1925 MAR 06 CC MIN6e6undo, Cal. :.'arch :;th,
rs�ular meetin5 of the 3oard of _rustees of the City of .:1 Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock ;. or- the above date, in the Council Chamber
of the Cite ::all of said City by ?eter cinder, 1"residert c" the 3o_ ~..
O..i C",_iT.
"rustees Present: Anderson, Cz.rnon, Love and :;finder.
rustees :'Lbsent: :;erow.
_i_e r: i n-ates of the re_ -ala.. r-eetin. ?gel:. or. the 2I tr day of = ebr;:ary, 1925,
.,vere read. ::c errors or omissions bein` noted, it eras moved by = rustee Love, seconded
.m.stee Cannon, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
she minutes of the ad„ourned re: alar !reetin of Parch 3rd, %,ere re^d
iticut error or omission being noted and it n %,s moved by ;'rustee Cannon, seconded
by _rustee ia:derscn, t':at the ^:i:,utes be approved as read. Carried.
E our of 7 :1s o'clock P. havir,� arrived, the President arose and stated
the t the time for receiving protests and objections to the proposed work and a =ainst
of the district to be assessed for the in-n-provement of portion of 3ayonne
:street and a certain: portion of Bonita vista Avenue, under Resolution of Intention
85, had heretofore beer. set for t':is hour, this date, and he inquired ;f�et�er or
not an,r protests had been filed with the City Clerr.. 7ne City Clerk replied that no
Bitten protests had been filed with hir: crior to the hour set for hearin_; such
objections, and the President then asked whether or not any person or persons present
desired to make verbal protests. iyo verbal protests or written protests beinL; made
or filed, it was thereupon moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson,
that resolution 1do. 86, entitled:
SE: �:�- CiALIF03:; IA, 0_�i7I.:3 L: G T.%.� Py L CV.": :::RT OF !i C :' CAI ::
?01il Io ;; OF 3: YO:::.: S ::::: A;�li Gr �� Cr::t'i':.I:; PCR IOi; OF 30 : *.L
VISA AV.:?+LE, '.7117IM T ?Ls S,:ID CITY, AS CO:+2:Z"2LATM I1;
t SOLUTIOII OF ILT: 2101: 1:0. 85; DiCl,,L Aiytu ' '_: :.'G: ?.K 0 . I1� MOVE
!a -.T TO 3:: OF ;.:ORE THA , LGCAL G G DI'.,A .Y PUBLIC _11:27TIT;
U1101: A DISr, ICT; AIM DET= :I::I: :v TiUT 30::iS SHALL r':: ISSU u
„ -y.
TO i3.:PR:.�� �l' T 11E COST i:y,::Gr,
be adopted. Carried by the followin;; vote:
Ayes: = 'rustees Anderson, C_ :.anon, rove and cinder.
Absent: Absent: Trustee Gerow.
The followin cornYunications were read and disposed of as indicated:
submitting a proposition concer._ing his real estate holdin --s
In Lot G, Block 3•r, ..1 5eorurdo, which would be acceptable to him in event the City
of ::1 Segundo desires to acquire the same for the purpose of openir_g an Last
';pest street through said Block. Ordered filed.
G!1:0. "B7,H OF CU:.y :_:RCE, rean.estin.: permission to erect suitable
boulevard signs directing the public to the location of its office. Yoved by '.'rustee
Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the is Segundo Chamber of Commerce be
and it is hereby granted permission to erect street signs, directing the public to
the location of its office, such si�,cis to be of a type similar to signs erected by
the Automobile Club of Southern California, and provided further that such sit ns
may erected at such points and in such manner as ay be approved by the itree
Suverintendent of the City of ::1 Segundo. Carried.
L S::GL'ly'DC C ^''3_ OF CO;, -r—liC ;, advising the Board of Trustees that it is
opposed to any curtailment of the passenger train service now being given by the
Pacific Electric Railway Company over its ?.1 Segundo - Hawthorne Line. Following
discussion, b;: general consent, the City Clerk was instructed to advise the Pacific
Electric railway Company that the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo with-
draws its recent request for the restoration of the pre -power shortage passenger
train schedule over its :.1 Segundo-Hawthorne line, and that after consideringEBaid
company's proposition to have said service substituted by a bus service between
rl Segundo and Hawthorne, that this Board of Trustees feels that such substitution
would not satisfy the needs or desires of the public at the present time.
S. C. _,V.2 =", �bcecutive Director, Boulder Dam Association, a report of progress
and activities of said Association in connection with the Boulder Canyon Dar project.
Ordered filed.
Lr;U :ilu3D STI;ME, • expressing appreciation of action taken in abating the
nuisance of oil trucks operating within the residential district in the early morning
hours. Ordered filed.
CUU:,'2Y 11U''L'.1:; OFFIC:.:::, a report of the activities of his Department within the
City of 31 Segundo for the month of January, 1925. Ordered filed.
;GI I ;J D:i'.u'Il^_.'��' 0 Ti_; CITY OF LOS ANGSIZZS, submitting, figures at which
it is considered likely the City of 31 Segundo may be permitted to dispose of its
sewage into the main truck sewer of the City of Los Angeles at the forth boundary
line of the City of Ll Segundo, and recommending the passage of a resolution in
accord ;:ith the same, which, upon adoption, would be submitted to the City Council
of the City of Los Angeles for further action. By general consent of the Board,
the City Clerk was instructed to refer the ratter to the City attorney for his early
attention in the preparation of the required legal procedure.
0_tAL COytii:ICnTIUi;;.
C T` OF STlu;DI:;G CQ1"u ITT!;ES.
:POfiT;; OF GF F I Cr:� :D S':C I ':L CO: .I T T:.:S.
The City Engineer filed his estimate of the cost of improving Bayonne Street,
between Palm avenue and ?Maple Avenue with a macadam veneer pavin, the total
amounting to 9'705.50. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee
Anderson, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to
prepare a petition, in the usual and customary form heretofore approved by this Board
of Trustees, for the improvement of Bayonne Street between Palm .venue and Maple
Avenue and to deliver the same to the petitioners for circulation when prepared.
Tha Right -of -',lay ASent advised havinU had his final interview with r:r. Guard,
representing the - insmore Estate, and that :r. Guard's decision with respect to
grantin the city a right -of -way across the propert-r of said estate for the purpose
of opening '".ariposa Avenue from Arizona Drive to Inglewood- fiedondo 3oulevard, is
that he does not think said street opening expedient at this time, and that vhen, in
his opinion, it is worthy of further consideration, it will again have his attention.
The Street Superintendent advised that the cold spell of the recent past
had killed all of the trees planted on ".'_ain Street durin the fall, and that the
Superintendent of the 3everly Hills .ursery, when consulted concornin.- replacement of
the same, had advised against use of the same species of tree, but recor� ended black
acacia or casuarira.
At this point the Clerk advised that property owners on Loma Vista Street
between Pine Avenue and ::ariposa Avenue had requested that ornamental shade trees
be planted on said street. I.fter considering the unsatisfactory e:cperience had with
tree planting in the City of -1 Segundo, the Board of Trustees took the matter under
The followin- demands,
havin? had
the approval of the Committee
on Finance
and Record, were read:
General Fund
General Fund
7-1 Segundo Herald
Tel. & Tel. Co.
Daniels Hardvrare
So. Calif. Edison Co.
Cal. Eldison Co.
3o. Calif'. Edison Co.
Cal. E'dison Co.
-owed by Trustee Love, secorded by Trustee Cannon, that the demands be allowed,
and warrants dra ^: ajainst the =eneral Fund coverin.- the srne. Carried by the
following vote:
ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Love and 3inder.
foes: ?;one.
bsent: Trustee Gerow.
1::� � . 3•l. J �'y �:J :i .
Tie City Clerk advised that request had been made that "Slow" signs be posted
in Lorna • ista Street between Pine avenue and Mariposa Avenue, with a view to slowing
down traffic to obviate the possibility of accidents at the intersection of Lorna
ista ;street with lariposa Avenue, and also to minimize the possibility of injury
to children in the vicinity. After discussiniZ the matter, the 3oard feelinc_ that
slow sic,ns .could not have the desired effect, the Clem was instructed to advise
the applicants that if they cared to file a written request for the creation of a
safety stor at Loma "ista Street and .'_ariposa Avenue, the matter would then have the
further consideration of the 3oard.
1.7oved by Trustee Love, seconded by 'trustee - underson, that the following
resolution be adopted:
att.i, on the 20th day of February, 1925, this 3oard of
Trustees gassed a resolution authorizing Trustee 3inder, City
L2ngiroer 'iutchins and City Attorney 'jvoodworth to represent the
City of 31 Segundo in conference and negotiations with the City
of Los Angeles, for the purpose of effecting an agreement to
hermit the City of .:1 Segundo to discharge its sewage into the
City of Los Angeles Hyperion outfall sewer;
-Eli 7h?";:AS, since the ?passage of said resolution, Koebig &
Eoebig have entered into an aZ;r oement with the City of :;1 5e6cando
to serve said city as consulting engineers in the matter of the
rroposed construction cf a sewer system :within the City of M Segundo;
this 3oard of Trustees feels that it .:ay be of
material value to the City of :1 Se,ando to have a representative
of its consultinf� engineers join in such conference or negotiations
hereafter hel". respecting the matter hereinabove referred to;
that A. Koebig, dr. be and
he is her:;by addad to the co-- nittee heretofore name: and referred
to, for the rarpose indicated, his powers and authority urdcr this
appointment being limited to thoza rai.ted th criir: l coriaittee.
Tarried b :' the follo -j7ir„ vote:
."Yes: Trustees Lnderson, Cannon, Love and 3inder.
"ohs: i: one .
bsent: =rustee 7,orow.
- -ustee And-rson ad,.ised the 3c rd that Co1'_in�.wood .street, bet' : :'een
" :ir.inia Street and onita Vista avenue is in a condition making travel thereon
y� bl =nd urged that the Street Sup rirterdent . :�..l:e some
temporar., r----pair thereon. 1"oved by Trustee C ^rnon, seconded by Trustee Love,
that the street :superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed tc
m �` such temporary re airs in Collin rood Street, between Virginia Street and
zonita Vista Avenue as in his opinion are necessary, all at a cost not to exceed
x:200.00. Carried by the foiloaini, vote:
Ayes. Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Love and cinder.
:.Toes: ;gone.
.ibsent: Trustee Gerow.
No further businass appearinb to be transacted at this meetir.', it v.-as nowed
by Trustee by ''rustee Anderson, that the Meet i n1 - adjourn. Carrie.i.
:respectfully submitted,
Z City pie
President, Board of