1927 NOV 10 CC MIN21 El Segundo, Oil. November 10th, 1927. An adjourned regular meetir� of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. 1­ on the a- -ove date, in the Council Chamber of the Ci-y Hall of said City, by Peter E. Binder, ?::ayor. 'ROLL C.LLL. Councilmen Present: Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Councilmen Absent: None. _R , I1TC OF YI=S OF PREVIOUS =TI11G. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 4th day of November, 1927 were read. Y.o errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Councilman Cannon_, seconded by Councilman Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. None. Noise. Z,RITTEI1 C012_''UNICATIONS. ORYI, C01'? :_u'P+IC TIOI:S. REPORTS OF ST,'dMIYG CO.IXJT =S. Councilman Gerow of the Public Works Cbmmittee, informed the Council that complaint had been made to him concerning a pool of water which stands in Penn Street, between L:aple Avenue and 7.7aln-:_t Avenue, during rainy weather. 'she matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for attention. R EPORTS OF OFFICERS & S =CI: L C0131.'1TTEES. 7,he City LnE,ineer reported that he and the Street Superintendent had considered the matter of the installation of a calvert on the North side of Lariposa Lvenue at Arena Street, and had decided that the use of a piece of 8" riveted pipe, with head walls at the ends, the installation of which would cost approximately ?30.00, Mould satisfactorily dispose of storm viaters ori67inatinE in :;ariposa Lvenje and prevent the same from wasting into frena Street and thence into Palm �.venae, as referred to at a me -tiny; of this Council held October 28th, 1927. It was thereuoon moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Cannon, that the eenstruction. of an 8" riveted pipe culvert, faith concrete head walls at the ends thereof, across i:rena Street on the 1:orth side of 1 - riposa - venue, be and the same is hereby authorized, at a cost not to exceed ?30.00. Carried b -- the followine, vote: 4ires: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. :foes: Bore. .bsent: Yone. The r_`_lEr of Police advised the Council t'_ atu, notwithstanai.n,, his ,ffort, he ha:'_ beep'_ ,_ ",s-: ccessful in attempts to <-et in touch Stith an officer t, ser re be:.C_` �.rr� 2tC, Vl�_i C he 'lE.0 bee a _�1i0r1Ze'' 0 d0 at a C0 ^rerGnce letween the Council ar himself at an earlier date. It was thereuwon moved b,- Covncilm a.-,. Love, seconded by Councilman. Gerow, that the followin re- solation be adopted: " SOZ' , that the Chief of Police or the Cit.-,r of El SeC=do, be and he is hereby authorized to em_:loy any of the re` ^)lar police officers of the City of =.1 Segundo or_ such dw�,G a.ssai(I officers are c - storraril;� relieved of re,-_.lar d t;,� a.ccordin^ to t :, uorkin_ sc'_ ed le_ of the Police Penartment o` ±YE -Cit -" O_' -1 ­)E -r nao, or special officers if an r-her '.n- or t.,e ref _Iar officers area not a,va,able, or it and when sac 22 tipeciall office=., in 0_ inion Or the Chief of Police &rr y serve en c. warrants iss i G/! ry ^; +z, T" `' 0 t —_ ^; +. o_l .l J°� ndc, for the' N n E V_ U� V_ - ,7renen on of -ersons fwilirL: to ars:;er citatior_s for viclatier_s of the vehicle "ct of the Ztate of 'a.. r,� °, a; �1 0 _ ___ any or all . of_�icers so em?olo,J ^d shall be :)aid YE.00 for eac:- warrant served v,:gere the defendant is actC -ally taken into custody and brouF'-Zt into Court, or el-ere bail ther-tofore fixed JJr the Court, on said is acreoted in lieu of t_ ^e arrest and detention of the persons named therein; :30L'Z;D, that no com_)ensatior_ wall be wllo•:red in cases : :zere the defenda:_ts are riot actually arrez;tea or bail is not actually accepted on said warra..ts as her_tofore referred to, and that no compensation shall be allowed any of said officers so. employed as travelin& expense, or for the use of their automobiles, or otherwise. Carried by the followir�. vote: Lye s: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, kri -nel, Love and Binder. - oes: Tone. rbsent: None. The City Clerk reported that this date he and the City attorney had atte. "ed a meetin.� held in the office of the County kssessor, for the purpose of discussing Section_ 3627 -A of the Political Code of the State of Cali`_'ornia as amended at the 1927 Session of the State Legislature, which said Section as amended apparently t .kes away from municipalities the revenr_e formerly derived from the taxation_ of notes, stocks, bonds, solvent credits, etc., and requires that taxes collected on such items shall be deposited in the General Fund of the County and must be taxed at a fixed rate of 1.45; of the full cash value instead of being assessed at 70 of the full value and applyinE the local tax rates on such assessments. He stwtea that at the meeting, it was brought out that the amendment was passed under the theory that it cured defects in the existing law, which defects were brouth.t out in a recent Federal case, but that in the opinion of the Covrty Counsel, the amendment did not cure such defects and in the opinion of said County Counsel, is unconstitutional. Uso that the County Counsel proposes to test the validity of the amendment.by bringing an action in the Supreme Court of the State of California, and that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had agreed to place the same on calendar for immediate hearing, so that a decision in the matter might be had pr -or to N.arch 1st, 1928. He reported further that it was brouClit out at the meeting that the amended law seriously affects the revenues of a number of the municipalities of the County and that said cities may-join in a manner to be determined by the legal representatives of the respective cities, in the action to be filed by the County Counsel of the County of Los Angeles and that the City attorney of the City of Pasadena had been designated as the attorney to prepare such briefs as may be necessary. "'Tone. UT,T_- I'ISHED BUSINESS. P -MIyG BILLS. the following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: :'later Viorks Bonds Fund Water forks Fund R. . Hutchins 4000 pacific Jill & Mine Supply Co. 18.15 yl Serondo Lumber Co. 22.70 Grimes- Stass£orth Stat. Co. 3095 C. F. Turner GaraEe 13.00 Daniels Hardware 115.50 Crane Co. 252.60 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 3. V. Shinn & Co. 170.08 So. Calif. Edison Co. 279.32 Grinnell Company 24.70 L. I. Parmelee 7.25 15.51 Rich Steel Product-S Co. 278.75 R. T. Hutchins 17.72 James Jones Company 39.33 -- Iueller & Co. 510.32 16 Iffn � J f{i 3A General 'Fund Edna. E. Harlan 61000 City of El Segundo mater Dept. 188978 ,e2249 � 78 Moved by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the demands be allowed and warrants drazi on and paid out of the respective funds coverinE the same. Carried by the followin€; vote: ryes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. 1;E i BT SINES.S. 1" ved by Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Cannon, that the Superintendent of the mater Department be and he is hereby authorized to purchase five 10" gate valves, for use in connection with the reconstruction of certain lines of the distributing system of the municipal Water Department, at a cost not to exceed $270.00. Carried by the following vote: byes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Councilman Gerow, seconded by Councilman Krimmel, that the Superintendent of the hater Department be and he is hereby authorized to purchase two 10" C.I. Hub End Tees, six 10" x 6" Hub ynd Tees, one 10" x 6" C. I. B & S Reducer, one 8" x 6" C. I. B & S Reducer, three 8" x 4" C. I. B 8:. S Reducer, one 10" C. I. 3 & S 222 degree Bend and two 4" C. I. B & S 1'.0 degree bends, for use in connection with the reconstruction of certain ?portions of the distributing• system of the IL- nicipal v7ater Department, all at a cost not to exceed X240.00. Carried by the following vote: ayes: Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Engineer reported that birds nesting- in the tiles on the roofs of the buildings at Sevier Pump Station No. 1 are creating; a nuisance, and recommended that to prevent a continuation thereof, the ends of the tile be closed. Yoved by Councilman Krimmel, seconded by Councilman Love, that the purchase of two yards of sand and four sacks of cement for use in connection with the closing of the ends of the tile on the roofs of buildings at Sewer Dump Station_ No. 1, so is to prevent birds from building nests therein, be and the same is hereby authorized at a cost not to exceed "'12.00. Carried by the following vote: A Councilmen Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. noes: lion . absent: Done. ho f`sther business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Councilman. Gerow seconded )y Cot�ncilm --;x! Love, that in view of the t ti_at rove. _ter 11th, 1927, the next reCijlar meetinL• date of this City Coancil, is a legal �rlP-V, that this .::eeti.0 ad o n until Sati_rday, the iSth day o. .L o:'em. er, au the hour of 11:50 o'clocl_ L. I,.. Swrried. 7espectf'ully submitted, r0 ved: _ City 41rZI:.