1926 APR 12 CC MINASO M Segundo, Cal. April 12th, 1926. An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of 1-•rustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 4 :40 o'clock P. y.. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter L. 3inder, President of the Board. 3CI.L CALL. - rustees Present: Anderson, Gero :, and 3inder. ',rustees Absent: Cannon. 3y ;;eneral consent the regular order of business was disnensed with. Consideration ^s then given to the application of Pacific `_'elenhone leieo arh Company for permission to erect five poles and two anchors on the T'.orth side of :tosecrans Avenue Ia.st of Arizona Drive at poir-ts ten feet T:orth of the center line of said osecrans Avenue. Several members of the Board, havin= personally inspected the proposed location of these poles, recora: ended that the permit as applied for be not granted, but that a pe=it for the erection of these poles in a different location would be satisfactory. .2,-.ereupon it was moved by Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Geror, that Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company be and it is hereby granted permission to erect five poles and t-:ro anchors on the Ivorth side of Hosecrans Avenue East of Arizona Drive on a line parallel with and distant 9 feet from the iortherly property line of said 2osecrans Avenue, such work to be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Carried. A coinication was read from the Riverside Chamber of Commerce dated '_rril 10th, 1926, advising of a meetin„ to be held in the offices of the Can 3ernardino Chamber of Commerce, San 3ernardino, California, on Friday, April 16th, 1926, at 1 :30 o'clock P. M., respecting the proposed removal of the University of California Agriculturai School from Riverside to :awtelle. Yoved by rustee Love, seconded by 'trustee Anderson, t iat` Crustee sero,�r be reiuested to attend said meeting as an representative of the 3oard of Trustees of this City, and . —at he be authorized to file his demand for his actual and necessary expenses in connection frith attendance at s- -id neeting. Carried by the follor:inIr vote: .yes: I- 'rustees zderson, Love and 3inder. ::oes: Tone. Absent: Trustee Cannon. :-ot 'Toting: Trustee Gerow. :'o further business appearin:, to be transacted at this meetin , it rras rover? -r Trt:stee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. l:nproved: ."res3.13n ., 3oard of t_ ,_stees. Respec:,='vd -, .;.:.')Tatted, v C� Cit G 17erk . 0, z ..r