1927 JUL 08 CC MINit 227 El SeLrdo, Cal. -J,zly 8th, 1927* ii regular meeting of the Board of Trustees or the C_ty of 771 SeL-,ndo, California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. L. on the alove'dFte, in the Council Chamber of the CitY Hall of said City, by the City Clerh, the President of the Board beinE; a "r--ent. Trustee Gerow was -;sianimous:y chosen Preside --t _.ro -tem and he imrr.ediately assumed the dL_ties of the r�sider_t. ROLL CSI,%. Trustees Present: Carrion, Lrimmel, Love and Gerow. Tristees Absent: Binder. RZAID UMG OF IYUNUTIES OF PREVIOUS LIETIi;G. The minutes of the regular aieetir held on the first day of July, 1927, ,.ere rsad. 17 errors or okissions being noted, it we.s moved by Trustee _:rin nel, seconded by ^rustee Love, that the minutes be apprcved 'as read. Carried. " '::�ITi� COirC,;uTv'ICrsTIOPIS. 'he follo•r:inE communications were read and disposed of as indicated: 0. Tl= ST"* ' 0: C.�LIrO :ILI"', letter and petition aloe, J �_e 27th, 1927, requ.estin�: cancellation_ of municipal taxes a-EP certain real property within the City of El Se{,undo o.:."ned by the said Board. ?ollowin consideration of the matter, it was :-roved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the followin€ resolution be adopted: R=. LIM, that the peltition for the cancellation of certain municipal taxes now appearing on the tax records in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, as a lien against all that real property situated in the City of yl Segundo, County of Los aL eles, State of California, described as followg, to -wit: Lot 1, and the South 4 ft. of Lot 2, Trost 2887, in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Boob ZG, Page 25 of Laps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County arid now owned by the Veterans `:Jelfare Bo rC_ of the State of California, be and the same is hereby €ra_rted; and `E IT K-211HER RESOLI= that all municipal taxes of the City of =1 Seo:ndo now a lien aEainst said property, both current a.n(I Jelin cent, be an' the some are hereby cancelled and set aside aund the City '_`re&s -._rer of the City- of El Se,`undo is hereb -r av "thorized and instructed to reruest the County Tar Collector V and the County auditor of the County of Los LnEeles, State of California., to cancell such municipal taxes, both current and delinc-: -ent, upon their records, and. that a letter or other instrrction of said Ci Treasi_rer shall be their authority therefor; -)rovided, hore -ver, that nothing herein_ contained shall be co:nstrred as releasirL any s_ ecial assessments or portion thereof, :,Bich ma.% have beer. levied against any of thF pro.lerties hereinaOovo described for improvements, such as street improvements, sei:_r district improvements, etc. email resolution was carries: by the followin£ vote: 228 Ayes: Trustee; Cannon_, FricmFl, Love and Gerow. Hoes: gone. absent: Trustee Binder. ORAL CO1Z0j.';ICATI0IS. L:r. J. arthur Smith addressed the Board relative to discontinuing the prohibition of North bozrd traffic on P.ichmond Street daily betv-een 4:30 P. L:. and 5:CO P. h:., statinE that thro:€-h the inconvenience suffered b`, a number of the patrons of the merchants in the vicinity of Franklin ;venue and Richmond Street, the regulation referred to has a depressin€ effect upon business. The matter was discussed by the Board. and 1iy general consent taken under advisement. Dr. 1aurice Eldridge inquired if the Board would accept a deed to the lesterly 2G ft. of Lot G, -lock 93, E1 Segundo for public street purposes. after some discussion he was advised that follov;inE the completior_ of the street opening proceedings now under way, the Board might consider his tender, provided an additional 20 feet may be procured from adjoininE property, so as to provide a 40 foot street. I:r. C. T. Ainsworth addressed the Board relative to its desfres with respect to Tract lio. 10056, being a subdivision of Lot 1, Block 115, El Segundo Sheet Ho. 5. He was informed that the Board would approve a map of said Tract if the same is prepared so that the South 20 ft. thereof, which it is felt will be required for public street purposes in the future, is shown as .a se_rarate and independent subdivision of said lot. Mr. Ainsworth consented to the change and said that he would have his maps corrected and re- presented to the -oard. R __1ORTS Or STAI,�DI %G COii'I.:STTEES. Trustee Iirimmel of the Public 17orks Committee, reported that he and the Street Superintendent had made an inspection of Oak Avenue and a portion of Eucalyptus Drive North of Yariposa Avenue, and that he finds the pulverized condition on Oak Avenue is caused by heavy hauling on said street on account . of the HiCh School construction, and that in his opinion, for the present the street should be graded and watered; also that Eucalyptus Drive, for a distance of approximately 100 feet idorth of Mariposa Avenue, should be graded and conditioned similar to Arena Street North of Mariposa Avenue. Trustee Love thereupon reported that, in his opinion, the dusty condition of the Ground within the new High School site is largely responsible for the dust-- atmosphere complained of and that he had taken the matter up with Mr. Howell of the School Board and has since beer. advised that the School Board will arrarCe for the watering of the grounds adjacent to the High School construction work, so as to alleviate, as fwr as poss`_ble, the condition complained of. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to grade Oak ;venue- and to water the same, so as to lay the dust. Carried by the following vote: :;yes: Trustees Caruion, Gerov;, r:rimrael and Love. Noes: None. absent: Tr;;_stee Binder. Tr- w.stee Love reported also that 1z. George I. erritt is desirous of circ _lair. a petition for the improvement of __calyrtus Drive from Mariposa :_ venue I.ortherly to the alley running Easterly and V;esterly through Blocks 67 and 86; also the alle`Ts running, Yortherly an(! Southerly in said Blocks, as :,ell as the alley running_ easterly from the center of Block 67 to the Renter of Block 6S. It was thereupon moved by TrL_stee Eriamel, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby- instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of constructing a macadam veneer pavement in the alleys 1 r i cnninv I'ortherly and Sout -herly in Blocks C7 axia BS; also thy- alley rUnniYi�' Easterly from the center of ElociC 37 to the center of ^loci: PS; also in Eucalyptus Drive from I. "ariposa hvenue to the Aortherly line of the alley running Easterly and •.esterl- throuEh Blocks 67 and CS, and. to deliver the same to the City Clerk, who is there,--Pori. authorized and instructed to prepare a petition in the usual and cr- stomary form, providing; for the paym-rt of one -third or the total cost of s�.ch :crl: by- the property oa.:zers, _- -_sirs the Street S;�perintendent's estimate as a bc-sis of such cost, and to deliver the said petition to 1'_r. GeorE.:_ L. _erritt for circulation amonE ana subscription by the respective :roperty o::riers of the amovr_t of money required to cause the yoard of Trustees to or,er said streets and alleys improved. Carried by the follo•::ine, vote: ryes: Trustees Carson, Gerow, yrimmel, and Love. Toes : :None. _absent: Tr- c_stee minder. =PONS 07 OFFICE:IS & S?ECI:_L COI4;:ITTEES. The City En€-ineer reported that, pursuant to the Board's instruction Eiver_ July 1st, 1927, he had ascertained that a man hole could be welded ir_to the dia- -hone air receiver for approximately x55.00, this price beinE U 7.CO cheaper thai_ for a riveted job as reported by him at the last r,.eetinF; Of t'_:c Board. He advised f- rther, however, that he had been in consultation -it'-. 1 =r. G. E. You_n , St�;.te Boiler Inspector. ::ho advised that a welded man :.,.le : ould not be wptrevec by the Sts.te Industrial ecident Commission. It wa.s t ere_ -pop. moved by Trv.stee 'KriLnrel, seconded Ly Trustee Cannon, that a man hole be riveter into the diaphone air receiver and that the Matter be refe_red to the City Ln ineer with av_thority to arr•.nEe for the temporary use of a sv_astitate air receiver during such time as the repairs hereinbefore authorized are beinj- made, the total cost_of. all work herein authorized not to exceed X75.00. Carried b -.- the followin` vote: .Lyes: Tr.,stees Cannon, Gerow, krammel and Love. :roes: none. absent: Trastec yinier. The City Clerk reported receipt of prices for the installation of a new motor in the Ford Dump Truck as follows, to -wit: IdnuE Lincoln HagEett, Inc. Ira E. 11'scobar Fred Turner With Starter and Generator 116.20 119.75 146.00 "'O'it:zov_t Starter and Generator 95.70 97.25 107.50 I.:o,ed by - rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the followinE resolution be it a_�-)ears that a new motor is necessary in the fiord rba� true:: o the City of El Segundo; and it appears from the prices obtained by the City Cleher�. ° '� reported 1 i} r^ t.i5 date t'Llat• it is to t _ „a.� -_ o U__i sox _ hest interests of the City of E1 SeC_,ndo to award the work to the dealer :.ereinafter reationed; T�O.r TI 3L IT R:,SOLVID, that Ira B. ::scold -r be and he is hereby _--warded th,_- %-.-ork of instw_lir_ a ne•:;, Motor, with starter and venerator, i-- the City* of El See. -mdo's Ford garbage tr ?cI= for the price of $119.75. .Carried by t e folio :irk vote: {Gic70 - eyes: Trustees Noes: None. nbser_t: Trustee Cannon, Cero,;, I_rirzE: and Love. yinder. The Street Superintendent reporte- that the streets lea ;_in_ to the present sent disposal location are in a bad state of repair and that continued dis.)osal or Earbag,e at said location will become ex__ cnsive to the ^i ty by re --son of darar'e done to truck tires and the trucks t:iemselves, and he recommended that the e::istin� contract between the City of -"l 5e -Mio and _ewbarj for the disposal or earbaSe be cancelled. It appearin€ from discussion that other means of disposal are available, it was moved by trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the followine resolution be adopted: R7_SOL'rSD, that the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo b and he,is hereby authorized to cause notice of the cancellation of that certain 1,creement to Purchase and Sell•Garbae, dated the 24th day of lay, 1926, between Edward NewourC and F. 0. Villiams, Co- partners, doing business under the firm name and style of Uewbure u ti,illiams, and the City of 7-1, Segundo, California, a municipal corporation, to be given the said Newnur6 & ';;illiams, in accordance with the terms of said agreement. Carried by the follo,.in�: vote: .Lye s: Trc_stees Cannon, Gerovr, Iirimmel and Love. ;toes: Done. absent: Trustee Binder. The street S;_perintendent reported that the working parts of the hoists on the City of El Segundo dump trucks need repairing; whereupon it was r:,oved,by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that repairs to the hoists on the City of 71 SeE;undo dun) tracks be and the same are here- by authorized at a cost not to exceed X25.00. Carried by the following vote: byes: T7-ustees Cannon, Gerow, Irimmel and Love. P,:oes: None. absent: Trustee Binder. The City Liarshal announced the revocation of the appointment of E. L. Leech, as a Deputy Marshal. None. UNFINISHED B 011 —ESS. Pr,YilYG BILLS. `~ie following demands, having ad the approval of the Committee on Finance an" Records, ,•rere read: y s Water Works Fund General rand Southern Calif. 7dison Co. 6.3Z City of El Scg-undo 17ater Dept. 310.44 .orman & Pritchard 7.75 City of E1 Segundo .rater Dept. 161.27 Daniels Hardware 10.48 F. C. "cLea_n 7.00 Pacific Tel. 6: Tel. Co. 14.60 Edna E. Harlan 59920 City of El Segundo .;5.21 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 5.28 Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 3.10 Neuner Corporation 88040 Hersey 1fg. Co. 271.70 Beverly Hills Nurseries 12.00 addressoEraoh Sales Co'. 4.36 C. F. Turner 14.65 .x353083 J. W. Gilbert 2.00 Daniels Hardware 25.96 'The-Electric Shop 12.05 Underwood TSraewriter Co. 87.75 Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. 53.05 9339 05 y s ##23I: I.Loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants dravn on and paid out of the respective fluids coverirti the same. Carried by the following- vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Binder. I.r,ev BUSII -ESS• Moved by Trustee hrimmel, seconded by Trustee Love, that the purchase of a 70 x 02 cord casin.E and tube therefor, for use on the sewer department Chevrolet truck be and the same is hereb;,- authorized at a cost not to exceed X1:;.00. Carried by the followin.,- vote: "yes: Trustees Ca. .-.non, Gerow, Krimmel and Love. I.oes: :one. :.bsent: Trustee Binder. Loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee I:rimmel, that the purchase of Dipe and fittings necessary to install a sprinklinE system in a portion of the Grand "venue Park be and the same is hereby authorized at a cost not to exceed .;275.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel-and Love. I?oes: None. Absent: Trustee Binder. I.:oved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Ysimmel, that the Superintendent of the '.ater Department be and he is hereby authorized to have a sprinkling systeM installed in a portion of the Grand Avenue Park by force account. Carried-by the followin& vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel and Love. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee -kinder. I.:oved b7 Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that ;:lice Hope, Publicity Director, be E•ranted a two weeks leave of absence without pay, beeinring July 16th, 19:37. "_ Carried. The City larshal reported that he believes Safety Storrs (Boulevard Stops) should be created at the following location::, to -wit: On the Iorth side of Grand Avenue at Loma Vista St. On the I:orth side of Grand " venue at the alley between Whiting St. and Virf.inie, St. On the South side of Crand Avenae at Loma Vista Street. On the South side of Grand Avenue at the alley in Block 18. On the South side of Grand "venue at Whiting_ Street. On the South side of Grand Avenue at the alley in Block 19. On the Gouth side of Grand avenue at Virginia Street. On the South side of Grand Avenue at the alley in Block 20. On the South side of Crand Avenue at Concord Street. On the South side o" Gran: Avenue at the alley in Block 21. On the So:<th side o° Gr�-_nal Lvenae at the alley in Block 22. On the North side of Pran'_lin avenue at the alley ir. Block 21. On the South side of PrafL:lin -Ivenue at the ally in Block 12. On the North side of El Segundo Avenue at the alley in `:lock 12. On the Forth side of it ::e .undo Avenue at the alley in Block 11. On t ?le :.ouch side of i.:ariposa Avenue at Virginia Street. On the No th side of .Vem_e at Virginia Street. Or. the Last side of ..:.in Street at r- le Avenue, ar_' h• reco=ended that the type of siLns to be used at said locations to E_ive 4232-':ii warr_in�- of such safety stops (Boulevard Stops) be the type of si€n usually furnished and erected by the _lutomobile Club of Southern C&lifornia, to `ive notice and warnint of such safety stops (: o::.levard Stops). .here- upon it was moved by -Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trusteq. Love, that the followinE resolution be adopted: B SOL=1, thwt the report and recommendation of the City IL:arshai of the City of E1 Seuundo as to the establishment of Safety Stops (Boulevard Stops) at certain street and alley intersections within the City of E1 Se�:-undo as heretofore made to this Board by the said City 7- :arshal at t.,-is meetir.E;, and the v.se of warning and direction signs and si.na.ls as recommended by the said City L:arshal in sail" report, be an', the same are hereb-% a_)proved, authorized and adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: .Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Erimmel and Love. noes: Done. absent: Trustees tinder. he Street Superirter_dent reported that it suited the convenience of his Department to.permit P. L:c';a11-: to begin his vacation July 6th, 1927, without the rior a_r,_)roval of the Poard of Trustees, Vaereupon it was Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the action of the Street Su_�erirterderit in permittir� P. I..cl- llv to be -in his customary annual two weeks. vacation Jul-,- ICth, 1927, be and the same is hereby ratified and a­,oroved. Carried. i.:oved by 'trustee Erimmel, seconded by Trustee Loge, that a. T. Caller be and he is hereby wwthorized to take his customary azzma ,l t•. o creeks vacation be`innini- July 1Cth, 1927, and at the termination thereof an additional trio weeks leave of absence without pay. Carried by the following• vote: eyes: Tr-asteos Noes: None. Absent: Trustee No further business was moved by Trustee Love, adjourn. Carried. Cannon, Gerow, I:rimmel and Love. inder. apiearir.E,• to be transacted at this meeting, it seconded by Trustee Frimmel, that the meeting Resnectfully s_ bmi tted, resir.ent,pro -tem, oar o rustees.