1925 MAR 16 CC MINF153_ ::1 Se,;ardo, Vul. :Ir. 16th, 10325. At the 'lour of 4 :40 o'clock P. l:. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the Cit., Hall in the ('it„' of .1.1 Je�undo, L<:lifornia, said tirie bein,; the time heretofore set for the holdin of an adjourned rezJUlar TMeetir:- of the oard of 'rustees of said Ci ;y, and said lace bein_; the reLular place for holding official City meetin;s of said 3oard, the amity Clerri wss the orl-, person nreser_t. 1r,e Clerr. wafted at the Council "',.LiI ber for a period of fifteen minutes, anti no member of the Joard of Trustees annearind, the Clerk thereu_oon announced that the neetin stood adjourned until 7:00 o'clock P. ::. of the same date. Approved: 'resident, 3oard of .rustees. :3esnectfully submitted, C f ,�. El 6e3undc, Calif. .larch 16th, 1925. adjourned re gular meeting of the board of 'irustees of the City of -:1 ;ieoando, �;:::lifornia, ;mss called to order o t 71ROo� *lock P. ::. on the above date ir. the Council Chamber of the City ?el�b,� le er - 3inaar, President of 'he :;oard. .IUL1J -01"T - . Trustees Present: Anderson, ,erow, Love and Binder. Trustees A_;.ent; Cannon. :.:owed by 'rustee derow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the reiular order of business be dispensed with. Carried. :rustee Cannon appeared at the meeting at the hour of 7;12 o'clock P. and tool: his seat. ':he following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: ';later ':'orks Fund Southern: Cal. ::di son Cc. 139.08 The 7orthin' ton Co. 159.75 j. •,,. Ar:.old 78.00 Pacific gel. d '.'el. eo. 13.20 eptune Y.ieter Co. 29.31 homers Haverty Co. 55.99 ii: : sey .. :f Conrk,i, iy r 25.41 Janes Jones Company 16.85 ,rimes- 3tassforth Stat. Co. 2.47 Daniels Hard%,,are 10.26 530.35 Street IM-Dr. Fund tandard Oil Corxa ny 152.41 C. T. Ainsworth 85.00 A. T. :Tiller 81.70 �. v. .Terry 54.56 Jic'nler 24.80 J. "O'. Powors 24.80 h. H. Green 48.98 P. :'c:;ail;,* 51.46 A. L. Ainsworth 26.04 C. '.ioodyard 35.75 A. "i. 3obertson 13.02 W. E :yat t 24.50 X623.02 M. Stogdill u :ildred Leach - dna..:. Harlan H. A. Crowell Electric Slue Print Under rood 1-ypeviriter Victor D. I'cCarthy, Redondo -Los Angeles Standard Oil Company A. L. Ainsworth A. b.. Robertson W. D. Sickl.er J. '4". Posers C. ;oodyard A. H. Green P. I'ci.al ly ti. .. Yiller U. Henry F. G. Davis L. C. Scales Koebig & L'oebig General Fund 5.00 11.25 16.20 8.40 Co. 24.97 Co. 1.00 City Clerk 32.22 Transfer 1.50 172.80 3 ;.48 16.74 34.72 .34.72 35.05 10.54 8.06 5.20 4.96 72.00 9.92 500.00 X1038.73 X 5 4 'A:oved by T rustee Love, seconded b ;= Trustee Gerow, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn or. the respective funds coverin the same. Carried by the foylowin; vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson., Cannon, 'Zero;;, rove and 3irder. .:oes: Lone. Absent: bone. i:o further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin,, it was Moved b�; Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Lcve, that the meeting cdjourn. C�4rried. Approved: v President, 3o -.rd of 'Trustees. Respectfully submitted, M