1925 JUN 17 CC MINn34 :.l Segundo, Cal. June 17th, 1925. An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of 'Trustees of the City of --1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 4:40 o'clock P. L,* on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter L. Binder, President of the yoard. 30LL CALL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Love and Binder. ^rustees Absent: Anderson and Cannon. E'.oved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the regular order of business be dispensed with. Carried. The :Actin,; City Attorney then explained to the 3oard of Trustees certain provisions of the contract proposed to be entered into between the City of Ll Segundo and the City of Los Angeles for the use of the latter City's outfall sewer by the City of :1 Segundo. Trustee Anderson appeared at the meeting at this time and took his seat, the hour being 5 :05 o'clock P. M. Discussion of the contract was again resumed and the contract read in its entirety to the 3oard. The contract apuearing to be satisfactory in all respects and to be reasonable and fair as to both cities, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by :Trustee Love that the following resolution be adopted: on the 4th day of June, 1925, there was presented to this 3oard of Trustees a form of agreement between the City of El Segundo and the City of Los Angeles respecting the use of the latter city's outfall sewer by the City of rl Segundo, which, for the purposes of identification, was designated as Contract i:o. 101 and which was filed with the City Clerk as a municipal record immediately after the same had been read on said date, and thereafter by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of -::l Segundo, the ''resident of the Board of Trustees of said city ryas authorized to execute the s -pid contract on behalf of the City of -%1 Segundo and the City Clerk was authorized to attest the same and affix the city's seal thereto and to deliver the said agreement to the City of Los Angeles; APTD 7�ML2 AS, upon its presentation to the Legal Department of the City of Los Angeles, said department objecteto certain of the provisions therein contained and recommended that the same be amended and therefore the said agreement was not approved or executed by the City Council of the City of Los Angeles on behalf of said City; AYJ HZRIZR r?S, the said agreement has been revised by the legal and engineering departments of both cities affected, and presented and read to this Board of Trustees this date and now appears to be satisfactory in all respects to both cities parties thereto; THiii:::r0_., BE IT that the action of this Board of Trustees taken June 4th, 1925, authorizing the execution of the agreement presented to said 3oard on the 4th day of June, 1925, be and the same is hereby rescinded, uyD 3:: IT rL':iTTi R.'.SOLI LD that the said agreement as revised be filed with the City Clerk as a rrranicipal record, and for the purposes of identification designated, as Contract L'o. 101, and substituted for the agreement originallynumbered i +o. 101 and filed with the Board of Trustees on June 4th, 1925, and the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of M Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said revised agreement as presented 1 1 4F23 and read to this Board of Trustees this date, on behalf of the City of E'1 Segundo, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to attest the sane and affix the City's seal thereto, and to deliver the said agreement to the City of Los Angeles for its approval and execution by its properly authorized officers. Said resolution was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None. :absent: Trustee Cannon. The City Clerk then Presented to the Board of trustees objections to the opening of Sycamore yvenue as contemplated under Resolution of Intention of the Board of Trustees 14o. 84, and it was thereupon z^oved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that Friday, the 26th day of June, 1925, at the hour of 7 :15 o'clock P. Y. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in the City of El Segundo be fixed as the date, time and place for the hearing of said objections. :Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that J. C. Abshier, janitor and fire engine driver, be and he is hereby granted the custorary annual two weeks vacation, beginning July 6th, 1925, and the Street Superintendent be and he is erebitu�thorized and instructed to arrange for and furnish a "a D satisfactor,SanH or and fire engine driver, who shall be instructed to perform all of the 4uties of the regular janitor and fire engine driver during the said vacation period of the regular janitor and fire engine driver, and that the compensation of the said substitute janitor and fire engine driver during the time of said employment shall be at the rate of 9195.00 per month. Carried by the follo ing vote. Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love and Binder. noes: None. :absent: Trustee Cannon. The City Engineer then reported having had a conference with "tr. Denton, Assistant Chief Engineer of the Pacific Electric railway Company, with respect to the City of El Segundo procuring an easementfor sewer purposes over a portion of said 'Pacific Electric Railway Company's right -of -way within the City of M Segundo, and that L.r. Denton had stated that the engineering Departnent of said Pacific Electric Railway Company would absolutely refuse to recommend a longitudinal easement over the ric;%t- of -way of said rail;ray company. Said report was received by the Board of Trustees and further action in the matter deferred pending further consideration and legal advice. PAYIaYU BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, viere read: ',later Yorks Fund Standard Garage 14.50 J. W. Arnold 78.75 Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 2.59 Daniels Hardware 18.59 2aci °ic Tel. & Te. Co. 9.85 southern Cal. ::dison Co. 225.72 w.i50.00 C. 7. Ainsworth P. - !!:,ally G. C. alder aeorge l'cLauchlin ..:ya �t Union ock Company ?acific Mectric Ry! :street -Mlor. Fund 69.45 60.76 35.34 24.80 7.00 314.42 Co. 116.76 Street imvr. Fund Boyle 'manufacturing Co. 38.50 :Standard Oil Compan., 7.36 7.7. G. Henry 64.48 b. L. Ainsworth 59.52 A. ' . -Hobert son 2.17 C. ';loodyard 54.60 D. aickler 22.32 F. :i. Fnight 54.56 ',r. ;i. Fuller 49.60 J. .. Powers 27.28 �. T. '- iller 70.05 A. H. Green 55.18 J. H. Vohs 24.80 :3. Freese 14.85 Tarbe t 2.19 Gilmore Gil Company 26.25 2tardard Oil ComPary 165.15 '1367.42 42 300 General Fthnd 1 Segundo Herald 73.00 Edna E. Harlan 12.27 Standard Battery Shop 5.35 Davis & Escobar 4.05 Hodeo Land & ,later Co. 51.00 F. G. Davis 78.00 A. L. Ainsworth 4.96 C. Woodyard 2.60 F. �;. -Knight 4.96 J. + . Powers 34.72 A. T. :'iller 5.03 G. C. Elder 14.26 Standard Gil Company 26.31 'William B. Filson 100.00 Fairbanks, ."orse & Co. 4.23 General Fund 1 Segundo State Bank 3.00 Jessie 7, ::eale 3.09 Rich Budelier .48 Standard Oil Cor:rany 150.00 T. L. :uck 4.25 Electric Blue Print Co. 28.29 A. ',7. Robertson 59.83 ;�. D. Sickler 39.68 . Ti. Fuller 9.92 C. T. Ainsworth 16.80 ¢�. H. Green 6.82 :eorge 1= cLauchlin 7.00 Electrical Products Corp. 10.87 3. D. Dare 43.75 804.52 I-'oved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn_ against the respective funds covering the sane. rl Carried by the followin_, vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, qerow, Love and minder. +oe s: ,.one . Absent: Trustee Cannon. r letter received from the Adjutant General of the State of California concerning the observance of Defense Test Darr, Jul? 4th, 1925, t:as read to the 3o.rd, action thereon, being deferred rending consideration by the President of the 3oa-d and his reco,=endation as to Chairman of the Co=- -ittee to be annointed, if any. "oved by Trustee ^erow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the City `:::gineer be and he is hereby authorized to expend not to e.:ceed X6.00 for a table for use in his office. Carried by the follo:ving vote: Ayes.' Trustees Anderson, 'erou, Love and Binder. Noes: Prone. Absent: 'Trustee Cannon.. ..o further 'cosiness 4epearin:, to be transacted at this neeting, it vras moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the 'meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, reproved: City C e . President, 3oard o_ Trustees. -11 1 i