1925 OCT 09 CC MING 451
Segundo, Cal. October 9th, 1925.
A regular meeting of the Board of �rustees of the City of ' Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. L. on the above date, in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter Z. Binder, President of
the Board.
Trustees Present: Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Trustees Absent: Anderson.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 2nd day of October, 1925,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by '-rustee Gerow,
seconded by `trustee Cannon, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
she minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on October 7th, 1925,
were read, without error or omission being noted and it was roved by ` -1rustee uerowr,
seconded by Trustee Cannon and carried, that the r:inu,,es be approved as read.
2 e following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
- A,JRY FRA::CIS, 660 rest Collingswood Street, -a Segundo, being application
for employment as sewer pump station attendant for the City of ::1 Segundo. Ordered
J. 72LWM, 304 %lest Franklin Avenue, ::1 SeL-undo, being application for
employment as sever pump station attendant for the City. of :;1 Segundo. Ordered
3Z-; --IT ASSOCIATIO:: OF T?i 4CC'B: S, advising of their discontinuance
of the rental of the City Hall Auditorium after uctober 6th, 1925. Moved by Trustee
Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the communication be filed, the City Clerk
be authorized -to charge the organization for the use of the City ball Auditorium on
the evening of October 6th, 1925, the customary rental charged a regular occupant
for one extra night's use, to -wit: w3.75, and until the further order of this Board
to cancel further charges against the organization for rental of the City Hall
Auditorium. Barried.
??:ACTH UFFICM, a report of the activities of the Health Department within
the City of ::l Segundo for the r.,onth of 6eptember, 1925. Ordered filed.
'UBLICITY DIR..:CTOR, report of her activities for the month of September,
1925. Ordered filed.
The hearing of protests against the laying out and opening of a certain
new public street within the City of L1 Segundo between Arizona Drive and InF- lewood
and Redondo Road, to be designated and known as Mariposa Avenue, having; heretofore
been adjourned to the hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. 1... at this meeting, and said hour
having arrived, the President arose and announced the hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. Y. and
asked if there were any person or persons present Who desired to file protests
against the said work or improvement.
The City Attorney advised that 1, ?r. : -iaas, attorney for certain protestants
who had previouslj filed protests against the said work with thin Board, had not as
yet heard from his clients relative to the withdrawal of their protests agains t'-e
work herein referred to, sr:d it was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by
Trustee Can-ion, that the hearing of protests against the laying out and opening of a
certain new public street within the Cite of El Segundo between Arizona Drive and
Inglewood and Redondo Road, to be designated and known as I.!ariposa Avenue, be and
the same is hereby adjourned until the 23rd day of uctober, 1925, at the hour of
7:15 o'clock P. I'. Carried.
The hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. D:. at this meeting, having heretofore been fixed
as the time for receiving of bids on mechanical equipment for trunk lire sewer
system in and for the City of E'l Segundo, California, the President arose and
announced the arrival of the hour of 7:29 o'clock P. li. and asked if there were any
person or persons present desiring to file bids for said equipment. The hour of
7 :50 o'clock P. '.i. having arrived, and all bids being; in, the President then declared
the time for receiving bids on mechanical equipment for trunk line sewer system in
and for the City of �l 3edundo, California as advertised for, closed. The Gity
Clerk thereupon presented to the Board of Trustees ei -,hteen bids which had been
received pursuant to the published notice and which he announced he had rurnbered for
identification, reference and filing; in his office as followss
Bid ?:o. SE 1 on mechanical
for trunk Line Sewer System filed by-
+'estinghouse _` ectric & .'.'_fg. Compan, .
3id Yo. S.; 2 on ".'_echanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System filed by-
Byron- Tackson Pump LfU. Company.
Bid :;o. SE 3 on i- 'echanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System filed by-
Injorsoll -:land Company of California.
3id :No. 5-7 4 on ;'echanical
for Trunk Line Sever System filed by-
Coast ''achinery Corporation.
Bid .;o. SE 5 or. "'echanical
for Trunk Line Sevier System filed by-
Sullivan '.`"achinery Company.
3id ':o. 6 on ".'echanical
for =rank Line Sewer System, filed by-
Sutor u Co!npa.ry.
Bic.. i:o. 3L 7 on :'echanical
for Trunk Line Sewer 3ysten, filed by-
The .'orthington Company, Inc.
Bid "'o. 3 8 on ".'echanical
for =run_- Line Sever System, filed by-
Anerican Pump Company.
3id :;o. 9 on Yechanical
for Trunk Line Seiler Systen. , filed by-
Fairbanks, ' "_orse & Company.
Bid `'o. '3.", 10 on :.'echanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
General ::lectric Company.
Bid ^:o. SE 11 on !?echanical
for Trunir. Line Sewer System, filed by-
Larimer- Lauer, Inc.
id No. SE 12 on Mechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
F. C. Millard Engineering Company.
Bid No. SE 13 on Meahanical
for Trunk Line Se•:ier System, filed by-
Water Works Supply Company.
Bid ho. SE 14 on Mechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
!"ark Pump Company.
Bid No. SE 15 on mechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
Luitwieler Pumping Engine Company.
Bid No. 33 16 on Yechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
Jackson- Church wimp Works.
Bid No. S.F. 17 on Mechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, _filed by-
Harry 1'. Perry.
Bid No. SE 19 on mechanical
for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
3aker Iron Works.
It was thereupon nnoved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by = ''rustee Love, and
unanimously carried, that all of said ei;hteen bids no received, be opened, exanined,
and publicly declared and that for the purpose of identification and reference, they
be desio teu respectively as follows:
.;id :.o. 3.1 1 on :'echanical :;quipment for Trunk Line Sewer S,-sten:, filed by-
1'estinS.�iouse - %lectric & ::fg. Company.
3id No. SE 2 on ::'echanical Equipment for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
3yrcn- Jackson ?ump tifg. Company.
aid No. SE 3 or. L'echanieal Equipment for Trunk Line Sewer Systen, filed by-
Ingersoll -:land Company of California.
Bid No. SE 4 on :.:echanical Equipment for :rank Line Sewer System, filed by-
Coast 1achinery Corporation.
Sid No. SE 5 on Yechanical Equipment for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
Sullivan 1:achinery Company.
Bid No. S3 6 on 1echanical :Equipment for Trunk Line Sewer System, filed by-
Sutor i Company.
G 47
Bid Tao. SE 7 on :'echanical Equipment for Trunk Line Sevier System, filed by-
and that uron such declaration they be filed in the office of the City Clerk of
said City and therea_ °ter remain open to public inspection.
Following the opening, examination and public declaration of all of said eighteen
bids received for mechanical equipment for trunk line sexier syster. in and for the
City of &l Segundo, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that
the same be taken under adrise^^ent until the 16th day of October, 1925, at the
hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. 11. Carried.
The receiving of bids for doing the worl; or improvement of a certain portion of
M llcrest Lvenue and a certain portion of Pine ".venue, within the City of Z1 Segundo,
California, having heretofore been made a special order of business for the hour of
8 :00 o'clock P. i:. at this meeting, the President arose and announced the hour of
7 :59 o'clock P. L. and asked if any person or persons present desired to file bids
for said work or improvement.
The hour of 8 :00 o'clock P. L:. having arrived, and all bids being in, the
President declared that all bids for doing the work or improvement of a certain
portion of Hillcrest Avenue and a certain portion of Pine Avenue, within the City
of El Seorundo, as advertised for, were closed.
Vov.ed by Trustee Gerov., seconded by Trustee Cannoh, that the Doard proceed to
open publicly declare all bids received for doing the work or improvement of
a certain portion of Hillcrest Avenue and a certain portion of Pine Avenue, within
the City of El Segundo, California, Carried.
The Board then proceeded to open/and publicly declare all bids received for
the work or improvement of a certain portion of 'iillcrest Avenue and a certain
portion of Pine Avenue within the City of M Segundo, California, as contemplated
in the notices calling therefor, given pursuant to Resolution of Intention :"o. 103
of the Board of Trustees of said 3mam& Said bids were found by said Board to be
as follow, to -wit :'
31d of A. J. Jorgensen, submitted on regular form therefor, determined by
said Board to be as follows, to -wit:
Yardage, per cu. yard cut - - - - - - - - - - - - -.55
Yardage, per cu. yard, fill - - - - - - - - - - - -.55
Class 3 Concrete Curb, per lin. ft. - - - - - - - -.45
Sidewalks, per sq. ft. ------------ - - -•16
Removing trees, per tree - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.50
Said bid was accompanied by bidder's bond in the sum of X400.00, with the united
:states Fidelity & Guaranty Company of Baltimore as Surety, and A. J. Jorgensen,
as principal.
The Worthington Company, Inc.
aid :;o.
8 on : "echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
Anerican Pump Cony y.
Bid .:o.
SE 9 on :..echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sevier System, filed
Fairbanks- ylorse a Company.
3id �Nto.
SL 10 on . ?echanical squipWent
Trunk Line Sewer Jystem, filed
General Electric Company.
Bid No.
3:: 11 on ;'.echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
Larimer -Lauer Inc.
Bid :;o.
S3 12 on "echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
F. C. ;:illard Engineering Company.
Bid ::o.
SL 13 on :.'echanical Equipment
Trunk Lire Sewer System, filed
�:ater ,lords Supply Company.
3id :1o.
S::: 14 on :'echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
I'ark Pump Company.
Bid :W.
SL 15 on 1echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
Luitwieler Pumping Engine Company.
Bid :1o.
SF. 16 on Mechanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sevier System, filed
Jackson- Church 1't=p 7dorks.
Bid :yo.
S.: 17 on :_echanical Equipment
Trunk Line Sewer Syste-, filed
?Tarry 1:. Perry.
3id So.
BE 18 on 1echanical Equignent
Trunk Line Sewer System, filed
,6aker Iron ;forks.
and that uron such declaration they be filed in the office of the City Clerk of
said City and therea_ °ter remain open to public inspection.
Following the opening, examination and public declaration of all of said eighteen
bids received for mechanical equipment for trunk line sexier syster. in and for the
City of &l Segundo, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that
the same be taken under adrise^^ent until the 16th day of October, 1925, at the
hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. 11. Carried.
The receiving of bids for doing the worl; or improvement of a certain portion of
M llcrest Lvenue and a certain portion of Pine ".venue, within the City of Z1 Segundo,
California, having heretofore been made a special order of business for the hour of
8 :00 o'clock P. i:. at this meeting, the President arose and announced the hour of
7 :59 o'clock P. L. and asked if any person or persons present desired to file bids
for said work or improvement.
The hour of 8 :00 o'clock P. L:. having arrived, and all bids being in, the
President declared that all bids for doing the work or improvement of a certain
portion of Hillcrest Avenue and a certain portion of Pine Avenue, within the City
of El Seorundo, as advertised for, were closed.
Vov.ed by Trustee Gerov., seconded by Trustee Cannoh, that the Doard proceed to
open publicly declare all bids received for doing the work or improvement of
a certain portion of Hillcrest Avenue and a certain portion of Pine Avenue, within
the City of El Segundo, California, Carried.
The Board then proceeded to open/and publicly declare all bids received for
the work or improvement of a certain portion of 'iillcrest Avenue and a certain
portion of Pine Avenue within the City of M Segundo, California, as contemplated
in the notices calling therefor, given pursuant to Resolution of Intention :"o. 103
of the Board of Trustees of said 3mam& Said bids were found by said Board to be
as follow, to -wit :'
31d of A. J. Jorgensen, submitted on regular form therefor, determined by
said Board to be as follows, to -wit:
Yardage, per cu. yard cut - - - - - - - - - - - - -.55
Yardage, per cu. yard, fill - - - - - - - - - - - -.55
Class 3 Concrete Curb, per lin. ft. - - - - - - - -.45
Sidewalks, per sq. ft. ------------ - - -•16
Removing trees, per tree - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.50
Said bid was accompanied by bidder's bond in the sum of X400.00, with the united
:states Fidelity & Guaranty Company of Baltimore as Surety, and A. J. Jorgensen,
as principal.
Bid of Youngblood Bros. Construction Company, submitted on reemlar far►^
therefor, as follows, to -wit:
Yardage, per cue yard, cut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,30
Yardage, per cu. yd. fill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .60
Class Be Concrete Curb, per line ft. - - - - - - - - - - .44
Sidewalks, per sq. ft. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -.152
Removing trees, per tree - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5.00
Said bid was accompanied by bidder's bond in the sum of X500.00, with the C. S.
Van 3rindt Company as surety, and Youngblood Bros. Construction Gumpany as
Following the opening, examination and public declaration of the bids received
for the work or improvement of a certain portion of uillcrest Avenue and a
certain aortion of Pine Avenue within the City of Ll Segundo, California, it was
moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, and unanimously carried, that
the above bids be taken under advisement until Friday, the 16th day of October,
1925, at the hour of 7x30 o'clock P. 'Me
" one .
" 'loved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon and unanimously carried,.
that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to write a letter to the
American Legion, thanking said organization for the services rendered in
taking the census of the City of 31 Segundo, and the City Clerk be further
instructed to do nothing more concerning said census, as the same did not
reflect a population of 3500 at this time.
Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Crustee Gerow, that Resolution No. 110,
entitled: ,
which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and 'cinder.
Noe s: : +one.
Absent: Trustee linderson.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance
and iecords, were read:
General Fund
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company 52.93
Southwest 21aning Loll 45.50
Daniels Hardware 45.39
Electric Shop 33.82
Edna E. Harlan 13.53
Pacific - Southwest Tr. & Savings
:Tank 5.00
Goody Shoe Cafe 4.30
Sewer Bond Fund Str. Imvr. Fund
City of Los Angeles,
Board of Public Works X12,000.00 Standard Oil Company ;?58.07
Southwest 3uilder d: Contr. 7.60
Electric Blue Print Co. 16.80
roved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the demands be
allowed, and warrants drawn on the respective funds covering the sane. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
hoes: None.
Absent: Trustee Anderson.
The City Engineer presented a blue print showing the proposed lay -out of
the municipal water works site as a park, which was perused by and had consideration
of the Board of Trustees, following which it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by
Trustee Love, that the City _3n�;ineer be instructed to lay out walks and prepare t
for the planting of trees and shrubbery in the unoccupied portion of Block 34, in
the City of :.1 Segundo, as per plan therefor No. 522 on file in the office of the
City ::ngineer of the City of E1 Segundo, all at a cost not to exceed V-299.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Noes. :None.
Absent: Trustee Anderson.
?.loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the following
resolution be adopted:
the Superintendent of the V +'ater Department has
reported to this Board of Trustees that the water main in
Virginia Street from the center of the Block between Palm
Avenue and Yaple Avenue to Co'_lingwood Street is a 4" riveted
pipe line, inadequate in size to furnish, on frequent occasions,
ample quantities of vrater for domestic -purposes and inadequate
in size to furnish at all times sufficient ouantities of
water for fire fighting purposes within the district served
by said line, and
said Superintendent of the ,pater Department further
reports that said pipe line has been plunged and patched in
many places, thus creating a condition N:hich right cause the
said ripe line to burst or collapse at any time, particularly
if it became necessary to increase the pressure therein for
fire fighting purposes, and
',T:i'ai:LkS, the area served by the said pipe line is one
closely built up with substantial daellin; houses, and
'.'iITERLAS, this Board of '- 'rustees feels that this condition
thereby creates an emergency ffectin`; the peace, health
and safety of a large nur:ber of the citizens of the City of
l Se6yundo, and that it is within the power of this :Board of
trustees to remedy the emergency, inasmach as the City of El
Segundo has on hand . sufficient ,uantity of 6" cast iron pipe,
�vhicl: ri'lt be aced to supplant the old and torn -out line
herein referred to;
_' :yt_LYUR:Lq 3:: I_ that ir view of the
en:er;;ency now exi stingy, as rereinbefore determined, the
Superintendent of the Water Department be and he is hereby in-
structed to replace the said VI riveted pipe line with a 6"
cast iron line between the points hereinbefore mentioned, and
in this connection he is further a;:thorized to employ one
,)ipe layer, to be compensated at the rate of ^7.00 per day, and
to employ six additional laborers, to be cor^nensated at the
rate of 620 per hour. Carried by the followinj vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Noess None.
Absent: Trustee Anderson.
50 G
Loved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the following
resolution be adopted:
7,11=2 1S, the City Clerk has reported to, this Board that T.Varrant
No. 6655 in amount of X4.96, drawn on the General Fund, payable
to J. Ring, has not been delivered unto the said J. Ring; and
W iZAS, the present whereabouts of the said J. Ring is unknown;
1?O�7 THE-IL ILL, BE IT IL: SOLVIM, that said Warrant Iio. 6655 shall
be and the same is hereby directed to be withdrawn; that the ^coneys
represented thereby shall be deeTMed as remaining in the fund upon
which said warrant was drawn, and that said warrant be cancelled,
and that no further action be taken by this Board with reference
to the funds represented by said warrant unless, on subsequent
demand therefor, the rioit of claimant thereto s?!all be established
to the satisfaction of this 3oard.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Does: !.one.
dbsert: Trustee Anderson.
Yoved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee C <rnon, that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorised to have published once in the 1 Segundo Herald
'.his annual report for the fiscal year ending June 60th, 1925. Carried by the
following vote:
:eyes' Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
1:oes: Zone.
absent: trustee Anderson.
The Yarshal anno,;- ced the revocaticr of the unn_ ointments of J. V.7. -.','eaver
and J. ..00re as Derraty 1:arshals.
The matter of the employment of a sewer hump station attendant and the
salary to be paid for this work was discussed at some length by the 3oard,
terminating in a motion by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that
when the City of :1 Segundo shall employ a sewer rns:n station attendant, such
attendant, until the further order of this Board, shall be compensated at the
rate of X140.00 per month, payable monthly as other city salaries are paid,
and ir. addition thereto, without cost to such attendant, living :quarters,
gaslights and water shall be furnished by the City of 1;1 Segundo# the duties
of swch employee to be hereafter, from time to time, fixed by this Board of
Trustees. Carried by the following vote:
..yes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
.toes: :Pone.
Absent: Trustee Anderson.
1:o further business appearing to be transacted at this neeting, it was
moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the neeting adjourn.
Besrectfully submitted,
rroved: Cit erk.
President, 3oard of Trustees.