1927 NOV 18 CC MINI?T. Fl SeU,_ndo, Cal. ,ov. lcth, 1927. li rr; 1cr .`6etir 0 t h� �i uy O� �' J F1 S _V11 d0, 9ali orris, ass called t0 Order at 7:GC O'C10Cr: :. 1,i. On tllE aLOVE da:e, in the Council Chanter er tn,2 C: tZ, all 0= s .ha C�+ , b;, Pet= L1nd r, ROLL C11LL. Co- ,ncilmen Present: �eroti':, Krin —mel, io,}e and m-inder. Co- ancilmen Wosent: Carron. _R-* -I1:U OF 1�:Ii,u71 Ea OF P_:.: �IIOjS ,._.7_�Ii:4 . .e milnutes or the adjourned rer lar meEtiriE held ors r_E 1GtL day Or ?:ovember, 1927, ::are read. Uo errors or omissions appearin , it was moves by 10unccilman zero`::, seconded b,r Councilman Zrirmr-el, that the r.:in,.;_tes b ap?roved as read. Carrie T:, e r.:i�.' yes of the aC' jourrea r- eF--:_Jar meEtin:L � old or_ L.ov - —er 12th, 1927, 7, -ere re•;-_', without error or omission eiraE noted, and it was moved -- Counncilman I:rimrrel, seco:hdea by Councilman_ Love, that the minutes be ap�rovea as read. Carried. he minutes of the adjourned recular meeting held on the 16th day of :ovember, 1927, : °iere read. Lo errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Councilman_ Love, seconded by Councilman 1Kri!rmel, that the min_ -„_ter be a-)- proved as read. Carried. :i'.IT 1% C LvnTI0iv5. Tie followinE• cormur_ications were read and disposed of as indicated: p,,,CIF IC T ELrPHOIZ TELEGR.z?H COi,:?2 =, dated l:ovembgr 16th, 1927, being; an a_�plication for permission to set eleven poles and three anchors and to trim various trees in various locations within the City of F.1 Segundo, all as described in sketch attached to said application. In view or the fact that said Company desires to set poles on the hest side of Lain Street between Yariposa Avenue and Palm rvenue,4hich location the Council is not disposed to have poles set if any other method of construction_ can be used by said Telephone Company, by general consent the Clerk was instructed to arrange for the Right -of -Way Supervisor of said Company to meet with the Council dn5lMs evening at `-_is convenience, at about the hour of 4:3C o'clock P. Y. EL SFGUIDO HIGH SCHOOL BOARD, dated November 15th, 1927, being copy of a resolution adopted by said Board November 14th, 1927, respecting its intention to bear its share of the expense for improving the alleys adjoining High School property to the East of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 87, and to the South of Lots 1, 2, 3 and a Dart of Lot 4, Llock 87. Ordered filed. OR.Al CC90- 11NICnTIONS. I:one. =PORTS OF STxjI;DIIIG CM,7L.:ITTrE=. Done. .?WPORTS Or OFFICERS & SPECIr,L CO1,21ITTEES. "'_he City Clerk advised that a Lr. Tyler, residing at No. 408 whiting Street, had requested that an acacia tree 93M in front of his premises be removed. The City Cardener, having looked into the matter, recommended that the request be granted, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Gerow, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to re :rove the acacia tree from in front of the premises Igo. 406 7:hiting, Street. Carried. The Superintendent of the 'rater Department advised or receipt of a letter from the Santa 11onica Lard and ':later Company, dated November 17th, . 28.1 C-- 1927, inquirin€,as to -the possibility of bein, furnished water on certain acre&Ee owned by said Company in the Northeasterly part of the City, also as to the rates for irriE•ation purposes. By general consent, said official was instx^acted to advise said Company that water can be furnished the property, to quote them the carrent water rates of the City of E1 Segundo, and to advise said Company at the same time that buildings erected on the property must conform to the building ordinance of the City of El Seru+•ido. "lie City Znf- ineer a- -wised that the growth of roots in sewers in certain parts of the City, particilarly in Collinewood Street from ?sin Street ;rest, is so dense that the root cuttine- tools of the Department are not effective in attempts to remove such Erowth. He requested permission to have a special root cutter constructed in accordance with his ovrn ideas, =::hereupon it was moved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to have a root c-L: -tter constructed at a cost not to exceed X15.00. Carried by the following vote: res: Councilmen Geror-r, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. absent: Councilman Cannon. ",'he City Attorney reported that a meeting; of various City Attorneys for the purpose of discussinL the payment of special taxes levied aE•ainst municipal property in various municipalities of the County, has been called for I:ovember 22nd, 1927, and -that he will be unable, until after that date, to render a report to this Council concerninE- the items of tax levied aE-winst property or the City of El Segundo, rahich said matter w—s referred to `_im October 28th, 1927. The City Clerk advised the Council that L:r. E. S. Donaldson, Local Agent of the Pacific Electric Railway Company, had shown him a letter from one of the officers of said Rail-aay Company, which stated that it would cost about x75.00 to remove the pole from the westerly end of the park at 1.'ain Street and Grand Avenue, which would leave the overhead con- struction in a weakened condition, that said Company preferred not to move -the said pole unless the city insists upon it, in which case it believed t:iat the cost of such removal and chanE•e in overhead construction should be Lorne by the City. It appearinE that no such request had officially been made of Pacific Electric Railway Company, no action was taken. Councilman Gerow introduced Ordinance No. 144, entitled: A! O=DiNAIME OF '.= CIT`f OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFOPr1IA, PRESC .IBIIiG T.= OF DISPOSI ^.IO.; OF IdTly DELIiI- ^LI;�' LIEN 0: A:jY P'OP_. '�"' P By S ;ID CI`='Y OF EEL SEGULDO, UNDET_: 112'D ?:,rSuANT TO T,Ui.T CEERT�iII; "CT 02 i = LEGI:;L.: 7717 07 7-r. SC OF _ri_ C::LIi 0_LL :I:i, Ei:--I'_Ti,yD: "ti ; r:C= is'.' '_0'IZ=V tLIyY CITY, CI COQ.: 1, 07— -, b.U�.ICi_nLI_ 07' . 0 ^_LITICnL : : DI'1ISIOT; IO M C :SIR✓ CEF nIi: LI .;S. OR SnL ?Or _;0= -PnYI �iT Or CEEinIi; JU.-i : 4TH, 1915, 1; .ie1: vras read. Cit-,- Clerl_ therekpon dir -ct. tae atte.ation of the City Council �J :e f-_c L `a, lae cia„ 100' :ink fs_ �wT to t.ic e_._ ly comple Lion of the pro - ce _- _ - -0r i,_?e £.c''1L_'_J_ Flo:= o f certaiI reti s treetS tL:o':r: s Cypress street, ire= t, .-acacia avenue, canore _. veni;_e and Oah ;averse, 'n t_ e Cit-;- of E1 Se-=do, - ou_rsK..ar_t to proceedir. s w]_icl-. had been instit-,�_ted ±= wcr solution of In` ention I :o. 154-; t'-�at there had beer tendered to the _ - _ t L ?.. 1 11_ t 7i Lam', S "� -. � .. iEJ �__E,' = �2�Ji: --'.r_ O f u__2 TOS�i.0 uiV- ar-iJ'ti =!tS due for. SEa.1e L'S! er s �_ ._roC _ , dee -"_s to various o= the ")arc_:ls o= =ro= -rt- to be if fU_1ds were irnediavel-�- ay...ilac_e in !,'y_oress any ac---- is°tie.: of said deeds an- _ r rt�r 2EI- - ..r :..1C =. �0 t7- r:..lt _ ....:... -�ca 1fj _-- !^_•�i__..� - . -..__. e1 - - �t 0'1 1-- c c. _1 do ir.- t_-. �' - -rt -- i 1 l ar:� -�:i:.� .._..._ : _ -_ �_.._„� __,�rE. t y ;l -Call . to it '�� �r�erGl ��.:�ni e said .,_ - w� : C ro: , s c0nae� o__.cilr.:a is -� - -e so I -at ion G. 17E , it JL-C=IOC 0_ -I =_ CSI: IL 1 ' --,.— L� u:v 0; C<1111r0 . la., 1L '- 1_. ---- >✓ x171;ri �., l.�.Ci::. i.J t += _ 0 CITY _ �..:..� ,.:1_.... __w _.v rl�/�. _.- ":•-- ..._.i -. .ztli...l.j __.U;.I.:.,1..1. :ci,J Dl�.�Cl'l�.l: __L-. 7 - - L,- �_..- .iir.L =� „__.__�: 0_�..1.._ i:D _ _ . L S Ui.= , 0 _. _ bl7E i%SO "L "�IGi: ;rIO,' 1:0. 15�_, v CO= :T,1'._.J 'Y L.►1 , OF _7= Sliir_ 0= 422,758 46, 7071 T1-u. D=111=2Y OF `' 3017DS TO B ISSLM I!,-., 'i :..eJD 1,: TM 2 TO a.:ID CITY Di- ii'COUirT Or S:. -C:: i 7 i X_E_ -_ , :hi Ch CiaS relic -, be adopted. Said resolution ::as carried by the follo. >inE Mote: :."es: Councilmen_ ';erow, Yzimmel, Love and Binder. i:oes: i;one. zcse_.t: Douncilman Carron. ^._e Cite:? Clerk thereupon reported that there v.-- s av- ila�le, pursu_wnt t the _ctior_uhereinacove noted, as ta,_-er_ by the Council ;,ith referer_ce to of Cypress Stz eet, Pepper Street, Cedar Street, i►cs.cia•rer_ue, -,:�xiore ,.venue and Qak rvenua, in the Cypress Street and Other Streets Oenin,_ 'end the sum of2,490.JJ, and that he had in his possession various deeds to nronerty to be acquired, which were immediately available _or accept:_ce and recordation upon delivery of the warrants for the res ec ive amounts to be -paid for swirl properties. r ter discussion, and the Council feelirr6 filet the public interest, convenience and necessity of the City would be su= aserved by the immediate ac7uisition of the ;parcels re-ferrec_ to by the Clerk, pursuant to proceedinE_•s had been instituted under Resolution of Intention Iao. 154 of said City, it w_s moved by Councilman Erimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that Resolution No. 177, entitled: i. =_QOL(L;1IV'C1i OP TETE CI='Y COUNCIL (?02=._=,LY 30AM OP TRUS 0) 07 7% CITY 017 EL S GI;i.:DO, Ci,LIrVRI In, BUT= IOF.IZIIuG i M DIREE CTING L:':ECvTIOi:, DELI—T: �.%� O_ vtsraoua irate ,�uy.: Oi+ TITE CYP =_QS iii,D OT-Hi= ZT.1EETS OPEI;INC FUZID TO VAMOUS PB SOi +S nS T7:7,0­7 III DESCP�ILD, : v JnRIO? S P30P P.TI.�.S TO 377 xC III = FOR ?U3LIC Sr1` T PLIRPOSES, %.11D x iiORIZI X rL D D1 WCTII:C Tim CITY CIZERY, OF SiiID CITY TO 011Jvi SUCH D=DS LS I .Y I:O';: iR II. iIS POSSiSSIOIv rs� i�S HE:`ilIly Pl^r.-.R SPECIFIC.LLLY SE. FORTE, GR ;G TO -'Ir` CiTY 0- L S UUND , Ci.LIFOR'r;In, FO ?U 3L•IC STRE T PURPOSES, THEE a. 7.."L PROPERTY Ii- SiiID CITY DESCRIBED IIi Srl.Ci D=S tiI y r,S R`•.�= BY .CnID CITY PURSUh,:.T _0 ^_.rL PROVISIOI;S OF i' SOLUlIO;" O I:'=_'.TIOI; I;UI.=R 154, :d S�.ID CI7 ^ILFD FOR RECORD i ACCEPTED O BEHALF OF I1. T rte- O 'FICy 0? =: CM7.-1 L _._CO?JE_', 0- LOS iu GELRS COUII^Y, C,'.L I FOP: - Ii., vr,:.icri yias read, be adopted. Carried by the follo:rink, vote: ryes: Councilmen Gerow, Erimmel, Love and Binder. 177oes: ?one. Zcsent: Councilman Cannon. I:_oved by Councilman Erimmel, seconded by Councilman_ Love, that the x:;.rchase of filinE e^ _-.iprrent for the City C_ er" s office and a bookcase 30 IN for the office of the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby a;z;Iviorized, at a cost not to exceed 5,,185.00. Carried by the followin£ vote: eyes: Councilman Gero*r ,,, Krimmel, Love and Binder* Noes: tione. nbsent: Councilman Cannono Yo further business appearinE to be transacted at this meetinEs it was moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Love, that the meetinE adjourn. Carried. ,'-_pproved: Yayo . Respectfully sutmitted, row