1925 MAR 13 CC MINP.5® w Ll �;esLaldo, Cal. March 13th, 1925. regular meetinS of the 3oard of Trustees of the Cite of Ll Se!:ndo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City :fall of said City by Peter ::. 3inder, President of the Board. aC:,L C '.LL. Trustees ;resent: Anderson, Cannon, Love and 31nder. Trustees absent: Gerow. C: ,._IMU_�j OF ti:.;iCU:i The minutes of the re;, -zlar Meeting held on the 6th day of ".:arch, 1925, were reed. '7 o errors or omissions ar_?earing, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee jerow appeared at the meeting at the hour of 7:05 o'clock P. ? "_. and took !As seat. IT r C0`_ v .t one ollo'ain; coP�^". nications viere read and disposed of as indicated: County 'iealth Officer, subnittin� a report of 1.. :eats, U i,itar T Officer of Los "ngeiesV County, with respect to his insrection of the CitN? of Les _'n;eles sewa.,;e scree :Uno plant at erion, Nr ?:icr tins made _pursuant to re ;;cst of the _oars of _rustees authorize:: Februar;,, 14th, 1925. Urdered file,.. one. 0..1'. CG'_ ;C1 %'2 rustec .reror. states. that he and the .Jtreet Superintendent had personally investi. -ated the natter of suites--)le trees to be planted in :'ain 0treet to replace the flowerin;; eucalyptus trees Viich were danaged by the recent cold shell, and t'rat they recommen;i the -.n;rchase of Spanish Cedar trees, which can be obtained at 509 per tree. It appearin,, that property o.,r.:ers on Lora.: Vista dtreet between i'::e Avenue &-d 'ariposa Avenue had requested that trees also be planted in s ^id :,loci., it .,rs �r.o7 -ed b:.- .'rustee Love, seconded by =ru$tee Serow, that the Cite Clerk ;e and he is herab;� authorized to lr:rch3sa a sufficient number of Spanish Cedar Trees tc be r14_.ted i:.._4in Street ':)et•:;een ..Yriposa Avenue and Collinzwoo5 Street, and Iona .'ista Street b:..:een 2i_te Lvenue ar_d L-ariposa "venue, at a cost not to e,:ceed x;:60.00. Carried b;- the follotrir_ vote: "yeS: :ruSte3S .'.ndersGn, .x_.::021, - :er0';', -G-,-G a:1:: - %ircier. :.Oes: :.ore• St Se" . V' -. O n e. +� rV :eoGrtir r ssua::t t::e i :s` ruction o° the 'oar... that he ii roars a rf,3"l, tion to be ad3rted ;; 11113 _Oar: C_° _ ite "'ltti: res, e ^t to the C'.", Cr '. 3C..Cr, CG Ile tln� . it t'he C1 c° SOS .: "^el9S Outf ll Se /0r, i. cccraan:. , .:: th - estii._. G,.itll :e 1n t� e letter of , -r• ia• 'v ,.. C °3n, �' »U0 r Ur `7e (:_tJ' O' •,OS datc ... :'ch 3rd 19x5 Une Cit,',' rttorneJ the. .. 'Crr c - - ~cl i o _cr. :mss discussed at length. It wa s there - ur,on no': ed by, Trustee �!-_rolti, seconded by - t.e ' -._i: :' , that the follo';; -P. ; resolution be ado oted: -L..:_,:J, V'1E iii:lic 'ntt.. ::e1'are of the vit�r of ..1 CG'.t,r-:ct Y71 ^ "lie i ty of UL; ' _ele3 bi the terns of i:' ._ C l the Cl t' of .:1 Je jL' ndo s!'iail ac:,17 -re thv ori'v ile ;''e Of disposir.:- of � t-ree second feet Of sewar"e d::rived front its ow,-- territor:r into the o;�tfall se Ter of the City of :.os �,n6eles, the City of Los _—. -eles, as & condition of the _ -rant Of s i ri`. yl , f s 1„e zc �I)e, t_^.� t *".e Ci of .:.1 .,e k21dc -ree nG'., to su3h terns and ^.ona.tl -n. o= such 3o'_7`.r" _ .. as ar: l.erein.i_ter Cv i`•ai ?Teak U:, :�i, t7a t i'_1 cc:l31d::rc ti0:. of the - nt cf pr_71ie i'e the �1`" of -11 :.ec" ndo 2_=,rees :13 fol lots: 1. "O wv to t21eJ :ty of -os z,_— eles, out of funds ar: sin fro­: t;,-- -le of ;ords -'et to be _at::orized for toe - ..Tarpose, the sa_rn of :lelvu _7'iGuo_!- :ii .J011ars, (w12,000.CO) • • _':Tat in the use of all se,. -ers - ; :it. "i: t!le City Of l t':e i.11:_�itants of said city s'-:all c0"?1 -ith ti1­, rules a 216 re,,ulatio:is of the City of Los A.�-eles for the use Of severs w! ",,in its own boundaries, so far as the same may be reasorabl-- a':?)licable to the City Of �1 ✓eSurdo and its ir2iaJi tints. ;,. '_rat the City of -1 3e6undo will pay to the City of Los l ales anna«lly its -pronarticn Gf the annu-1 cost of the r•w.intenance of the outfall sealer of the :ity of Losnele3 from the point w1here the City of -'I 8ebrurdo intercertin-, sewer joins tT:e outfall sewer of the City of -,JOB nn pies to t:.e T- =e:ricn treatrent plant, and will also nay its proportion of the annual cost of the maintenance anu operation of said treatr:ent plant in accordance :7 th the ratio between the quantity Of se: +a;;e dis- c'.ar;ec' b;,r the City of Ll :'ebundo into said outfall sewer and the tot =1 amoant. of seaa,7e 'ischarsed fro^ said nlant. A;;D 3�: LT :...a.._ 1...30 _-V_�D that the City Clerk be and he is ^_erD -, - a;;t._orized and directed to trans..�t a certified copy of this resolution to the City of Los An' --les. -aid resolution was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees = Lnderson, Cannon, Geraw, Love and 3inder. 1<oe s: i:one. absent: ­011e. The Fi -re Chief stated t..!7.t he has Thad to _a*- )andon eleven ler_gths of fire hose because of defects found therein ov ;in -- to its ale, and recoranended the -eurchase of an addition ^1 five hundred feet to replace the anount taken out of service, and which it will be necessary to take out of service d_,:rin-, the next six r_lonths. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Garnoh:, seconded by Trustee Gero•. ,., that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for five hundred feet of 2 -1/2" double 4acket fire hose, also for the sale of second hand hose which nay be discarded by the fire aenartnert. Carried by the folloaino vote: ayes: Trustees - nderson, Cannon, 3erovi, Love and -cinder. Noes; ::one . .:b sent: ::one. :;one. V.1 Lt this point, the chair declared a receas of one rirute, the hors beir.� 8 :12 o'clock P. 119 At 8 :1-- o'clock 1. L. the _oard vl: s reconvened, all Trustees bein; -present. PAYIEG 3ILL-;. ::one. :'loved by Trustee ,erov ;, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the follov:inC resolation be ao -oted: ?x:52 v 4-1: ,�L3, the City Clerk has reported to this 3oard of Trustees that 7#ater a:.artment 'Warrant =-o: 633, dated January lath, 1925, in amount of drays upon the ';rater ,corks Fund, has been found to have beer. draYm in error in payment of an item az>?earin on Demand :io. 623, "?::3":.S, it is desired therefore to have authorization for the cancellation of said '.:arrant -'o. 633, "07,' =-- CY0.1 -Z:, 3.; I: That said 7iarrant .;o. 633 be and the same is hereby directed to be withdra ,n, ano' that the ^oneys represented ther =-'jy shall be deemed as reynsinini., in the fund upon which: said warrant was dram. , and that sale d warrar_t be and the sar..e is hereby cancelled and annulled. Said resolution was carried by the followinL vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, y -ve and 3irder. .;oea: :;one. Absent: Lone. Koebig & Koebig then presented a �sritten report and estimate concerninU the construction of a sewer system for the City= of —1 3es:,ndo, which was read and e:.nlained in detail by 1r. A. II. Koebig, Jr. Upon motion of Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee move, which carried, action concerning this report was de erred until the reefing of the 3oard of Trustees to be held Larch 20th, 1925. :;o further business arpearinzi to be transacted at this session, it as moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the meeting adjourn until :,:onday, the 16th d,:.y of I!arch, 1925, at the hour of 4 :40 o'clock P. 1:. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: ;resident, 3oard of Trustees. C t, C1er .