1927 JUL 15 CC MINH 233,
F -1 Segundo, Cal. July 15th, 1927.
b regular meeting or the Board of Trustees of the City of _71 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:OC o'clock P. L:. or. the above date, in
the Covncil Chamber of the City Fall of said City, by the City Cler1_, the
President of the Board being; absent. Tr-..stee Gerow was unanimously chosen
President pro -tem and he immediately assumed the duties of the President.
Trustees Present: Cannon, Gerow and Erimmel.
Tr,_stees nosent: Binder and Love.
-21_, =G OF YINTTES OF P.r---TTIOUS 1.=!I 'IIVG.
The minutes of the regular meeting- held on the 8th day of July, 1927,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing;, it was moved by Trustee Cannon,
seconded by Trustee P.rimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following- communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
L. E. =RIDGE, dated Jul- 12th, 1927, offering to deed to the City of El
Sev,)ndo for public street purposes the "Iesterly 20 feet of Lot 3, ;lock 930
Ordered filed.
X— IS30CI«TIOI;, dates Jrly 8th, 1927, being a report of the
_ ro -ress be_nr- me.de in connection with 'Legislation respecting; the con -
struction of Bouider�Dam. Ordered filed.
01-ULL C9Uz__L%IC: IONS.
:.:r. C. D. I.:eday addressed the Board relative to delivery of mail into
a portion of the City of El Segundo from the Hawthorne Post Office, advising
t:iat the loc4i Postmaster is keeping in touch with the situation and has
co_=%nicated with the Deoartirent at ash_rgton to ascertain its attitude in
the matter.
The hearing of protests "a&ainst the Report of the Commissioners appointed
under and b-7 virtue of Ordinance No. 135 of the City of E1 Segundo to assess
benefits and award damages for and to have general supervision of the laying-
out and opening, of certain new public streets within the City of E1 Secuado,
to be designated and kno`..,n as Cypress Streets Pe_oper Street, Cedar Street,
.,cacia avenue, Sycamore Avenue and Oak ,venue, under the provisions of
:.esolution of Intention Igo. 154 of the Board of Trustees of said City, having
benen continued from July 1st, 1927 until the, hour of 7:30 o'clock P. 1:. at this
rl:t_n and said 'hour having arrived, the President announced the fact and
ii an7r —.Jerson present desired to be heard in the skl l matter. No one
d.esirir_� to be heard a,.nd two members or the hoard being, absent, it was
moaned b-- Try stee 1,rimmel, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the hearing; in the
matter of the arotesls against the la y inc_- out and opening of Cypress Street
a ot_.nr ne•r: .public stn ets v;_thir_ the City of E1 SeF,ando under the provisions
c" Resol:;tion of Int�,ntion Io. 15-'_ and Ordinance Io. 1 °5 of the City of El
be ,,:nd the s�-sne is hereb-- continued until Friday, the 2`2nd day of
at the :.cur of 7: ZO o'clock P. ::. Carried by the fol 'Louring vote:
ryes: Trustees Carson, Cerow and irimmel.
i.oes: =:one.
«,�_:_t: ``rustecs inder aaid Love.
"�rustee- sera:; and :ria nc1 eaca complained of the condition of Richmond
are � t E-i nv,_ 22UG an,:'. Grand ,v._-nae and by general Consent it
S dcCi3 ' t0 C0 `f 1':ltr_ the titre t :+l'_7c:rlrt rldert respeCtir re ;airs to said
==-S 02 : P.`...l LI L C0111 I .Es.
he Ci t;,- 'nrineer reported that it ;1111 be rossible to borrow an air
receiver fro_,. the Standard Cil Com"oan to be _'.sed in corilectlon with the
dian'1�-,ne fire wIarr. si`- -nallin` aDparat� - -s of the City of L1 SeF ando, Burin£,
Bach time as the City's receiver is rndergoirC repairs, and that p __ the
r::co =erlation of th_ St ndsrd Oil Com�sn is foremar, ::hc will h .ve char,
of" c1- -'i o c lion .:ill be r-.ade in t-10 receive_ to '1cr:'it of the
t r _ r a-.. -- l .a t' hat •.
moat. i =.�_ o �. ��._e,.y vw ve ar__ _re_�._r� z_�_�e. ::l so :a ;r� event s.; -c..
re_,.airs are :.'_n(1ertc::e C:h.le the Cil- EnEinee_ is wra-- or. hi.. vs cation, that
:1C. has- inStr'.Cteii his .:s3istL.""_t, _,_r.y l,^ner, as to tic : _ roced --re c3essa.rv.
'he :.:arshwl - -nno:�:ced the revocation of the -- �,7).,i.:t_-:.erts of V,. Perser
wnu L. Dr --:e. as De: .t; Larshals, --
ne City Clerk advised that considersble stenoCrkohic v,,jri: is involved
in -t'.e pre_oarwtion of the tax roll coverine, assessm=nts levied for the con -
strjction of se;.ers in Lwterwl SE-cera✓-'e District i:o. 2, which sai? tax roll
mast be in t:.e hands 3'- the County :auditor not later than u--ust 15th, and
that ;:: order to have the worn comrleted by said date, it will be neeesswr; to
er�.�lov extra hel_,. It ..w t:.erearor. moved by Trastee _'rir°:rnel, seconded by
rustee 7annon, that the Ci tt Clerk be and he is '- ereb -- e?.thorized to emrloy
s.;_c: -_ st -- o�-_rs,_�hic and/or clerical helr as he ma7 find necessary to enable him
to il�v t' „' tax roll covering assessments for the co:- tr ction cf se;
in ".&.terms- : -erg District . -c . 2 satisfactoril.- com_,lr ted and c7aecr:ed, and
_., t'.: ''-..iris of the Count- _.- "_tcr not _ -ter t:. _ '.st '5t'. Carried by the
�.0 TM-
s t r s inder and Love^,
'"ha folio! it ” ds s"ds, h,.vir,.0 had tho a?proval of the Corm- littee on
"inFnc: - -d ',cords, ::ere , read:
:rater '':cr',s TM" -na
n. ii. Green 1Z.64
D. .�. ;yn' r 4.96
al l y .9
�wcific = iec�ric =_, *. Co. E.02
L ELe Y"
Cor�lor _rer_srei' �: LL��.
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'o. of if. 212.C4
s, -� �.:..IiS^�'., seCOnfie'' 1v = r :_s1E6 t_r1TfILE�, tllwl ;'tie de.%ards
or�t'ref _tea :• -- 7L'_' O1' y F, res etiv�-
C . -_ -- -� 1" SC:':6. C =riei L`- t_: fc?_10':''i: ` vol;,:
_. _.one.
:DBE_.,,. �'r'�SlE.' -� _1T:d:'r .,..:i �0� :_ •
nencral 7-and
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CEr. C-I
- c,Lar_
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cl_on Co. 40.5,
Sa_� _,,iy Co. 1.65
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s, -� �.:..IiS^�'., seCOnfie'' 1v = r :_s1E6 t_r1TfILE�, tllwl ;'tie de.%ards
or�t'ref _tea :• -- 7L'_' O1' y F, res etiv�-
C . -_ -- -� 1" SC:':6. C =riei L`- t_: fc?_10':''i: ` vol;,:
_. _.one.
:DBE_.,,. �'r'�SlE.' -� _1T:d:'r .,..:i �0� :_ •
N 2354
, p - ': - rrr,,'- o- 'h�
billiard tua:" _es 1 n, c'
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�e,,.art-.ent, ai-L _f e r-22 I ac e n' c 7 m 1- S i r.0 o -nt --sl-',
ro, �=eerl
ar:' S
carried I— I-v-i- vc
_:Or -.
S -_ c D i i d e -1 L _"'_L_° i °: -1r, r, ta t i t r E s1 0
'.s` E I-I r
r 0 i e to r o 1,�, ft :,ho,-- for L,� err ft to consti-,cl •
-z xLf.,,c
the sanr_- is herelb Eranted c�.nl L :jr 7tilt„- of —71
nS-,F.Cl3r C tilt„- "-,
e s--ch )crmit. CLL-rrie-' vote:
ry s vees 'a-, on, Gerov arid
s e'.-. u ter-�.:~tees _I der and Lov--_•
ear�.-Jt to : tra:-.sa,cted at t',,is nletin it was
novcd. IL rJ31cE Ca-mion, seccricied. IL-im-cl, thatv tulic meetirz adao-arn.
-)re�-iden4- �:oarG of :-rrs',ees.