1927 MAY 13 CC MINw18
El Segundo, Calif. May 13th, 1927.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. M. on the above date in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall of said City by the City Clerk, the President of the Board being
absent. Trustee Gerow was unanimously chosen President pao -tem, and he immediately
assumed the duties of the President.
Trustees Present: Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Trustees ;,bsent: Binder.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 6th day of May, 1927, were
read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Krimmel, seconded
by Trustee Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
H. A. HARRISON, Certified Public Accountant, dated May 10th, 1927,
requesting consideration when the work of auditing the financial books and
records of the City of E1 Segundo for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1927,
is awarded. Ordered filed.
MARK H. SQUIER, one application for house moving permit dated May 9th,
1927, and two applications dated May 11th, 1927, requesting permits to move
frame dwelling houses within the City of El Segundo. The buildings therein
referred to having been inspected by the Building Inspector of the City of
El Segundo and that officer having recommended that the permits be granted,
it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the follovd ng
resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that Mark H. Squier be and he is hereby granted
permission to move a one story frame dwelling house from its
present location at No. 114 East Oak Avenue to No. 129 East
Oak Avenue; also a one story frame dwelling from its present
location at No. 712 Main Street to the Southwest corner of
Concord Street and Holly Avenue along the following route, to -wit:
From No. 712 Main Street South on Main to Holly Avenue, west on
Holly Avenue to Concord Street; also a one story frame dwelling
from its present location No. 7122 Main Street to the Southwest
corner of Holly Avenue and Concord Street, along the following
route, to -wit: From No. 7122 Main Street south on Main Street to
Holly Avenue, Vilest ox Holly Avenue to Concord Street to destination;
it being provided that during such removal all of the provisions
of ordinances of the City of E1 Segundo respecting house moving
be observed, and that the work be prosecuted and completed to
the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of El
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
PETITION OF E. R. ALDERSON and others, for the improvement of Concord
Street between Granklin Avenue and Grand Avenue by the construction therein of
a macadam veneer paving, with which petition was deposited the usual one -third
of the cost of such improvement. Moved by Trustee Love, seoonded by Trustee
Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, it appears that certain residents and property owners
of the City of E1 Segundo are willing to pay certain moneys in the
sum of $140.00 into the Treasury of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal-
ifornia, and into the General Fund thereof, for the purpose of
causing certain street improvements within said City to be made, and
I � �
WHEREAS, said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk
of said City with instructions to pay the same into said General
Fund upon the adoptfon of the following:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Street Superintendent
be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the portion
of that certain public street within the City of E1 Segundo, known
as Concord Street, lying and being between Franklin Avenue and
Grand Avenue, to be improved by the construction therein of the
following improvement, to- wit: Macadam Veneer Paving.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: Bone.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
E. L. Munger addressed the Board relative to conditioning West Collingwood
Street west of Bonita Vista Avenue,to make the same passable for motor vehicles.
He was advised by the Chair that the Board of Trustees had inspected the Street
during the prior week and intended to cause the Street Superintendent to do
some maintenance work therein. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Krimmel,
seconded by Trustee Love, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby
authorized to make such repairs as are necessary in West Collingwood Street
West of Bonita Vista Avenue to make the same passable for vehicles. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The Fire Chief reported that the E1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Department
desired to move its amusement room from its present location No. 306 main
Street to the American Legion Club House, and that E1 Segundo Post No. 38,
American Legion had agreed to prepare desirable quarters for the Fire Department
in the American Legion Building and rent the same to the City for the same
rental being paid at the present time. It was thereupon moved by Trustee
Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that beginning June 1st, 1927, and until the
further order of this Board, quarters for use as amusement room
for the El Segundo Volunteer Fire Department be rented from E1
Segundo Post No. 38 American Legion in the American Legion Hall
Building, Northeast corner of Concord Street and Franklin Avenue,
at a monthly rental sum of 435.00 per month, payable monthly; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that El Segundo Volunteer Fire
Department is hereby authorized to arrange for the removal of
its equipment and paraphernalia from No. 306 Main Street to the
said American Legion Hall.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The City Clerk reported having communicated with Mr. C. A. Parrish,
City Manager, Compton, California, respecting the Institute of Municipal
Business to be held at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
during August, 19279 and of learning that the classes will consist of both
day and evening classes; also that more than one subject will be taken up
at the same time, and that a scholarship, if taken, is transferable, but
may be used by only one individual at a time. It was thereupon moved by
Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the following resolution
be adopted:
S, the University of Southern California is preparing
to conduct an Institute of Municipal Business in Los Angeles
during the month of August, 1927, provided a sufficient number
of scholarships are procured; and
..'HEREAS, from data received by this Board of Trustees it
appears that the faculty is composed of men preeminent in
their particular fields of municipal endeavor; and
vaMEAS, this Board of Trustees feels that the City of E1
Segundo would derive much benefit from an intensive stufy of
municipal administration through a course of this character if
such a course were taken by certain officers of the said City;
NOW THMIFFO ,E, BE IT RESOL;, ED, that the City of El Segundo
hereby subscribes for two scholarships, to be used by officers
of the City of E1 Segundo as may hereafter be determined by this
Board of Trustees, the cost of such scholarships to be 450.00; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV- , that the City Clerk of the City of
E1 Segundo is hereby directed to file application for such
scholarships with J. W. Charleville, Glendale, ca.lifornia.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Hrimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The City Marshal reported having obtained prices on a motorcycle battery
for use of the Police Department, as follows: Rich Budelier, Harley - Davidson
Battery - 412.50; Standard Garage, Exide Battery - $13.25; Standard Battery
and Tire Shop, Harley- Davidson Battery - $15.00.
Following discussion, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee
Love, that the purchase of an Exide Motorcycle Battery for the use of the
Police Department of the City of M Segundo at a cost not to exceed 4p'13.25,
be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The Street Superintendent advised that when the Board authorized the
purchase of a gasoline storage tank, it made no appropriation for the purchase
of pipe and fittings to be used in connecting the gasoline pump to said tank.
It was thereupon moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the
purchase of the pipe and fittings necessary to properly connect the gasoline
pump to the underground gasoline storage tank recently ordered by the Board,
be and the same is hereby authorized at a cost not to exceed 46.509 Carried
by the following vote:
Ayess Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The Superintendent of the,Water Department reported that when the re- roofing
of the Water Works Reservoir was started recently by the contractor to whom such
work had been awarded by this Board, it was discovered that much of the sheathing
and a great number of rafters were in such condition that their continued use
would be inadvisable and in fact, dangerous, in that the roof might collapse
and contaminate and possibly entirely shut off the domestic water supply of the
City, and that in his opinion, as an engineer, these roof rafters should be
replaced and additional rafters added, so that the same will be spaced 24" on
centers instead of 30" as at present, and that new sheathing should be placed
upon the said roof. The matter was discussed at some length, whereupon it was
moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following resolution
be adopted:
WHEREAS, it appears an emergency in the City of El Segundo
exists in this, that the roof over the Municipal Water Works
Reservoir is in such condition as to threaten collapse at any
time; and
WHEMS, in event of such collapse, the service of water to
the public of said city would be interferred with and interrupted
in toto for a considerable period, thereby endangering the
lives, health and property of the citizens of said Cityp and
rYHEBE$S, it appears that an immediate expenditure of the
sum of not to exceed 4700.00 will eliminate the present ex-
isting danger;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent
of the Water Department of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
be and he is hereby authorized &nd instructed to cause the
necessary repairs to the roof of said municipal reservoir to
be made at once and to cause the said structure to be reinforced
in an adequate manner, so as to eliminate any and all danger
of collapse of the same, at a cost for such repairs and
reenforcement of not to exceed $700.00, the cost of said work
to be paid out of the Water Works Fund.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The Marshal announced the appointment of C. K. McConnell as a Deputy
Marshal and requested the Board's approval.of the same. It was thereupon
moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that said appointment
be and the same is hereby approved. Carried.
The matter of the request of G. R. Axelson, Chairman, Troop Committee,
Boy Scouts, filed with this Board of Trustees at its last regular meeting
was then discussed, whereupon it was moved by Trustee Krimmel, seconded by
Trustee Cannon, that the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that in event the Board of Trustees of the City
of E1 Segundo finds that boys may consistently be employed this
year in the cleanup of public streets, alleys, places and parks,
that Boy Spouts of the City of El Segundo be given opportunity
with other boys of the City to engage in such employment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is
hereby instructed to so advise Mr. G. R. Axelson.
Carried by the following votes
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Water Works Fund
Standard Oil Co. of California
The Elliott Horne Co.
E1 Segundo Construction Co.
Redondo- Inglewood & Los
Angeles Transfer
Pacific Mill & Mine Supply Co.
Daniels Hardware
Smith Booth Usher Co.
Southern Cal. Edison Co.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
General Fund
George Ipswitch 9.89
General Electric Shop .60
Edna Be Harlan 15.94
General Fund
Daniels Hardware
City of El Segundo Water Dept.
Standard Oil Co. of California
Standard Oil Co. of California
Standard Oil Co. of California
The Electric Shop
Co F. Turner
S. & M. Transfer Co.
Fidelity - Phenix Fire Ins. Co.
Maryland Casualty Co.
E1 Segundo Construction Co.
Southern Calif. Edison Co.
Harold D. Dale
R. S. Anthony, M. D.
Rich Budelier
The Elliott -Horne Co. 788931
Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be
allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering
the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that W. D. Sickler be
and he is hereby granted permission to take his customary annual two weeks
vacation beginning 1g4t 16th, 1927. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimme1 that when, in the opinion
of the Street Superintendent of the City of 31 Segundo, the time is opportune
for the buming of dry weeds and grass from the public parks, streets and places
of the City, that said official be and he is hereby authorized to do such work.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that until the further
order of this Board, H. M. Flick, Asst. Building Inspector, be allowed the sun
of 25¢ per day for the use of his personal automobile in the discharge of his
official duties, provided, however, that such compensation shall be paid only
for such days as his personal automobile shall actually be used by him in the
discharge of said official duties. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Krimmel, Love and Gerow.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Binder.
Mrs. Nelson Spargo, residing at No. 449 Virginia Street, having tendered
to the City two cypress trees, which she proposes moving from her premises,
the matter, by general consent, was referred to the City Gardener for
investigation, with power to act as his discretion dictates.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the meeting adjourn
until Tuesday, May 17th, 1927, at 4 :40 O'clock P. M. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved: C y e
President, Board of Trustees.