1926 OCT 29 CC MINA regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. Y. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Lull of said City, by Peter Z. Binder, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Trustees Absent: Cannon. READING OF !.!0UT S OF PREVIOUS P,,Z,;ETI. ;GS. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 22nd day of October, 1926, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Cannon appeared during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour being 7:06 o'clock P. M. The minutes of the special meeting held on the 25th day of October, 1926, were read without error or omission appearing, and were approved as read upon motion of Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, which carried. M i ITT =? CO'7M. T.ICAT IONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: CALIFORNIA ?.'% ICIPAL TRAFFIC LEAGE., dated October 25th, 1926, calling attention to a meeting of the said League to be held at Fresno, California, November 18th, 19th and 20th, 1926, for the purpose of considering and if possible, definitely approve a uniform traffic ordinance to be recommended to all cities and counties for adoption. A copy of the proposed ordinance, together with a copy of the proceedings of the last meeting of said League accompanied said letter and the same were ordered filed and referred to the City Marshal for report at the next meeting of the Board. CITY PLA1;1NING COM9"ISSIONERS OF TIME CITY OF LOS ANGELES, dated October 22nd, 19269 urging the adoption of a resolution approving Proposition No. 3 of the County Ballot at the General Election, November 2nd, 1926, which provides for the issuance of Five Million Dollars of bonds by Los Angeles County for the purchase of sites for Federal, State and County Buildings, within the County Civic Center in Los Angeles. Ordered filed. CITY OF SAN JOSE, dated October 26th, 1926, requesting the adoption of a resolution recommending the defeat of Amendment No. 2 appearing on the ballot of the General Election to be held Tuesday, November 2nd, 1926, which has to do with the taxation of highway transportation companies. Ordered filed. SOUTMUiT CALIFOR:;IA T�' ISON COI3ANY, dated October 22nd, 1926, being an application for permission to erect poles and anchors on Center Street, East Maple Avenue and California Street, in accordance with a sketch accompanying said application. The proposed locations having been viewed by the Street Superintendent and said application having been approved by him, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that Southern California Edison Company be and it is hereby granted permission to erect certain poles and anchors on Center Street, East Maple Avenue and California Street, within the City of El Segundo, in accordance with its application therefor, dated October 22nd, 1926, and presented to this Board this date and in accordance with sketch attached to said application, provided that said work is prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. Niaw The receiving of bids for purchasing from the City of E1 Segundo, one 60 H.P. used Stationary Gasoline I�agine and appurtenances attached thereto, and that certain corrugated iron building in which the same is housed, having hereto- fore been made a special order of business for the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. ICe at this meeting, the President arose and announced that the hour of 7 :29 o'clock P. M. had arrived and asked if there were any person or persons present who desired to file bids for purchasing one 60 H. P. used Stationary Gasoline Engine and appurtenances attached thereto, and that certain corrugated iron building in which the same is housed. The hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. Me having arrived, the President declared that the time for receiving bids for purchasing from the City of E1 Segundo, one 60 H. P. used Stationery Gasoline Engine and appurtenances attached thereto, and that certain corrugated iron building in *hich the same is housed, as advertised for, closed. The City Clerk announced that two bids had been received for purchasing from the City of M Segundo one 60 H. P. used Stationery Gasoline Engine and appurtenances attached thereto and that certain corrugated iron building in which the same is housed. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Board proceed to open, examine and publicly declare the bids received for purchasing from the City of M Segundo one 60 H. P, used Stationery Gasoline Engine and appurtenances attached thereto, and that certain corrugated iron building in which the same is housed. Carried. The Board then proceeded to open, examine and publicly declare said bids, which said bids were found by said Board to be as follows, to -wit: "CHARLES H. QUAIZDT, Box 303, Redondo Beach, Cal. October 29, 1926. Board of Trustees of City of E1 Segundo. I, the undersigned, bid the sum of One Hundred and One Dollars for one 60 H.P. Stationary Gas Engine and all appurten- ances attached thereto, located 200 ft. Southerly of the Westerly terminus of Pine Avenue, in the City of E1 Segundo. If this bid is accepted, I agree to remove this engine from its present location, and leave the premises in an orderly condition, but not to remove the concrete foundation under the engine. This bid is in answer to your advertisement for bids, as directed by the Board of Trustees, October 6th, 1926. Signed - C. H. Quandt. Enclosed please find cash for Ten Dollars and Ten Cents to cover lOp of the above bid." Said bid was accompanied by cash in amount of ;10.10 to cover 10% of amount of said bid. "CHARLES H. QUANDT, Box 303, Redondo Beach, Cal. October 29, 1926. Board of Trustees of City of El Segundo. I, the undersigned, bid the sum of Fifteen Dollars for the corrugated iron building, located 200 feet Southerly of the ',Iesterly terminus of Pine Avenue, in the City of E1 Segundo. �r- If this bid is accepted, I agree to remove the building from the premises, and leave the property in an orderly condition. This bid is in answer to your advertisement for bids as directed by the Board of Trustees, October 6th, 1926. Signed - C. H. Quandt, Redondo Beach, Box 303. Enclosed please find cash for One Dollar and Fifty Cents to cover 10% of the above bid." Said bid was accompanied by cash in amount of X1.50 to cover 10% of said bid. After consideration of said bids, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that Resolution No. 151, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORI�TIA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO C. H. QUAN L OF A CERTAIN USED 60 H. P. STATIONERY GASOLINE ENGINE AND APPURTENANCES AND A CERTAIN CORRUGATED IRON BUILDING HOUSING THE SAM, AS HERETOFORE ADVERTISED FOR SALE BY SAID BOARD, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. ORAL COln— MlICATIONS. The Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce requested permission to use a number of the city's collapsible chairs outside of the City Hall during the coming week while the Community Chest Drive is in progress. On motion of Trustee- Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, Vhich carried unanimously, this permission was granted. biro Burdette Moody then addressed the Board with reference to the urgent necessity of having the Boulder Canon Dam matter adequately represented at Washington during the forthcoming session of Congress and that in view of the fact that the City of El Segundo is interested as a municipality of Southern California in the final adoption of the legislation necessary to cause the Boulder Canon Dam to be built, he suggested that the City of E1 Segundo should lend its assistance in promoting the possibilities of the passage of the Act, commonly referred to as the Swing- Johnson Bill, and that he felt that Mr. Thos. C. Yagerwould accept an appointment to represent the City of E1 Segundo at the hearings which will be had in said matter at said time. After dis- cussion, it was moved by ''Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following resolution be adopted: �JHMMAS, this Board of *ustees believes that the interests of the City of .41 Segundo would be promoted by the passage and adoption of the contemplated Swing- Johnson Bill, the purpose of which is to insure the building of a high dam on the Colorado River at or near Boulder Canon, for the purpose of controlling flood waters, as well as to afford an ample supply of water for domestic purposes in Southern California; and 7HER AS, an opportunity has presented itself whereby this Board can urge the adoption of said Act by a person in Washington, D. C.; 1:9-:7 THER"20RE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mr. Thos. C. Yager be and he is hereby employed to speak for the said measure and use his best influence for its adoption at the coming session of Congress, to be held in Washington, D. C., at the total sum of $100.00 for his services. Said 'rhos. C. Yager shall make a semi - monthly report of the progress which he believes he may be making and of the nature of the services which he is rendering. Said sum of X100.00 shall be payable upon the receipt of the final report in the said matter. Said resolution was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent :None. SORTS OF STA_MI G COMITTE S. Trustee lrimmel of the Public Wlorks Committee advised that residents on the :ast side of iIiitin? Street between Franklin Avenue and dolly Avenue have complained of the accumulation of tumble weeds on said street. By general consent the matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for report. Trustee Krimmel advised that the electrically lighted traffic direction sign attached to the pole in the center of the intersection of Main Street and Grand Avenue had again been lowered.and placed at an angle, which is not entirely satisfactory. He advised instructing the Street Superintendent to turn the sime to a greater angle and by general consent the Board agreed to view the same during the coming week. +?::FORTS OF OFF ICyR3 {- aF=.0 IIL COY ;L`'ITT.� S. The Street Superintendent reported that Chutuk & Vukojevich, the firm constructing lateral sewers in Lateral =sewerage District No. 2 under contract aith the City of L;l Segundo, had advised him of their inability to resurface certain of the streets in which lateral sewers had been constructed and had requested that the City resurface the same and charge the cost of such re- surfacin-_ to said firm. Following consideration, it was moved by Trustee cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to repair and resurface '`aple Avenue between Main Street and Virginia Street, Concord Street between Grand avenue and fine Avenue, and Virginia Street between Grand Avenue and Maple Avenue, for the account of Chutuk & Vur.ojevich, on a basis of cost plust 10%. In the prosecution of said work, said Street Ouperintendent is hereby instructed to keep an accurate record of all labor and materials used, and to submit the same daily to the City Clerk, who is hereby directed to render to said contractors a bill monthly for all of the work performed by said Street Superintendent for the account of Chutuk & Vukojevich, provided, however, that prior to the commencement of any of the work herein authorized, the said contractors shall file with the City Clerk a written authorization for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The Director of Publicity, having requested instructions as to the time and manner in which to proceed with the arrangements for the bRunicipal Christmas Tree, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by 'rustee Cannon, that the matter be referred to a Committee composed of Trustee Gerow and Publicity Director, Mrs. Alice hope. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Gardener advised of his need for a quantity of fish meal for fertilizer at the *rand Avenue Park, also for a pump costing approximately w19.75, together with a barrel, price not stated, the latter two items for use in connection with the spraying of trees and shrubs. It appearing that the pump is not needed immediately, but that the other items should be procured, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a ton of fish meal and one wooden barrel of forty to sixty gallon capacity, at a cost not to exceed :95.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. .1 k �A 1 The Street Superintendent advised that the gardener is oft times handicapped in his work by reason of the fact that there is no truck available for his use and that when he suppkies a truck from the Street Department, that the cork of his Department is consequently retarded. He recommended that one of the trucks at present in use in his department be placed at the disposal of the City Gardener, as said truck will stand up for an indefinite period with light usage, although it will not long with- stand the heavy work required by his Department, and he further recommended the purchase of a new truck for the Street Department. After consideration of the said matter it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to advertise for bids on a motor truck for use of the Street Department. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The Fire Chief reported that he had observed a settlement in the roadway of Palm Avenue west of Bain Street, due possibly to the construction of trunk line sewers in said street. The matter was referred to the Street Superin- tendent for attention. U1 -7 BTISHED BUSINESS. Consideration of the maps of Tract No. 9565, being a subdivision of Lot 3, Block 95, r'1 Segundo, the property of Cevilla D. Wells and Earle M. Wells, and of Tract No. 9642, being a subdivision of Lot 9, Block 95, E1 Segundo, the property of Frank B. Lloyd and Phoebe L. Lloyd, which said maps were presented to this Board for approval by Oliver F. Peasnall, a Civil xginner, at a regular meeting of the Board held on October 22nd, 1926, having been deferrr,@4 until this meeting, and due consideration having been given said map rl" was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the map of Tract No. 9565, being a subdivision of Lot 3, Block 95, EZ Segundo, and the map of Tract No. 9642, being a subdivision of Lot 9, Block 95, E1 Segundo, be and the same are hereby approved by this Board and the City Clerk is hereby directed to endorse the approval of this Board upon the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Oliver F. Peasnal, a Civil Engineer, then presented to the Board for its approval a map of Tract No. 9549, being a subdivision of Lot 6, Block 13, Tract 1685, E1 Segundo, the property of Harry K. Francis and Letta Amanda Francis. After examination of said map, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by 'irustee Cannon, that the Map of Tract No. 9549, being a subdivision of Lot 6, Block 13, Tract 1685, in the City of E1 Segundo, presented to this Board this date, be and the same is hereby approved by this Board, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to endorse the approval of this Board upon the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Noes: None. Absent: None. None. Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. PAYING BILLS. Mi BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Masonic Lodge be and it is hereby granted permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of November 22nd, 1926, the customary rental charge of :;3.75 to be made therefor. Carried. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to condition the . F baseball grounds on October 30th, 1926. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase a typewriter at a cost not to exceed Q170.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Clerk explained to the Board the verbal request of a representative of the Conservation Association of Southern California, which said Association is endeavoring to obtain a two million dollar appropriation from the Federal Government for reforestation, the building of fire brakes and for flood control dams in the National Forests between Santa Barbara and San Bernardino, that thid city avail itself of the opportunity to employ some person to represent it and urge upon the Federal Government favorable action upon the requests for appropriation which are to be made by and through said Association. The subject was discussed at great length by the Board, it being pointed out that by reason of the denuding of nearby mountains, water levels in this vicinity have lowered considerably and that if the condition is permitted to obtain indefinitely, even the present supply will be greatly diminished, while the reseeding of forestation areas with proper tree and brush stock will insure the return of an ample supply of water. It was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following resolution be adopted: VMMEAS, it has come to the attention of this Board of Trustees, that the Southern California Conservation Association, an organization composed of agriculturists, public officials and others interested in the future welfare and upbuilding of Southern California, is about to make an appeal to the Federal Government for an appropriation of two million dollars, for the purpose of restoring the water sheds between Santa Barbara and San Bernardino; and VnMFAS, this Board of Trustees feels that the restoration of said water sheds at the earliest possible time is essential to provide the continued ample supply of water for domestic pur- poses in Southern California and in this district particularly; and VnMEAS, this Board of Trustees has learned that it may employ a person to represent it and urge favorable action upon the appeal for the said appropriation; and =EAS, this Board of Trustees further feels that the employment of such a person would be for the best interests of the City of El Segundo; NOVI THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that be and he is hereby employed: to attend the forthcoming session of Congress in 'Washington, D. C. and there, on behalf of the City of 1 Segundo, to exert his best efforts in an endeavor to have the said Congress appropriate the sum of two million dollars for the purposes hereinbefore indicated. That said shall file with this Board of Trustees at least once monthly during his attendance at said session of Congress, a report of his activities in this connection and the results which he believes are being ob- tained, and that in full payment for said services the said be paid the total sum of $100.00, which said sum shall be payable upon receipt of the final report in said matter. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded`by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn until Monday, the 1st day of November, 1926, at the hour of 4:40 o'cicok P. I% Carried. Respectfully submitte Approved: City C er President, 3oard of Trustees.