1925 OCT 30 CC MING 61 M Segundo, Cal. October 30th, 1025. �. retalar neetin�; of the Board of Trustees of the California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock 1. 1 ". or. the Council Chanber of the City Hall of said City, bl; Pe of the 3oard. �rustces Present: nnderson, ':erow and 3inder. Trustees absent: Cannon and love. City of -71 Se6rr, do , the above date, in ter tinder, ;resident The followin:; cor:.^^unications were rea" and disposed of as indicated: C_,�, �J Ia W♦ L. CC r I. :, City attorney, giant; Lonica, rerruestin, the City of Segundo to subscribe ,100.00 to a fund which is beini. created by a nur-ber of Southern California cities to defray the expenses of opnosin the an-olicc.tion of the Los Angeles Gas --lectric Cersnany, - idw y C^ s Corn -.ny and southern Californi< ;di son Company for an increase in rates. On r^otior. of Trustee Jerov;, seconded by Trustee Anderson, which carried, the City Clerk was instructed to advise .'r. Coffin: that this 3oard of Trustees is not nre_nared to subscribe to this fund a. this tire. 3.L :, w brnl ttin; a deed e_cecuted by ' ohn oigt, conveying to the City of :11 Se gundo, Lot 6, lock ::1 : e�;ando 3I-eet .:o. 7. The deed ha-in.,; ')oren annroved as to fore b-, the 'City = ,ttcrney, subject to several minor .:orrecticns, it vras moved by Trustee Germ, seconded b., Truster, anderson, t':at t'Ie following resolution be adouted: that that certain e;mnt deed, date" the lCt} day of October, 1925, conveying to the City of M Segundo, Lot 6, 3lock 34, :11 e nindo Sheet :.o. 7, in the City of --1 Segundo, County of Los Inl-;eles, . torte of California, as _)er magi) recc,-ded in hook 22, pales J- .:d 3:J of r'jips, in the office of t ".e Cuur_ty 3ecorder of said Count':, and the propert:� cone -ed thereby, be and t _e sane are ^ereb ' acc@ ,ted cn behalf of t'� e City of 'l Segundo, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to c:ffi.. his certificr.te to said deed, stowing the acceptance of the s:.r^e b.7 this 3oard of Trustees and to have the sane filed for record; and :3_� IT FORT �7�':i a v;arr nt in the sum of ,605.00, pf-rable tc the _�l Oe;;undo estate 3?.nk, be dra�rn on the 'jeneral' Fund of the CitY of _'l 3e`andc Lind paid u.-)o- Presentation; 16017.00 of sFiC sum re-,rosen:ting the cost of s_niu real ?)roT)9rt ­, Z.00 representin: t'-s new o;mer fee in connection with Certific is of title. Carried b-7 the foilowin;- vote: ayes: Trustees Anderson, lerow Snd '31inder. :toes: :;one. absent: Trustees Can-non and :•ove. letter dated October 27th, 1925, T i 1 e .;o. 327 ( ) , nertain.ir,7 to s )eciai advance merit granted the .Cit•: of ,7. Oe; ndo to cross the right -of -way of said con-orny, for the purpose of con- structing portions of a trunk line sewer systen. woved by Trustee Germ, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the following resolution be adopted: on the 2nd d, y of October, 1925, the 3oard of 1'. astees of the City of ::! Segundo, directed the City Clerk cf s"id Uit-7, to reouest the Pacific - %lectric � ailw ^.y Comp=y to grant to said City, permission tc cross said co^lranZr's right - : "of-73y �t urLnt rve2u@ a 7 _taredard �trLet .nd rand Alvenue r62 and :Eucalyptus give, for the purpose of constructing sever lines across the right -o`' -way of said Pacific electric Rai lwa.y C on oany; and under date of October 15th, 1:25, said co -pany did i;rant to sa=id City spec'.&l advance perr.it (rile ::o. Zi%_) in accordance with said city's request, which said permit provided that the installation be nade within thirty days from October i.th, 1925; and the 8ity Clerk of said Cit - thereupon requested an extension of the tire :/itlli- wMch the wcrri zihould be co"'rleted from thirty to .:ine`y days; and ":i.::::::.;3, said .acific :: G 631 It was thereupon noved by ''rustee Cerow, seconded by = 'rustee j- ,nderson, that the following reso�ution be adopted: ,�.:::�Ji; +.: ✓, that the contract for furnishin the _`y of --:1 Segundo, California, with one s:.all runabout automobile, pursuant to -rablic notice of the (;it-.- Cleri: dated Octob +.r 6th, 1925, be and the same is hereb,-: awarded to Ira Escobar Lt th price specified therefor in his bid filed this date, to -wit: X70.69. Carried by the fcllowin: note: ayes: Trustees i1nderson, verow and -tinder. Noes: Absert: Trustees Cannon and Lo-e. Trustees inder and aerow rendered an interestinc verbal report of their attendance at the hearinz on the - Boulder Lam Project held by the Lnited States 36rate Co=,ittee on Recl=nation and Irrigation in Los nnLeles, California, October 2`7th, 1925. �] ] �n� It �-y -rrc - ^'J:;v7 .n,Tnm'•.\t. : 1_r: _. _ ✓ of a a I �.J l.. .�� .a l:.L C�i.r._4 a a..JV.J. she City attorney advised t}:at he this date, hander the Clerk contract for d----n,- the wor.. of inproving portions of 1-7illcrest • -ienue and Fine Avenue in the Cites; of •1 Segundo; also contr'-cts bet' ~een the of --1 tee`7undo and the v- ricus suppliers to !,,.,hon. awards ivere rade for furr.ishin,�° various iter^s of sewer TMecha -ical e.?ui=ent; also sever: chec s, a:---regntin; 108.00, representing refunds rade by the :ar1-in Tailoring Company to certain of the citizens of the L;i .y of _'1 oegundo. L_ \­ -oved by Trustee •1nderson, seconded by Trustee �erow, that the following resolution be adopted: on the 23rd day of October, 1`25, this 3oard of Trustees directed the City Attorney; of the City of Ll ae�:undo to nre-oare proceedings under the !- uuicipal Inprovemcnt district 3ond act of 1915 for the construction of lateral sewers in that certain district shown as District =Yo. I on the plat now on file in the office of the City ;n�7ineer of the Cite of M Segundo, designated as PSap loo. 25817; and ' 7,L!i. -� '], after giving this ratter further consideration, this 3oard of Trustees has determined that the )ayment of the cost of said work under the provisions of the ket hereinabove referred to, would be ineouitable and extremely unsatisfactory to ^any of the tax payers within the district referred to; :;0'.; .:'..:?: r0::, 3- I, I. that the action heretofore t'ken as hereinabove referred to and of record. at PaZf, C--59 of the rinutes of the oroceedin s of this 3oard of `Trustees, be and the s ne is hereb • rescinded and the Cit., "•ttorne-17 is hereb,! instructed tc take no furt ?)er proceedin -s as contemplated in s-id action; and that the i ngineer o e City of El 3eSundo be and he is 1�ereb-: authorized and instructed to -)re7xire and fur: :ish to the City Attorney all of the en;ineerin_; data necessary, and for all of the districts possible, as the said districts are s'r :o•,•rn upon that certain nar, on file in the office of the Ci hgineer of the City of :;l Segundo, designated and rmo-,,'n as ''a,p 1Yo. 23617, to enable the said Vity Attorney to prepare such proceedings as nay be necessary fcr the construction of lateral sewers under the provisions of the 1- provement rct of in conjunction with the Improvement 3ond Act of 1915. Carrie: by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow and 3inder. :Yoe s: ?:one. - lbsent: 'trustees Cannon and Love. 64 none. PAYING 3ILL8. l�iS�/ JU.i �..J:.J• :.loved b1-• Trustee Gerovr, seconded by `- 'rustee t nderson, that the following resolution be adobted: � - -.'Z', on the 25th day of Sertemberr.2=, 1925, s�arrant 1 :o. 8916 of the Cit., of = Leo ndo, in the sum of v'150.00, was drawn or. the Sewer Bond, 3lection, 1925, "und, pa�,*able to Loftus Land Company; and "!: LLA3, it was deemed advisable to make the said amount payable to individuals instead of to -the. company, and that accordingly '.Varrant :o. 8968 was drawn and ixtid; ', 3. IT R�SC .'�;, that ;;arrant ::c. 8818 hereinabove referred to, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the amount represented thereby be and the sar:e is hereby returned to the Sevier 3ond, election 1925, Fund. Carried by the followin, vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, .erow and 3inder. ::oes: ;,one. nbsert: Trustees Cannon and Love. '.loved by Trustee Gerovr, seconded by rustee -nderson, that the follovdnf- Heselution be adopted: ?sft:hS, occasionally emergencies arise re7uirir_- municin_a1 employees to work overtime; and : "L9 heretofore no action has been ta.:en by this 3oard of Trustees with respect to conpensatine said ^r.:n ciml employees for such overtime; 3s I'T that until the further order of this 3card, any municipal employee, excent those v:ho are employed on a monthly basis, who is required to work overtime, be entitled to comuensation for such overtime on a basis of time and one -half, providin; such overtime is requested and approved by the head of the Department in which such municipal omployee is engaged. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees Anderson, Cerow and 3inder. noes: ?:one. Absent: Trustees Cannon and Love. ,o further business apnearin�; to be transacted at this session, it was moved o• Trustee Gerovr, seconded by 'trustee Anderson, that the meeting adjourn until Tuesday, the 3rd day of ::ovember, 1925, at the 'hour of 4:40 o'clock. P. i:. Carried. _7nrcved: President, �o­ d of Trustees. esoec, G 6 ..coved by '-rustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the denands be alloyed and ;,arrants dravm and paid out of the respective funds coverin the same. Carried b; the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Can-nor, Love and 3inder. ':oes: Zone. Abaent: ^rustees Anderson and Gerow. r_ co*-runication �:as read from the Irgle rood 'Union :High School District, re;iuesting that the banks be dut dovP, . at the intersection of Arizona Drive and ::i Segundo revenue to permit a better vie:; of tl,e railroad tracks at this point. "his .matter having previously had the consideration of the 3oa_.rd of rustees, and it a.:rAarin", that a large quantity of earth z.ould 'have to be removed fror.. private property at considerable expense, by oe::eral consent the City Cler_: r•: s re- nested to communicate with the pacific lectric = iail�y�y Company in an atte*rt to secure said company's consent to the stopping of its passen;;er trains at said crossing between the hours of 7 :00 o'clock: A. '_. and 7 :00 o'clock roved by ,'rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the 3oy scouts •'J be ;;ranted permission to use the city's collapsible chairs, tables and dishes - or. 2riday, the Eth day of ::ovember, 1925. Carried. i;o further business appearing to be transacted at this r-etinC, it =s moved by Trustee C- neon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the neetinL adjourn. Carried. Respectfr:lly submitted, City lerk. ' U asident, board of =rustees. General Fund 4.23 P. ::. Gardner 100.00 Don C.ugitt 50.00 Clyde T,00dworth 125.00 '. "inta Curtz-ailer 75.00 :.os in,eles Rubber Jtamr Co. .24 -�. S. Crocker Company, Inc. 10.29 Neva 2% :+1set 150.00 Victor i. .cCarthy 450.00 ::1e�ando Herald 75.00 seorge Love 25.00 John '-Terov; 25.00 Peter :. :3inder 25.00 Alfred C. Cannon 25.00 _::drew Anderson 25.00 Y4,436.4y ..coved by '-rustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the denands be alloyed and ;,arrants dravm and paid out of the respective funds coverin the same. Carried b; the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Can-nor, Love and 3inder. ':oes: Zone. Abaent: ^rustees Anderson and Gerow. r_ co*-runication �:as read from the Irgle rood 'Union :High School District, re;iuesting that the banks be dut dovP, . at the intersection of Arizona Drive and ::i Segundo revenue to permit a better vie:; of tl,e railroad tracks at this point. "his .matter having previously had the consideration of the 3oa_.rd of rustees, and it a.:rAarin", that a large quantity of earth z.ould 'have to be removed fror.. private property at considerable expense, by oe::eral consent the City Cler_: r•: s re- nested to communicate with the pacific lectric = iail�y�y Company in an atte*rt to secure said company's consent to the stopping of its passen;;er trains at said crossing between the hours of 7 :00 o'clock: A. '_. and 7 :00 o'clock roved by ,'rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the 3oy scouts •'J be ;;ranted permission to use the city's collapsible chairs, tables and dishes - or. 2riday, the Eth day of ::ovember, 1925. Carried. i;o further business appearing to be transacted at this r-etinC, it =s moved by Trustee C- neon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the neetinL adjourn. Carried. Respectfr:lly submitted, City lerk. ' U asident, board of =rustees.