1925 NOV 06 CC MINQ 67}
1 aegando, Cal. �overber 6th, 1925.
G reo;ular .:eetino of the 3oard of =rustees of the City of Ell Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock, P. ". on the above date, in the Council Chamber
of the City ?.all of said City, by the City Clerk, the Dresident of the 3oard being
absent. ^rustee 3.erow was unanimously chosen P resident pro -ter and he innediately-
assumed the duties of the President.
1Oih CI T L.
^rustees Present: Anderson, ;kerov,,, and Lore.
^rustees :absent: Cannon and :finder.
3�� Z OF'
r2he minutes of the regalar meeting ?-_eld on the ::0th day of October, 1925,
were read. Yo errors or cnissions appearing, it was roved by :rustee Love, seconded
by :rustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
'21.ne r..inutes of the adjourned re�_tuiar reeting held on :'ovenber 3rd, 1925,
were read, ,. ithout- error or oynissicn bein:; noted, and were approved as read
ur)on notion of C'rustee Love, s °conded by Trustee Anderson, which carried.
^he hearin.; of protests a� inst the la,-'iriE; out and openin,; of a certain new
„ubi1C Street within the Litt' of :i `'egundo bet;leen _1rizon:- Drive and = n�%lewood and
_eccnuo ::oad, to be desiLnated and known as i.:ari' osa Avenue, ha'ring heretofore been
adjourned to the hour of 7:20 c'ciccn at this !neetin�;, and said hour havinC
arrived, the President arose aril announce di the 'lour of 7 :21.) o'clocn P. and asked
if there were any parson or persons ;present who desired_ to file protests a�:..inst the
said work or improverent. ::o additional protests beinj filed, and it appearing that
a continuance of the hearin would be desirable, it was roved by '-�rustee Love,
seconded by continuance. Anderson, that the hearir.& of protests at3a nst the laying out
and opening of a certain new public street witYin the City of -.1 - egundo, to be
desi :-nates and = ,or.r. as ',.'�riposa - venue, be and the same is hereb;� adjourned until
the 13th nay of : ;ovember, 1925, at the hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. P.'. Carried.
The followin— communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
r:. LLR30N, requestin -° that a tree in front of his premises at !\'o. 219
Whit-in;; dtreet, be removed. On motion of rustee Love, seconded b:- '- rustee rnderson,
which carried, the Street Superintendent was instructed to remove the said tree,
provided. that the property owner will - „,ree to replace the same w':en so renuested
the 3oard of :'rustees of the 0it-- of ::l : e� do, after said 3oard ?i s determined
s.,o, the sT�ecie o° tree to be planted in psrkir_`;s throu7ho.�t the City of _l Segundo.
petition reaueStiri
this 3oard of
-rust.,-.-es to ta.:e such steps as are necessar,:, in its discretion, t0 +:idea an^ open
.%rive witi -All the Lit;' Of :-1 _ezundo to a width 0f 100 feet. Or ^:Otis'” of
= 'rastee hove, seconded by '= rustee 'Anderson, which carrier', the nntition was ordered
`_'llef and consideration of the subject deferred.
K. 3= ;:.C:;, ublieily :�ir� ctor, heir s report of her activities as such
4 -u-IJ cit7 -"irector For the month of Cctober, 1925. Crdered filed.
L;PCHilL O Cr:IC :i: ..Cl2LL OC:.,:Il'��: .
-he C"ity y'-i,-;ineer reported th &t ^e is s::'J`.^.itti:l; to the Cites Attorne?, fain
of :resolution of intention and a desCrintion of the district to be assessed, for the
construction of lateral sewers in the b sinesz district and a,-.,iacent territory,
for the use of said Cit'., 2.tterney in the :reparation of legal nrooeedin;s receasar; .
r'rusteC Jind'er, -Prasiden:t of ti,e 3oaru, appeared at this time, the ':Cllr being
7 :59 o'aloe{ 2. ". and he i=ediately tool- Y:is seat and assured the - luties of the
,resid_�nt, ':rustee =erov: thereafter ceasin- to serve as President -;ro -ter.
"'he Cite Cler:, advised the 3oard that he is ccnstantl? receivin ; ir.(,. fries
fro^ nronert.- o-.,::ers as to the intention of the 3oard of - rus�ees resnectin- the
opening of new streets thrcu Y the acrea;e within the Cit,,* of -'1 -'-',e,-undo; sere of
s,id ,ro_ +ert-r cruners feelin - + -hat t :_ey are being handicapped in the he ^dlir. cf t?leir
land bec ^use of the tlncertaint-r of the street opening project, and exnressi the
belief that the 3oard of �-'rustees should definitely dispose of the natter.
Foilowina -_ discussion, it ':'O +ed bj' '- rustee Geroir, seconded h.,.' Trustee Love,
and — nanimcuoly carried, that the Cite Jnjireer be and he is hereby instructed to
T_,7,re� are a nap, s�10'�'iinv the Proposed street apeninEgs in thenacrea�e, '_1 cost O :n.'in -° al.,o
h3 assesznent dlJtrictz ':.ice t be formed) in S_ :id acr��..Le to Co'. er the Cost of
ce :_.,tructin,-, lateral se;;ers, excluding the real property r:hich will be red fired for
the proposed street operin,;3, and s'.;b-':it the su^e t0 this �Oard Of + -'r1 SteE'S �t
its neat '-eetin- for further consideration.
' :: L'I ,..:I:.
�n :i:>
";'he following demands, raving had the annroval of the Cornittee on ='inance
- ?ecords, .,ere read:
Ira .:scobar
--tandard garage
..,tardard oil 0ompany
Ira scobar
Hollis x. Crowell
General Fund
Sever 3onds. Fund
.h Sal la ntyne 18.25
General Fund
3oycroft 'e.•elry More 3.50
T. i. Davis 1.75
J. :. 0'bbs 7.00
Standard Oil Company 196.98
::lectric shoo 7.15
Hawthorne Lur.ber Yard 94.50
,r 369.06
:.oved by Trustee i.cve, seconded by = 'rustee :,nderson, that the demands be
allowed and .arrants dro,yzr, and paid out of the respective fends coverin.; the same.
Carried by the following; vcte:
ayes: Trustees L^.derso2i, Gerow, Love and 3inder.
goes: ::one.
absent: Trustee Cannon.
!he -u-oerintendent of the ;pater Department re-oorted that a quantity of
- ,;eless _)laces of caist iron ripe and pir2ces of crac :e.. Cast iron pipe Shad
... aced durin_; the installation of nee+ ca3t iron water .'";'ins its :.. the City of
e;.mdo, wn�, reiueoted "-er^iscion to sell the same. On motion of lrastee Love,
ee- 30ndea 'rUL;te. lerow ,.'. :ici: carried ur_ r.i^�ousl , the :>uperir_tendent of the
was Instructed to sell, at a r_ rice of not less than
,,:,antity Of d :.a;ed and useless Nieces Of Cast iron pipe, 1'_ fall have ^_CC1i'"'wlateu at
the ,:suer ; :c. .a cite as ren--�rted to this 3oard this date.
:.'oved by 'r-,astee :.ove, seconded by '- 'rustee �sndersor, that the ;street )uperin-
te nden t be =, :d he i hereb-' instructed to provide, frog his department, the Yelp
necessar; to �:ee; thie _firemen's uarters in a neat- and clean condition, from this
date until the further order of this board, and ir. t ^is connection he is furt`cr
authorized to nurcha.se such janitor sunplies as Tray )e necessary, at a cost not
to exceed X15.00. Carried b;' the follov ;ir_; vote:
Az7es: - 'rustees x1nderson, Gerow, Love and tinder.
Noe s: ::one.
lbsent: :rustee Cannon.
.1 ^:ls and s-pecification_ for a one StJr;' frame dive" lin" !10 Se, to be erected
by the City of :e &•undo for ,:se of the sever nu-0 s tat `_ or attendart, .:nd also
for t'�e erection of a one story bricl. '.5 _rehCKse for the use of the Street
_)enartment of the City of :l be6°undo, as prepared by the City _n�;ineer, were
submitted to the 3oard an.-i by :7eneral consent received its approval.
..C7od by :rustee lierow, seconded b-; - rustee LO "e, th:.t _iesolution :.o. 114,
entitled: `
JGAa. Dl Gr a.1 J_2-..iJ 02 TH:L CilliV OF
.,� S::�ri:i�DO, C<'�LIr`'OiiliIrl, i�iGi''� II�S ai'�C Ii ICl,� IGI;:, I:O. 14
:Y-'=1 [i..y :ra:s.. II1'y v: "•,• ,
hi3%1 as read, be adopted. Carried by the follo:vin� vote:
Aye a: �r-astees Anderson, ierow, rove and _cinder.
::oes: :.ore.
_:bae= t: rustee Cannon..
:.roved by trustee Gerca, seconded b, Trustee !:nderson, th a = ;esoiution
::o. 11Z, entitled:
A Vi, r - -r r1.ia:...L V. i ill .. �...��J 7.� C I'�,. L:
:r)IivUi�1J�1, r 17L�L Ii Q.. Iti, ADO--:: ILii J +�.��+If lv_i. 1J.:J (i..�V •7
15 O a ?i.: SkID V 1'a i r Ll: .� •_` -?.�C i�IC.. Ur` X L%...I vT�YYV :kl
3AICK ';�A:3: i0USE I:; nI;D c0:: :ii: CI�.'Y uF .J.iVU;",
which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: trustees .Anderson, "ero ,, Love and birder.
.roes: lone.
absent: Trustee Car-non.
P.'.oved by �rustee Serow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Cit „, Clerk be
and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of a one
story frame dwellin~; and sara,-, and a one story brim warehouse, in and for the
City of M 3eo^undo. Carried by the follo-.-An.� vote:
.ayes: Trustees Anderson, sero::, Love and 3inder.
:;oes: I one.
absent: �rus. Cannon.
No further business appearinE; to be transacted at this reetir_. , it was
moved by rustee =erov, seconded by Trustee Lnderson, that the neetin ' adjourn.
President, Joard of Trustees.
aas-?ectf;lly submitted,