1926 SEP 17 CC MINIt
rl SeTando. California.
Septeff0er 17, 10126.
reZul.ar meetinL- of the Board of trustees of the City of IZ Se6-undo,
California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. or the a.bc-,e .."te, in
the Cokncil Chamber of the City 'Hall of said City by Peter Z. Binder, President
of the 3oard.
Gerow, Fri=nel, Love and 31nder.
.L3 nI: Lannon.
OF ..Il.�T j Gr PJ:::JIOUS
qe rinutes of the regalar meetin held or the 10th day of Se_�tember, 1926,
were read. '7o errors or omissions appearin— , it was *roved by Trustee Love,
seconded by -2rustee Gero-v, that the rinutes be a7proved as read. Carried.
The hearing of protests against the issuance of bonds upon the security of
the unpaid assessments for the improvement of Grand Avenue, also the improvement
of that certain Lateral Sewerage District Yo. 1 within the City of a Segundo,
California, under Resolution of Intention No. 118 of the Board of Trustees of
said City, having heretofore been set for the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. PI. at this
meeting, and said 'hour having arrived, the President arose and announced the
hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. I:. and asked if there were any person or persons present
who desired to file protests against the issuance of bonds for the improvez:ent
of -rand Avenue, also the improvement of that certain Lateral Sewerage District
i:o. 1 within the City of Z Segundo, under Resolution of Intention :'o. 118.
No protests were filed or made, and the City Clerk announced that no written
protests had been filed with him. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Love,
seconded by Trustee Gerow, that said matter be taken under advisement until the
hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. I,. on Friday, September 24th, 1926. Carried.
The consideration of bids received on September 10th, 1926, for furnishing
the City of 31 Segundo with certain cast iron pipe having heretofore, on the 10th
day of September, 1926, been set for the hour of 7 :45 o'clock P. M. at this meeting,
and said hour having arrived, the Board proceeded to give consideration to the
bids received on September 10th, 1926, for furnishing the City of El Segundo with
certain cast iron pipe. After said bids had been duly considered, it was moved
by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following resolution be adopted:
RNSOLVED, that all of the items of all of the bids received
on September 10th, 1926, for furnishing the City of LZ Segundo
with certain cast iron pipe as advertised for, be rejected except
the respective item in the bid of the United States Cast Iron
Pipe & Foundry Company, hereinafter referred to; and
33 IT FURTTi RE"SOL:'M, that the contr -.ct for furnishing the
City of :1 Segundo with 1200 Lin. Ft. 4" Class "B" B & S Cast Iron
Pipe be and the same is awarded to United States Cast Iron Pipe
& Foundry Company at the price named in its bid, to -wit: 1200 ft.
4" Class 150 deLavaud G .5137 per ft.; and
BR IT FT- RT'?ER that the City Clerk be and he is hereby
authorized and instructed to retkrn the checks of all unsucdessful
:aid resolution was cc=ied by the follot:inc vote:
Ayes: Trustees Gerow, 1rimmel, Love and Binder.
"oes: ;:one.
.absent: Trustee Cwnnon.
The following; co.-- unications were read and disposed of as indicated:
BOULDI�i ASSOCIATION, dated September 11th, 1926, announcing its
annual meeting to be held at Santa Ana, California, Saturday, September 18th,
1926, at 10 :00 o'clock A. L. at St. Ann's Inn. Loved by Trustee Love, seconded
by Trustee Krir--el, that City, ngineer Hutchins be and he is hereby authorized to
attend the annual meeting of the Boulder Dam Association, to be held at Santa
Ana, California, September 18th, 1926, and that he be authorized to file his
demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection therewith. Carried.
COLORADO 2I71:2. ACwUE:� CT ASSOCIATIO?', dated September 9th, 1926,
announcing its annual meetin to be held at Santa Ana, California, September 18th,
1926, at 2 :00 o'clock P. :,'. Ordered filed.
CO1;'_-7TY OF LOS A:'G_--LLS, :? 'LTH D E_°A?T1= =�:, being its report of services
rendered as ?:ealth Officer of the City of M Segundo, for the month of August,
1926. Ordered filed.
JO r; C. FIT.; ^ - :IIIU LD, dated September 16th, 1926, being an application for
permit to conduct a billiard parlor at ;'o. 216 'lest EZ Semndo Avenue. `'owed by
Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee I'rimr..el, that John 0. Fitzgerald be granted a
permit to conduct a billiard parlor and noel room at :o. 216 , "rest _. Segundo Avenue,
El Segundo, California, subject to all of the provisions of ordinances of the City
of D1 Seb7undo governing the same. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder.
Noes: gone.
Absent: Trustee Cannon.
PACIFIC PIPE w SUPPLY CC:. A .Y, dated September 17th, 1926, =nplifying its
bid on 4" cast iron pipe, filed with the Board of Trustees on September 10th, 1926.
Ordered filed.
?03T3 OF STA:'DL'G CO3".r.'_ITT:S.
Trustee Gerow reported having investigated the need for a new sink and
drain board and kitchen linoleum in the residence of the Superintendent of the
ater Department and reco=ended that the same be furnished. It was thereupon
moved by Trustee Krimmel, seconded by Trustee Love, that the followinG resolution
be adopted:
BESOL7ED, that the sum of not to exceed 550.00 is hereby
appropriated for the purchase of linoleum and for the re-
construction of the drain board and the installation of a new
sink in the dwellin house owned by the City of a _:eGundo, at
the corner of Lomita Avenue and Gr__nd Avenue and occvnTed by
the :3u_^- erintendent of the :rater Department.
Carried by the follo:rirg vote:
Ayes: Trustees - -erow, Love and Binder.
:'oes: !.-.one.
Absent: Trustee Cannon.
The matter of elininatin- the traffic hazard on ichmond Street bet•;:een
El e;undo :venue and ',rand .-enue, particularly d-urin- the late afternoon norrs,
having 'gad the consideration of the 3oard of Trustees for sometime pest, :Pus liven
particular attention at this time, terminating in an instruction to the City "arshal,
riven 'o,,- �ener :l consent, that the Police Denart'"ent I .i it the :�r1_in of all
ve ~icles on both sides of Ucinond Street from 1 Se3°undo Avenue to .rand. ::venue,
ever- day except Sundays and .= olida`-s, bet-•,een the lno_:,rs of 7 :30 o'cicc:c and 5:00
c'clocn. :.'.
-'he fo1lo7;.-_4_- demands, havi-." had the the CO=ittee or finance and
records, were read:
'7or'_,-,_- -2'und
"ereral 2und
7. D. tiickler
59. 7,7,
ransfer Co.
7 . F o-,�,e r s
"he Compan-,-
L. _--rabbenhof t
Z 4-
,• 7.25 0 r
C. n o r t"-
1 n s-.,,,o r
7 0
-.o7-)ert scn
C 5 5
1C ran
--el. Co.
7'. C. -r. son
on all
0. �I -0.
I- 1�
Dietzen Co.
.;t--n-lard Oil Co:n-.D_=,-
:Iectri7, _Om--f_nY
rurtee :3erow, seconded
--r-,:,stee -Wove, tnat th 7—
'e u
cn L--,,d of t7-e
res,)ect;ve funds coverin: t7�e
xye z. Trustees "erc-;, i=el , W uve -
Noes: :.-one.
s en t '_'.rustee
-ove- by -1-ustee Love,
a, -_ to r.'I s :I on t0 -a 3 e
seconded b-- :rustee I_X'ero�,;
-all ',-ditorii= on
cl-larse of W`�.75 to be made
that the :_'ascnic Lod-•e be
the evening of October 4t"-
therefor. Carried.
,doved by 7rustee Love, seconded by trustee t-aat the fcjjo•;.,in;-�-
resolution be adopted: _U
-1 4-
that :.:rs. F. j. E-ope be an� she is here'_--�- -o
t',e office of -rector of the C'_Jt,,r of M Se undo, to as-sume
t1-e d'uties of sn-1-6 office on t'le 20t!: day of ��eDtambor, 1926. As
uc s: _blicity Director said appcintee shall be com-nensatec", at the
r a
to of
,;`0.00 -Der morti- said zalar-,,- be nayable monthly
as 0t`_er Oft- salaries -are Pai,7
_f rled by the follo*..-_;n., -rote:
-rustee lrerov.-, Hri=ej, .Love --end 3inder.
_does: ..Ore.
= e, -. t --";. S t e e C 21 run c n .
':o-,Te,d by 'rustee Gerav, seco-Ided by '_'r-.,stee Love, that the fol1v.-.-J*Ln2 resolution
"ere is an advertisin,� sip. locate-A on private property
ali,-ficent to corner of El Z)e;; ndo revenue and In,;leaood-
-Dculevar"; ar
it aj-jears that this si;,,-. 7,as been erected and i
6- q s
4 advert sin -'ency without perm-*.t a$ provided by
that the City Clerk of the City of
Ll SeELmdo be and he is hereby directed to ascertain the rare of the
ov:ner of said si,-n and the plan under which it is maintained and if
0 -,at 4- o --- of c1t 0--di-5 , ces, tc so ad i -e the mmer, that he fray
X10 r
Loved by Trustee Love, seconded b^ Trustee Oerow, that the Cite Clerr_
be and he is hereby directed to call the attention of the Atchison, Topeka a
Santa Fe Railway Company to the fact that the planking bet--.,een its tracks at
�1 Segundo avenue and Ingle good- Redondo ':oad needs replacement. Carried.
Z e L:arshal announced the appoi^t^ent of 77. ir. Parser as a Deputy and
recaested the Board's approval of the s2.me. Or motion of =rustee ierbr:,
seconded by Trustee hrimmel, which carried, this an oirtnent was approved.
'..'owed by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee krim^el, that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized to purchase paint for use in the piLmu nits at V?e
sewer pz_rrp houses at a cost not to exceed ;20.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees rerow, Krinrmel, Love and Binder.
Noes: ::one.
��osent: Trustee Cannon.
Loved by Trustee Xri=el, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following;
resolution be adopted:
;ila3�195, _.r. Arthur Suds n has heretofore been employed by
the City of :1 Sendo, •:rith the title of caretaker of Trees
and Shrubs; and
",'XMILS, for the sale of brevity and other reasons, it appears
to be desirable to change the title;
0.. TIHZH r 0RE-, 3:: IT _H:,SOL^L , t Tat the office of Caret1:.er
of '' -sees and Shrubs be c' r_ed to that of City Carderer, effective
October 1st, 1926.
_oved by Trustee Love, seconded by `trustee lxrimmel, that Clyde 7ioodyard
be and he is hereby 5-ranted his custom..ary annaal two weeks vacation, beginning
September 20th, 1926. Carried.
"roved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following
resolution be adopted:
a Convention of Fire Chiefs of the State of California
will be held in Fresno, California, October 12th, 1925; and
''�S, this Board of Trustees feels that benefit would accrue
to the City of M Segundo through the attendance of the Fire Chief
of this City at said Convention; and
",TMZAS, the Fire Chief of the City of 21 Segundo has expressed
a willingness to attend said Convention;
��'y T ± �l',l. TT
1:0;; TH�...03.:., 3� I rWJOLt...O, that C. K. LcConnell, sire Chief
of the City of :-1 Segundo, be and he is hereby authorized to attend
the Fire Chief's Convention to be held at Fresno, California,
beginn_inL October 12th, 1926, and that he be authorized to file
his demand for his actual and necessary railroad fare in connection
therev-i th.
Carried by the follo-rin. vote:
dyes: Trustees Gero;v, Krimmel, Love and 3inder.
Iloes: :;one.
Absent: Trustee Cannon.
17,o further business appearinv to be transacted at this meetin -, it was moved
by = rLstee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
President, Board _ Trustees.
Respectfully submitted,
Cit Clerk.