1926 NOV 26 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. November 26th, 1926. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was galled to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. M. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by Peter Be Binder, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Trustees Absent: Cannon. Trustee Cannon- appeared at the meeting at the hour of 7sO2 o'clock P. M. and immediately took his seat. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS IMETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 19th day of November, 1926 were read. It was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, and carried, that the minutes be approved as read. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: EL SEMMDO CONSTXJCTION COMPANY, calling attention to the condition of Holly Avenue at Sheldon Street, which street is used to gain access to the lumber yard of said Company, and requesting that the same be repaired. By general consent, the matter was referred to the Public Works Committee and the Street Superintendent. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, requesting permission to set five poles at locations indicated in its application and in the sketch attached thereto. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the Southern California Edison CompezW be and it is hereby granted permission to set five poles on the South side of Grand Avenue at the following locations, to -wits One 75 That E4st of Center Street, one 1 foot East of Nevada Street, one 1 foot West of Oregon Street, one 1 foot West of California street, one 1 foot West of Kansas Street, all of said poles to be located seven feet from the property line; provided, that upon investigation by the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo it is found by said officer that said locations are satisfactory and provided further, that all of said work is prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of said City. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absents None. ORAL COMMUNICATION& None. REPORTS OF STANDING COM6iITTEES. Trustee Krimmel-renorted two depressions in the alley west of Whiting Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue, caused by the installation of water services in the rear of two new dwelling houses and by general consent these matters were referred to the Street Superintendent for attention. Trustee Krimmel also reported that a Southern California Edison Company pole located in the alley west of Whiting Street between Pine and Holly Avenues, leans at an angle over said alley, indicating that the pole has rotted and is broken, or that it should be reset, as ten service lines lead off from said pole. By general consent the City Clerk was instructed to call the same to the attention of the Southern California Edison Company and request them to give the matter immediate attention. 160' Trustee Brimmel also draw attention to the fact that numerous motor vehicles fail to pay any attention to the "StOp" Sign placed at Richmond Street and Franklin Aveime between 4:30 o'clock and 5 :00 o'clock P. I& each day and stated that in his opinion the regulation should be enforced or the sign removed. Other members of the Board advised having made the same observations and concurred in his opinion, and by general consent the City Marshal was instructed to make arrests for future violations. Trustee Srimmel suggested the construction of a ladder in a con- venient place easy of access, to permit getting upon the roof of the City Hall when occasion requires. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee 8rimmel, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a design of a ladder running from the ground to the roof of the City Hall Annex and another ladder from the roof of the City Ball Annex to the City Hall and to submit the same, together with the estimated cost thereof, to this Board at its next regular meeting. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS & SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The City Clerk advised that a representative of the organizations interested had called at huh office this date, advising that a meeting will be held at Lennox, California, December 2nd, 1926, to celebrate the completion of the paving of 114th Street or Belleview Avenue from Main Street to Inglewood- Redondo Road, and that it is desired that re- presentatives of the City of E1 Segundo attend a dinner to be held at Belleview and Prairie Avenues on said date at 6s30 o'clock P. mo ; also that tickets for said dinner are procurable through Mr. Charles Cramp, E1 Segundo. The City Clerk reported progress in the matter of obtaining sewer easements paralleling the Pacific Electric Right -of -Way, but that several of the property owners are asking for such easements or rights -of -way sums greatly in excess of the amounts heretofore agreed upon by this Board to be offered. Following discussion, which denoted that the Board is unanimous in its opinion that it is offering the property owners all that the easements sought are worth, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the following resolution be adopted: - WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to procure ease- ments across private property paralleling a portion of the Pacific Electrio Right -of -Way between Eucalyptus Drive and Maryland Street; and WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore determined that com- pensation for the necessary easements at the rate of 4 per square foot where the surface of the ground will not be damaged but will be restored as nearly as possible to its original condition, and 100 per square foot where it will be impractical to restore land surfaces to their original condition, is ample compensation for the rights to be obtained; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that such prior determina- tion of this Board and its previous instruction to the City Clerk to obtain such easements on said basis, be and the same are hereby ratified and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in event of failure In the attempts to procure the necessary easements on the said basis, or neglect or refusal of the property owners to grant the same, that this Board of Trustees proceed to procure the said easements through condemnation proceedings. Said resolution was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Rrimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Marshal, reporting with respect to his attendance at a meeting of California Municipal Traffic League, held at Fresno, California, November 18th - 20th, 1926, for the purpose of considering and if possible, definitely approving a uniform traffic ordinance to be re- commended to all cities and counties of California adoption, stated that 5 N �. there were present apia oximately one hundred persons, representing forty cities, and that all delegates were in favor of the adoption of uniform traffic regulation. However, the matter of the definition of alleys in said ordinanoe, as well as specifications covering the size and type of traffic signs, and the matter of reducing maximum penalties from 0.00 to $300.00 and from six months in jail to three months in jail were not definitely settled and were to be given further consideration. Trustee Gerow then advised the Board that the garage building formerly located at the Southeast corner of Virginia Street and Palm Avenue for the purpose of housing school buses had been moved and that it appeared no longer necessary to maintain a safety stop at this corner. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the safety or boulevard stop, heretofore established, causing Northbound traffic on Virginia Street to stop at Palm Avenue, be discontinued immediately and the safety stop sign removed. Carried. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to reset all street name posts and signs which are out of place or in irregular positions throughout the City and to reletter such signs where necessary. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Engineer reported that the sewer contractor is behind schedule with certain of his work and that he had informed the contractor that unless he shows an immediate improvement in the matter of making house connections from lateral lines already constructed, that he will cause the said contractor to discontinue further lateral sewer trenching until house connection construction catches up with lateral lines already Installed* This report reoeived the general approval of the Board of Trustees. The City Gardener reported that the band stand had been erected in the Grand Avenue Park and that it is desirable to construct a path to the same, whereupon it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby Instructed to order a truck load of decomposed granite for use at the Grand Avenue Park at a cost not to exceed $20.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. Trustee Cannon thereupon requested to be excused from further attendance at this meeting and it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that this request be granted. Carried. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Krimmel, at the hour.of 8 :40 o'clock P. M. that a recess of 1 hr. 15 mins. be taken. The motion carried and the Board thereupon recessed, reconvening at the hour of 9 :55 o'clock P. M., Trustees Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder being present, Trustee Cannon being absent. NEW BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the purchase of a pair of rubber boots for use of the Street Department at a cost not to exceed $20.00 be and the same is hereby authorized. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absents Trustee Cannon. Trustee Love introduced Ordinance No. 132, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ABANDONING THE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE LAYING OUT AND OPENING OF CERTAIN NEF PUBLIC STREETS WITHIN THE SAID CITY TO BE DESIGNATED AND KNOWN AS ACACIA AVENUE AND OAK AVENUE BET1'IEIIQ THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA AND THE ITMTMLY BOUNDARY OF THE d. H. FISHER SUBDIVISION IN SAID CITY, AND SYCAMORE AVENUE FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF MAIN STREET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF PENN STREET WITHIN SAID CITY, AS CONTEMPLATED AND PROVIDED BY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. 130 AND ORDINANCE NO. 128 OF SAID CITY, which was read. Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that George McLauchlin be and he is hereby granted his customary annual two weeks vacation beginning December lst, 1926, and that F. N. Evans be and he is hereby granted his customary annual two weeks vacation beginning December 21st, 1926. Carried. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Gercw, seconded by Trustee Love, that the meeting adjourn until Wednesday, the first day of December, 1926, at the hour of 4:40 o'clock P. M. Carried. Respectfully submitted,