1927 JUL 22 CC MIN1236 . Wr r• C y l mieetin of t_ic -Car0. of '-r'w_ tees of th Llt ," of 1:1 Let L- o, C�lifor_ :ia, was c:.1' ed to order or. the a:,ove datE, it t - -- ^o r_c._ Ch ..._... r of the City :all of said, ..ity, !,- 2._ter L. lndcr, '_'resident :f the -o&rd. ROLL CnLL. i'`` -ste.es _'Ireserit: n„ '_er ' "r ark - =o C �...zlo r., o-:. , irr.t:« , �._ =rustee•s Zb2ert: moo-, e. --.e minutes of the reEu_lar =,eetinE held on th' 15ti. da " of Jkl; , 1927, ert re:?• :o errors or omissions w?pearillt, it �.ss moved r__st_e Cs .ncn, seccneled 'b­ stee Lrimrie1, that the minutes be _: proved as read. Carried• Z - ICAIOI��. lr he fC 'Iloc:in coIIlm,= _cations %ver'e read and- disposed of as inCi cCate'd: O�- L3Z i,: :G::L`: , 1 T:i i �Ai.�a. i� , letter dated J;;_i,- 15th, iCw7, ,;iainlnL th,c detailed report of the activities of the Los mac_ les �o -_nt�­ -._witti.: -c --, :rtment .: t`_iLn the City of =l d...rin" ircnth of June, ssil _ sport is d " ted Jvl-, 14th, 1927. Order,d filed. LO_' i e t t E r. dated Jv1� lc'tl , 19-27 -.i ...t, ... _c., _1:_c w : ?_O_70 __,_1r0 .d c^.....i :a:-alc .,: lria b__t �_ne _nsoli'uatior., for the bei E:_ -fit of t7ae. soi:th.- .' -:-_t 'rn - - ;ox, of Los v;c tz -• "'Y nor, -lei s r-r a t V e r "1c�_ �er Mere rE1C_re�. �O �_i� �l�" ��ir: eI" lo- i vesti`atior and report to the 3oard. COLS :1; .i: C:.LIrO=IA EDISO:% dated July 21st, 1927, requestir*_ a _ ermit to set poles in Standard Street .ithin the City of Ll SeCundo. roved by Trustee I:rininel, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that pursi-art to its a_r)lication there_"or, dated July '1st, 1927, and filed with this Board this date, Southern_ California Edison Com_p=. be and it is hereby granted permis. ion to set two 40 ft. poles on the ':rest side of Standard Street, 50 feet and. '50 feet respectively South of y:ariposa Avenue, provided the locations desi,nated are first a proved by the Street Superin- tendent of the City of El SeC,undo, and provided further, that the work of erectint•• said poles is prosecuted anal completed to the satisfaction of said Street Superintendent. Carried. 0. +;LLCFi, Covisty Tax Collector, dated J;;ly 1Sth, 1927, re ,uestin t:Ie consent of the Board of Trustees of this City to the rendition by his office of a report once in each year bet,.-eer_ Lpril and July 1A, detallinE collections made for the various street improvement bond interest and redemption funds. By general consent this matter was referred to the City i :ttorn_ey a_n]. the City Clerk for investiEatior_ and r(-.port. Pet tion of Clarence ..ewis and others, dated July 21st, 1927, reauestir.- that Cr-�,nance :o. 1'7 be amended so as to remove Lot 1S, 3lock 95, -'1 SeLL 1c, from .it'.in the district referred to ir_ said Ordinance as ?irc- District ::o. 1. Rollo, 'rt �.iscussion ecncerniriL t .e request, Tru,, tee __rir :r,e1 introduce% 'Ordinv:nce I:o. 13e, entitled: Ci_:0� 3I+ S: ujz 0 C_.LI O_u :Ire, S_.L' CIH,i :�ILi;: _�. �.:.� Tlr ... _�+ ra...v_. • ., _ _ _ _fir ? _ T lair G_ .. v_� v� _:..L C�.Ll- 'r)- .i.L.,- _T Tl.ri :, �L- 01,Ia:.1::: 1^ T HZ l)�� �..J TTis..U_. .��.�. _U �. -,iii: _._�T, LIr O L11+..G, LILT - Ii i�: . .a+: L 1 11237, If .LDOPI= Oi: :, 1:. 20=:1 '�_ OF :. =, 1918, nS :;,..,i7= 0 Dn y, 1 which was read. ' he hour of 7 :Z0 o'clock P. IL. at this meetin , hevin_ heretofore 'teen been fixl-d as the time for receivi nt bids Cn EOC ft. of 21�,.," do_Lble , ac'-el fire hose; also for the further hearing; of _jrotests s. a nst the .enort o_° t.e Corrr:issioners a .)ointed -tinder and by virtae of Ord`n nce i:0. 1 5 of the City of E'1 Se`i;n do, to assess bene:-its and a%'rard. d8.n'.aEes for and to have - °eral supervision of the layin out and o -pe_l- of certain new Dablic streets wi t'_:in the City of l Setando, to be desiEmated and knov.-n as Street, Pepper Street, Cedar Street, acacia ..venue, S= cer�orc ::venue and Oa't_ ::verme, under the provisions of lesolv_yion of Int Ntio I -c. 154 of the hoard of "'r _stees of sal: City, ,which said hea,inr was contim_ed from .;v_ly 15th, 1927, to this date a-ld hoer, the _re'Side:7� c^TGS , a'_i1lC'• YaCC the - Cts, and that 'he h0= of 7 :29 O'clock hL.d ar_ iVed, and that 8.71', person or -persons _J" 'S?7:t ^� °_Si_ i?�tic" tC rg - y, _ t t i-. ' t Tom. t 1- 1 ,.� a __.Le ci�.c on _'ire os.: = ure_an �o h �o xd s of er isement, s-_c 'a do :hE l;Ju_ of 7::-0 o'clock 2. ..:. hw:in arrived sni: all bids on =ire in I— t:'_e ?resident ,Lrmc,.__ce' th_ time for for _ t.a r'iy- it _ 50C' f et of 2+ -r, do� 11� 5 cket fire �1o.` = ClOS °d r U . -'P.0 i1' l'Ierli t'_iei'el .,n ELIZ-OUnCCf. :E.(`Ei -pt Of fiVIE; bid:', i7hEreu -p0r/ y .r t' 1 in vie ;. the fact 1'- . novel .-r ;r�� s �e� __ irnei aa�, o° .c � �llat t-.-,,o sneciwl o -_-leers of basinesS ilcu -__en sE t for this hoar, the Board proceed first to the hearin, of ;protests with respect to street openm = roceedin`-s ruder esol__tio_: of Intention 1.o. 154, and imr., kis.tely noon the conclusion t1Er °O�, to COnsidEr the bid8 received for °ire hose. 'the said '.notion = sect: de, b- -_ sle_ C� rcn, and n=ii-or.sly carried. tie - =oard. fir.- •ceeded .:it:_ t_ie h:arir.L aa7_ consideration or the ) -otestc of Orville 7. `enlr,� ar_: Charles, Cramn, 1:rs. Puri Yol:_nE, John -'. Larti'_: an! 0. 0. 1 :esse•r and S. i... Cope, respectint asse£sn -entS and. av:ar.o aff ?cti_,z th'cir re?s_lectivE ir0_Jerties, e-S rcfcrred tc in their re3 :�•CCviTc '.-)rotestS. wafter h^,Ciri� Eiven said. res:,:eCt1Ve fro e SE :O'.S OrSd °r t0r, roved b; �ivSteE CE r0`", SeCO "dcd t i thc.t 5esol- at4or...G. 170, entitled: CT­ 1_ - -..1 t v ..._ _ .. v�...i- re.^'.c1�' l.Ji_ UC-,d X38 c declare ,..11 of the bids received for f`arni shin{.- the Ci +-T Of E1 ,Ath 5100 feet Of z" ac::et fire hose. Sa__ motion ....S carried onanimou sly. The the _ : oc_eded yc o er., e r' = - -_ _.nI declare s_-id ', i -c, which werc foc-nd s=.id -o .-'d to bC �.t7 to -wit: yi'd of Zm2ire ?:1b'.:er Co. as follows, to --. "it: = =e yes :, I _ :tar. 3 .915 _ er ft. Co "'J5tT tt tt it _aw of shizr's Chec'' ::o. 13868_, drawn oi_ the ..:2. -:,;S "s3wDc.1.Ctio:�, in m:).; -nt of f mid 0: :,i a':? n e i.:_lis, ca follo.:s, to -.:it: tttt CtO:C JO J'uCct COt '7 t1 �. b'� ii =�d ir�; Nose, Corr ?lete in 50 ft. lenCt is .:it Heavy `ire rt_ ent Bx?axsion =:i t Couplinzs - 90¢ 1-to " tt di o :Op ft. a iv in f.o.b. �C`1, CrL _'0;a. M ' lam' 1� d!7rS from reCei t of Crdc_.tt Cerfiel CheC OJ, d.'.7: On th: a u I— 2� u 1 n T 1 .:+c X10. ._ ,r.,_S J li: �;5 ; a2u: O_ y0S n7 e1eS, ili a2i0i _L, �n ..l_ 0- "Delude Brand - S,,_- le :o. 1 - co-__:.led in fifty foot lengths, .nd complete with co,;plinCs - - - -.59 per ft. Ce.sca.de Branch - Sam_ le :c. 2 - c6-:-.)led in fifty foot le_:E;t:ls- and complete with -•972 ner ft. a:oove _ races FOB El SeUmao. Deliver;; to be uuLde within t_".irtri (,-70j dajrs. tt Said :id was accom =anicd b- Cashier's Check Z'3607, dravm on the _iend�_le _7ranch of the Sec_-,rity Trust & Sa.vines Bcnh in amount of DiC, of Daniels :iard,wre, as rollo--S, to -•ait: ttjn ?e same hos,: as yo' bc,°orc, in Cct1fOr:1�: t -_ a. :eri C �i i :�: 1�" r :.�z • Cx^p`_Ln - of Los 0. iilticle and :1&ri , 0c:1ifornir, at 1.�0 _.er foot del iv _ '_ZCr -, _ _. a_a :teed for row -Te" "wrs aC�ir_st d2_ '�_-ctiv_ :ror1=:.ns_li� and mat eriwi anll 11 .. :t:lstan' w ter; C) res_._re o:_ del iv_ r 3f Z.00 ho -and s "• by `.rtM ed C :ec!i _.O• O :C' , dravra on _r ::C:. Or ��le a:_ rlcan 'irust Corr_)•_riL, .1mer.,nlille, C..liforni , ano,=t of 3i, of _.rte :a : lrc Hose- �. rE. Co• as fo110�iS, to -Flit: "50C ft. llue queen packet :1.10 ?_'er ft. a 00 ft. 2 re :nier .iaC'r:2t I.00 500 ft pacific jachet .90 " :iocc c:, le com -7- is 00 ft. lerEtns. 7.0•:-. Derr: s: 2,, CC or c mor; • 1 � net. J ;lver�' �v days." . C a '.vc.s ccom)aaiief Certified Check ,o• 1701 in amount of V55.0C, drx -mi on the _ irstV :_.Etion aal Sank of Los Lnl elese q23 a r= __es ntwtive. or each of the bidders bEirti present, the :dozrd 11lotted to there the time= reawired to explain the merits of t!'.eir res_- �cyiv: _roti� cis, ,ant the - rafter, follo::-irZ consideration end discussior. by the Loard, it was move, by l'rustee r:rimmel, seconded by �_rla.stee Gerd =.•r, that all of the bids rece_ved this date for i :rrishinL th City% of --1 SeL-jr,,d.o :•Jith 5 110 ft. of 2�y" double jac'_,et fire hose, be and the sale are hereb; rte jetted, and the Ci%r Clert of the City of El Se ruido is hereby authorized and instr'acted to retu:~r_ to each of the bidders, the checks or depcsits which ^.ccompa'_".ied their t Carried b-- " vote: r�sy.�..c:,iv� Lid. one 1011ot:int.• vo �.... eyes: 7ruster-s --annon, Gerow, Lri el and finder. L +oes: lion--- . ZL- se_.t: ? ost =e Love. yr. -'lojr: Carr verbally regv_ested permission to erect a )lws ter botar an "lass _wrtitioll in the buildinc; occuped by hire at L.O. 210 -ichnond Street. :.:Ov:.d by �:-rustee Gero•::, seconded by trustee r:rimmel, th=1 710yj varr le sand he is 'hereby Eranted permission to cor_shurt a X, ^iwster board _ .nd Class _ artition in that certain one story brit occv_ led by :im at i.o. 246 Eic'. =ond Street, pro.-ided s:,ic work is _ rosec•-1ed w.d complete; to the satisfaction of tic - ilair lr_s lector o" the Citlr of -71 SeuMJo. Carried. 0 1"ITS 0-7 :i n:iJIi, COi I «ITT::` S. l'_asle:- .:rL -mel o" the Public ;Iorl.s Corrrnittee, reaorte: t? at the s:-r >�uir r00tS Of CGC12 tee S had Ccl:Sed the S1deYJS11: In front of the :'rezmises sit -_.ate -o. .,moo itl2�{ Street, also in front of the ?rcIiSes i''o. 346 . ireini-- Street, to arch, thus creatinE a sliChtly ::azwrwows condition, vrhich should be remedied; v:nereunon it ,;,:ws noved by - rustee Cero!rJ, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Street Superin- tended. be and he is hereby authorized and instnacted to immediately remo7c the arched sidewalks in ffont of the premises situate ::o. 336 t --n- :street and 346 TMir�inia Street, and to re -)lace the same with c ncret 5i�eC Ii: of similar Erade and dimension, constr -acted to cor_fcrn to e:tis' ir_redes at said point, at a cost not to exceed N40.00. Carried b;r the followin vote: eyes: lrustees Cannon, GeroYr, I:rimmei and minder. Does: hone. nbsent Love. Trl'_Stee Gero -w of the _ 11C ..ori :S Coalnittec, reporter! that, in his o' �iniori, the ch -aril holes in Standard Str" et, iir- U -, -oen Pine - .venue it - ri?)OSe. "vezr.)e, and in :dcluriond :.trc --t ..t-- een Grand a.vLhiuc and - vv-na._, s :.ould be fille.',, an' that tlicl viceds should b removed fro - both str- ets; also that chuck holes in .;ollinEwood Street, bet een .ter' cOr_:. :,rivc and l.n - lewoo -.edondc =road s_hou_ld b_ filled, and that the 2.ih0'.luc.:, o2' :.erun o at or n:1 -L.r rarely;,, Street should bE rcnaired ,-r-ater It was t :1e'_"ll on moved seconded by trustee ero'::, t_^.:,t t e Str :et r -. - O_ it ity c° 1 :.e;u��30 be and he is he�-eb; authorized to fill ti-c- c ?-_ac•.: doles in - tan3wrd Street bet•; ee.: Pine _..venae •z�d in .�. :ve::u.e and to re. ove the -weeds iron: it road ra of cot.i streets; L _ _r :C.1 = :i Iood 'treet• bet',:ec_. .i.T'iZ0 1ri Ve urid E :700 edond0 tie shoulders of =1 ZeLjndo r0.en �_e adjacent to :.rena :street, ;a.ly of said . :.)rk to be - one b-- force acceont. Carried by the followin "Yes: -resttcs C ninon, 'erow, ?fine: ei a rd ?inder. one. ..:i C E.--t -r- .1St°_ e Lo-r • Tr _stee . -: imenel of _ blic , orks Cor- -.i ttee, repo--tee- that 1 r. :h:.... com-ilair.:-d t: him corcernin � t hE condition of _ -ortion 4240 of tiles aot side of Drive, bct'. een '.:alrilat avenue &n,d Coliir -c. -roof Streit. -he Street Superii.tendent reported that he had made several attcmpts tc sa.tisfactorii-- remel-- the ,.L°_l tiO:i, i kt tha.4 it a_-Dears impr acticable to to so, an:' that the street should be :caved in order to take care of the r:atter pro?erly. 7 no. stee Erirz-, el then st"ted t ?lat :tir. 3arber felt he cold circui� -te and receive :x.11 sa.mort to a =�tition for the :av'_nt of yucsl�_t _s `rive from the e=nter of the clod_ uetr-een '. alnr.t avenue an:: Collin_- ::cow Street nJrth to Col '_ir_-,-ood 6trc�,t, and t :-_erev._�o :_ it was decidca that the matter c_ held in - e'' .� - s r a. -berI s e`_'forts _ _ the C i r cC.-I .tion of a.'., 0, -n _�ir1- res.;.I � o. -7. - w . sue_ a tition. __.::1 ♦_.,. V_ Vr a,l v___.J _._...� ..Jl_ iL1L �I Vli�.y_i_._..• -dener ~en . ported that the pl;;:iltiliE in the nar xac :,- t -mvc.. :e any ?min- Street had been com_)leted that tl:- crav: is con: y- , that t;,_e aor':_ has no,.-.- progressed to the -of __a ...arc t::e : �.Cific = lectric MCL.r tie C-.11c--d _ +On to complete the wali:s ar.Z, u£ l :lt tI-IC sts_tion S rJr':3rI: E.Creeu' also t-- &t 1.., ;ndcr: too:'. t:i -t t, �.z- . wi:.�+ . Ana,'_ ?Cc' - �E' �l«rtmei11 of tl]c '•'leCtriC ^Or: -__ ^_y will CrE,:+ in :l _`er— i _ +� t t 1 y � fr. �n�o ' �� irl � :le i�eA 3. --s �o ~c�.- :ove :rer^ s or.: --ast of said --ark. t __ �lcr'LL �. :stx.cted �- �OTI'c 7•�ll t.. ...�1.tt -r wl..a_ t �. ._ _ to t�..1_ 11_ t 7 r• t_.� �a,-.a 1 :_� ::i.. �hc _ci_ic - lee �_ lc Lira' the ctatl0:! :' the irl cor:-la_r__ �)-.', h: _Z 1--e reb;, w. t_lortze` a!i(_ instr',;cte; t0 remov. - :reeds from J: r_ :i +' e :.'it i% the rit'- O: =1 Z= v :undo _ ?, ir: is di: cretior, s _ciz creeds create a n -.is� _c_. ^w_ riedby the -rastees non, cro:., _- riTm:cl, k=y and minder. '''�% Clerk stwt -d t'_ -at ares;l ._tior. o` t'L_ 'o-re pr `^rustees, sail ",oa— held jt'' �th, 1C2:, rstified C l ' T?Eti:` Cr d _ ail`'-. a_ ;rQvad wm action or the Street rirlteilde t of the Cit of El Se -ago in pennittl_. 7• 1 ct -ally, a r :;, :nici_ _:1 Street 7)e,.)_rtnci —.t em-Dlo -ree, to -1--in `..is c.7.stom,.r7 wnn::. -1 t-::c .. s'_: vacatior. Cth, 1927, tl.,e -rc11 records f t'-,-, St _t D-_ Ht t 1 A_ tC - - o_ _:wl e Lrl..�c�. zc :Jai vuC t oi a been ^tz, 1C27, an' hc r. estEw that w ; -.ct•i')r. 1,....'il w+ 1�.__ tC m. �-6i,E tae: rc:c:.__az c nfcn- ., 7; 11LrC- L: . -_�oT! it v ?ks --erow, SAC•?_, .c'� � __ __c ..E :..'::.Oil, �.i:..: va' 0110, :i ?T- '_'cSC•_V loa O1_ �1 :� Q:_` 0'° �,;-l.i) 19..;'', ta, E: --0:,. of 1_•. :� -: � .:S °.'� _. CC'iU.tli;a ._tea" =��� i�_ L-.;: __ir� 'ii 1:. ^..E: cwt- -`)n -� t t, •i - L, n, 0' 1 ii� O ._ of y J• t is r i� id 7 lJ Et' -) in.7_1 r 't_f zZ:_ c:r. .:'__eC-- CG r. c __i t0 Co i'. ^ ^.: __Jpl. -y1 ✓u -wC C_:.'_"r. -'_'.� ..�__ -. _pllp•1_ti iV ��• ri-, 3 S 1: r t; + - Cit;, Cle.-I-_ --c- ortel t"-:-' , z;.t d:_', cf lhe t:; -i - -­ - __ C_- a em­lo-,­_-e of ­_­_ �trz ✓z.I.tm��.rt :)- t'_ 7i:­ Cf to­ it: J-=e '1 13 f7, t:ie--- z E tu'- c _-L- i, r ­rv-c-; n, c, r t1a-- t ,I ran' -.o o ni - r� d `r a,;7_ o- �p. 7 -2 'n i t w. t 'o '­,r 'rj: _ _. j - h t 1 0- n- cstc.t--_ 0- t--, Y, 0- th, Cl 1I: a t ththy' _-4 o • axn J r t i -,7 t i n� r o b 4,_! 11Z SC °T'. S:� Ll_ Z; f �r in to � 75 4 n t, i, 3 1:: °j at she i s �'i� on!-. Ae I r at la'.-d tlae n4­ - I I to r c i v c- the said s-,m, of ani, -L ; r'il 4.1:a- A- ­L_ 1L C �-.nc 1' el a-.d -LL-.4i�r 'h� c;rc,:nt;�,11, v, r i _nt 1) - - - - U - - u _c F_ new Da .7a to 'i.Ler is sat, -'acticri of sai debt- whic'i sail 4- f f i d a -7 1 t is _,ccoz:i­_iied b�, bona in t..'­_ _.Er -1 s -cj r. o 4 S 1 _' , -�,- J-11 � h rih', S an,' -:11ce -H.o-jr and s-,- rt, t _* e -he r-z­ective each =1 j�li of 4 ty or 1.0 - - — - - - �) L of caid City r-r.in�st loss, reascii of the CLZXE-II&.'UOZ-i D-- SEA_-; t Lizzie Lr_-_._Ienhc)-ft of F_ ncv. w::_rrantl F­ r ­0 s L:.r. of -)�­ent of t'_ s r v c e s o Per :I- e c e -, S c d I __aO_ __IE: c f -J. -icr �is d. u,,� 7 _jLndo )! . � tc . - .1 �ath , 0 <TFri ',,- r7, - S 4 - - - " 'b-- -ro, n, ed r In,:' E, seco CL- 0- en_-,oft respectir_,-_ Ifir sr- v il 0:_Z r C, red_ thy- Of !]I -'-)eLu_.ndo bzi- her deceased hus'bar._�, -filed an' o _' the onal r-c said aff i:,% xit , datc. of <,neral C-ovi�-mmcnt 7;Frrant -o. 11714, ordered dravm 4AZI pwifL June 1st, 1327, in p._-,y -raent of services rendered the Cit;, of 71 I -m�__,snhoft, bet:-een tae dates u:a;- 15th an�! ':ay 30th, 1927, );r Louis 1, of the City n' the sune is hereby ordered c�.ncelle:i, and the City ClerL u �L w of __l is her=_bly av_t-horizzecl to ne-,-. warrant in the s-oz_ of to the order of ._r ..b ;rd-oft, in -)a37-m-2itu of the services to'_-ic- of _-jl ZeLi.L o by `er decease �'_ bet-wenn the dF-tes ✓ mentionsd, and the President of the 'oardl or '.,_-U_stees,o'L the Cit-, of __1 Serrmlo is hereby to siLn t"h_n same, and the Cit, 4- same .0 _r-_�asr..rer is ­fuxther ar-t1lorized to acce7�. the sLxe and _j the S upon r Carried b7 the follo-,-in,_ vote: Tj_.:�S4-(�CS 'a_,-- ,,, - "yes: k! � _10_ ::one. r. ^ ru s t- �_ :,o v,- :-; 0 n i_� . P_ If i I.- ll 3 i " 4" . o :c o..,_ftt ee on _-co_dsl VIIE-­_ rcfad: Z­%Ies Co. 1_1 A,os -ziLc.,les 1�o.-Y_er CO. 1.82 of Ioz ele_�, :eFlth Dent. 50C.00 a he 20 rn: Lizzie :­rab er-io ft 4C'.13 1242. �. .rv_ste� Cannon, seconded b- "ru tEE zero -rl thwt ti:c demw.ds Qom war '"—lo dray.7-i o2= P-ni _ ...i: 0— "'Jr tl".E rcS_�•=Cllve _ J21QS c 0 T r 11� the samC. Carried b;r t.le foilOt-inl , vote: eyes: 'trustees Cannon, Gercr:, ';riamiel and Tinder. foes: 1--one. zoE.ent. :•rl'stee Love. L-ore3 b;- Trustee Geros,, seconded C•=non, that th_ Cit',- _'.' for "ev btf. and, he, is her Eby thorized and instructed t0 prepare. P_­ a tentative 20 ft. set back line on the '. %esl side Of y:r �a-v. r -. - J- �_ - �..; r als U 4 4..een airs "venue and the center line of the Hock- b t::ear. Palk.: :_v .-' -e and "verse, and t0 present the Same to t:-.is bard for a:.o')tion ct --is ra_'ly comrenience. Carried. Loved ,`,`. Trustee Cerow, seconded by Tr'_stee C,:;.uion, that C. i;. �• :cConr_ell, Chief, 1 S- Eunrio Volunteer Pire De_ :�artmert, be and he is hereby granted Permission to ta.e his c. %stomar; arnurl ttae seeks vac&tion be_rriir.L 4t1h., 1924, it being understood that First iLsst. Chief, i . Pierce, will bs in full charge of the De_•artment d.;_rinE the absence of the Chief. Carried by the follos :-in. vote.. ."yes: Trustees Cannon, Geros,-, Erimmel and finder. aoes: i11one. .b ert; Tr :;_stee- Love. -o.ted cy _rustee I -im, el, seconded by Trustee Cannon, ti :at .:. G. be ar_d he is hereby c_-ranted _permission to take his Cti_stomar. ar :uwl t:.'o ? -E_:s v cation beCinrin - July 25th, 1927. Carried by the follow ;ine vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gero-,.:, Krimmel and Binder. Noes: none. Tru -stee Love. I'o f', :rt -her business ap--earin` to be trans_cted at this meeting, it Was moved by Trustee Geros:, seconded by Trustee Lrimr._el, that the meetirie adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, r rovad: city Lv -ras rt, Board of 'rrvst_,�s.