1925 MAR 03 CC MINI V %1 Segundo, Cal. 'Yarch 3rd, 1925. An adjourned regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of ..1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 4 :45 o'clock P. Y. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by the City Clerk, the President of the 3oard being absent. Trustee Love was unanimously chosen President pro -tem, and he immediately assumed the (. -uties of the =resident. ROLL CALL. Trustees -'resent: Anderson, Cannon and Love. Trustees Absent: 31nder and Gerow. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the regular order of business be dispensed rrith. Carried. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: ;rater ' ::orks Fund G er.eral Fiuid 1 3egundo herald 18.50 Andrew Anderson 25.00 Thos. Haverty Co. 27.82 .lfred C. Cannon 25.00 Lacy '.'anufacturin Co. 6.50 Peter .:. 3inder 25.00 Grimes - Stassforth 3tat. John "'. Gero:. 25.00 Comm y 4.09 GeorE e Love 25.00 City of .;! Sew ndo 49.90 Victor D. :c(;arthy 250.00 ;alter K. Mitchell 137.50 ::eva -.asey 150.00 . ;. Hutchins 125.00 Grimes - Stassforth 3tat. Co. 2.63 1. ::. Sumner 175.00 J. G. ritne -r 62.00 :.'ary _�anson 125.00 ;falter k. ;.:itchell 210.00 i. 1'. ?utchins 32.73 .::1 Segundo Herald 55.13 J. ".,. < >rnold 73.50 ::1 Segundo Herald 75.00 L. C. scales 36.00 :°inta Curtzwiler 75.00 Art Filler 12.00 Clyde .00dworth 125.00 _E tandard Garage :5.65 Ldna ;. Davis 9.95 iawthorne Lunber Yard 1.44 Don C. Fugitt 50.00 828.63 :.ellerbach Paper Co. 16.28 5o. Calif. Gas Co. 6.08 P. D. Gardner 100.00 V. C. '..'cCaslin 175.00 Street Imbr. Fund H. Jones 160.00 Ainsworth 77.28 l.. 7.. Stogdill 195.00 :. D. Sickler 19.84 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 7.32 J. ',:. ?owers 19.84 : +in. ?i. Hoegee Company 1.00 r. :. :c: - ally 47.12 S & !: La.mo Co. .68 .:. L. ,insworth 16.12 1'. 7i. Stogdill 8.70 .>. �. : "Tiler 50.90 Los Anfeles Rubber Stamp Co. .60 henry 44.64 _rich �5.delier 5.60 44.64 J. C. .bshier 150.00 ^. .rood and 36.40 C. K. ::cConnell 13.00 i n-- 1ewcod '.:achine Shop 13.50 illiam H. Kennon 5.00 tirion .ock Co. 52.11 Harold D. Dale 35100 ;{422.39 City of ::1 ::ez;undo ester Jel,t. 42.15 3e neral 3' nd L. C. 3ca.les 19.84 155.00 F. ;. Da. is 65.00 - _.eas. `�:.. cf -os :.n -eles 50.00 ::lectric _Jlue =rint Co. 24.75 :tanda: -d Oil ComT) ny 51.56 F. 1'e.�.snall 200.00 <.. _i. ar__ 510.00 a. :.. mains: +orth 30.44 �ic_.__._ X4.72 .:. ::. rowers 29.76 nin3C +Crt}? 7.75 , ;oodyard 2'. 60 "enry 9.92 Green 4.56 >. �. "iller aec trio _'oui~T~ent Cc. 1.75 s _. : scobar 7.10 �sce ,__ 55.2? CitY or .:1 3eL.undc :;. Dent. X4.95 C. .trans l0.Ot1 : ;euner Corporation 5.40 :.. .. Crocxwr �om,,)a.ny 96.62 Harold L. Dale 250.00 3mit.. = ,,00th -s'aer Co. 45.50 x-5439.05 :loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by trustee Lnderson, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the res_oective funds coverin- the sane. Carried b-- the foilm-7in vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon and Love. oes* None. Absents Trustees Cerow and Binder. :,loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the follov ing resolution be adopted: a special rneetin' of the LeaSu.e of California luniciaoalities will be held at Sacramento, California, be- 'innin :,:arch 6th, 1925, for the purpose of givin; con- sideration to _ropcsed new legislation affectin,M .,znicipalities within the State of California; ,L:;D this 3oard of Trustees feels that the best interests of this city will be served by a representative fro^ the city attending said rneetin, 1 ,,, .Vn T _..r�rs 11 :r, 3 .. 1�1 I :iOL,, :.l), .hat Clyde ,9ooarortn, 'City attorney, be and he is hereby authcrized to attend s,-.id meeting as a dele,�dte from the C. i `vim' of .:1 "JeZundo, and that he be az,t'-iorized to _file his demand for his actual and necessar;,� tr- veli_.; eXUenses in co: lection '..ith his attendance at Skid meetin . Curried by the follo;,rir� vote: ,tye S: 1rustee-3 ..nderson, J_annor, Chid. Love. :;oe s: ::one. ab3e'_a: _. c.,;tP.e3 zero ,.,! and Binder. :.o .further business appea.rin,, to be transacted --t t his meetin_;, it vr_s moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson., that the r�eetinC. adjourn. Carried. Respectfully subr.itted, t,nprcve ?: -resident, 3ord of Trustees. F145 City Clerk*' NF®R