r_itin€ Street, and the City =ardener is hereby authorized and instr-.;.cted to plant trees in lieu thereon, in accordance with the tree iantinE scheme heretofore adopted for 7,%_itinv Street. Carried by the follo -.-Ar vote: byes: Councilmen ti:rinmel, Love and Linder. :roes: Iron. nosent: Cannon and Gerow. x. C. =IS', dated November 25th, 1927, being an application for a house moving permit. I::oved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman I :rimmel, that L. C. Farris be and he is hereby -ranted permission to move a one story frame dwelling house from its present location on the -orth side of Earip6sa Avenue East of Lain Street to a new location on the -ast side of Virginia Street South of L:aple ;_venue; said buildin€- to be shoved on the 28th day of November, 1927, and said building to be moved on dollys over and along the following stre_ -ts, to -wit: Yariposa revenue to Lain Street, North on Y&in Street to Yaple Avenue, West on Iraple -venue to a point approximately 100 feet East of Virginia Street, thence South on to -rivate property. Carried by the followirE� vote: .Lye s: Councilmen Krimn:el, Love and Binder. :,Toes: None. .bsert: Councilmen Cannon and Gerow. :one. Oral Communications. POH ^S 0_' S'T1h:;DING COI, :Il'S. Councilman Krimmel of the Pu_ulic 717orks Committee, reported that .:r. ;:. D. 1.cAllister had complained of the impassaGility of the alley rest of Street, runninE South from Holly �ivenve, and of his request t'-at, the same be remedied, so as to enable him to use his garage, built upon_ the rear of his lot and facinE said alley. It was moved by Council- man. Lrimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, t:lat the Street Superintendent 32' , Wow be and he is hereby a-�;_thorized and instructed to investigate complaints made concerning- the impassability of the alley runnin_" south from Holly avenue, in =lock 49 or the City of L'1 Segundo, and to make such repairs therein as to him seem proper and if work other than ordinary maintenance or repair is rewired, to shame the cost thereof, plus 10;;J, , to 11. D. - - :dlister. Carried by the following vote: Ages: Councilmen Srimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: Pone. absent: Councilmen Cannor. and Gerow. 'L::PO: _N 0�' 0_IC�._L„ �r 5.�.,I:LL �.�......- 1- - -�.,. The City attorney, through his associate, J. Gordon_ Trills, reported that t :e ratter of taxation of munI cipal property for flood control purposes, was not defini .ely disposed of at the meetin, of City S ttorileys held in the office of the City attorney of the City of Los �lEeles, i.ovember 22nd, 1927, but that it was understood that as to all property acquired for public purposes prior to the formation of sYc_ flood control districts and in use for public purposes, taxes wo-r1:I be c, celled upon rep - est, but that as to property acquired subsequent to su_cl_ flood control districts, it ap-,)eared t_1at taxes levied would have to bE paid. definite decision in the matter is expected prior to the last date for t'--,E - )wzr::en+ of said taxes. _tie Cit'r Gardener reported t_'_at t. olantinF of the lativr" on the Co` li _ ree :_ it LE i rand ai'Jeriv_c Par.: has been col : mleted. - lE amity r_ il_eer reporteC liE Virg COrferred iiit% 1• -r• CQQk, the �neer in c__ ,.r.° of the ex— leri -=tal - .fort^: oir- on at tl)e _._,IT _-ion C-._tfall ::e;;er ''lent of t:.e Ci:;r cf Los eles, res_oectirLE the success o � t_.e crinder5 bein used t "- lV_rize t_ ^_e se- . ?a�'e -paSsi, thronE7h paidlxit, and _.avid` lear.:ed that sai�i = r.Cineer, believing the _ roses to be s- ,._ccessful, ad recommended t0 the =Y{ iTiEerir�; DE7artment t 0l _ :10 alt :' of Los - �1= _eleS, the -_Ji:_rC1:aSe aria n_rr._aner.t irStalL.t102i Of 1... y Tl 1 1 1^v� 1 1'Y1 1.. _. 1 n </ : :\/ `rinders. ..v t1 Lam:. .S arLvlC ipa ted hat U_L'^ r,_a\.Un__ Y.QI_1d �_C. rc ,erred tQ -_• - .. i perk 4 U V Committee Q t V1 U of Los _ �1.. by L.__e ng•in_6 nE E_iart . __t _._ sai1 .. =1�', .... i._ie "1 ^n .__ c_ the r' t'r or T^ v, _� :r _ 1 ..e ld erde_ von to ascert�in .._.a' action is taker, arm _�.rt :.er eoort t , is ..c_:. rneP t r _ to t :1S Oii?:C11 a� lu 1:7E• The Cit-:- Clerk reported receipt of additioxial deeds conveying to the City of = -1 �eF-,ndo certain property for _ 4 lie sheet ..1._r,�eses, in connection with the openir4 of C,rpresz Street, Cedar Street, Pepper : treat, j�Cacia nVe21j_e, Syc amore avenue and 0a�: nVe :U_5, as contemplated b`r ;esoll'_tio:_ of Intention .o. 154 an.'. Ordinrnce i.o. 125 of t1,e 'it,- of =1 It was there-apo:_ moved bar Councilman_ 1'simr e' , seconded by Cog cilrw_ y07C, t_-_wt escl,,_tio: _:o. 17 ^c, e .titled: yj 1-t1..:0LU 11 Vl\ IDi ii ^ :, Cl7iy VUl.J 1. U/Il, ..:. :J.11 DV11::1� 0l, 11LVU 1L..,)' 0- CITY 0- EL 3::GUi70, CtiLI71 _Ih, l��I.rlO Iuil :v im .i.� ll. : TIC :LTa OP : : :Ii.� T 17 10 ?r.:1HI0li5 �--�c • -�. -� gin- �1 ?'. K" 1r -- ^ J "7,_.. —f• TO F i_.JIJL:.i lLU i.a- ....rllr �:....:v1ll_i:.:. ✓, _ 11. 11t1:.l �LJ l: u, liGi ..l.11L'J 1V .J P0: 2j:37Ir SY= L� r�= iPO:;;✓a, :.i' \ -? n��ii0 I:1. :G tai ,I ^I-17 CL ---RP 0? 5nI0 CIS_ -0 C _ D_„'D ii.S I. :0 I iurN L LLY =.- I POSSIS_L I . _7­ PO =._ : :, �I"II;� TO T:W CI l' Or L S�1;i7Iy0, CnLI�OPL :Ili, ^0 -- i'liBLIC "9 i tom. :0i' 7i D 00-.IB .D II. :)=S .� 7 _.� I: =B I ':;SIB CI_.Y, !-,-T TO TIE 0= =aOL'u I 0 17--71- J01- 1v_- I __ Z., TO LL tCCLP D 0 : Ol ID CI _ i ii. :_D pIL`:0 0 =CO3 I!.' T -77 OT=ICL P4_C0= 0-7 LOS n :GLL: , COL717-Y, CHILI 0?I:In, w,iopted. Carrier by the following vote: .veS: /O l_cilr'ce._ T rLmme_, Lov6` and Binder. S: ?:one-. nbsentt CO.zncilmen Cannon and rl�erow. JT331� __'Ie Ci%, C1 err: 8._:'1SGG that t_:£ it" 1ttorne -rls office had filed ;:lth hip a =Orr: o= reso."atio_ to -ue ado�Dted� I y tie Oar d of _'rustees o_- 1 -e �. School District res-nectirl�_ t o sale of easement. for public se-:•er _purposes over and across certain high school property. At the time t'lat the City of 21 Se-vndo abandoned certain_ public streets for _.ich school purposes, said :'_i:n School Trustees aEreed to advertise for sale easement over and across its property for _ublic serer = j_rposes in order to enable the City of L1 SeL­undo to bid upon and acquire such easement.. In view of the fact that said easement has not as fret been a- vertised for sale, it was moved by Councilman Love, seconded by� Councilman_ I:rirnel, that the City Cler:_ of the City of El SeEundo be and lie is hereby authorized and instructed to forward to the Trustees of rl SeL;undo High School a cop. - of a form of resolution prepared by the City Attorney of the Citir of Fl SeLvndo, respectinC the sale of easement in real property nor sewer rnzrposes, and urCinE• said HiEh School Trustees to adopt the same at wn early date. Carried by the follorinE vote: Ayes: Councilmen_ Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Cannon and Cerow. =C___L` __"4JS TE S �1._ I�:I.:_.�..D �u�Ii :LSD. Lloved b-r Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that Ordinance I:o. 144, entitled: T '�T� C (' 1 T 1 :1 OR �:r.. _ T..:... _ 1 0 .:L CiT: DO, Ciu,IFO IA, =T SC'iBli:^ _... i :lii:i� ? 07 DISPOSI ^IOIc OF `7 DELII.'Z' ' :T LIED 03 ru�r PROPERTY AC 61 IRED BY SllID CITY 0 :L S GLi DO, UIBER A:�D PuP.a`tiA::y TO -Ti- T CERTAIIT ACT 07 -= LEGISLA'17ME OF Tiv. ST. _Z 01' CALIFORNIA, Ili - TITLE'D, "A:,- ACT AU IORIZI;G "IY CITY, CITY ,UM COUNTY, Ct7u1, TO "1.1, IcILiTICMt LITY OR OT=R POLITICAL SUBDIVISION TO ACQUIRE CERT -LI:: LIENS OR PROPERTY OFFE•M FOR SALE FOR T11 :TOiT -PAZ!' ' :ITT OF C ?:TAI:: ASSESb+ ENTS ", APPROVED JUNE 4TH, 1915, which was introduced and read at a regular meetin€ of the City Council held on the 18th day of November, 1927, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried by the followin€ vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Krimmel, Love and Binder. PTone . Councilmen Cannon and Cerow. ?respecting the application of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company for a permit to set certain poles and anchors and to trim trees within the City of ..1 SeL ndo, held over from the last reCular :neetin of this Council, to enable said Council to confer with representatives of said Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company, Councilman Krimmel reported that he and the Street 5-a-)erintendernt had this date conferred with two representatives of said Telephone Company concerninE; said matter and had agreed upon a method of construction differinE from that set forth in the application of said Compar_ -r filed with this Council 17ovember loth, 1927; that said Company ;.ould file a revised map or _plan of its proposed v-xrk and submit the same to this Council for approval and he recommended that action in said matter be dclu?td y)endin the ilir o= said revised map. Res_ ectin the rL oval of approximately thirty ;.recked automobiles and other debris fror: v- -rious points aitlin the City of B1 SeLvndo, up:n _11 C:_ the trG °1 tiu_p�ri:=t -ndent, at t_'.e last ref �1ar meetinE of the Council, - 1rStr :_C k, t0 0:)t. it Drices, t_'ie followinL bidis viere r cci ­ ed: Gordon _'ranaler Co. - - - - - - - - - - .�8S•00 =y 98 00 J. swrth;r - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.00 per Hr. .me=ter consideration, it a_:pearin= that t..e bid o_° J. :.:cCart1 v�e.s the best Did received, an:. if tie v;orr_ were a':;ardec! said bidder, it could be ''o__e for less cost -,:-.an t:le _vices euoted by other bidders, it wz.s moved by 341 rl , 1 lzimmel, seconded by Counciln-&-r- Love, th--. tlie viork of ,07'uncl --an remo-,-in;, v.,recked. azitomc, � il es any -, t-,,,er ae r,--1 s from various points t:-rowhou'- the City of ___l Sec-undo, be and the sa:,-e is 'aer e-Cly awarcled, LcCarthy at -crice naned in his bid filed wit._ t.is Council this date, to -wit: :Z.00 per I:our -or use of one ton tT-,;_cl:, with -flat bocl-;- 7 x l-'- feet and one trailer ,vitla flat tody, "t x 16 -feet, includin, a driver for s!--.id, truck. Carrie-_7 -tv the followin. vote: ..yes: Councilmen 17--irmniel, Love and 3inder. noes: -one. :.,sent: Cc unc mer, Cannon and of 'L7-,c- 'Iorz.it-teE Orl he fojlo-•dn�� derna.nds, _a--inL '--ad t"r -_-__--oval '_inarcc and ­ecords, w,,ere read: ;;ate-" '.-orl-.s, __-ond :'Lmd mates" Iron Pi- 6 comany 2,95E.49 Z.6Z Co. 206.00 '-'o. 25D.60 0 7 'eimazi 7,lolese,le electric 12.00 2eve,xrly Hills .;,urseries 4.20 e-ford Chenical Co. 4.95 -,rir- -3ros. � -. Se.-�eLram 16.65 la aocundo Paint _tore _ales Company 12.50 Co. �ellerbac:_ ;'weer `n` t-- -rss. 22,75 °.46 7.- & G Lo c' 1. O,o p Oc ­ Los e s _'?L b e r _two Co. .65 'Lick 17.50 City o' _l "e-r- undo., .,ater Department 66. 6 7 S u u_ I 4al ()Ul 0- e rC­ji, e Cli ­7 Ent: ­4 - _OV t L U_ 7 row