1927 JUL 01 CC MIN%1. . Fl Segindo, Cal. July 1st, 1927. 3 42237 7 A regular rrneetinE of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Sceundo, Californi -., was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. 1:. on the above.date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by the City Clerk, the President of the Board being absent. Trustee Yrirnel was unanimously chosen President pro -tem and he immediately assumed the duties of the President. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Cannon, Love and Erimmel. Trustees Absent: Binder and Gerow. =ZD1 INC OF Z'INUTES OF PREVIOvS =TINE. The minutes a_° the regular meeting= held on the 24th day of June, 1927, were read.. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. '-one. !.one. :5'RITTEN C012-UNICATIONS. ORAL CO_',_.1TI ICA ^IONS. REPORTS 0-7 STANDING COIZUTT=S. Trustee Krimmel of the Public ;7orks Committee reported that a sign post has been pulled down and is lying in a vacant lot on the West side of Richmond Street bet:veen Franklin Avenue and El Segundo Avenue; also that a caster is off the piano in the Cit- Hall Auditorium. These matters were referred to the Street Superintendent for attention. REPORTS OF OFFICERS & SPECIAL CO. =, TTEES. The City Gardener submitted to the Board a planting scheme for the park at Vain Street and Grand Avenue, and the City Engineer submitted an estimate of the cost of installinL_ lawn sprinklers in the said Park, followinE which it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the installation of a sprinklin6 system and the plantin` of shrubs in the park at IT in Street and Grand Avenue is hereb; authorized at a cost not to exceed 6100.00. Carried by the followin- vote: :,yes: Trustees Cannon, Love and Rrimmel. iyoes : I;one. Absent: Trustees Binder and.Gerow. The City EnC_•ineer, renortinE pursuant to previous instruction of the Board, wivise that h� ha-_.received ar. estimate of N50.00 for constructinE a man hole in the air receiver. This price beinE- for a riveted job, he wa° instructed to obt�.in another quotation on a weldinL­ job. _ The Street Sjperintendent advised that the Board should consider the _rurchase of a ne:v Earba •e truck, or the installation of a new enEine in the garbar-e tr _cr_ nqi: it use, an! that a new truck would cost approximately .^'x425.00 and a ne., en;;ine installed, approximately 1.7.00. Loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Lore, that til� Citjr Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to obtain prices on a 7ord en`ine irsta,lled in the City of E1 SeLundo `arbaee truck. Carried by the folfovrin;_- vote: 12240 00 Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Love and Frimmel. :Foes: None. Absent: Trustees Gerow and Binder. The Cit, Clerk reported that complaints had been received from certain property owners concerning- the condition of Oak Avenue and Eucalyptus Drive between Kariposa Avenue and Palm ;venue, and that by reason of the heavy hauling over these streets, their premises are enveloped in clouds of dust, which make conditions very unpleasant for them. The Street Superintendent reported that he had looked into these matters, but that on account o° the expense involved in remedying- the condition, he preferred to have the Board of Trustees go over the situation with him before he made a recommendation. It was thereupon agreed by the Board that on Tuesday, July 5th, 1927, at 4:40 o'clock P. 1%, the Board would meet the Street Superin- tendent and look into the matter. SPEM'L— ORDER 07 BUSII ESS. The hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. Y* this date, having heretofore been fixed by the 3oard of Trustees as the hour for thb hearing of protests filed with the City Clerh of the City of El Segundo on the 15th day of June, A. D. 19270 against the report of the Commissioners appointed under and by virtue of Ordinance No � 135 of the City o-f E1 Segundo, to assess the benefits and award damages for and to have ge,leral supervision of the laying out and o- nine of certain new public streets within the said City of H1 Segundo, to be designated and known as Cypress street, Pepper Street, Cedar Street, acacia Avenue, Sycamore ;,venue and Oak Avenue, which said report was filed with the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo on the 11th day of ?'ay, 1927, and the said hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. ?:. having arrived, the President of the 3oard announced that the Board would immediately proceed with the hea.rin- and consideration of the protests filed as aforesaid. The City Clerk thereupon read the protests received from Chas. Cramp, Orville L. ?leming, "rs. Pearl Young,, John F. Y'artin, 0. 0. Hesser and S. "'. Copp; and thereafter Yrs. Pearl Young, Chas. Cramp and 7. H. Fuller, representing S. Y. Copp, addressed the 3oard concerning their respective protests. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the rearing in the matter of the protests against the laying out and opening of kcacia Avenae and other new streets within the City of E1 Segundo, under the provisions of-Resolution of Intention No. 154 -and Ordinance I:o. 135 of the City of E1 Segundo be and the same is hereby continued until Friday, the 15th day of July, 1927, at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Love and Krimmel. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Binder and gerow. PAYINC BILLS. The following dem:_nds., having had the approval of the Com:littee on Finance nr! Pecords, were read: ,later ',7o rIr s Pund General Fund '. ". Hutchins 40.00 G. E. Young Lela Dohle 125.00 Pacific ::lectric T!y. Co. 91.44 I. N. 'u,nner 265.42 7ilson- 3o•.uen Luto ..orl:s 35.00 J. L. "isher 66.0.? C:Sn. H. Hoe-ree Co. Inc. 4.97 7. 3oyer 44.64 Reniston -Root Corp. 5.00 X541.08 Chanslor �.: Lyon Company 24.00 Union Vic.: Company 102.87 Self �ropellin�- Nozzle Co. 53.37 . ^. Gunn 210.00 .�• . :. :i11Er 94.00 A. H. Green 64.4=3 P. I, :c11a11y 59.52 Henry 64-.4e �. ',loo'.yard 78.00 G. C. Turney A. G. Bocci J. ti. Powers �. Boyer A. rOCertso" i,lfr�d C. Cannon illiair� �. r:riIllmei, Jr. 7ictor D. M'IcCarthy T::abel P. Smith --lyre : ;ood::or 'Lh H. Jones J. A. Cummincs C. F. Yr :cConrell 0. H. Barber G. Blair J. D. Campbell 1 L. 'r!. T;e °sere C. Grimes D. B. rancher ". E. Le = --n ?. A. Macdonald C. r,escrLke . Pierce A. Schletuni er Todd T. Hutchins ,vans zrthur Bud[ erg GdorC,c .:cLau.chlin Sortherr_ Cal. Edison Co. S. C. Evans 64.46 64.40 64.48 19.84 39.68 2:5.00 25.00 250.00 15.00 125.00 175.00 210.00 1°..00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 2.1.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 240.00 140.00 160.00 174.63 26.37 10.00 Los Angeles P,ubber Starp Co. 4.51 Crescent Rubber St =m Co. 10.05 E1 Segundo Herald 198.00 -1 Sec7undo Ptwint Store 46.55 Daniels Hardware 9.92 U. S. lexible 3.:etallic Tubing Co. 10.50 42254 Geners.l 4 xd Campbell 64.48 ,:. V;. Fuller 44.64 B. R. Raynor :.4.13 k. L. Hot iit ` = =•6G Peter L. Binder 25.00 John n. Geroc: 25.00 Geore Love 25.00 Neva y:. Elsey 1E0.00 Tanta Curtz ilex 1C0.00 Don ^ugitt 50.00 J. E. Prevc; 1E0.00 A. K. Tennis 140.00 L. L'. Dessert 5.00 J. C. Bigler, 21.00 R. C. Dacpbell 21.00 H. A. Cosbey 21.00 T. B. Dinriddie 21.00 F. J. Hope 21.00 L. E. Loe 211.00 • $. vi. Iji'ller 14.00 GeorCe :, "cLar:chlin 21.00 . R. Peterson 21.00 A. Soet,_to 2.1. 0 0 C. G. Smith .21.00 C. E. T,'cConnell 21.00 H. 1 :. Flic1 180.50 P. D. Gardner 100.00 1:rs. Alice hope 50.00 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 43.15 Southern Calif. Edison Co. 380.87 Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk 11.98 H. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 3195 J. C. Abell 3.00 Carbon Specialties Co. 2900 The Standard Battery Shop 10.60 El Segundo Post No. 38, American Legion 35.00 ; 5235.8 loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on and paid out of the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the followin- vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Love :-_nd r :rinIIacl. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees yinder and Gerowo ^::e City Clerk presented ,a petition sie-ned by T. C. Hall and others, for the improvement of 'oni''a 7ista Avenue bets °een `, °alnut Avenge and CollinEwood Street, a� the constroctior_ therein of a macadam veneer pavin4, with which petition was deposited the usual one -third of the cost of such improvement. P.oved by Tr_7_stee Cannon, seccnded by Trustee Love, that the follo^ ring resolution be a9opted: S, it a_� sears that certain residents and property o:^rers of the City of El Segm= o are v,illirlL to pay certain moneys in the sure or n190.67 into the Treasrry of rite City of El Segundo, Calif- 1122614 ornia, and into the G- n.er&l ?=_ thereof, for the purpose of cxasinC cent ,in street improverrer_ts within said city to be made;, and ".�S, said sum. has been deposited with the City Clerk of sz�.id City with instructions to pw, the same into said General Fund upon the adoption of the following: NO-, =RE 'ORi, BE IT RE SOL'�, that the Street Superin- tendent of the City of 'l SeU mdo be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the portion of that certain pu-lic street within the City of R1 Segundo, Imown as Bonita Vista Avenue, lying and being; between alnut avenue and CollirW_--wood Street, to be improvement by the construction therein of the followinE improvement, to-wit: macadam veneer paving;. Carried by the folioti7inL vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Love and Krimmel. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Binder and Gerow. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting;, it was moving- by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the meetin€ adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Ci y r . esi en;., pro tem, Board of-Trustees. i